848 research outputs found


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    poster abstractHigh impulsivity, the propensity to prefer small immediate rewards to larger delayed rewards, is more observable in alcoholics as well as drug addicts than in non-addicts. However, it remains unclear whether impulsivity precedes and potentially causes substance use disorders. Of particular interest to us is whether the high drinkers differ from low drinkers in their ability to perceive time. In this study we examine differences in impulsivity, as measured by a differential reinforcement of low rates of responding (DRL) task, in mice selectively bred for differences in alcohol consumption, High Alcohol Preferring (HAP-II) and Low Alcohol Preferring (LAP-II) mice. In this task, subjects must inhibit instrumental behavior until an unsignaled DRL interval has elapsed. We hypothesize that due to their previously demonstrated impulsivity, the HAPII mice will perform poorly and receive fewer rewards than LAPII mice. We expect that our results will indicate that due to premature responding, HAPII mice will receive fewer rewards than LAPII mice during the DRL task, but obtain more rewards during a basic fixed interval task, when early responding is not punished. Therefore, alcohol naive HAPII mice will be more impulsive than LAPII mice, as measured by the DRL task. This finding suggests impulsivity is a heritable endophenotype that precedes exposure to alcoholism or drugs

    Perspectives on the Trypanosoma cruzi-host cell receptor interaction

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    Chagas disease is caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. The critical initial event is the interaction of the trypomastigote form of the parasite with host receptors. This review highlights recent observations concerning these interactions. Some of the key receptors considered are those for thromboxane, bradykinin, and for the nerve growth factor TrKA. Other important receptors such as galectin-3, thrombospondin, and laminin are also discussed. Investigation into the molecular biology and cell biology of host receptors for T. cruzi may provide novel therapeutic targets

    Una etnografía de un archivo de la represión franquista

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    This text aims to offer a reflection on the possibilities of putting into practice an ethnography from the archive. This analysis is influenced by the characteristics of the archive where the research was carried out, an archive which, according to the stored documents, can be defined as an archive belonging to Franco’s repression. On the basis of this case, throughout the article, a comparative approach to other spaces that share some of its characteristics will be carried out, trying to unravel the power that emanates from this type of archives which are, in contexts of extreme violence, one of the best tools for social control, acquiring the power to shape the enemy. From the theoretical perspective of the so-called “archival turn” which situates the archive itself as the object of study, the aim is to delve into some of the characteristics which make the archive chosen for the research -Archivo General e Histórico de Defensa- the best example from which to propose an ethnographic approach. In this process, it is analyzed how, since its origin, this documentation has pursued the ultimate goal of selecting, ordering and classifying the enemy to the extent that, through these documents, even their physical and psychological traits have been defined.Este texto pretende ofrecer una reflexión sobre las posibilidades de poner en práctica una etnografía desde el archivo. Este análisis se ve condicionado por las características propias del archivo donde se ha realizado la investigación que, por la documentación que guarda, puede definirse como un archivo de la represión franquista. A partir de este caso, a lo largo del artículo, se realiza una aproximación comparativa a otros espacios que comparten algunas de sus características, hasta desgranar el poder que emana de este tipo de archivos que en contextos de violencia extrema son una de las mejores herramientas de control social y adquieren el poder de configurar al enemigo. Desde la perspectiva teórica del llamado «giro archivístico» que sitúa al propio archivo como objeto de estudio, se busca profundizar en algunas de las características que convierten al archivo elegido para realizar la investigación -Archivo General e Histórico de Defensa- en el mejor ejemplo desde el que plantear un acercamiento etnográfico. En ese proceso se analiza de qué manera, desde su origen, esa documentación ha perseguido el fin último de seleccionar, ordenar y clasificar al enemigo hasta el punto de que, a través de ella, se han delimitado incluso sus rasgos físicos y psicológicos

