403 research outputs found

    Photovoltaic Performance of Ultrasmall PbSe Quantum Dots

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    We investigated the effect of PbSe quantum dot size on the performance of Schottky solar cells made in an ITO/PEDOT/PbSe/aluminum structure, varying the PbSe nanoparticle diameter from 1 to 3 nm. In this highly confined regime, we find that the larger particle bandgap can lead to higher open-circuit voltages (~0.6 V), and thus an increase in overall efficiency compared to previously reported devices of this structure. To carry out this study, we modified existing synthesis methods to obtain ultrasmall PbSe nanocrystals with diameters as small as 1 nm, where the nanocrystal size is controlled by adjusting the growth temperature. As expected, we find that photocurrent decreases with size due to reduced absorption and increased recombination, but we also find that the open-circuit voltage begins to decrease for particles with diameters smaller than 2 nm, most likely due to reduced collection efficiency. Owing to this effect, we find peak performance for devices made with PbSe dots with a first exciton energy of ~1.6 eV (2.3 nm diameter), with a typical efficiency of 3.5%, and a champion device efficiency of 4.57%. Comparing the external quantum efficiency of our devices to an optical model reveals that the photocurrent is also strongly affected by the coherent interference in the thin film due to Fabry-Pérot cavity modes within the PbSe layer. Our results demonstrate that even in this simple device architecture, fine-tuning of the nanoparticle size can lead to substantial improvements in efficiency

    Frequency tunable near-infrared metamaterials based on VO_2 phase transition

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    Engineering metamaterials with tunable resonances from mid-infrared to near-infrared wavelengths could have far-reaching consequences for chip based optical devices, active filters, modulators, and sensors. Utilizing the metal-insulator phase transition in vanadium oxide (VO_2), we demonstrate frequency-tunable metamaterials in the near-IR range, from 1.5 - 5 microns. Arrays of Ag split ring resonators (SRRs) are patterned with e-beam lithography onto planar VO_2 and etched via reactive ion etching to yield Ag/VO_2 hybrid SRRs. FTIR reflection data and FDTD simulation results show the resonant peak position red shifts upon heating above the phase transition temperature. We also show that, by including coupling elements in the design of these hybrid Ag/VO_2 bi-layer structures, we can achieve resonant peak position tuning of up to 110 nm

    GPS-determination of along-strike variation in Cascadia margin kinematics: Implications for relative plate motion, Subduction zone coupling, and permanent deformation

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    High‐precision GPS geodesy in the Pacific Northwest provides the first synoptic view of the along‐strike variation in Cascadia margin kinematics. These results constrain interfering deformation fields in a region where typical earthquake recurrence intervals are one or more orders of magnitude longer than the decades‐long history of seismic monitoring and where geologic studies are sparse. Interseismic strain accumulation contributes greatly to GPS station velocities along the coast. After correction for a simple elastic dislocation model, important residual motions remain, especially south of the international border. The magnitude of northward forearc motion increases southward from western Washington (3–7 mm/yr) to northern and central Oregon (∼9 mm/yr), consistent with oblique convergence and geologic constraints on permanent deformation. The margin‐parallel strain gradient, concentrated in western Washington across the populated Puget Lowlands, compares in magnitude to shortening across the Los Angeles Basin. Thus crustal faulting also contributes to seismic hazard. Farther south in southern Oregon, north‐westward velocities reflect the influence of Pacific‐North America motion and impingement of the Sierra Nevada block on the Pacific Northwest. In contrast to previous notions, some deformation related to the Eastern California shear zone crosses northernmost California in the vicinity of the Klamath Mountains and feeds out to the Gorda plate margin

    Photon Management in Two-Dimensional Disordered Media

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    Elaborating reliable and versatile strategies for efficient light coupling between free space and thin films is of crucial importance for new technologies in energy efficiency. Nanostructured materials have opened unprecedented opportunities for light management, notably in thin-film solar cells. Efficient coherent light trapping has been accomplished through the careful design of plasmonic nanoparticles and gratings, resonant dielectric particles and photonic crystals. Alternative approaches have used randomly-textured surfaces as strong light diffusers to benefit from their broadband and wide-angle properties. Here, we propose a new strategy for photon management in thin films that combines both advantages of an efficient trapping due to coherent optical effects and broadband/wide-angle properties due to disorder. Our approach consists in the excitation of electromagnetic modes formed by multiple light scattering and wave interference in two-dimensional random media. We show, by numerical calculations, that the spectral and angular responses of thin films containing disordered photonic patterns are intimately related to the in-plane light transport process and can be tuned through structural correlations. Our findings, which are applicable to all waves, are particularly suited for improving the absorption efficiency of thin-film solar cells and can provide a novel approach for high-extraction efficiency light-emitting diodes

