277 research outputs found

    Le fabuliste, le professeur de FLE et les méthodologies

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    Nous nous proposons d’examiner la place tenue par les Fables de La Fontaine dans les diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodologies d’enseignement-apprentissage du FLE (français langue Ă©trangĂšre). Pour mener cette Ă©tude, nous avons examinĂ© une sĂ©lection reprĂ©sentative de mĂ©thodes de FLE destinĂ©es Ă  des publics d’enfants, d’adolescents et d\u27adultes, manuels gĂ©nĂ©ralistes de langue, mais aussi manuels plus spĂ©cifiques consacrĂ©s Ă  la dĂ©couverte de la littĂ©rature (type anthologies). Nous avons complĂ©tĂ© cette Ă©tude par celle du Français dans le monde, revue pĂ©dagogique Ă  destination des enseignants de FLE. Les questions posĂ©es Ă  partir du corpus retenu concernent la sĂ©lection des Fables prĂ©sentĂ©es, leurs modalitĂ©s de prĂ©sence et d’exploitation. Nous avons choisi d’envisager la question d’un point de vue diachronique et de nous intĂ©resser Ă  la maniĂšre dont la place des Fables varie au grĂ© des mĂ©thodologies. Pendant la pĂ©riode envisagĂ©e (des annĂ©es 1950 Ă  aujourd’hui), le texte littĂ©raire a Ă©tĂ© tout d’abord « sacralisé », puis « dĂ©sacralisé » (Gruca, 1993) ; depuis une quinzaine d’annĂ©es, on observe un regain d’intĂ©rĂȘt Ă  son endroit, mĂȘme si de nombreux freins subsistent. Notre Ă©tude montre que les Fables sont passĂ©es du statut de classique pour les apprenants de FLE Ă  celui d’échantillon du patrimoine culturel français, et nous permet, chemin faisant, d’interroger la place de la littĂ©rature et la notion de patrimoine littĂ©raire dans le domaine spĂ©cifique du FLE

    Atomistic Studies of Defect Nucleation during Nanoindentation of Au (001)

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    Atomistic studies are carried out to investigate the formation and evolution of defects during nanoindentation of a gold crystal. The results in this theoretical study complement the experimental investigations [J. D. Kiely and J. E. Houston, Phys. Rev. B, v57, 12588 (1998)] extremely well. The defects are produced by a three step mechanism involving nucleation, glide and reaction of Shockley partials on the {111} slip planes noncoplanar with the indented surface. We have observed that slip is in the directions along which the resolved shear stress has reached the critical value of approximately 2 GPa. The first yield occurs when the shear stresses reach this critical value on all the {111} planes involved in the formation of the defect. The phenomenon of strain hardening is observed due to the sessile stair-rods produced by the zipping of the partials. The dislocation locks produced during the second yield give rise to permanent deformation after retraction.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Vitamin D deficiency in traumatic brain injury and its relationship with severity of injury and quality of life: a prospective, observational study

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    This single-centre prospective observational study aims to describe the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency (VDD) in the traumatic brain injury (TBI) population and identify any relationship between vitamin D and severity of head injury or quality of life. 124 TBI patients had serum vitamin D (25-OHD) levels measured at the local post-TBI endocrine screening clinic over 20 months. Quality of Life after Brain Injury (QOLIBRI) questionnaires were completed by the patient concurrently. A multivariate regressional analysis was performed, controlling for age, season, ethnicity, time since injury, TBI severity and gender. 34% (n=42) of the cohort were vitamin D deficient (25-OHD <25nmol/L) with a further 23% (n=29) having insufficient levels (25-OHD 25-50nmol/L). Vitamin D was significantly lower in severe TBI compared to mild TBI (n=95, p=0.03, CI 95% -23.60 to -1.21, mean effect size 12.40 nmol/L). There was a trend for self-reported quality of life to be better in patients with optimum vitamin D levels compared to patients with deficient vitamin D levels, controlling for severity of injury (n=81, p=0.05, CI 95% -0.07 to 21.27). This is the first study to identify a significant relationship between vitamin D levels and severity of head injury. Clinicians should actively screen for and treat VDD in head injured patients to reduce the risk of further morbidity such as osteomalacia and cardiovascular disease. Future research should establish the natural history of vitamin D levels following TBI to identify at which stage VDD develops and whether vitamin D replacement could have a beneficial effect on recovery and quality of life

    Comparative analysis of the fecal microbiota from different species of domesticated and wild suids

