3,109 research outputs found

    Virtual environment for assistant mobile robot

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    This paper shows the development of a virtual environment for a mobile robotic system with the ability to recognize basic voice commands, which are oriented to the recognition of a valid command of bring or take an object from a specific destination in residential spaces. The recognition of the voice command and the objects with which the robot will assist the user, is performed by a machine vision system based on the capture of the scene, where the robot is located. In relation to each captured image, a convolutional network based on regions is used with transfer learning, to identify the objects of interest. For human-robot interaction through voice, a convolutional neural network (CNN) of 6 convolution layers is used, oriented to recognize the commands to carry and bring specific objects inside the residential virtual environment. The use of convolutional networks allowed the adequate recognition of words and objects, which by means of the associated robot kinematics give rise to the execution of carry/bring commands, obtaining a navigation algorithm that operates successfully, where the manipulation of the objects exceeded 90%. Allowing the robot to move in the virtual environment even with the obstruction of objects in the navigation path.&lt

    Effects of splitter Blade Length on disc pump performance

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    The disc pump operates using boundary layer principle and viscous drag with a relatively low efficiency. There are methods to increase head and efficiency, one of them is the placing of blades sectors or splitter blades in discs. This method has been applied only in the low viscosity fluids pumping (v < 0.1 stokes). This study describe an experimental research in a hight viscocity fluid (v = 2 stokes) with exit angle (32 = 35° and different splitter blades Lengths (Ls) (75, 50, 25%). The purpose is to determinate the splitter blades length that achieves the most effective combination between the blade effect and boundary layer effect in order to increase the energy transmission efficiency from the impeller to the fluid. As result, it can be established that the use of spliter blades is an alternative to increase the performance of the disc pump. The highest efficiency and head were obtained for the gapsize between two discs (b) of 12 mm using a 50% spliter blades length of the main blade length

    Chronic consumption of sweeteners increases carbonylated protein production in lymphocytes from mouse lymphoid organs

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    Artículo derivado de un proyecto de investigación para evaluar el efecto del consumo de edulcorantes sobre el sistema inmunitarioBackground: The prevalence of overweight, obesity and diabetes mellitus has increased in Mexico, therefore, sucralose and stevia are being used as alternative non-caloric sweeteners to reduce energy intake. Moreover, poorly balanced diets can lead to the formation of carbonyl groups, a marker used to determine oxidative damage to proteins. Increased presence of carbonylated proteins in CD1 mice chronically consuming sweeteners, may point them as causing oxidative damage. Aims: To determine whether the continued use of natural and artificial sweeteners increases the presence of carbonylated proteins in lymphocytes of lymphoid tissues in CD1 male mice. Methods: The present study was conducted with 72 CD1 newly weaned (21-day old) male mice, fed with standard lab diet and water ad libitum; mice were hosted in cages in groups of 4 under controlled temperature conditions (19-21°C), and light/dark cycles of 12/12 h. Weight and food intake was quantified weekly. Three groups of mice were randomly conformed: a) Baseline (21-day old, newly weaned, n=8); b) 6-week of treatment (63-day old, n=32); c) 12-week of treatment (105-day old, n=32). Groups b and c were divided into 4 subgroups each (n=8): i) Control (CL) without sweeteners; ii) Sucrose (SUC); iii) Sucralose (SUCL), and iv) Stevia (ST). Body weight, food, and water consumption were measured, and BMI was calculated from those values. Lymphocytes from Peyer's patches, peripheral blood and spleen were isolated, and from these cells carbonylated protein concentration was quantified. Blood glucose was also assessed. Results: Mice in SUCL and ST groups had lower weight gain and BMI compared to those that consumed SUC. The SUCL group consumed more food and the ST group decreased food intake, as compared with SUC and control groups. ST group drank more sweetened water, compared to the other groups. The percentage of blood lymphocytes and the carbonylated proteins concentrations were higher in the SUCL group. Conclusions: The chronic consumption of sucralose, caused an increase in food intake. In addition, the percentage of lymphocytes circulating in blood was elevated, as well as the concentration of carbonylated proteins in these cells

