39 research outputs found

    Bound states of Θ+\Theta^+ in nuclei

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    We study the binding energy and the width of the Θ+\Theta^+ in nuclei, associated to the KNK N and KπN K \pi N components. The first one leads to negligible contributions while the second one leads to a sizeable attraction, enough to bind the Θ+\Theta^+ in nuclei. Pauli blocking and binding effects on the KNK N decay reduce considerably the Θ+\Theta^+ decay width in nuclei and medium effects associated to the KπN K \pi N component also lead to a very small width, as a consequence of which one finds separation between the bound levels considerably larger than the width of the states.Comment: Presentation in the 10th International Baryon Conference BARYON0

    Inclusive Nucleon Emission Induced by Quasi--Elastic Neutrino--Nucleus Interactions

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    We study the quasi--elastic contribution to the inclusive (νl,νlN)(\nu_l,\nu_l N), (νl,lN)(\nu_l,l^- N), (νˉl,νˉlN)({\bar \nu}_l,{\bar \nu}_l N) and (νˉl,l+N)({\bar \nu}_l,l^+ N) reactions in nuclei using a Monte Carlo simulation method to account for the rescattering of the outgoing nucleon. As input, we take the reaction probability from the microscopical many body framework developed in Phys. Rev. {\bf C70} (2004) 055503 for charged-current induced reactions, while for neutral currents we use results from a natural extension of the model described in that reference. The nucleon emission process studied here is a clear signal for neutral--current neutrino driven reactions, that can be used in the analysis of future neutrino experiments.Comment: 23 pages, 17 figures; Version 2: few typos correcte

    Baryonic Resonances from Baryon Decuplet-Meson Octet Interactions and the Exotic Resonance S=1, I=1, J^P=3/2-

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    Using the lowest order chiral Lagrangian we study s-wave interactions of the baryon decuplet with the octet of pseudoscalar mesons. We find two bound states in the flavour SU(3) limit corresponding to the octet and decuplet representations. These are found to split into eight different trajectories in the complex plane when the SU(3) symmetry is broken gradually. Finally, we are able to provide a reasonable description for a good number of 4-star 3/2- resonances listed by the Particle Data Group. In particular, the Xi(1820), the Lambda(1520) and the Sigma(1670) states are well reproduced. We predict a few other resonances and also evaluate the couplings of the observed resonances to the various channels from the residues at the poles of the scattering matrix from where partial decay widths into different channels can be evaluated.Comment: Talk given at 10th International Conference on the Structure of Baryons (Baryon 2004) at Palaiseau (France), 25-29 October 200

    Two-meson cloud contribution to the baryon antidecuplet self-energy

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    We study the self-energy of the SU(3) antidecuplet coming from two-meson virtual clouds. Assuming that the exotic Theta+ belongs to an antidecuplet representation with N(1710) as nucleon partner, we derive effective Lagrangians that describe the decay of N(1710) into N pi pi with two pions in s- or p-wave. It is found that the self-energies for all members of the antidecuplet are attractive, and the larger strangeness particle is more bound. From two-meson cloud, we obtain about 20 % of the empirical mass splitting between states with different strangeness.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, Talk given at the 10th International Conference on Baryons (Baryons04), Palaiseau (France), October 25-29, 200

    The σ\sigma meson in a nuclear medium through two pion photoproduction

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    We present theoretical results for (γ,π0π0)(\gamma, \pi^0 \pi^0) production on nucleons and nuclei in the kinematical region where the scalar isoscalar ππ\pi \pi amplitude is influenced by the σ\sigma pole. The final state interaction of the pions modified by the nuclear medium produces a spectacular shift of strength of the two pion invariant mass distribution induced by the moving of the σ\sigma pole to lower masses and widths as the nuclear density increases.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Charged current weak production of the Delta resonance

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    The charge changing weak production of Delta in nucleons and nuclei is studied. The reactions e^{-} p -> Delta^{0} \nu_{e} and e^{+} p -> Delta^{++} \bar{\nu}_{e} are considered as a possible source of information about the weak N-Delta transition form factors. The low q^2 BNL data on neutrino production of Delta are used to extract the axial vector N-Delta coupling, taking into account the deuteron structure and the Delta width. Finally, pion production induced by neutrinos in ^{16}O in the Delta region, relevant to atmospheric neutrino experiments, is investigated.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Proceedings of PANIC9

    Chiral approach to the rho meson in nuclear matter

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    In this work, the properties of the ρ\rho meson at rest in cold symmetric nuclear matter are studied. We make use of a chiral unitary approach to pion-pion scattering in the vector-isovector channel, calculated from the lowest order Chiral Perturbation Theory (χPT\chi PT) lagrangian including explicit resonance fields. Low energy chiral constraints are considered by matching our expressions to those of one loop χPT\chi PT. To account for the medium corrections, the ρ\rho couples to ππ\pi\pi pairs which are properly renormalized in the nuclear medium, accounting for both php-h and Δh\Delta -h excitations. The terms where the ρ\rho couples directly to the hadrons in the php-h or Δh\Delta -h excitations are also accounted for. In addition, the ρ\rho is also allowed to couple to N(1520)hN^{*}(1520)-h components.Comment: 30 pages, 20 figures, revised version. Additional sources of the rho selfenergy considered. Some references adde

    Inclusive pion double charge exchange on Oxygen(16) at 0.6-1.1 GeV

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    The inclusive pion double charge exchange (DCX) on oxygen nuclei has been measured in the region where additional pion production is kinematically forbidden. The experiment was performed at ITEP PS at incident pi- kinetic energies T_0= 0.59, 0.75 and 1.1 GeV. The integrated forward differential cross section was found to decrease with energy slowly. At 1.1 GeV it exceeds the theoretical prediction within the conventional sequential single charge exchange mechanism with a neutral pion in the intermediate state (Glauber elastic rescattering) by about half an order of magnitude. The sequential mechanism with two pions in the intermediate state (Glauber inelastic rescatterings), which was proposed recently, seems to be able to explain the observed slow energy dependence and allows to predict the DCX cross section for higher energies.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures. Minor corrections, one figure added. Accepted in NP

    Production of Θ+\Theta^+ Hypernuclei with the (K+,π+)(K^+,\pi^+) reaction

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    We present results on the production of bound states of Θ+\Theta^+ in nuclei using the (K+,π+)(K^+,\pi^+) reaction. By taking into account the states obtained within a wide range of strength of the Θ+\Theta^+ nucleus optical potential, plus the possibility to replace different nucleons of the nucleus, we obtain an excitation spectra with clearly differentiated peaks. The magnitude of the calculated cross sections is well within reachable range.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, revised model used, added references, conclusion does not chang

    Recent developments in chiral dynamics of hadrons and hadrons in a nuclear medium

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    In this talk I present recent developments in chiral dynamics of hadrons and hadrons in a medium addressing the following points: interaction of the octet of pseudoscalar mesons with the octet of baryons of the nucleon, showing recent experimental evidence on the existence of two Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405) states, the interaction of the octet of pseudoscalar mesons with the decuplet of baryons of the Δ\Delta, with particular emphasis on the Λ(1520)\Lambda(1520) resonance, dynamically generated by this interaction. Then I review the interaction of kaons in a nuclear medium and briefly discuss the situation around the claims of deeply bound states in nuclei. The large renormalization of the Λ(1520)\Lambda(1520) in the nuclear medium is shown as another example of successful application of the chiral unitary techniques.Comment: Talk at the Fifth International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics: Particle-Nucleus and Nucleus-Nucleus Scattering at Relativistic Energies, Trieste, May 200