163 research outputs found

    Logarithmic scaling in gauge/string correspondence

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    We study anomalous dimensions of (super)conformal Wilson operators at weak and strong coupling making use of the integrability symmetry on both sides of the gauge/string correspondence and elucidate the origin of their single-logarithmic behavior for long operators/strings in the limit of large Lorentz spin. On the gauge theory side, we apply the method of the Baxter Q-operator to identify different scaling regimes in the anomalous dimensions in integrable sectors of (supersymmetric) Yang-Mills theory to one-loop order and determine the values of the Lorentz spin at which the logarithmic scaling sets in. We demonstrate that the conventional semiclassical approach based on the analysis of the distribution of Bethe roots breaks down in this domain. We work out an asymptotic expression for the anomalous dimensions which is valid throughout the entire region of variation of the Lorentz spin. On the string theory side, the logarithmic scaling occurs when two most distant points of the folded spinning string approach the boundary of the AdS space. In terms of the spectral curve for the classical string sigma model, the same configuration is described by an elliptic curve with two branching points approaching values determined by the square root of the 't Hooft coupling constant. As a result, the anomalous dimensions cease to obey the BMN scaling and scale logarithmically with the Lorentz spin.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figure

    Effects of Bt-cotton on biological properties of Vertisols in central India

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    Growing areas under transgenic crops have created a concern over their possible adverse impact on the soil ecosystem. This study evaluated the effect of Bt-cotton based cropping systems on soil microbial and biochemical activities and their functional relationships with active soil carbon pools in Vertisols of central India (Nagpur, Maharastra, during 2012–2013). Culturable groups of soil microflora, enzymatic activities and active pools of soil carbon were measured under different Bt-cotton based cropping systems (e.g. cotton-soybean, cotton-redgram, cotton-wheat, cotton-vegetables and cotton-fallow). Significantly higher counts of soil heterotrophs (5.7–7.9 log cfu g−1soil), aerobic N-fixer (3.9–5.4 log cfu g−1soil) and P-solubilizer (2.5−3.0 log cfu g−1soil) were recorded in Bt-cotton soils. Similarly, soil enzymatic activities, viz. dehydrogenase (16.6–22.67 µg TPF g−1 h−1), alkaline phosphatase (240–253 µg PNP g−1 h−1) and fluorescein di-acetate hydrolysis (14.6–18.0 µg fluorescein g−1 h−1), were significantly higher under Bt-cotton-soybean system than other Bt- and non-Bt-cotton based systems in all crop growth stages. The growth stage-wise order of soil microbiological activities were: boll development > harvest > vegetative stage. Significant correlations were observed between microbiological activities and active carbon pools in the rhizosphere soil. The findings indicated no adverse effect of Bt-cotton on soil biological properties

    (1+1)-Dirac particle with position-dependent mass in complexified Lorentz scalar interactions: effectively PT-symmetric

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    The effect of the built-in supersymmetric quantum mechanical language on the spectrum of the (1+1)-Dirac equation, with position-dependent mass (PDM) and complexified Lorentz scalar interactions, is re-emphasized. The signature of the "quasi-parity" on the Dirac particles' spectra is also studied. A Dirac particle with PDM and complexified scalar interactions of the form S(z)=S(x-ib) (an inversely linear plus linear, leading to a PT-symmetric oscillator model), and S(x)=S_{r}(x)+iS_{i}(x) (a PT-symmetric Scarf II model) are considered. Moreover, a first-order intertwining differential operator and an η\eta-weak-pseudo-Hermiticity generator are presented and a complexified PT-symmetric periodic-type model is used as an illustrative example.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, revise

    Superconformal operators in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory

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    We construct, in the framework of the N=4 SYM theory, a supermultiplet of twist-two conformal operators and study their renormalization properties. The components of the supermultiplet have the same anomalous dimension and enter as building blocks into multi-particle quasipartonic operators. The latter are determined by the condition that their twist equals the number of elementary constituent fields from which they are built. A unique feature of the N=4 SYM is that all quasipartonic operators with different SU(4) quantum numbers fall into a single supermultiplet. Among them there is a subsector of the operators of maximal helicity, which has been known to be integrable in the multi-color limit in QCD, independent of the presence of supersymmetry. In the N=4 SYM theory, this symmetry is extended to the whole supermultiplet of quasipartonic operators and the one-loop dilatation operator coincides with a Hamiltonian of integrable SL(2|4) Heisenberg spin chain.Comment: 45 pages, Latex, 4 figure