    Comportamiento reproductivo de ovejas F1 (Damara x Merino) sincronizadas con CIDR y dos tiempos de aplicación de GnRH

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    Este experimento se realizó para evaluar el comportamiento reproductivo en ovejas F1 (Damara x Merino) importadas de Australia, sincronizadas con un dispositivo liberador de la hormona (CIDR) y dos tiempos de aplicación de hormona liberadora de gonadotropinas (GnRH). Cuarenta y cinco ovejas F1 de primer parto con 18.08 ± 0.07 meses de edad y 43.3 ± 5.6 kg de peso corporal, fueron asignadas aleatoriamente a uno de tres tratamientos: T1 (n = 15): CIDR por doce días; T2 (n = 15): CIDR por doce días mas 25 µg de GnRH 48 h antes del retiro del dispositivo y T3 (n = 15): CIDR por doce días mas 25 µg de GnRH al momento del retiro del CIDR. El porcentaje de presentación de estros (100 %) fue similar (p > 0.05) para T1, T2 y T3. El intervalo (h) de inicio del estro sincronizado después del retiro del CIDR fue diferente (p 0.05) para T1, T2 y T3 (60, 53.3 y 46.6 %, respectivamente). La prolificidad promedio general fue de 100.8% y fue similar (p > 0.05) entre tratamientos. La concentración de progesterona determinó que las ovejas probadas tuvieron un cuerpo luteo funcional al comienzo del experimento. Se concluye que el uso combinado de CIDR mas GnRH, 48 h antes y al momento del retiro del dispositivo, no tiene efecto sobre el comportamiento reproductivo en ovejas F1 (Damara x Merino)

    Tratamientos antisárnicos en ovinos

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    En el último tiempo ha resurgido la sarna ovina en nuestra zona y nos enfrentamos a un viejo enemigo. En la actualidad, contamos con estrategias de prevención y control para combatirla, y una herramienta fundamental es la comunicación y el trabajo en conjunto, entre productores y técnicos.Estación Experimental Agropecuaria BarilocheFil: Larroza, Marcela Patricia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche. Area de Produccion Animal. Grupo de Sanidad Animal; ArgentinaFil: Martinez, Agustin. Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria (INTA). Estacion Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche. Grupo de Sanidad Animal; ArgentinaFil: Herrera, Rodolfo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche. Area de Produccion Animal. Grupo de Sanidad Animal; ArgentinaFil: Lauroua, Catalina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche. Area de Produccion Animal. Grupo de Sanidad Animal; ArgentinaFil: Llobet, Jorge. Ministerio de Producción y Agroindustria, Provincia de Rio Negro; Argentin

    Relationship between prolonged sweetener consumption and chronic stress in the production of carbonylated proteins in blood lymphocytes

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    Artículo derivado de un proyecto de investigación para la identificación del efecto del consumo de edulcorantes sobre el sistema inmunitario.Introduction: Modern lifestyles have changed eating habits, encouraged physical inactivity, and increased stress in daily life. These living conditions cause elevated concentrations of carbonylated proteins like biomarker of oxidative stress. The expression of this proteins represent irreversible damage to structural intracellular proteins in cells and extracellular matrix. It is not clear whether a rise in the concentration of these proteins is the origin or consequence of diseases. Objective: To determine in a healthy young mice model the possible correlation between prolonged sweetener consumption and the presence of chronic physiological stress, evidenced by the production of carbonylated proteins in peripheral blood lymphocytes. Methods: Sixty-four 21-day-old CD1 male mice were divided into two groups, stressed (with immobilization) and unstressed. Each group was divided into four subgroups: Control or experimental with a 6-week administration of sucrose, sucralose or stevia. Body mass index, food intake, number and concentration of carbonylated proteins, levels of glucose and peripheral lymphocytes in blood were evaluated. Data were analyzed with ANOVA. Results: Compared to the unstressed control, the glucose concentration was elevated in all stressed subgroups (F = 13.41, p < 0.01), with greater weight found in the stressed sucralose supplemented subgroup (F = 77.58, p < 0.001). The blood level of peripheral lymphocytes was above the control in all subgroups (F = 19.97, p < 0.01), except the decrease observed in unstressed sucrose supplemented subgroup. Carbonylated protein concentration in peripheral blood lymphocytes was high in all subgroups (versus the control) except in unstressed animals suppelemented with stevia (F = 51.16, p <0.01). Conclusions: Stress plus sucralose increased number of lymphocytes and carbonylated proteins concentration. The physiological stress with or without sweetener consumption generated increase in carbonylated proteins concentration. Stevia did not modify lymphocytes and carbonylated proteins

