516 research outputs found

    The Crusades and church art in the era of Las Navas de Tolosa

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    The art and architecture of Romanesque churches provided for fascinating manifestations of «crusade ideology» in the Iberian Peninsula during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Scenes of combat, imitations of the Holy Sepulcher, and grand eschatological visions of Christian triumph all appeared in church décor. This phenomenon is beautifully exhibited in two churches in the city of Toledo, in which the victory of Las Navas de Tolosa (1212) is celebrated with vivid apocalyptic imagery and inscriptions. However, the same churches incorporate Islamic artistic styles as well, indicating the complexity of holy war in the cultural world of medieval Spain

    Degradación de rojo congo en un fotorreactor tubular de tecnología excimer. Estudio cinético

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    Como ampliación al estudio realizado sobre la fotodegradación de rojo congo con lámparas discontinuas de tecnologíaexcimer de XeBr, KrCl y Cl2, en este trabajo se ha estudiado la fotodegradación de dicho colorante mediante un fotorreactor continuo de KrCl, con recirculación, con H2O2 y con reactivo Fenton. Del estudio de la influencia de las condiciones de operación, se han seleccionado los valores de caudal y de concentración inicial de rojo congo óptimos para su degradación. Adicionalmente, se ha comprobado que la degradación de rojo congo mejora al aumentar la cantidad de H2O2 adicionada al medio hasta una relación molar H2O2: rojo congo de 75:1 a partir de la cual ya no aumenta más. Además, la fotodegradación de rojo congo también se ve favorecida al aumentar la concentración de Fe2+ al utilizar el reactivo Fenton.El modelo modificado de pseudo primer orden propuestopreviamente se ha aplicado a este tipo de reactor. Delajuste del modelo, se ha obtenido la tendencia de la constantede velocidad (k), para las diferentes series experimentales.Además, los valores calculados con el modelopara la conversión de rojo congo se han comparado conlos experimentales, obteniéndose un buen ajuste lineal.Finalmente, se ha realizado un análisis ANOVA confirmándosela validez del modelo

    Oil Price and Economic Growth: A Long Story?

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    This study investigates changes in the relationship between oil prices and the US economy from a long-term perspective. Although neither of the two series (oil price and GDP growth rates) presents structural breaks in mean, we identify different volatility periods in both of them, separately. From a multivariate perspective, we do not observe a significant effect between changes in oil prices and GDP growth when considering the full period. However, we find a significant relationship in some subperiods by carrying out a rolling analysis and by investigating the presence of structural breaks in the multivariate framework. Finally, we obtain evidence, by means of a time-varying VAR, that the impact of the oil price shock on GDP growth has declined over time. We also observe that the negative effect is greater at the time of large oil price increases, supporting previous evidence of nonlinearity in the relationship

    Business cycle patterns in European regions

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    The aim of this paper is threefold. First, we analyze the comovements of business cycles in European regions. Second, we date these business cycles and identify clusters of regions with similar business cycle behavior, using Finite Mixture Markov models. Third, we develop a new index to measure within-country homogeneity. We find that comovement among regions is, on average, quite low, although it increased during the convergence process prior to the euro cash and after the onset of the Great Recession. We identify five different groups of European regions. We also find heterogeneity in the size of border effects

    Increasing linkages among European regions. The role of sectoral composition

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    This paper analyses changes in economic regional interlinkages in Europe over time and investigates the factors that could explain the dynamics of these changes. Our four main findings are the following: (i) we detect a significant surge in regional synchronisation after the Great Recession; (ii) we identify the regions most interrelated with the rest of Europe, namely, Ile de France, Inner London and Lombardia; (iii) we find that sectoral composition explains regional synchronisation in Europe, mainly after the Great Recession and (iv) we document that sectoral composition has important implications for aggregate economic fluctuations, in particular, that similarities in services-related sectors across regions explain a nonlinear relationship between sectoral composition and regional business cycle synchronisation. We also propose a new method to measure time-varying synchronisation in small samples that combines regime-switching models and dynamic model averaging

    Review. The evolution of research regarding the economics of irrigation water

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    This work analyses the main research trends (subjects, methodology used, countries of the authors and data) in the economics of irrigation water during the last 10 years (2000-2009). For this purpose, a quantitative methodology has been used which is new to this sphere, based on the review of a representative sample of 332 papers published in the 15 most important journals focused on this field of science indexed in the databases of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), the Science Citation Index (SCI) and the Social Science Citation Index (SCCI). The results obtained confirm: a) the notable growth in the number of papers published, especially in the last three years, b) the high degree of collaboration between authors, including those of different origin, for their performance c) the prominence of the USA, Australia, India and Spain as the countries of the first authors and origin of the data, d) the greater attention given to subjects related with «investment project analysis», «production planning» and, especially, «production function and productivity of water», and e) the predominance of empirical studies that use basic analysis approaches (cost analysis, investment evaluation, etc.).El presente trabajo analiza las principales tendencias de investigación (temáticas, metodologías utilizadas, países de los autores y de los datos) en economía del agua de riego en los últimos 10 años (2000-2009). Para ello, se ha utilizado una metodología cuantitativa, novedosa en este ámbito, basada en la revisión de una muestra representativa de 332 artículos publicados en las 15 revistas más importantes en este ámbito científico, indexadas en las bases de datos del Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), el Science Citation Index (SCI) y el Social Science Citation Index (SCCI). Los resultados obtenidos confirman: a) el notable crecimiento del número de artículos publicados, sobre todo, en los tres últimos años, b) la elevada colaboración entre los autores para su realización, incluso de diferente procedencia, c) el protagonismo de EEUU, Australia, India y España como países de los primeros autores y de procedencia de los datos, d) la mayor atención prestada a los temas relacionados con el «análisis de proyectos de inversión», la «planificación de la producción» y, especialmente, a las «funciones de producción y la productividad del agua», y e) el predominio de los trabajos empíricos que utilizan técnicas de análisis básicas (análisis de costes, evaluación de inversiones, etc.)

