58 research outputs found

    Classification of behaviour in housed dairy cows using an accelerometer-based activity monitoring system

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    Background Advances in bio-telemetry technology have made it possible to automatically monitor and classify behavioural activities in many animals, including domesticated species such as dairy cows. Automated behavioural classification has the potential to improve health and welfare monitoring processes as part of a Precision Livestock Farming approach. Recent studies have used accelerometers and pedometers to classify behavioural activities in dairy cows, but such approaches often cannot discriminate accurately between biologically important behaviours such as feeding, lying and standing or transition events between lying and standing. In this study we develop a decision-tree algorithm that uses tri-axial accelerometer data from a neck-mounted sensor to both classify biologically important behaviour in dairy cows and to detect transition events between lying and standing. Results Data were collected from six dairy cows that were monitored continuously for 36 h. Direct visual observations of each cow were used to validate the algorithm. Results show that the decision-tree algorithm is able to accurately classify three types of biologically relevant behaviours: lying (77.42 % sensitivity, 98.63 % precision), standing (88.00 % sensitivity, 55.00 % precision), and feeding (98.78 % sensitivity, 93.10 % precision). Transitions between standing and lying were also detected accurately with an average sensitivity of 96.45 % and an average precision of 87.50 %. The sensitivity and precision of the decision-tree algorithm matches the performance of more computationally intensive algorithms such as hidden Markov models and support vector machines. Conclusions Biologically important behavioural activities in housed dairy cows can be classified accurately using a simple decision-tree algorithm applied to data collected from a neck-mounted tri-axial accelerometer. The algorithm could form part of a real-time behavioural monitoring system in order to automatically detect dairy cow health and welfare status

    Irregular breakfast eating and health status among adolescents in Taiwan

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    BACKGROUND: Regular breakfast eating (RBE) is an important contributor to a healthy lifestyle and health status. The aims of the present study were to evaluate the relationships among irregular breakfast eating (IRBE), health status, and health promoting behavior (HPB) for Taiwanese adolescents. METHODS: A cross-sectional, descriptive design was used to investigate a cluster sample of 1609 (7(th )-12(th )grade) adolescents located in the metropolitan Tao-Yuan area during the 2005 academic year. The main variables comprised breakfast eating pattern, body weight, and health promoting behaviors. Data were collected by a self-administered questionnaire. RESULTS: A total of 1609 participants were studied, 64.1% in junior high school and 35.9% in high school, boys (47.1%) and girls (52.9%) ranging in age from 12–20 years. Of the total participant population, 28.8% were overweight and nearly one quarter (23.6%) reported eating breakfast irregularly during schooldays. The findings indicated that adolescents with RBE had a lower risk of overweight (OR for IRBE vs. RBE = 1.51, 95% CI: 1.12, 2.04), and that the odds of becoming overweight were 51% greater for IRBE than for RBE even after controlling for demographical and HPB variables. IRBE also was a strong indicator for HPB. However, the profile of the high-risk IRBE group was predominantly junior high schoolchildren and/or children living without both parents. CONCLUSION: This study provides valuable information about irregular breakfast eating among adolescents, which is associated with being overweight and with a low frequency of health promoting behavior. School and family health promotion strategies should be used to encourage all adolescents to eat breakfast regularly

    The Effect of Tear Supplementation on Ocular Surface Sensations during the Interblink Interval in Patients with Dry Eye.

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the characteristics of ocular surface sensations and corneal sensitivity during the interblink interval before and after tear supplementation in dry eye patients. METHODS: Twenty subjects (41.88+/-14.37 years) with dry eye symptoms were included in the dry eye group. Fourteen subjects (39.13+/-11.27 years) without any clinical signs and/or symptoms of dry eye were included in the control group. Tear film dynamics was assessed by non-invasive tear film breakup time (NI-BUT) in parallel with continuous recordings of ocular sensations during forced blinking. Corneal sensitivity to selective stimulation of corneal mechano-, cold and chemical receptors was assessed using a gas esthesiometer. All the measurements were made before and 5 min after saline and hydroxypropyl-guar (HP-guar) drops. RESULTS: In dry eye patients the intensity of irritation increased rapidly after the last blink during forced blinking, while in controls there was no alteration in the intensity during the first 10 sec followed by an exponential increase. Irritation scores were significantly higher in dry eye patients throughout the entire interblink interval compared to controls (p0.05). CONCLUSION: Ocular surface irritation responses due to tear film drying are considerably increased in dry eye patients compared to normal subjects. Although tear supplementation improves the protective tear film layer, and thus reduce unpleasant sensory responses, the rapid rise in discomfort is still maintained and might be responsible for the remaining complaints of dry eye patients despite the treatment

    Antimalarial Activity and Mechanisms of Action of Two Novel 4-Aminoquinolines against Chloroquine-Resistant Parasites