    Nutritional Chemical Analysis of Taro (Colocasia esculenta Schott) Accessions from the State of Tabasco, Mexico

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    a) Objective: Determine the main nutritional properties and content of bioactive compounds of five varieties of Malanga, cultivated in the municipalities of Huimanguillo and Cunduacan, Tabasco. b) Methodology: The varieties evaluated were called: Campechana, Chiapaneca, Tabasqueña, Dulce (P1 and P2), the proximal chemical composition, non-nutritional compounds and the antioxidant activity were determined. The data obtained were analyzed by an analysis of variance and the Tukey test was applied. c) Results: These varieties presented a protein content from 1.13-3.95; lipids 0.64-2.94; ash 1.58-7.32; moisture 2.28-5.34 (%). In all cases, the starch content stood out with values of 62.7-74.7%. This compound is important in the food industry, because it has functional properties that make it viable for use in various food systems or other applications. Among the non-nutritional compounds, phytates were identified with concentrations between 0.235-0.40 g eq. sodium phytate / 100 g sample, total phenols 0.54-5.76 g eq gallic acid / 100 g sample; condensed phenols 1.20-1.51 mg catechin /100 g sample; saponins 0.37-1.02 mg eq. Diosgenin / 100 g sample; and trypsin inhibitors 0.00-0.70 UIT / 100 g sample. Finally, it was determined that the antioxidant activity presented values between 0.29-0.57 g eq. of trolox / g of flour. d) Limitations: Limitations were not presented in this work. e) Conclusions: The varieties evaluated presented non-nutritional compounds in low concentration, and adequate antioxidant activity, so the Malanga varieties from the state of Tabasco can be considered sources of starch and compounds with antioxidant activity.Objective: To determine the main nutritional properties and content of bioactive compounds of five varieties of taro, grown in the municipalities of Huimanguillo and Cunduacán, Tabasco. Methodology: The Campechana, Chiapaneca, Tabasqueña, Dulce (P1 and P2) varieties were evaluated to determine their proximal chemical composition, non-nutritional compounds, and antioxidant activity. An analysis of variance and the Tukey test were applied to the data obtained. Results: These varieties had a protein, lipid, ash, and moisture content of 1.13-3.95, 0.64-2.94, 1.58-7.32, and 2.28-5.34 %, respectively. In all cases, the starch content stood out with 62.7-74.7% values. This compound is important in the food industry because its functional properties enable its use in various food systems or other applications. Among the non-nutritional compounds, the following concentrations were identified: phytates (0.235-0.40 Eq/g sodium phytate / 100 g sample); total phenols (0.54-5.76 Eq/g gallic acid / 100 g sample); condensed phenols (1.20-1.51 Eq/mg catechin / 100 g sample); saponins (0.37-1.02 Eq/mg Diosgenin / 100 g sample); and trypsin inhibitors (0.00-0.70 UIT / 100 g sample). Finally, the antioxidant activity had 0.29-0.57 Eq/mg of trolox / g of flour values. Limitations: This work had no limitations. Conclusions: The varieties evaluated presented low concentration of non-nutritional compounds and adequate antioxidant activity; therefore, the taro varieties from the State of Tabasco can be considered sources of starch and compounds with antioxidant activity

    miRNA profiling during antigen-dependent T cell activation: A role for miR-132-3p