    The duty of imagination. Challenges to the ways of narrating a traumatic past

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    ¿Cómo enfrentarnos a un pasado traumático? Esta pregunta inicia el presente trabajo que transita entre las maneras de leer el pasado desde la historia y la antropología y las maneras de escribirlo –o reescribirlo– desde el presente. A lo largo del texto, desde la transdisciplinariedad teórica y metodológica, se busca contextualizar una manera de leer las fuentes originadas fundamentalmente a partir de pasados traumáticos. Se pretende explorar en torno a un modelo teórico para narrar el pasado en el que se inscriben las aportaciones de algunos de los autores que más han reflexionado acerca de la narratividad en la disciplina histórica, con el objetivo de construir un modelo a partir de las reflexiones teóricas y metodológicas de historiadores o filósofos como Walter Benjamin, Didi-Huberman, Carlo Ginzburg, Michel de Certeau o Paul Ricoeur. Parte este trabajo para ello de conceptos clave como el de «alegoría» o «montaje», en el que se combina una secuencia de primeros planos con planos generales que muestran una visión más completa del pasado. En esta combinación se presta especial atención a las «cosas pequeñas», al «detalle», planteando una manera de mirar a aquello que parece no tener importancia, pero que desde su aparente intranscendencia permite explorar todo un mundo. Como conclusión, y como uno de sus principales propósitos, el texto justifica la necesidad de un modelo que ponga la imaginación a disposición de la narración del pasado. Este recurso es básico para que el investigador del pasado comprenda los hechos analizados y, también, para que pueda actuar como una suerte de dispositivo traductor hacia la sociedad.How do we deal with a traumatic past? This question initiates this paper, which will move between the ways of reading the past from history and anthropology and the ways of writing –or rewriting– it from the present. Throughout the text, from a theoretical and methodological transdisciplinary perspective, the aim is to contextualise a way of reading sources that originate fundamentally from traumatic pasts. The text aims at exploring a theoretical model for narrating the past in which the contributions of some of the authors who have most reflected on narrativity in the historical discipline are inscribed, with the aim of constructing a model based on the theoretical and methodological reflections of historians and philosophers such as Walter Benjamin, Didi-Huberman, Carlo Ginzburg, Michel de Certeau and Paul Ricoeur. In order to do so, key concepts such as «allegory» or «montage», in which a sequence of close-ups is combined with general shots that show a more complete vision of the past. In this combination, special attention is paid to «small things», to «detail», proposing a way of looking at that which seems unimportant, but which from its apparent unimportance allows for a whole world to be explored. In conclusion, and as one of its main purposes, this paper justifies the need for a model that places the imagination at the disposal of the narration of the past. This resource is essential for the researcher of the past to understand the facts analysed and to be able to act as a translating device for society

    Humiliatio memoriae. Vidas y memorias humilladas en los archivos de la represión franquista

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    This article focuses its object of study on a historical source that can be considered a paradigm of the documents and registers created by authoritarian regimes. In this case, we are dealing with the documentation that the Franco regime initiated against its enemies during and after the Spanish Civil War. It is common within these processes to find personal and intimate writings that are used against their authors. Paying attention to these personal writings forces us to develop a method to reconstruct the fragmentary episodes of the past and reintegrate them into the historical narrative, in a different way to that which has been proposed by the archive as an institution that perpetuates the roles of the regime that originates these documents. The aim of the dictatorial regime was to condemn, humiliate and eliminate the enemy. However, it went further. The regime also intervened in the memory that would remain after the death of each of these people. This text is a sample of this situation. The analysis is based on one of the personal writings that were seized as evidence in one of these trials against the enemies. The very materiality of this document is used to act against its author and denigrate not only her life at the time, but also the memory she left behind for the future. Keywords: Spanish Civil War; Franco dictatorship; memory; archive; history.Este artículo centra su objeto de estudio en una fuente histórica que puede servir como paradigma de los documentos y registros generados por los regímenes autoritarios. En este caso se trata de la documentación que el régimen franquista inicia, durante y tras la guerra civil española, contra los enemigos, con el fin de perseguirlos. Dentro de estos procesos es habitual encontrar escrituras personales e íntimas que son utilizadas en contra de sus autores. Prestar atención a estos escritos personales hace necesario desarrollar un método para reconstruir los episodios fragmentarios del pasado y reintegrarlos en la narración histórica, de una manera diferente a la que ha sido planteada por el archivo como institución que perpetúa los roles del régimen que origina esos documentos. El objetivo del régimen dictatorial fue condenar, humillar y eliminar al enemigo, pero fue más allá. También intervino sobre la memoria que iba a quedar tras la muerte de cada una de estas personas. Este texto es una muestra de esta situación. Para desarrollar el análisis se parte de una de las escrituras personales que quedaron requisadas como pruebas en uno de estos procesos contra los enemigos. Sobre la propia materialidad de este documento se busca actuar contra su autora y denigrar no solo su vida en ese momento sino también el recuerdo legado para el futuro.Este artículo centra su objeto de estudio en una fuente histórica que puede servir como paradigma de los documentos y registros generados por los regímenes autoritarios. En este caso se trata de la documentación que el régimen franquista inicia, durante y tras la guerra civil española, contra los enemigos, con el fin de perseguirlos. Dentro de estos procesos es habitual encontrar escrituras personales e íntimas que son utilizadas en contra de sus autores. Prestar atención a estos escritos personales hace necesario desarrollar un método para reconstruir los episodios fragmentarios del pasado y reintegrarlos en la narración histórica, de una manera diferente a la que ha sido planteada por el archivo como institución que perpetúa los roles del régimen que origina esos documentos. El objetivo del régimen dictatorial fue condenar, humillar y eliminar al enemigo, pero fue más allá. También intervino sobre la memoria que iba a quedar tras la muerte de cada una de estas personas. Este texto es una muestra de esta situación. Para desarrollar el análisis se parte de una de las escrituras personales que quedaron requisadas como pruebas en uno de estos procesos contra los enemigos. Sobre la propia materialidad de este documento se busca actuar contra su autora y denigrar no solo su vida en ese momento sino también el recuerdo legado para el futuro. Palabras clave: Guerra Civil Española; dictadura de Franco; memoria; archivo; historia