    Gravitational Field Equations and Theory of Dark Matter and Dark Energy

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    The main objective of this article is to derive a new set of gravitational field equations and to establish a new unified theory for dark energy and dark matter. The new gravitational field equations with scalar potential φ\varphi are derived using the Einstein-Hilbert functional, and the scalar potential φ\varphi is a natural outcome of the divergence-free constraint of the variational elements. Gravitation is now described by the Riemannian metric gijg_{ij}, the scalar potential φ\varphi and their interactions, unified by the new gravitational field equations. Associated with the scalar potential φ\varphi is the scalar potential energy density c48πGΦ=c48πGgijDiDjφ\frac{c^4}{8\pi G} \Phi=\frac{c^4}{8\pi G} g^{ij}D_iD_j \varphi, which represents a new type of energy caused by the non-uniform distribution of matter in the universe. The negative part of this potential energy density produces attraction, and the positive part produces repelling force. This potential energy density is conserved with mean zero: MΦdM=0\int_M \Phi dM=0. The sum of this new potential energy density c48πGΦ\frac{c^4}{8\pi G} \Phi and the coupling energy between the energy-momentum tensor TijT_{ij} and the scalar potential field φ\varphi gives rise to a new unified theory for dark matter and dark energy: The negative part of this sum represents the dark matter, which produces attraction, and the positive part represents the dark energy, which drives the acceleration of expanding galaxies. In addition, the scalar curvature of space-time obeys R=8πGc4T+ΦR=\frac{8\pi G}{c^4} T + \Phi. Furthermore, the new field equations resolve a few difficulties encountered by the classical Einstein field equations.Comment: Some statements are made more precise and a conclusion section is adde

    Mid- to far-infrared sensing: SrTiO3, a novel optical material

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    Polar dielectric crystals have been proposed as a disruptive technological solution to the inflated expectations of plasmonics. The excitation of low-loss surface-phonon polaritons and localized surface-phonon resonances throughout the IR spectrum gives rise to new opportunities, otherwise unachievable due to the inherent losses of metal-based plasmonics. In this work we present, for the first time, the exciting capabilities of SrTiO3, an important technological material that has been overlooked as an active element for nano-photonics

    Tuning the Reactivity of Nanoenergetic Gas Generators Based on Bismuth and Iodine oxidizers

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    There is a growing interest on novel energetic materials called Nanoenergetic Gas- Generators (NGGs) which are potential alternatives to traditional energetic materials including pyrotechnics, propellants, primers and solid rocket fuels. NGGs are formulations that utilize metal powders as a fuel and oxides or hydroxides as oxidizers that can rapidly release large amount of heat and gaseous products to generate shock waves. The heat and pressure discharge, impact sensitivity, long term stability and other critical properties depend on the particle size and shape, as well as assembling procedure and intermixing degree between the components. The extremely high energy density and the ability to tune the dynamic properties of the energetic system makes NGGs ideal candidates to dilute or replace traditional energetic materials for emerging applications. In terms of energy density, performance and controllability of dynamic properties, the energetic materials based on bismuth and iodine compounds are exceptional among the NGGs. The thermodynamic calculations and experimental study confirm that NGGs based on iodine and bismuth compounds mixed with aluminum nanoparticles are the most powerful formulations to date and can be used potentially in microthrusters technology with high thrust-to-weight ratio with controlled combustion and exhaust velocity for space applications. The resulting nano thermites generated significant value of pressure discharge up to 14.8 kPa m3/g. They can also be integrated with carbon nanotubes to form laminar composite yarns with high power actuation of up to 4700 W/kg, or be used in other emerging applications such as biocidal agents to effectively destroy harmful bacteria in seconds, with 22 mg/m2 minimal content over infected area

    Present‐day motion of the Sierra Nevada block and some tectonic implications for the Basin and Range province, North American Cordillera

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    Global Positioning System (GPS) data from five sites on the stable interior of the Sierra Nevada block are inverted to describe its angular velocity relative to stable North America. The velocity data for the five sites fit the rigid block model with rms misfits of 0.3 mm/yr (north) and 0.8 mm/yr (east), smaller than independently estimated data uncertainty, indicating that the rigid block model is appropriate. The new Euler vector, 17.0°N, 137.3°W, rotation rate 0.28 degrees per million years, predicts that the block is translating to the northwest, nearly parallel to the plate motion direction, at 13–14 mm/yr, faster than previous estimates. Using the predicted Sierra Nevada block velocity as a kinematic boundary condition and GPS, VLBI and other data from the interior and margins of the Basin and Range, we estimate the velocities of some major boundary zone faults. For a transect approximately perpendicular to plate motion through northern Owens Valley, the eastern California shear zone (western boundary of the Basin and Range province) accommodates 11±1 mm/yr of right‐lateral shear primarily on two faults, the Owens Valley‐White Mountain (3±2 mm/yr) and Fish Lake Valley (8±2 mm/yr) fault zones, based on a viscoelastic coupling model that accounts for the effects of the 1872 Owens Valley earthquake and the rheology of the lower crust. Together these two faults, separated by less than 50 km on this transect, define a region of high surface velocity gradient on the eastern boundary of the Sierra Nevada block. The Wasatch Fault zone accommodates less than 3±1 mm/yr of east‐west extension on the eastern boundary of the Basin and Range province. Remaining deformation within the Basin and Range interior is also probably less than 3 mm/yr

    Electro-thermal modelling for plasmonic structures in the TLM Method

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    This paper presents a coupled electromagnetic-thermal model for modelling temperature evolution in nano-size plasmonic heat sources. Both electromagnetic and thermal models are based on the Transmission Line Modelling (TLM) method and are coupled through a nonlinear and dispersive plasma material model. The stability and accuracy of the coupled EM-thermal model is analysed in the context of a nano-tip plasmonic heat source example