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    Chloroquine (CQ) is a cost effective antimalarial drug with a relatively good safety profile (or therapeutic index). However, CQ is no longer used alone to treat patients with Plasmodium falciparum due to the emergence and spread of CQ-resistant strains, also reported for P. vivax. Despite CQ resistance, novel drug candidates based on the structure of CQ continue to be considered, as in the present work. One CQ analog was synthesized as monoquinoline (MAQ) and compared with a previously synthesized bisquinoline (BAQ), both tested against P. falciparum in vitro and against P. berghei in mice, then evaluated in vitro for their cytotoxicity and ability to inhibit hemozoin formation. Their interactions with residues present in the NADH binding site of P falciparum lactate dehydrogenase were evaluated using docking analysis software. Both compounds were active in the nanomolar range evaluated through the HRPII and hypoxanthine tests. MAQ and BAQ derivatives were not toxic, and both compounds significantly inhibited hemozoin formation, in a dose-dependent manner. MAQ had a higher selectivity index than BAQ and both compounds were weak PfLDH inhibitors, a result previously reported also for CQ. Taken together, the two CQ analogues represent promising molecules which seem to act in a crucial point for the parasite, inhibiting hemozoin formation

    A call to action for climate change research on Caribbean dry forests

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    The final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-018-1334-6Tropical dry forest (TDF) is globally one of the most threatened forest types. In the insular Caribbean, limited land area and high population pressure have resulted in the loss of over 60% of TDF, yet local people’s reliance on these systems for ecosystem services is high. Given the sensitivity of TDF to shifts in precipitation regimes and the vulnerability of the Caribbean to climate change, this study examined what is currently known about the impacts of climate change on TDF in the region. A systematic review (n = 89) revealed that only two studies addressed the ecological response of TDF to climate change. Compared to the rapidly increasing knowledge of the effects of climate change on other Caribbean systems and on TDF in the wider neotropics, this paucity is alarming given the value of these forests. We stress the need for long-term monitoring of climate change responses of these critical ecosystems, including phenological and hotspot analyses as priorities

    Designing interprofessional simulation based faculty development in a new women and children's hospital in the Middle East: A pilot study

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    أهداف البحث: تسلط هذه الدراسة الضوء على معلومات للمعلمين في المجال السريري المهتمين في تصميم مبادرات مبنية على المحاكاة لتطوير أعضاء هيئة التدريس في مجال التعليم المتداخل بين التخصصات. طرق البحث: تم استخدام مجموعة واحدة, قبل وبعد تصميم الاختبار، مع عينة مقبولة لفحص العلاقة بين معرفة المشاركين بالتعليم المبني على المحاكاة، والتغذية الراجعة الفاعلة، وأثر التعلم الإلكتروني ما قبل الدورة على السلوكيات المعرفية للمشاركين قبل الاختبار وإنجازاتهم. النتائج: كانت هناك تحسنات ذات قيمة في الدرجات الإجمالية لأسئلة متعددة الاختيار بين النتائج قبل وبعد الاختبار. ولم تتحسن قدرة المشارك على تطبيق التغذية الراجعة نظريا, مع التركيز على استخلاص المعلومات بشكل كبير على مدى الدورة. النتائج التي تم الحصول عليها والمتعلقة بعناصر الاختبار في المواضيع قبل الدورة كانت أعلى في الاختبار الابتدائي من التي كانت متعلقة بالدورة. يحتاج الأطباء الوافدون المستقطبون من أنحاء العالم إلى التعليم الخاص بأعضاء هيئة التدريس الذي تغذيه الممارسة المتعمدة والإرشاد, لتكوين الكفاءة في تطبيق نظرية التعلم المبني على المحاكاة. ستتحسن النتائج التي يحققها المشاركون بالتعرض المبكر لمفاهيم التعلم الإلكتروتي قبل الدورة. الاستنتاجات: لا يكفي يومان من تطوير عضو هيئة التدريس في مجال التعلم المبني على المحاكاة لتحقيق كفاءة المشارك في التغذية الراجعة نظريا وتطبيقيا. وينبغي على البحوث المستقبلية النظر في ذلك بتصميم بحثي أكثر صرامة

    Retaining or retrieving older and trying to identify novel rodenticides

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    Anticoagulant compounds are likely to play an important role in the control of commensal rodents for crop protection and conservation for the foreseeable future. However, there are concerns regarding their persistence and the development of more widespread resistance. We are seeking to retrieve and retain older alternatives as well as developing novel rodenticides. Our three-pronged approach is, firstly, to improve the performance of older non-anticoagulant rodenticides, such as sodium fluoroacetate (1080) and zinc phosphide; secondly to optimise the performance of 1st-generation anticoagulants; and thirdly, to identify alternatives to anticoagulant rodenticides with the same mode of action as para-aminopropiophenone (PAPP), which was registered in New Zealand as a predacide in April 2011. Zinc phosphide was also registered in New Zealand for the first time in 2011, and combinations of ultra-low-dose cholecalciferol with first generation anticoagulants are being advanced to provide the performance characteristics of a 2nd-generation anticoagulant with a lower risk of bioaccumulation and secondary poisoning