    Development of a soot radiation model for diesel flames

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    [EN] This paper describes a radiation model for diesel sprays that can predict the heat losses based on spray characteristics to the spray plume due to radiation. The model is based on three sub-models: spray model, soot model and radiation model. The spray model is a one-dimensional model that simulates the axial and radial distribution of a fuel spray for each instant. The soot model is a one-dimensional tool, which is based on formation and oxidation processes calculating the axial and radial soot concentration profile for each instant. The output results of the two sub-models are used as input information for the radiation model, which obtains the radiation heat transfer values for a diesel flame. The experimental measurements used to adjust the different constants and to validate the sub-models were performed in a high-pressure high-temperature vessel using three different optical techniques: Schlieren, to obtain spray penetration, Diffused Back-Illumination technique (DBI) for the soot concentration and the 2-color method for calculating the soot temperature and concentration. The radiant fraction shows values from 0.11% to 0.43% with respect to the total energy of the fuel depending on the operating condition. Taking into account the different assumptions taken for modeling the spray radiation, these results are consistent with those obtained in the literature, in which the radiation was characterized under similar conditions.The authors acknowledge FEDER and Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad for partially supporting this research through TRANCO project (TRA2017-87694-R).López, JJ.; García-Oliver, JM.; García Martínez, A.; Villalta-Lara, D. (2019). Development of a soot radiation model for diesel flames. Applied Thermal Engineering. 157:1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2019.04.120S11015

    Diagnostic accuracy of a new fluoroenzyme immunoassay for the detection of TSH receptor autoantibodies in Graves' disease

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    Purpose: Thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) autoantibodies (TRAbs) are a hallmark of Graves’ disease (GD). The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of a new third generation automatic fluorescence enzyme immunoassay for TRAb measurement in GD, in comparison with two current IMAs. Methods: Sera of 439 subjects (57 patients with untreated GD, 34 with treated GD, 15 with GD and Graves’ orbitopathy, 52 with multinodular non-toxic goiter, 86 with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 20 with toxic adenoma or toxic multinodular goiter, 55 with non-thyroid autoimmune diseases and 120 normal controls) were tested for TRAbs with the ELiA™ anti-TSH-R assay (ThermoFischer Scientific, Uppsala, Sweden), the TRAK™ RIA, Brahms (Thermo Scientific, Hennigsdorf, Germany) and the Immulite™ TSI assay (Siemens Healthcare, Llanberis, UK). Results: Sensitivity and specificity of the ELiA™ anti-TSH-R assay, TRAK™ RIA and Immulite™ TSI assay were 94.7% and 99.6, 100 and 98.2%, 100 and 98.2%, respectively. Spearman’s coefficient and Passing-Bablok regression showed a satisfactory correlation between EliA™ and TRAK™ [rho: 0.925; 95% CI: 0.883-0-953. Intercept: − 0.875 (95% CI: − 2.411 to 0.194); slope: 1.086 (95% CI: 0.941 to 1.248)], and between ELiA™ and TSI™ [rho: 0.947; 95% CI: 0.912 0.969. intercept: 1.085 (95% CI: 0.665 to 2.116); slope 1.315 (95% CI:1.116 to 1.700)]. Conclusions: The diagnostic performance of ELiA™-TSH-R assay is comparable to that of some current TRAb assays. It may be adopted into clinical practice for the differential diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, to screen for transient hyperthyroidism, and to monitor disease activity and treatment effects. © 2018, The Author(s)

    QuantiMus: A Machine Learning-Based Approach for High Precision Analysis of Skeletal Muscle Morphology.