    Gauge/string duality for QCD conformal operators

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    Renormalization group evolution of QCD composite light-cone operators, built from two and more quark and gluon fields, is responsible for the logarithmic scaling violations in diverse physical observables. We analyze spectra of anomalous dimensions of these operators at large conformal spins at weak and strong coupling with the emphasis on the emergence of a dual string picture. The multi-particle spectrum at weak coupling has a hidden symmetry due to integrability of the underlying dilatation operator which drives the evolution. In perturbative regime, we demonstrate the equivalence of the one-loop cusp anomaly to the disk partition function in two-dimensional Yang-Mills theory which admits a string representation. The strong coupling regime for anomalous dimensions is discussed within the two pictures addressed recently, -- minimal surfaces of open strings and rotating long closed strings in AdS background. In the latter case we find that the integrability implies the presence of extra degrees of freedom -- the string junctions. We demonstrate how the analysis of their equations of motion naturally agrees with the spectrum found at weak coupling.Comment: Latex, 59 pages, 6 figure

    Bacterial strains from floodplain soils perform different plant-growth promoting processes and enhance cowpea growth

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    ABSTRACT Certain nodulating nitrogen-fixing bacteria in legumes and other nodule endophytes perform different plant-growth promoting processes. The objective of this study was to evaluate 26 bacterial strains isolated from cowpea nodules grown in floodplain soils in the Brazilian savannas, regarding performance of plant-growth promoting processes and ability to enhance cowpea growth. We also identified these strains by 16S rRNA sequencing. The following processes were evaluated: free-living biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), solubilization of calcium, aluminum and iron phosphates and production of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). The abilities to nodulate and promote cowpea growth were evaluated in Leonard jars. Partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene identified 60 % of the strains as belonging to genus Paenibacillus. The following four genera were also identified: Bacillus, Bradyrhizobium, Enterobacter and Pseudomonas. None of the strains fixed N2 free-living. Among the strains, 80 % solubilized Ca phosphate and one solubilized Al phosphate and none solubilized Fe phosphate. The highest IAA concentrations (52.37, 51.52 and 51.00 μg mL−1) were obtained in the 79 medium with tryptophan by Enterobacter strains UFPI B5-7A, UFPI B5-4 and UFPI B5-6, respectively. Only eight strains nodulated cowpea, however, all increased production of total dry matter. The fact that the strains evaluated perform different biological processes to promote plant growth indicates that these strains have potential use in agricultural crops to increase production and environmental sustainability

    Novel Bound States Treatment of the Two Dimensional Schrodinger Equation with Pseudocentral Plus Multiparameter Noncentral Potential

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    By converting the rectangular basis potential V(x,y) into the form as V(r)+V(r, phi) described by the pseudo central plus noncentral potential, particular solutions of the two dimensional Schrodinger equation in plane-polar coordinates have been carried out through the analytic approaching technique of the Nikiforov and Uvarov (NUT). Both the exact bound state energy spectra and the corresponding bound state wavefunctions of the complete system are determined explicitly and in closed forms. Our presented results are identical to those of the previous works and they may also be useful for investigation and analysis of structural characteristics in a variety of quantum systemsComment: Published, 16 page

    Design and optimization of self-microemulsifying drug delivery system (SMEDDS) of felodipine for chronotherapeutic application

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    The objective of this research work was to design, develop and optimize the self micro-emulsifying drug delivery system (SMEDDS) of Felodipine (FL) filled in hard gelatine capsule coated with polymer in order to achieve rapid drug release after a desired time lag in the management of hypertension. Microemulsion is composed of a FL, Lauroglycol FCC, Transcutol P and Cremophor EL. The optimum surfactant to co-surfactant ratio was found to be 2:1. The resultant microemulsions have a particle size in the range of 65-85 nm and zeta potential value of -13.71 mV. FL release was adequately adjusted by using pH independent polymer i.e. ethyl cellulose along with dibutyl phthalate as plasticizer. Influence of formulation variables like viscosity of polymer, type of plasticizer and percent coating weight gain was investigated to characterize the time lag. The developed formulation of FL SMEDDS capsules coated with ethyl cellulose showed time lag of 5-7 h which is desirable for chronotherapeutic application
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