98 research outputs found

    Breeding grasses for capacity to biofuel production or silage feeding value: an updated list of genes involved in maize secondary cell wall biosynthesis and assembly

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    In the near future, maize, sorghum, or switchgrass stovers and cereal straws will be a significant source of carbohydrates for sustainable biofuel production, in addition to the current use of grass silage in cattle feeding. However, cell wall properties, including the enzymatic degradability of structural polysaccharides in industrial fermenters or animal rumen, is greatly influenced by the embedding of cell wall carbohydrates in lignin matrix, and the linkages between lignins, p-hydroxycinnamic acids, and arabinoxylans. Breeding for higher and cheaper biofuel or silage production will thus be based on the discovery of genetic traits involved in each cell wall component biosynthesis and deposition in each lignified tissue. Due to its considerable genetic and genomic backgrounds, maize is the relevant model species for identifying traits underlying cell wall degradability variations in grasses. Maize genes involved or putatively involved in the biosynthesis of cell wall phenolic compounds, cell wall carbohydrates and regulation factors were therefore searched for using data available in grass, Arabidopsis, and woody species (mostly poplar and eucalyptus). All maize ortholog genes were searched for using protein sequences and a “blastp” strategy against data available in the www.maizesequence.org database. Genes were also mapped in silico considering their physical position in the same database. Finally, 409 candidate genes putatively involved in secondary cell wall biosynthesis and assembly were shown in the maize genome, out of which 130 were related to phenolic compound biosynthesis, 81 were related to cell wall carbohydrate biosynthesis, and 198 were involved in more or less known regulation mechanisms. Most probable candidate genes involved in regulation and assembly of secondary cell wall belonged to the MYB (45 genes) and NAC (38 genes) families, but also included zinc finger and HDZipIII encoding genes. While genes involved in ferulic acid cross-linkages with other cell wall components were little known, several families putatively involved in (arabino)-xylan chain biosynthesis and in feruloyl transfer were shown, including especially arabinosyl-CoA-acyltransferases, feruloyl-AX b-1,2-xylosyl transferases, and xylan-O-3-arabinosyl transferases. This candidate gene list, which focused on genes and orthologs known to be involved in cell wall component biosynthesis and regulation, cannot be considered as exhaustive. Other genes, whose role in cell wall lignification and deposition have not yet been defined, should very likely be added to the list of candidates required for secondary cell wall assembly. Genes encoding proteins of still unknown function should also be added to the list, as several of the latter are probably involved in lignified tissue biosynthesis and deposition

    Comparative expression of cell wall related genes in four maize RILs and one parental line of variable lignin content and cell wall degradability

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    A comparison of gene expression in maize between the parental line F271 and four RILs derived from the cross F288 x F271 was investigated based on hybridization on the 17,555 probes Affymetrix micro-array, targeting nearly one third of the genes present in maize genomes. The parental line had unfavorable alleles for cell wall degradability traits at the major QTL position in bin 6.06, while the set of RILs had both the favorable allele and high cell wall degradability. 360 genes were differentially expressed in the four RIL in comparison to F271, including nine genes underlying the major QTL position and 36 underlying two other QTL positions. However, their proposed function (whenever is described) do not allow us to firmly consider their involvement in the observed variation of cell wall related traits. Only a few genes involved in monolignol biosynthesis or polymerization located elsewhere in the genome were differentially expressed between the four RILs and F271, corroborating with the fact that these genes are probably not involved in major determinants of cell wall degradability in the studied set of lines. Among the investigated regulation factors, three ZmMYB, one NAC and one C3HC4 zinc finger were differentially expressed between the four RILs and F271, but they were not located in bin 6.06. Notwithstanding, the obtained results especially strengthened the probable involvement of these genes in maize secondary wall assembly and/ or lignification

    Comparative expression of cell wall related genes in four maize RILs and one parental line of variable lignin content and cell wall degradability

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    A comparison of gene expression in maize between the parental line F271 and four RILs derived from the cross F288 x F271 was investigated based on hybridization on the 17,555 probes Affymetrix micro-array, targeting nearly one third of the genes present in maize genomes. The parental line had unfavorable alleles for cell wall degradability traits at the major QTL position in bin 6.06, while the set of RILs had both the favorable allele and high cell wall degradability. 360 genes were differentially expressed in the four RIL in comparison to F271, including nine genes underlying the major QTL position and 36 underlying two other QTL positions. However, their proposed function (whenever is described) do not allow us to firmly consider their involvement in the observed variation of cell wall related traits. Only a few genes involved in monolignol biosynthesis or polymerization located elsewhere in the genome were differentially expressed between the four RILs and F271, corroborating with the fact that these genes are probably not involved in major determinants of cell wall degradability in the studied set of lines. Among the investigated regulation factors, three ZmMYB, one NAC and one C3HC4 zinc finger were differentially expressed between the four RILs and F271, but they were not located in bin 6.06. Notwithstanding, the obtained results especially strengthened the probable involvement of these genes in maize secondary wall assembly and/ or lignification

    Morphological features of distribution of branches of the ethmoid arteries on from the shape of the orbit

