393 research outputs found

    The Effect of Combination Birth Control Pills on Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Body Weight and Body Temperature

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    Birth control pills are the most popular method of birth control for women. In the United States of America, roughly 10.2 million women use some type of birth control pills. The two main types of birth control pills available to women are combination pills, which contain both estrogen and progestin, and progestin-only birth control pills that do not contain any estrogen. Numerous biological research studies have been performed studying the effects of combination birth control pills on blood pressure and body weight. However, few studies have examined blood pressure combined with both heart rate, body temperature, and body weight to study the effects of combination birth control pills. We hypothesized that women taking combination birth control pills will have higher heart rates, blood pressures, body weights, and body temperatures when compared to the control group. This research study consisted of 40 women from Columbia College who were either on combination birth control pills or a member of the control group, which meant they were not on any form of hormonal birth control. Students came in twice a week for eight weeks to have their heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature measured to determine the effect, if any, of birth control on these factors. Body weight was measured once during the beginning of the study and once at the end. The research study recently concluded and data was analyzed through statistical analysis (SPSS) using both ANOVA and t-tests

    What can we say about substance use? Dominant discourses and narratives emergent from Australian media

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    Discourses are conceptualised as context-specific frameworks that constrain what can be presented as rational when considering psychoactive substances. Given the implications of this for Australian policy debate and development, research and health promotion, an integrative analysis explored the nature of the dominant discourses as they pertain to substance use. Newspaper articles spanning a 12-month period (April 2005 2006) were analysed with the analysis triangulated with visual media and newspapers from 5-years prior. We conclude that within Australia, psychoactive substance use is framed within the dominant discourses of medicine, morality, law, economics, politics and popular culture. The linguistic landscape circumscribed by each discourse is described and the power dynamics underpinning the maintenance of the discourses considered, with each discursive framework shown to delineate unique subject positions that define the numerous individuals concerned with substance use issues (e.g. substance users, politicians, medical experts, etc.)

    Adaptations to hydrothermal vent life in Kiwa tyleri, a new species of yeti crab from the East Scotia Ridge, Antarctica

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    Hydrothermal vents in the Southern Ocean are the physiologically most isolated chemosynthetic environments known. Here, we describe Kiwa tyleri sp. nov., the first species of yeti crab known from the Southern Ocean. Kiwa tyleri belongs to the family Kiwaidae and is the visually dominant macrofauna of two known vent sites situated on the northern and southern segments of the East Scotia Ridge (ESR). The species is known to depend on primary productivity by chemosynthetic bacteria and resides at the warm-eurythermal vent environment for most of its life; its short-range distribution away from vents (few metres) is physiologically constrained by the stable, cold waters of the surrounding Southern Ocean. Kiwa tylerihas been shown to present differential life history adaptations in response to this contrasting thermal environment. Morphological adaptations specific to life in warm-eurythermal waters, as found on – or in close proximity of – vent chimneys, are discussed in comparison with adaptations seen in the other two known members of the family (K. hirsuta, K. puravida), which show a preference for low temperature chemosynthetic environments

    Enhancing Indigenous content in arts curricula through service learning with Indigenous communities

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    Executive summary At the heart of this project has been the desire to enhance the way in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural content is embedded in higher education arts curricula. It comes at a time when higher education institutions are facing growing pressure to make curriculum content more representative of and responsive to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. In response, many Australian universities have established formal initiatives to embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and intercultural competency across the curriculum. This has taken the form of policies and reconciliation action plans, community engagement initiatives, networks and councils of Elders. Despite the proliferation of such initiatives, the incorporation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives into higher education curricula and cultures remains a challenging political, social and practical task. This project has sought to address this challenging task by positioning arts based service learning (ABSL) as a strategy through which Australian higher education institutions can promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural content for students in ways that also directly support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

    Geomorphological evidence of large vertebrates interacting with the seafloor at abyssal depths in a region designated for deep-sea mining