    Injerto óseo simultáneo a la colocación de implantes: a propósito de un caso

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    Los defectos óseos a nivel de la cresta alveolar mandibular dificultan la colocación de los implantes dentales en el lugar idóneo. La reconstrucción quirúrgica mediante injertos de hueso autólogo es una opción que permite la fijación de los implantes de manera estética y funcional. Presentamos un paciente con grandes pérdidas óseas mandibulares, secundarias a procesos inflamatorios periodontales. Se realizó la reconstrucción del proceso alveolar mandibular, empleando injertos en bloque, tipo onlay, tomados de la mandíbula. Los injertos fueron estabilizados al colocar los implantes a través de ellos, consiguiéndose además una buena fijación primaria de los mismos. Tras dos años de seguimiento existe éxito clínico y radiológico. En mandíbula, donde es complicada la regeneración ósea, en nuestro caso conseguimos unos buenos resultados, minimizando el tiempo de espera al realizar los injertos y la colocación de los implantes en una cirugía.Bone defects at mandibular alveolar crest level complicate the placement of dental implants in the ideal location. Surgical reconstruction using autologous bone grafts allows implant fixation in an esthetic and functional manner. We describe a patient with large mandibular bone loss secondary to periodontal inflammatory processes. Reconstruction of the mandibular alveolar process was carried out using onlay block bone grafts harvested from the mandible. The grafts were stabilized by positioning the dental implants through them ' a procedure that moreover afforded good primary implant fixation. After two years of follow-up the clinical and radiological outcome is good. In the lower jaw, where bone regeneration is complicated, we were able to achieve good results in this patient ' minimizing the corresponding waiting time by grafting and placing the implants in the same surgical step

    Prediction of adult conformation traits from shape characteristics of Pura Raza Español foals.

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    Nº Artículo 104701Horse conformation has been proposed as an indirect indicator of performance, since their genetic correlations are often positive and high. In Pura Raza Espa ̃nol (PRE) horses, the selection of conformation traits more related to functionality and performance allows a pre-selection of animals and contributes towards saving costs and increasing the genetic progress. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the predictability of 16 conformation traits (14 body measurements and 2 linear conformation traits) in adult PRE horses, focusing on the conformation traits of foals. The dataset included 155,716 records (82,408 young and 73,308 adult horses) with conformation traits from 142,244 different horses, aged between 1-36 years old. Animals between 1-3 years old were included in the ‘young’ group and older animals in the ‘adult’ group. A univariate General Linear Model procedure fol- lowed by a Tukey-post-hoc test were used to assess the statistical significance of non-genetic effects. Heritability values were estimated univariately. The fitted models included breeder, age and inbreeding (F) as covariates, and sex and coat colour as fixed effects. Coat colour and F were significant for 75% and 87.5% of the traits analysed, respectively; and the other effects analysed were significant for all the conformation traits. Heritability values ranged between 0.178±0.0063 and 0.795±0.0098 in young horses, and between 0.273±0.0038 and 0.894±0.0007 in adult horses. The genetic correlations of the conformation traits between young and adult horses were above 0.75 for 93.75% of the conformation traits analysed, which confirms the efficiency of pre- selection in young horses based on conformation features to predict their adult performance

    Metaheuristic approaches for optimal broadcasting design in metropolitan MANETs

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    11th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 12-16, 2007Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are composed of a set of communicating devices which are able to spontaneously interconnect without any pre-existing infrastructure. In such scenario, broadcasting becomes an operation of tremendous importance for the own existence and operation of the network. Optimizing a broadcasting strategy in MANETs is a multiobjective problem accounting for three goals: reaching as many stations as possible, minimizing the network utilization, and reducing the duration of the operation itself. This research, which has been developed within the OPLINK project (http://oplink.lcc.uma.es), faces a wide study about this problem in metropolitan MANETs with up to seven different advanced multiobjective metaheuristics. They all compute Pareto fronts of solutions which empower a human designer with the ability of choosing the preferred configuration for the network. The quality of these fronts is evaluated by using the hypervolume metric. The obtained results show that the SPEA2 algorithm is the most accurate metaheuristic for solving the broadcasting problem.Publicad

    Lasting temperature effects on the muscle tissue, body growth and fillet texture of adult turbots, Scophthalmus maximus, L.

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    In the teleosts, several factors can influence the muscle growth patterns of fish by a modulation of the hypertrophy and hyperplasia. The temperature (T) is one of the most important environmental factors. Thus, the T history of fish influences on their potential growth, as it has been observed in Salmon, Salmo salar (Johnston et al., 2003) and other species. The T imprinting can influence on the muscle cellularity throughout the advanced stages of life due to the lasting T effects on myogenic cells precursors (MPC) (Steinbacher et al., 2011). In different teleost species, a correlation between texture and muscle fibre size has been demonstrated (Hatae et al., 1990). Hence, the thermal history can also influence in the flesh texture. In the present work we study the lasting T effects in adult turbots reared at different Ts during the early phases. This species reaches ≈ 1.5 kg at 18-20 months of age and the first sexual maturity takes place at ≈ 24 month