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    To study the topography of the lattice of the arteries of the labyrinth and their relationship to the form of the orbit was carried out anthropometric measurements by the method of V. N. Shevkunenko, A. M. Eselevich, T. V. Zolotareva, G. N. Toporov. To determine the shape of the orbit was measured by the following parameters: 1 - the height of the entrance to the eye socket - the distance between the upper and lower walls of the orbit; 2 - entrance width - the distance between the inner and outer walls of the orbit; 3 - the depth - the distance between the inner boundary of the entrance into the orbit to the optic canal

    Water Deficit-Responsive QTLs for Cell Wall Degradability and Composition in Maize at Silage Stage

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    The use of lignocellulosic biomass for animal feed or biorefinery requires the optimization of its degradability. Moreover, biomass crops need to be better adapted to the changing climate and in particular to periods of drought. Although the negative impact of water deficit on biomass yield has often been mentioned, its impact on biomass quality has only been recently reported in a few species. In the present study, we combined the mapping power of a maize recombinant inbred line population with robust near infrared spectroscopy predictive equations to track the response to water deficit of traits associated with biomass quality. The population was cultivated under two contrasted water regimes over 3 consecutive years in the south of France and harvested at silage stage. We showed that cell wall degradability and ÎČ-O-4-linked H lignin subunits were increased in response to water deficit, while lignin and p-coumaric acid contents were reduced. A mixed linear model was fitted to map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for agronomical and cell wall-related traits. These QTLs were categorized as “constitutive” (QTL with an effect whatever the irrigation condition) or “responsive” (QTL involved in the response to water deficit) QTLs. Fifteen clusters of QTLs encompassed more than two third of the 213 constitutive QTLs and 13 clusters encompassed more than 60% of the 149 responsive QTLs. Interestingly, we showed that only half of the responsive QTLs co-localized with constitutive and yield QTLs, suggesting that specific genetic factors support biomass quality response to water deficit. Overall, our results demonstrate that water deficit favors cell wall degradability and that breeding of varieties that reconcile improved drought-tolerance and biomass degradability is possible

    Variation in Seed Dormancy Quantitative Trait Loci in Arabidopsis thaliana Originating from One Site

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    A Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) analysis was performed using two novel Recombinant Inbred Line (RIL) populations, derived from the progeny between two Arabidopsis thaliana genotypes collected at the same site in Kyoto (Japan) crossed with the reference laboratory strain Landsberg erecta (Ler). We used these two RIL populations to determine the genetic basis of seed dormancy and flowering time, which are assumed to be the main traits controlling life history variation in Arabidopsis. The analysis revealed quantitative variation for seed dormancy that is associated with allelic variation at the seed dormancy QTL DOG1 (for Delay Of Germination 1) in one population and at DOG6 in both. These DOG QTL have been previously identified using mapping populations derived from accessions collected at different sites around the world. Genetic variation within a population may enhance its ability to respond accurately to variation within and between seasons. In contrast, variation for flowering time, which also segregated within each mapping population, is mainly governed by the same QTL

    Natural Variation in Arabidopsis thaliana Revealed a Genetic Network Controlling Germination Under Salt Stress

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    Plant responses to environmental stresses are polygenic and complex traits. In this study quantitative genetics using natural variation in Arabidopsis thaliana was used to investigate the genetic architecture of plant responses to salt stress. Eighty seven A. thaliana accessions were screened and showed a large variation for root development and seed germination under 125 and 200 mM NaCl, respectively. Twenty two quantitative trait loci for these traits have been detected by phenotyping two recombinants inbred line populations, Sha x Col and Sha x Ler. Four QTLs controlling germination under salt were detected in the Sha x Col population. Interestingly, only one allelic combination at these four QTLs inhibits germination under salt stress, implying strong epistatic interactions between them. In this interacting context, we confirmed the effect of one QTL by phenotyping selected heterozygous inbred families. We also showed that this QTL is involved in the control of germination under other stress conditions such as KCl, mannitol, cold, glucose and ABA. Our data highlights the presence of a genetic network which consists of four interacting QTLs and controls germination under limiting environmental conditions

    Natural Variation in Arabidopsis thaliana as a Tool for Highlighting Differential Drought Responses

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    To test whether natural variation in Arabidopsis could be used to dissect out the genetic basis of responses to drought stress, we characterised a number of accessions. Most of the accessions belong to a core collection that was shown to maximise the genetic diversity captured for a given number of individual accessions in Arabidopsis thaliana. We measured total leaf area (TLA), Electrolyte Leakage (EL), Relative Water Content (RWC), and Cut Rosette Water Loss (CRWL) in control and mild water deficit conditions. A Principal Component Analysis revealed which traits explain most of the variation and showed that some accessions behave differently compared to the others in drought conditions, these included Ita-0, Cvi-0 and Shahdara. This study relied on genetic variation found naturally within the species, in which populations are assumed to be adapted to their environment. Overall, Arabidopsis thaliana showed interesting phenotypic variations in response to mild water deficit that can be exploited to identify genes and alleles important for this complex trait