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    microRNAs (miRNAs) are tightly regulated during T lymphocyte activation to enable the establishment of precise immune responses. Here, we analyzed the changes of the miRNA profiles of T cells in response to activation by cognate interaction with dendritic cells. We also studied mRNA targets common to miRNAs regulated in T cell activation. pik3r1 gene, which encodes the regulatory subunits of PI3K p50, p55 and p85, was identified as target of miRNAs upregulated after T cell activation. Using 3'UTR luciferase reporter-based and biochemical assays, we showed the inhibitory relationship between miR-132-3p upregulation and expression of the pik3r1 gene. Our results indicate that specific miRNAs whose expression is modulated during T cell activation might regulate PI3K signaling in T cells.We thank Miguel Vicente-Manzanares for help with English editing and Almudena R. Ramiro for helpful discussions. We appreciate help from Gloria Martinez del Hoyo on DCs experiments set up. We also thank the CNIC Genomics, Bioinformatics and Cellomics Units for technical support. This work was supported by grants SAF2014-55579R from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad-Spain, ERC-2011-AdG 294340-GENTRIS, CIBER CARDIOVASCULAR (FEDER and Instituto de Salud Carlos III), PIE-13-00041 and INDISNET S2011-BMD-2332 (F.S.M.). The Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC, Spain) is supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad-Spain and the Pro-CNIC Foundation.S


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    El presente trabajo de investigación (Optimeal) comprende diversos temas acerca de cómo se desarrollará la formulación e implementación de la marca de suscripción nutricional, Optimeal. Esta ofrece una variedad de platos saludables y agradables a base de los mejores ingredientes en el mercado de Lima, Perú así como la implementación de una dark kitchen. El objetivo de este proyecto es presentar a posibles inversionistas un modelo y un plan de negocio rentable y escalable, que tiene el añadido de ser sostenible. Se inició este trabajo de investigación con el proceso de ideación de la idea de negocio, dentro del cual se describe el modelo de negocio. Seguidamente, se desarrolló el proceso de validación del problema a través de experimentos. Producto de ello, se definió el segmento de clientes, así como el tamaño de mercado considerando la solución propuesta. Posteriormente, se diseñó el plan concierge por medio del cual se validan las ventas, y con ello se armó la proyección de ventas para tres años, considerando distintas variables. Tomando en cuenta los resultados de la proyección, se elaboraron los planes para el proyecto: Plan Estratégico, Plan de Operaciones, Plan de Recursos Humanos, Plan de Marketing y Plan de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial. Finalmente, la realización del Plan Financiero ha permitido conocer la factibilidad del proyecto gracias al análisis del pronóstico de ventas, costos, gastos, inversión y capital de trabajo. Así mismo, nos apoyamos en los indicadores financieros pertinentes para medir la efectividad de la administración del negocio y generar valor para los accionistas.This research work (Optimeal) covers various topics about how the formulation and implementation of the nutritional subscription brand, Optimeal, will be developed. It offers a variety of healthy and pleasant dishes based on the best ingredients in the market in Lima, Peru, as well as the implementation of a dark kitchen. The objective of this project is to present potential investors in a profitable and scalable business model and plan, which has the added value of being sustainable. This research work began with the ideation process of the business idea, within which the business model is described. Next, the validation process of the problem was developed through experiments. As a result, the customer segment was defined, as well as the market size considering the proposed solution. Subsequently, the concierge plan was designed through which sales are validated, and with this the sales projection for three years was put together, considering different variables. Taking into account the results of the projection, the plans for the project were prepared: Strategic Plan, Operations Plan, Human Resources Plan, Marketing Plan and Corporate Social Responsibility Plan. Finally, the realization of the Financial Plan has allowed us to know the feasibility of the project thanks to the analysis of the sales forecast, costs, expenses, investment and working capital. Likewise, we rely on the relevant financial indicators to measure the effectiveness of the business administration and generate value for shareholders.Trabajo de investigació