168 research outputs found

    Non-transitive maps in phase synchronization

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    Concepts from the Ergodic Theory are used to describe the existence of non-transitive maps in attractors of phase synchronous chaotic systems. It is shown that for a class of phase-coherent systems, e.g. the sinusoidally forced Chua's circuit and two coupled R{\"o}ssler oscillators, phase synchronization implies that such maps exist. These ideas are also extended to other coupled chaotic systems. In addition, a phase for a chaotic attractor is defined from the tangent vector of the flow. Finally, it is discussed how these maps can be used to real time detection of phase synchronization in experimental systems

    Synchronised firing patterns in a random network of adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire neuron model

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    Acknowledgements This study was possible by partial financial support from the following Brazilian government agencies: CNPq, CAPES, and FAPESP (2011/19296-1 and 2015/07311-7). We also wish thank Newton Fund and COFAP.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy from recurrence times

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    Observing how long a dynamical system takes to return to some state is one of the most simple ways to model and quantify its dynamics from data series. This work proposes two formulas to estimate the KS entropy and a lower bound of it, a sort of Shannon's entropy per unit of time, from the recurrence times of chaotic systems. One formula provides the KS entropy and is more theoretically oriented since one has to measure also the low probable very long returns. The other provides a lower bound for the KS entropy and is more experimentally oriented since one has to measure only the high probable short returns. These formulas are a consequence of the fact that the series of returns do contain the same information of the trajectory that generated it. That suggests that recurrence times might be valuable when making models of complex systems

    Dynamical complexity in the C.elegans neural network

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    We model the neuronal circuit of the C.elegans soil worm in terms of a Hindmarsh-Rose system of ordinary differential equa- tions, dividing its circuit into six communities which are determined via the Walktrap and Louvain methods. Using the numerical solution of these equations, we analyze important measures of dynamical com- plexity, namely synchronicity, the largest Lyapunov exponent, and the ?AR auto-regressive integrated information theory measure. We show that ?AR provides a useful measure of the information contained in the C.elegans brain dynamic network. Our analysis reveals that the C.elegans brain dynamic network generates more information than the sum of its constituent parts, and that attains higher levels of integrated information for couplings for which either all its communities are highly synchronized, or there is a mixed state of highly synchronized and de- synchronized communities

    Crescimento e respostas hematológicas de tambaquis alimentados com diferentes quantidades de mandioca (Manihot esculenta)

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    Tambaqui,Colossoma macropomum is a fish of primary importance in Brazilian aquaculture and in the Amazon region in particular. The aim of this work is to analyze the combined effects of physical training and levels of dietary cassava (Manihot esculenta) on the hematological parameters, food intake, conversion efficiency, growth ratio and swimming performance of this fish. A diet for tambaqui consisting of 30% cassava caused decreases in weight gain and specific growth rate compared with the control group. Diets containing 15% or 45% cassava did not affect these indices and did not cause hematological changes in tambaqui juveniles, indicating that some amount of cassava can be used as an alternative energy source for this important aquaculture species.Tambaqui Colossoma macropomum, é um peixe de importância fundamental na aquicultura do Brasil e, em particular, na Região Amazônica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o efeito combinado do treinamento físico com diferentes níveis de macaxeira (Manihot esculenta) na dieta, sobre os parâmetros hematológicos, ingestão alimentar, eficiência de conversão, taxa de crescimento e performance natatória desses peixes. A dieta com 30% de cassava causou diminuição no ganho de peso e na taxa de crescimento específico quando se comparou ao grupo controle. Dietas contendo 15% e 45% de cassava não apresentaram efeito sobre estes índices e não causaram alterações hematológicas significativas em indivíduos juvenis de tambaqui, indicando que estas quantidades de cassava podem ser administradas como alternativa de fonte de energia para essa importante espécie na aquicultura

    Spike timing-dependent plasticity induces non-trivial topology in the brain.

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    We study the capacity of Hodgkin-Huxley neuron in a network to change temporarily or permanently their connections and behavior, the so called spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP), as a function of their synchronous behavior. We consider STDP of excitatory and inhibitory synapses driven by Hebbian rules. We show that the final state of networks evolved by a STDP depend on the initial network configuration. Specifically, an initial all-to-all topology evolves to a complex topology. Moreover, external perturbations can induce co-existence of clusters, those whose neurons are synchronous and those whose neurons are desynchronous. This work reveals that STDP based on Hebbian rules leads to a change in the direction of the synapses between high and low frequency neurons, and therefore, Hebbian learning can be explained in terms of preferential attachment between these two diverse communities of neurons, those with low-frequency spiking neurons, and those with higher-frequency spiking neurons

    Beyond the target area: an integrative view of tDCS-induced motor cortex modulation in patients and athletes

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    Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive technique used to modulate neural tissue. Neuromodulation apparently improves cognitive functions in several neurologic diseases treatment and sports performance. In this study, we present a comprehensive, integrative review of tDCS for motor rehabilitation and motor learning in healthy individuals, athletes and multiple neurologic and neuropsychiatric conditions. We also report on neuromodulation mechanisms, main applications, current knowledge including areas such as language, embodied cognition, functional and social aspects, and future directions. We present the use and perspectives of new developments in tDCS technology, namely high-definition tDCS (HD-tDCS) which promises to overcome one of the main tDCS limitation (i.e., low focality) and its application for neurological disease, pain relief, and motor learning/rehabilitation. Finally, we provided information regarding the Transcutaneous Spinal Direct Current Stimulation (tsDCS) in clinical applications, Cerebellar tDCS (ctDCS) and its influence on motor learning, and TMS combined with electroencephalography (EEG) as a tool to evaluate tDCS effects on brain function