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    Exploration licences for seafloor mineral deposits have been granted across large areas of the world's oceans, with the abyssal Pacific Ocean being the primary target for polymetallic nodules—a potentially valuable source of minerals. These nodule-bearing areas support a large diversity of deep-sea life and although studies have begun to characterize the benthic fauna within the region, the ecological interactions between large bathypelagic vertebrates of the open ocean and the abyssal seafloor remain largely unknown. Here we report seafloor geomorphological alterations observed by an autonomous underwater vehicle that suggest large vertebrates could have interacted with the seafloor to a maximum depth of 4258 m in the recent geological past. Patterns of disturbance on the seafloor are broadly comparable to those recorded in other regions of the world's oceans attributed to beaked whales. These observations have important implications for baseline ecological assessments and the environmental management of potential future mining activities within this region of the Pacific

    Fra2 Overexpression in Mice Leads to Non-allergic Asthma Development in an IL-13 Dependent Manner

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    Background: Asthma is a complex chronic inflammatory disease characterised by airway inflammation, remodelling and hyperresponsiveness (AHR). Members of the AP-1 transcription factor family play important roles in the activation of the immune system and the control of cellular responses; however, their role in the development of asthma has not been well studied. We aimed to investigate the role of the lesser known AP-1 family member, Fra2 in experimental asthma.Methods: Phenotypic characterisation and gene expression profiling was performed on Fra2 (TG) overexpressing and wild-type mice. The efficacy of therapeutic interventions in regulating the Fra2 phenotype was determined.Results: Transcriptional profiling of TG mice revealed a high abundance of regulated genes associated with airway remodelling, inflammation and mucus production. A concomitant increase in peribronchial collagen deposition, smooth muscle thickening and mucus production was observed. TG mice possessed increased inflammatory infiltration in the lung, predominantly consisting of eosinophils and T-cells and elevated expression of Th2 cytokines and eotaxin. Furthermore, TG mice possessed severe AHR in response to increasing doses of methacholine. Glucocorticoid treatment led to a partial improvement of the asthma phenotype, whereas blockade of IL-13 via neutralising antibodies ameliorated AHR and mucus production, but had no effect on collagen deposition.Conclusion: We here describe a novel model for non-allergic asthma that does not require the application of exogenous allergens, which mimics several key features of the disease, such as airway inflammation, remodelling and hyperresponsiveness. Fra2 may represent a key molecule coordinating multiple aspects of asthma pathogenesis

    Achieving consistency in measures of HIV-1 viral suppression across countries:derivation of an adjustment based on international antiretroviral treatment cohort data

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    INTRODUCTION: The third of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 90-90-90 targets is to achieve a 90% rate of viral suppression (HIV viral load <1000 HIV-1 RNA copies/ml) in patients on antiretroviral treatment (ART) by 2020. However, some countries use different thresholds when reporting viral suppression, and there is thus a need for an adjustment to standardize estimates to the <1000 threshold. We aim to propose such an adjustment, to support consistent monitoring of progress towards the "third 90" target. METHODS: We considered three possible distributions for viral loads in ART patients: Weibull, Pareto and reverse Weibull (imposing an upper limit but no lower limit on the log scale). The models were fitted to data on viral load distributions in ART patients in the International epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) collaboration (representing seven global regions) and the ART Cohort Collaboration (representing Europe), using separate random effects models for adults and children. The models were validated using data from the World Health Organization (WHO) HIV drug resistance report and the Brazilian national ART programme. RESULTS: Models were calibrated using 921,157 adult and 37,431 paediatric viral load measurements, over 2010-2019. The Pareto and reverse Weibull models provided the best fits to the data, but for all models, the "shape" parameters for the viral load distributions differed significantly between regions. The Weibull model performed best in the validation against the WHO drug resistance survey data, while the Pareto model produced uncertainty ranges that were too narrow, relative to the validation data. Based on these analyses, we recommend using the reverse Weibull model. For example, if a country reports an 80% rate of viral suppression at <200 copies/ml, this model estimates the proportion virally suppressed at <1000 copies/ml is 88.3% (0.80(0.56) ), with uncertainty range 85.5-90.6% (0.80(0.70) -0.80(0.44) ). CONCLUSIONS: Estimates of viral suppression can change substantially depending on the threshold used in defining viral suppression. It is, therefore, important that viral suppression rates are standardized to the same threshold for the purpose of assessing progress towards UNAIDS targets. We have proposed a simple adjustment that allows this, and this has been incorporated into UNAIDS modelling software

