697 research outputs found

    Estratégia da Produção e Flexibilidade.

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    Vem-se tornando cada vez mais usual denominar a época que atravessamos, como a era do pós-taylorismo, ou da flexibilidade. As actuais condições de mercado, com instabilidade, aumento de concorrência e exigências específicas dos clientes, colocaram em questão a organização do trabalho taylorista-fordista, recorrendo-se, de forma crescente, à automatização flexível. Longe vai o tempo em que a organização do trabalho, marcada pela divisão rígida de funções, fragmentação de tarefas, especialização de conhecimentos, hierarquização e centralização de informações, deu lugar a uma precária flexibilização, frequentemente reduzida a uma componente técnico-empresarial e a uma flexibilidade quantitativa dos recursos humanos como forma de superar os disfuncionamentos tayloristas

    Aplicação de mistura betuminosa aberta com betume modificado com alta incorporação de borracha na reabilitação de pavimentos rodoviários

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    Em Portugal, nas últimas duas décadas, verificou-se um forte investimento na construção rodoviária. Actualmente, nota-se uma diminuição na construção de novas estradas. Desta forma, surge, um novo desafio: manter a rede rodoviária construída em bom estado de conservação. Existem diversos processos de reabilitação de pavimentos flexíveis, desde a execução das chamadas "camadas de reforço" até às técnicas de reciclagem de pavimentos degradados, passando, ainda, por técnicas de tratamento das fendas existentes nos pavimentos. Esta dissertação tem como objectivo o estudo da aplicação de betumes modificados com incorporação de borracha em pavimentos rodoviários. Procura-se desenvolver o conhecimento sobre este tema dando particular atenção às múltiplas soluções existentes. É também feita uma breve revisão bibliográfica sobre conservação e reabilitação de pavimentos rodoviários flexíveis, sendo feita referência à sua caracterização estrutural e funcional, às degradações que os afectam e às técnicas de conservação e reabilitação existentes. De seguida, desenvolve-se o tema relacionado com o betume modificado com borracha, onde se mencionam os materiais integrantes, as características e os processos de fabrico. São estudadas as misturas betuminosas com betume modificado com borracha, mencionando os vários tipos de misturas, as principais aplicações, as vantagens e desvantagens e a sua utilização em Portugal. Finalmente, é realizado um estudo de aplicação de várias misturas betuminosas, entre misturas convencionais e modificadas com borracha, para efeito de comparação da sua vida útil

    Numerical Analysis of Load Distribution in Joint Lines with Punched Metal Plate Fasteners

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    Wood trusses with traditional bolted or nailed connections are generally modeled as pinned joints, and the forces on the wooden members are directly transmitted to the connections by shear plane contact. Other methodologies recommend that the analysis should be done more rigorously, taking into account the wood behavior and the evaluation of stress distribution within the connection area. There is a wide range of related data to pin-type connections, but the mechanical analysis of punched metal plate fasteners (nail plates) is still under developed. Nail plate connections are capable of transfer moments, therefore, appropriated modeling should be applied. The present paper compares two methodologies for the stress distribution in the rupture lines of nail plates, using an analytical approach and a numerical method with the commercial software Midas/Gen. The results show a quantitative parity for the proposed analytical model in the case of a single joint line, but the stresses diverge in both methods for zones that presents more than one joint line. Keywords: Timber, nail plate, structural analysi

    The Use of ARM-Assembly Language and a Raspberry Pi 1 B+ as a Server to Improve Computer Architecture Skills

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    Prompting students\u27 interest and engagement in learning environments is crucial to achieve the best results. Academia and educators in general are constantly adapting materials and methodologies in order to maximise the acquisition of contents by their students. In this case-study, a new teaching/learning methodology is presented and evaluated through a final questionnaire survey. This case-study aims to understand students\u27 efficiency and motivation levels regarding a new teaching/learning methodology adopted in the second module of a Computer Systems and Architectures course attended by first-year Computer Sciences undergraduates. The new teaching/learning methodology relies on a specific programming language - ARMv6 assembly - to improve students\u27 efficiency levels, and an innovative always-visible in-class mobile test scenario, implemented through a low-cost computing platform - Raspberry Pi 1 B+ - as a server, mimicking as much as possible a real-life environment, so that students believe they are working on real hardware, thus enhancing their motivation levels. The results of the questionnaire survey allowed to infer that the use of a specific programming language, such as ARMv6 assembly, coupled with a new always-visible in-class mobile test scenario were in fact efficient in raising the levels of motivation among Computer Sciences students and, consequently, improved their skills in Computer Architecture

