532 research outputs found

    Temporal series analysis on avoidable mortality for the assessment of an intervention program in a hospital.

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    Background: Avoidable mortality (AM) is one of the most important health indicators (HI) and represents the quality of care in a hospital. Objective: This study measured the efficacy of a training program for a hospital healthcare staff to reduce AM. Methods: This epidemiological study on community intervention analyzed time-series data on HI by semesters from 2008 to 2015. The pre-intervention phase was examined from January 2008 to December 2014; the intervention phase was investigated in the first semester of 2015; and the post-intervention phase was examined in the second semester of 2015. Results: Resindicate a series with a rising tendency until the 14th semester and a pronounced descent in the 16th semester. The relative variation rate (RVR) was -20% to +20% with some exceptions. HI was 0.53% in the 16th semester rather than the expected 0.70% observed in the pre-intervention phase; therefore, 0.17% additional deaths were avoided because of the training seminar. Conclusion: The positive results suggest that this strategy is an important element in decreasing avoidable deaths in hospitals

    Influence of Formate Concentration on the Rheology and Thermal Degradation of Xanthan Gum

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    Xanthan gum solutions have gained increasing interest for their use as environmentally friendly chemicals in the oil industry. Xanthan is compatible with most concentrate brines used for controlling formation damage and fluid loss. Particularly, formate brines reinforce the ordered structure of the biopolymer in solution, gel strength, and the specific gravity of the resulting fluid. In this paper, we studied the effect of thermal aging on the rheological behavior of xanthan solutions as a function of the concentration in potassium formate. Ionic strength below a threshold concentration does not prevent the degradation of the structure of xanthan after being submitted to aging at 165 °C. Aged solutions show an important loss of strength in their mechanical properties, lower pH, and higher content in furfural and hydroxymethylfurfural. Highly concentrated formate brines are necessary to maintain the strength of the rheological properties after exposure to high-temperature environmentsThis research was funded by the EU-FEDER Program, grant numbers P18-RT-4684 and CTQ-2017-89792-

    Análisis de los factores determinantes del nivel de innovación en el sector hotelero español. Estudio según variable de segmentación

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    La investigación que se presenta en este trabajo estudia las relaciones que se producen entre ciertos factores determinantes del Proceso de Dirección Estratégica y la innovación en las organizaciones hoteleras con actividad en nuestro país, así como analiza la influencia del nivel de innovación sobre la ventaja competitiva y los resultados organizativos. El trabajo pretende aportar una serie de contribuciones tanto en el ámbito teórico como en el práctico. En el ámbito teórico, la novedad estriba en presentar las conexiones entre los factores que determinan el Proceso de Dirección Estratégica y su impacto en el nivel de innovación, que aunque presentan puntos de contacto evidentes, hasta el momento no han sido sometidos a un tratamiento integrador por parte de la literatura especializada. Para ello, el enfoque teórico basado en los Recursos y Capacidades constituye un marco teórico influyente y adecuado para entender esta conexión. Empíricamente, el análisis de las interrelaciones estratégicas entre ciertos factores del Modelo de Dirección Estratégica y el grado de innovación, así como su impacto en los resultados empresariales, ayudará a destacar la importancia de tratar la gestión de la innovación como una estrategia en sí misma, y a introducirlas en el modelo de pensamiento estratégico de las cadenas hoteleras con actividad en nuestro país.The research presented in this work in this work bases on the study of the relations which the determining factors of the Process of Strategic Management and Innovation in the hotel organizations in our country, as well as to analyze the influence of the innovation level on the competitive advantage and on the organizational results. Overall, this study aims to provide a range of contributions in both theoretical and practical. In the theoretical, the novelty lies in presenting the connections among the factors that determine the strategic direction process and its impact on the level of innovation, but have obvious points of contact, so far have not been subjected to integrative by the literature. For this, the theoretical approach based on the Resources and Capabilities is an influential and adequate theoretical framework for understanding this connection. Empirically, the analysis of the strategic interrelations between certain factors of the Model of Strategic Management and the degree of innovation, as well as its impact in the enterprise results, will help to emphasize the importance of dealing with the management the innovation like a strategy in itself, and to introduce them in the model of strategic thought of the hotel chains with activity in our country

    SIGPAC y series multitemporales LANSAT 15 TM como estrategia híbrida de clasificación de usos de suelo para aplicaciones hidrológicas