    Deep-sea hydrothermal vents as natural egg-case incubators at the Galapagos Rift

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    The discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal vents in 1977 challenged our views of ecosystem functioning and yet, the research conducted at these extreme and logistically challenging environments still continues to reveal unique biological processes. Here, we report for the first time, a unique behavior where the deep-sea skate, Bathyraja spinosissima, appears to be actively using the elevated temperature of a hydrothermal vent environment to naturally “incubate” developing egg-cases. We hypothesize that this behavior is directly targeted to accelerate embryo development time given that deep-sea skates have some of the longest egg incubation times reported for the animal kingdom. Similar egg incubating behavior, where eggs are incubated in volcanically heated nesting grounds, have been recorded in Cretaceous sauropod dinosaurs and the rare avian megapode. To our knowledge, this is the first time incubating behavior using a volcanic source is recorded for the marine environment

    A search for starlight reflected from upsilon And's innermost planet

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    In data from three clear nights of a WHT/UES run in 2000 Oct/Nov, and using improved Doppler tomographic signal-analysis techniques, we have carried out a deep search for starlight reflected from the innermost of upsilon And's three planets. We place upper limits on the planet's radius R_p as functions of its projected orbital velocity K_p ~ 139 sin i km/sec for various assumptions about the wavelength-dependent geometric albedo spectrum p(\lambda) of its atmosphere. For a grey albedo p we find R_p \sqrt{p} < 0.98 R_Jup with 0.1 percent false-alarm probability (4-sigma). For a Sudarsky et al (2000) Class V model atmosphere, the mean albedo in our 380-676 nm bandpass is ~ 0.42, requiring R_p ~ 0.19 requires R_p < 2.23 R_Jup. The star's v sin{i} ~ 10 km/sec and estimated rotation period P_{rot} ~ 10 d suggest a high orbital inclination i ~ 70-80 degrees. We also develop methods for assessing the false-alarm probabilities of faint candidate detections, and for extracting information about the albedo spectrum and other planetary parameters from faint reflected-light signals.Comment: 20 pages, 20 Figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Macroinvertebrate seedbank composition in relation to antecedent duration of drying and multiple wet-dry cycles in a temporary stream

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    1. The aquatic invertebrate ‘seedbank’ comprises life stages that remain viable in the bed sediments of temporary freshwaters during dry phases. This seedbank promotes persistence of temporary-stream macroinvertebrates, but how its inhabitants respond to extended dry phases or repeated transitions between wet and dry phases remains unknown. 2. We rehydrated samples collected from the dry bed of a temperate-zone stream during a supra-seasonal drought, to examine the seedbank assemblage. Samples were first collected in autumn, from 12 sites along the ephemeral (4 sites), intermittent (2) and near-perennial (6) reaches, which had been dry for up to 8 months. Our first hypothesis was that assemblage composition would be related to the dry-phase duration preceding sampling, with longer dry phases reducing abundance and richness. 3. We revisited the same sites in three subsequent seasons, collecting and rehydrating sediments from all dry sites: five sites in early spring, three in late spring and four in late summer. Unpredictable flow resumption and redrying occurred between sampling dates. Our second hypothesis was that repeated wet-dry cycles would not degrade the assemblage because temporary-stream taxa would be adapted to fluctuating hydrological conditions. 4. Multiple individuals of only Chironomidae, Oligochaeta and Pisidium were present at sites that experienced the longest dry phases, providing some support for our first hypothesis. An additional 21 taxa were recorded across the remaining (shorter dry phase) sites in autumn, indicating that such sites act as refuges and potential recolonist sources following flow resumptions. 5. Although several insect orders first recorded in early spring were absent in later seasons, taxon-specific life cycles indicated that these absences were probably seasonal and not due to repeated wet-dry cycles. 6. We recorded 38 taxa in total, highlighting the seedbank as a dry-phase resistance mechanism for many temporary-stream macroinvertebrates. Our results also suggest that seedbank diversity may be threatened by increases in drought extent and duration