    Computational modeling of joint lines in punched metal plate fasteners

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    Punched metal plate fasteners (nail plates) are currently the top choice in the wooden-truss industry because of its high mechanical capacity and easy automated assembly. Here, a computational modelling is proposed to evaluate the force distribution within the plate’s anchorage area and in the rupture lines, a structural system that in most cases is highly hyperestatic and does not feature an analytical solution. This method can be applied to areas with multiple gaps (rupture lines) and therefore its analysis is discussed from a quantitative and qualitive point of view.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Network ethics and government to business relationships in Portugal

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    The analysis of ethical issues in Internet-enabled marketplaces remains generally under-explored and this gap is even more prominent in practices associated with G2B networks. This paper argues that the application of Network Ethics to G2B relationships requires a focus on specific questions that arise from the evolution of the way government has come to interact with business. To this purpose, the paper starts by outlining the relevance of universal values to Network Ethics. The next section draws out and briefly discusses the most relevant ethical issues that arise in the rapidly changing context of G2B relationships. To provide an application and substantiate the claims of the paper, the development of public e-procurement in Portugal is presented and analysed in the scope of the background public policies for information society and e-government development in Portugal. It is shown that use of the Internet for e-procurement purposes is growing in Portugal and the main constraints and risks associated with further developments are laid out and discussed. Overall the theoretical analysis and the empirical case point to the growing importance of developing interoperability standards and promoting greater transparency and competition in public e-procurement. It is further argued that reliable analysis in terms of Internet-enabled marketplaces requires both a solid ethical framework and its application in conjunction with empirical knowledge of the situations being studied, and that only in this way can network ethics effectively contribute to the promotion of greater accountability and ethical behaviour on the ground

    Active diagnostics of dementia in the inland region of Portugal

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    [EN]Background: According to Alzheimer Europe (2019), it is estimated that in 2018, there were 8,885,101 people with dementia in Europe (EU-28), with a prevalence of 1.73%. In Portugal, it is estimated that this figure is 193,516, with a prevalence of 1.88%, surpassing the European trend, since it is expected to almost double the number of cases in 2050 (346,905), reflecting the significant increase of people over 70 years and, specifically over 85. The OECD’s “Health at a Glance 2020” report indicates that Alzheimer’s and other dementia accounted for 5%of all deaths in 2017. Thus, it becomes relevant to study themagnitude of this problem also at the local level. This study aims to identify and characterize people with dementia in a region of the inland region of Portugal. It is assumed as the first stage of a more comprehensive study on the quality of life of the person with dementia and his/her family, within the framework of the NEUROQUALYFAMProject (0541_NEURO_QUALYFAM_6_E). Method: This is a cross-sectional descriptive epidemiological study of people with dementia. The data, provided by health services, refer to the active diagnoses of the disease, according to the International Classification of Primary Health Care - ICPC-2 (P70 - Dementia) and do not allow to trace any of the individuals. Result: The total number of people with active diagnosis of Dementia (P70) was in 2019, around 1603 cases, with an increase of 363 cases between 2014 and 2019. The proportion of active diagnoses in the resident population was 1.13%,with higher values in women (0.80% versus 0.33% in men). Most active diagnoses (95.51%) are from people aged 65 years or older, also reflecting the results a higher proportion in the higher age groups, namely 25.02% in the 80–84-year-old group and 43.54% in the 85-year-old group. Conclusion: The identification and characterization of people with dementia, in the geographic area under study,willnowallow the development of the study of the quality of life of these people and their families so that it is possible to implement more specific and targeted strategies for this target population


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    Estratégias de combate ao branqueamento em Portugal A Polícia Judiciária e a evolução normativa nacional e internacional (1993/2017)