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    El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en la obtención de un mapa de usos y coberturas de suelo para su integración en un modelo hidrológico de balance de agua a lo largo de 2009. Los resultados de dicha aplicación (evapotranspiración, humedad de suelo, necesidades de riego) se obtienen a escala de parcela, con escala temporal diaria y contemplando los usos y coberturas más frecuentes en la zona. La herramienta diseñada para aplicar el modelo (HidroMORE, Modelo Hidrológico de Estimación de Recarga y Evapotranspiración) proporciona los resultados en forma de mapa imagen. Con este fin, se presenta una alternativa híbrida de clasificación consistente en la combinación de la base de datos vectorial del Sistema de Información Geográfica de Parcelas Agrícolas (SIGPAC), junto con una serie multitemporal de imágenes Landsat 5 TM (Thematic Mapper) del año 2009. El primero aporta la definición parcelaria, mientras que la segunda provee la información suficiente para resolver clases poco definidas en el SIGPAC, especialmente la categoría ‘tierra arable’. Se utilizaron metodologías de teledetección como la clasificación, la segmentación multitemporal y el NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), junto con herramientas SIG. El método propuesto supuso una mejora global de la precisión respecto a un método de clasificación supervisada convencional del 20% para la zona de estudio en 2009, y con un coste operacional muy bajo.The aim of this work consists on retrieving a land use-land cover map in order to integrate it in a water balance model along 2009. The results of this application, i.e., evapotranspiration, soil moisture, irrigation rates, are obtained at field scale, in a daily basis, and over the most representative agricultural uses. The model is implemented in a computerized tool, HidroMORE, which provides image maps of the results. A hybrid alternative of classification is presented for such hydrological application. It consisted in a combination of the vectorial database from the Spanish Geographic Information System for Agricultural Plots (SIGPAC) and a Landsat 5 TM multitemporal series of images for the year of study. The SIGPAC affords the spatial shape of the plots, whereas the images allow the segmentation of some ambiguous categories, i.e., ‘agricultural plots’. Remote sensing techniques (classification, segmentation, and NDVI, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) were used, as well as GIS tools. The proposed method improved by 20% the global accuracy comparing to a typical supervised classification in the study area along 2009, while the computational cost is low

    Geomatic methods applied to the change study of the la Paúl Rock Glacier, Spanish Pyrenees

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    Producción CientíficaRock glaciers are one of the most important features of the mountain permafrost in the Pyrenees. La Paúl is an active rock glacier located in the north face of the Posets massif in the La Paúl glacier cirque (Spanish Pyrenees). This study presents the preliminary results of the La Paúl rock glacier monitoring works carried out through two geomatic technologies since 2013: Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers and Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) devices. Displacements measured on the rock glacier surface have demonstrated both the activity of the rock glacier and the utility of this equipment for the rock glaciers dynamic analysis. The glacier has exhibited the fastest displacements on its west side (over 35 cm yr-1), affected by the Little Ice Age, and frontal area (over 25 cm yr-1). As an indicator of permafrost in marginal environments and its peculiar morphology, La Paúl rock glacier encourages a more prolonged study and to the application of more geomatic techniques for its detailed analysis.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project CGL2015-68144-R)Junta de Extremadura - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project GR10071

    Fabrication and characterization of 2D photonic crystals for new optoelectronic devices

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    Photonic crystals were discovered in the 80s as a possible solution to the control of the spontaneous emission and localization of light. Nevertheless only in recent years, with the spreading of nanotechnologies, the first applications with high technological impact have been achieved, like planar photonic crystal lasers or the nanostructured photonic crystal waveguides. Nowadays new types of optoelectronic devices like single photon emitters based on photonic crystal nanocavities are being pursued. In this talk we will show the fabrication and characterization of new photonic bandgap devices, like Suzuki-phase laser emitters or ring-like emitters, and we will show their emission properties in the far field and their tuning by the fabrication process. These new devices may be used as new optical sensors and as efficient nanosources of laser light.Los cristales fotónicos fueron planteados a finales de los años ochenta como una posible solución al control de la emisión espontánea y a la localización de la luz. Sin embargo, sólo en los últimos años, con el advenimiento de las tecnologías de nanofabricación, se han conseguido las primeras aplicaciones prácticas de elevado impacto tecnológico, como los láseres de cristal fotónico o las guías de onda nanoestructuradas con gap fotónico. En la actualidad se están planteando nuevos dispositivos que permitan la emisión eficiente de un solo fotón o la captura de un átomo en el interior de una nanocavidad de cristal fotónico. En este seminario se mostrará la fabricación y caracterización de nuevos dispositivos con gap fotónico, como emisores láser de fase Suzuki o resonadores láser de anillo, y se mostrarán sus propiedades de emisión en el campo lejano y de sintonización mediante el control preciso del proceso de fabricación. Estos nuevos dispositivos pueden ser usados como nuevos sensores ópticos y como eficientes nanoemisores de luz láser.A. R. Alija agradece una beca predoctoral FPU AP2002-0474 del MEC. L. J. Martínez agradece una beca predoctoral I3P-CSIC. P. A. Postigo agradece un contrato "Ramón y Cajal" y los proyectos CAM GR\MAT\0729\2004 y CICYT TIC2002- 04096-C03-03.Peer reviewe