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    This study was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) from the Spanish Government (grant number AGL2016-78160-C2-1-R). The authors are also grateful to the Centres de Recerca de Catalunya (CERCA) Programme and Global Alliance for Research on African swine fever (GARA). The authors thank Frederic Paboeuf and Audrey Fougeroux for providing SPF and domestic pig samples.Most of the microorganisms living in a symbiotic relationship in different animal body sites (microbiota) reside in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Several studies have shown that the microbiota is involved in host susceptibilities to pathogens. The fecal microbiota of domestic and wild suids was analyzed. Bacterial communities were determined from feces obtained from domestic pigs (Sus scrofa) raised under different conditions: specific-pathogen-free (SPF) pigs and domestic pigs from the same bred, and indigenous domestic pigs from a backyard farm in Kenya. Secondly, the fecal microbiota composition of the African swine fever (ASF) resistant warthogs (Phacochoerus africanus) from Africa and a European zoo was determined. African swine fever (ASF) is a devastating disease for domestic pigs. African animals showed the highest microbial diversity while the SPF pigs the lowest. Analysis of the core microbiota from warthogs (resistant to ASF) and pigs (susceptible to ASF) showed 45 shared OTUs, while 6 OTUs were exclusively present in resistant animals. These six OTUs were members of the Moraxellaceae family, Pseudomonadales order and Paludibacter, Anaeroplasma, Petrimonas, and Moraxella genera. Further characterization of these microbial communities should be performed to determine the potential involvement in ASF resistance

    Anatomical origins of ocular dominance in mouse primary visual cortex

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    Ocular dominance (OD) plasticity is a classic paradigm for studying the effect of experience and deprivation on cortical development, and is manifested as shifts in the relative strength of binocular inputs to primary visual cortex (V1). The mouse has become an increasingly popular model for mechanistic studies of OD plasticity and, consequently, it is important that we understand how binocularity is constructed in this species. One puzzling feature of the mouse visual system is the gross disparity between the physiological strength of each eye in V1 and their anatomical representation in the projection from retina to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN). While the contralateral-to-ipsilateral (C/I) ratio of visually evoked responses in binocular V1 is approximately 2:1, the ipsilateral retinal projection is weakly represented in terms of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) density where the C/I ratio is approximately 9:1. The structural basis for this relative amplification of ipsilateral eye responses between retina and V1 is not known. Here we employed neuroanatomical tracing and morphometric techniques to quantify the relative magnitude of each eye's input to and output from the binocular segment of dLGN. Our data are consistent with the previous suggestion that a point in space viewed by both eyes will activate 9 times as many RGCs in the contralateral retina as in the ipsilateral retina. Nonetheless, the volume of the dLGN binocular segment occupied by contralateral retinogeniculate inputs is only 2.4 times larger than the volume occupied by ipsilateral retinogeniculate inputs and recipient relay cells are evenly distributed among the input layers. The results from our morphometric analyses show that this reduction in input volume can be accounted for by a three-to-one convergence of contralateral eye RGC inputs to dLGN neurons. Together, our findings establish that the relative density of feed-forward dLGN inputs determines the C/I response ratio of mouse binocular V1

    Through-Thickness Residual Stress Profiles in Austenitic Stainless Steel Welds: A Combined Experimental and Prediction Study

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    Economic and safe management of nuclear plant components relies on accurate prediction of welding-induced residual stresses. In this study, the distribution of residual stress through the thickness of austenitic stainless steel welds has been measured using neutron diffraction and the contour method. The measured data are used to validate residual stress profiles predicted by an artificial neural network approach (ANN) as a function of welding heat input and geometry. Maximum tensile stresses with magnitude close to the yield strength of the material were observed near the weld cap in both axial and hoop direction of the welds. Significant scatter of more than 200 MPa was found within the residual stress measurements at the weld center line and are associated with the geometry and welding conditions of individual weld passes. The ANN prediction is developed in an attempt to effectively quantify this phenomenon of ‘innate scatter’ and to learn the non-linear patterns in the weld residual stress profiles. Furthermore, the efficacy of the ANN method for defining through-thickness residual stress profiles in welds for application in structural integrity assessments is evaluated

    The effect on melanoma risk of genes previously associated with telomere length.

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    Telomere length has been associated with risk of many cancers, but results are inconsistent. Seven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) previously associated with mean leukocyte telomere length were either genotyped or well-imputed in 11108 case patients and 13933 control patients from Europe, Israel, the United States and Australia, four of the seven SNPs reached a P value under .05 (two-sided). A genetic score that predicts telomere length, derived from these seven SNPs, is strongly associated (P = 8.92x10(-9), two-sided) with melanoma risk. This demonstrates that the previously observed association between longer telomere length and increased melanoma risk is not attributable to confounding via shared environmental effects (such as ultraviolet exposure) or reverse causality. We provide the first proof that multiple germline genetic determinants of telomere length influence cancer risk.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Oxford University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jnci/dju26

    Rho GTPase function in flies: insights from a developmental and organismal perspective.

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    Morphogenesis is a key event in the development of a multicellular organism and is reliant on coordinated transcriptional and signal transduction events. To establish the segmented body plan that underlies much of metazoan development, individual cells and groups of cells must respond to exogenous signals with complex movements and shape changes. One class of proteins that plays a pivotal role in the interpretation of extracellular cues into cellular behavior is the Rho family of small GTPases. These molecular switches are essential components of a growing number of signaling pathways, many of which regulate actin cytoskeletal remodeling. Much of our understanding of Rho biology has come from work done in cell culture. More recently, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has emerged as an excellent genetic system for the study of these proteins in a developmental and organismal context. Studies in flies have greatly enhanced our understanding of pathways involving Rho GTPases and their roles in development