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    Skeletal muscle injury provokes a regenerative response, characterized by the de novo generation of myofibers that are distinguished by central nucleation and re-expression of developmentally restricted genes. In addition to these characteristics, myofiber cross-sectional area (CSA) is widely used to evaluate muscle hypertrophic and regenerative responses. Here, we introduce QuantiMus, a free software program that uses machine learning algorithms to quantify muscle morphology and molecular features with high precision and quick processing-time. The ability of QuantiMus to define and measure myofibers was compared to manual measurement or other automated software programs. QuantiMus rapidly and accurately defined total myofibers and measured CSA with comparable performance but quantified the CSA of centrally-nucleated fibers (CNFs) with greater precision compared to other software. It additionally quantified the fluorescence intensity of individual myofibers of human and mouse muscle, which was used to assess the distribution of myofiber type, based on the myosin heavy chain isoform that was expressed. Furthermore, analysis of entire quadriceps cross-sections of healthy and mdx mice showed that dystrophic muscle had an increased frequency of Evans blue dye+ injured myofibers. QuantiMus also revealed that the proportion of centrally nucleated, regenerating myofibers that express embryonic myosin heavy chain (eMyHC) or neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) were increased in dystrophic mice. Our findings reveal that QuantiMus has several advantages over existing software. The unique self-learning capacity of the machine learning algorithms provides superior accuracy and the ability to rapidly interrogate the complete muscle section. These qualities increase rigor and reproducibility by avoiding methods that rely on the sampling of representative areas of a section. This is of particular importance for the analysis of dystrophic muscle given the "patchy" distribution of muscle pathology. QuantiMus is an open source tool, allowing customization to meet investigator-specific needs and provides novel analytical approaches for quantifying muscle morphology

    Polarization of TH2 response is decreased during pregnancy in systemic lupus erythematosus

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    This study evaluated some cytokines involved in the Th1-Th2 shift during pregnancy in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and healthy women. Twenty-seven consecutive successful pregnancies in 26 SLE patients and 28 pregnancies in 28 matched healthy subjects, as controls, were enrolled and prospectively studied. Sera obtained at first and third trimesters of pregnancy were tested for IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12p70, INF-γ, and TNF-α with a highly sensitive, multiplexed sandwich ELISA (SearchLight Human Inflammatory Cytokine Array). Statistics were performed by SPSS package. IL-8 serum levels were higher in the first (P<0.0001) and third (P=0.003) trimesters of pregnancy in SLE patients compared with controls, INF-γ serum levels in the third trimester (P=0.009), and IL-10 serum levels in the first and third trimesters (P=0.055 and P<0.0001, respectively). IL-2 (r=0.524 P=0.010), IL-12 (r=0.549 P=0.007), IFN-γ (r=0.492 P=0.017), and IL-6 (r=0.515 P=0.020) serum levels correlated with disease activity in SLE patients in the first trimester of pregnancy. Cytokine profile was similar in patients with and without lupus nephritis both in the first and in the third trimesters of pregnancy. IL-8 serum levels were lower in patients with a previous diagnosis of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome compared with those without, both in the first and in the third trimesters of pregnancy. In SLE patients, a lower than expected decrease in Th1 cytokine serum levels was observed in the third trimester of gestation which could contribute to a lower Th2 cytokine polarization during pregnancy

    Arachidonic acid, arachidonic/eicosapentaenoic acid ratio, stearidonic acid and eicosanoids are involved in dietary-induced albinism in Senegal sole (Solea senegalensis)

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    Senegal sole larvae were fed live prey enriched with different amounts of arachidonic acid (ARA, 20:4n-6) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) to re-evaluate the effect of these two fatty acids on flatfish pigmentation. Echium oil, a plant derived oil rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA, 18:3n-6) and stearidonic acid (SDA, 18:4n-3) was also used as a component of one of the enrichment emulsions. Although ARA content did not have any effect on growth there was a clear influence on pigmentation that correlated clearly with prostaglandin production. Inclusion of Echium oil, on the contrary, exerted a positive effect on pigmentation rate even though dietary ARA levels were as high as in the other emulsions. The relationships between dietary ARA levels and dietary ARA/EPA ratio, prostaglandin production and pigmentation are discussed