    Evenings of Teaching and Parish: The indoctrination of girls by means of the magazines Bazar and Tin Tan during Franco's dictatorship in Spain (1947-1957)

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    The Feminine Section and Catholic Action carried out similar work related to training as well as social and health care. The former was more political in its focus while the latter was more religious. From the very beginning both organizations created their own periodic publications, which were either internal if aimed at leaders and active members and external, if they were to be read by the general public. While the former served to train and define its own members, the newspapers and magazines for the masses were used to project their political or religious ideals and to try to recruit new followers. We will concentrate on two of them which were aimed at a young female readership: Bazar, which was published by the Feminine Section and Tin Tan, which was published by Catholic Action.La presencia de la mujer fuera de la esfera privada durante el primer franquismo se redujo a dos entornos concretos: la militancia en la Sección Femenina y la pertenencia a asociaciones de signo religioso, dentro de las cuales destacó la rama femenina de Acción Católica. Sección Femenina y Acción Católica realizaron labores similares relacionadas con la formación y la asistencia socio-sanitaria, predominando el componente político en la primera y el religioso en la segunda. Desde el primer momento, ambas organizaciones generaron sus propias publicaciones periódicas pudiendo ser internas, si se dirigían a los dirigentes y militantes, y externas o dedicadas al público general. Mientras que las primeras sirvieron para formar y encuadrar a sus propios miembros, los periódicos o revistas de masas se destinaron a proyectar sus ideales políticos o religiosos e intentar captar a nuevos seguidores. Nosotros nos fijaremos en dos de ellas destinadas al público infantil femenino: Bazar, publicada por Sección Femenina, y Tin Tan por Acción Católica

    Pérdidas de fruto y movilización de semillas en olea europaea var. Sylvestris brot. (oleaceae)

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    Se analizan varios aspectos de la biología de reproducción del acebuche [Olea europaea var. sylvestris Brot. (Oleaceae)] relacionados con la dispersión de semillas. Se compara el éxito de remoción en dos habitat -uno en dos temporadas- y se analizan las similitudes y diferencias en las causas de pérdidas de frutos por agentes bióticos y abióticos. En general, el esfuerzo de producción de fruto fue poco recompensado, ya que el éxito de remoción fue bajo. Las pérdidas totales de fruto variaron considerablemente entre años, pero aparentemente no limitaron la dispersión de semillas. Los agentes abióticos causaron más pérdidas que los bió- ticos. Al final de la temporada permanecían muchos frutos en las ramas, lo que sugiere que la cantidad de dispersantes fue limitante para el éxito de remoción. La importancia relativa de la remoción y de cada tipo de pérdida permaneció constante entre habitat y tendió a mantenerse entre individuos. En conclusión, aunque el porcentaje de remoción fue bajo, los resultados sugieren que el éxito de la función de fructificación de los acebuches en estas parcelas dependió fundamentalmente de la acción de los dispersantes

    Relationship between Body Composition and Performance Profile Characteristics in Female Futsal Players

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    Futsal is classified as a high-intensity intermittent sport or repeated-sprint sport. Explosive and very fast movements are performed with short reaction time, interspersed with playing time of 3 to 6 min during the 40 min match, at intensities of 85–90% of maximum HR. Performance factors such as agility, sprint repetition capacity, aerobic endurance capacity, lower body power, and speed are associated with the game actions. These performance factors can be affected by the athlete’s body composition. The aim is to determine the relationship between the different physical and physiological performance parameters and body composition in top-level women’s futsal players. The subjects of the study were 12 elite female futsal players (25.17 ± 4.75 years old) competing in the First Division Spanish League. An anthropometric assessment was conducted by an ISAK level III anthropometrist for three days during the competitive period. The sum of 4, 6 and 8 skinfolds and body composition were calculated with anthropometric data. Performance tests were conducted to evaluate agility, ability to repeat sprints, velocity and the explosive power of lower extremities in the playing court with specific warm up and previous explication during 2 days in the same week as the anthropometric tests. The tests used for that purpose were: t-test, Yo-Yo test, repeat-sprint ability (RSA), speed test, and jump test (JS, CMJ and ABK). Pearson correlations were used to establish the different associations with a p-value < 0.05. The results showed a negative correlation between agility and the fat component, and a positive correlation between the muscle component and aerobic capacity, agility, speed, and ABK jump. Body composition plays a fundamental role in the development of performance-related skills in women’s futsal