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Sociais, na especialidade de Estudos EstratégicosA presente investigação trata o tema do combate ao branqueamento de forma holística, inter e transdisciplinar. Beneficiando da experiência que a profissão proporcionou ao autor, enquanto investigador criminal ao serviço da Polícia Judiciária, do estudo que ela exige e da reflexão a que o seu exercício necessariamente conduz, afirma-se num “olhar policial” sobre o tema analisado (uma unidade teórico-prática), com cariz científico. Caminhando do geral para o particular, debruça-se sobre a evolução normativa nacional e internacional e seus reflexos na estrutura, na orgânica e na praxis da Polícia Judiciária (1993 2017), enquanto corpo superior e órgão de polícia criminal por excelência, com reserva absoluta de competência para a investigação do crime de branqueamento, tipologias conexas e categorias em que se insere, a criminalidade económico-financeira, organizada e transnacional. Num combate que se desenvolve tanto pela via preventiva como repressiva, entre o know your costumer (KYC) e o follow the money/catch the money; da deteção, a montante, dos proventos da prática de crimes, à sua recuperação, a jusante, pela vastidão da matéria, a investigação concentra-se, fundamentalmente, na atividade investigativa levada a cabo em sede de processo-crime (interface entre o sistema preventivo e a recuperação de ativos), sequência de atos (e meios utilizados pelo investigador) destinados a verificar a existência de um crime, a sua autoria e, nesse caso, que consequências jurídicas deverão ter as práticas delitivas em apreço (da law in books à law in action). Destarte, ambiciona contribuir, a final, para uma definição estratégica de boas práticas, ensaiando uma espécie de guião/guidelines ou modelo operativo, graficamente e em síntese apresentado como “ciclo investigativo criminal (ciência e arte policial)”.This research addresses the fight against money laundering in a holistic, inter-and-trans disciplinary way. Benefiting from the professional experience of its author - a criminal investigator at Polícia Judiciária (Criminal Investigation Police) -, building on the learning this looks closely at the subject matter in question (a theory and practice unit) from a scientific oriented “police standpoint”. Moving from the general to the particular, it focuses on national and international regulatory development and its effect on the structure, organizational set-up and praxis of the Polícia Judiciária (1993-2017), as a high-level criminal police body of excellence, with absolute reserved competence to investigate money laundering offences, predicate offences and categories into which they fall, cross-border organized economic and financial crime. In a fight conducted by preventive and repressive means, between Know Your Costumer (KYC) and follow the money/catch the money; detection of crime proceeds, at an early stage, and their recovery, at a later stage, and being such a wide-ranging issue, the investigation is particularly focused on the investigative activity carried out within the scope of criminal proceedings (interface between preventive system and asset recovery), a series of acts (and the means used by the investigator) aimed at establishing the existence of an offence, its authorship and what legal consequences are attached to the commission of the offences at stake (from law in books to law in action). Therefore, it aims at contributing a final to a strategic definition of best practices by testing a sort of script/guidelines or operational model, graphically and in a nutshell referred to as “criminal investigative cycle (the art and science of police)”. profession entails and the reflection to which its performance necessarily leads, this researchN/

    Análise da QoS na perspectiva do utilizador dos serviços mais comuns em sistemas celulares GSM e UMTS

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesO aparecimento da tecnologia GSM mudou significativamente o panorama das telecomunicações. Desde que surgiram as primeiras redes comerciais,em 1991, o número de utilizadores tem aumentado continuamente. Mais recentemente, os sistemas celulares de terceira geração, entre osquais o UMTS, vieram colmatar algumas insuficiências do GSM aopermitirem acessos de alto débito para suporte de serviços de banda larga,tais como, acesso à Internet e aplicações multimédia. Actualmente, face às elevadas taxas de penetração e de utilização dos sistemas GSM e UMTS, a qualidade de serviço na perspectiva do utilizador assume-se como uma das principais vantagens competitivas dosoperadores presentes no mercado.Cada vez mais os consumidores procuram nos serviços simplicidade de utilização e qualidade superior, ininterruptamente e em qualquer lugar. Nesta dissertação são definidos indicadores de qualidade de serviço eperfis de medida que permitem avaliar o desempenho dos serviços de telefonia (voz e videotelefonia), mensagens (SMS e MMS) e dados (HTTPbrowsing, FTP upload/download e E-Mail send/receive) suportados em sistemas de comunicações móveis GSM e UMTS. Para validação dos indicadores de desempenho e perfis de medida,apresentam-se os resultados de uma análise aos serviços de telefonia, mensagens e dados, de dois operadores GSM/UMTS portugueses. ABSTRACT: The advent of GSM has changed significantly the telecommunications landscape. Since the launch of the first commercial network, in 1991,the number of subscribers has increased continuously. More recently, third generation cellular systems, in particular UMTS, went beyond GSM limitations, leveraging high-speed access and broadband services, such as internet and multimedia applications. Nowadays, due to high penetration and usage of GSM and UMTS systems, the quality of service built upon the user’s point of view is one ofcornerstones where operators seek to take competitive advantages. Consumers increasingly search for ease-of-use and superior quality, anytime and anywhere. This dissertation provides quality of service indicators and measurement profiles that allow a performance evaluation, on telephony (voice and video), messaging (SMS and MMS) and data (HTTP browsing, FTPupload/download and E-mail send/receive) services, of the GSM and UMTS mobile communications systems. To validate the performance indicators and the measurement profiles, the results of an analysis on telephony, messaging and data services,of two Portuguese GSM/UMTS operators, are provided