2,128 research outputs found

    Precisiones conceptuales en la definición de la sinécdoque como tropo metonímico

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    The concept of synecdoche is specified in this paper according to the interrelationship of its constitutive properties: semiotic inclusion and oblique denotation. Synecdoche is analysed as a particular metonymic procedure, but distinguished from this trope by the relation between the denotatives poles on which it acts on the pre-syntagmatic level.El concepto de sinécdoque se precisa en este trabajo según la interrelación de sus propiedades constitutivas: la inclusión semiótica y la denotación oblicua. Con ello se muestra su vinculación a la metonimia, como procedimiento que produce también una denotación oblicua, pero diferenciado de este tropo por la relación entre los polos denotativos sobre los que actúa en el nivel pre- sintagmático.Le concept de synecdoque se spécifie dans cet article selon la relation de ses propriétés constitutives: l’inclusion sémiotique et la dénotation oblique. Ainsi on voit sa liaison à la métonymie, comme un procédé qui produit aussi une dénotation oblique, mais différencié de ce trope par la relation entre les pôles denotatives sur lesquels elle agit au niveau pre-syntagmatique.Le concept de synecdoque se spécifie dans cet article selon la relation de ses propriétés constitutives: l’inclusion sémiotique et la dénotation oblique. Ainsi on voit sa liaison à la métonymie, comme un procédé qui produit aussi une dénotation oblique, mais différencié de ce trope par la relation entre les pôles denotatives sur lesquels elle agit au niveau pre-syntagmatique

    Adecuación a las directrices europeas en Ciencias de la Naturaleza

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    The paper on the adaptation to European Directives of an essential subject is presented here: Natural Sciences and its Didactics of 3rd course for Future Teachers on Primary Education, realized during the academic year 2002-03. This research has been done following a Constructivist Methodology by organising learning in theoretical and practical classes, equivalences on the schedule, tutorial, and personal and group works of the students.Se presenta el trabajo de adecuación a las Directrices Europeas en la asignatura troncal: Ciencias de la Naturaleza y su Didactica de tercer curso de la Titulación de Maestros, especialidad de Educación Primaria, realizado en el curso académico 2002-03. Esta investigación se ha llevado a cabo con una metodología constructivista, organizando los aprendizajes en clases teóricas, clases prácticas, equivalencias horarias, tutorías, trabajo personal y trabajos en grupo del Alumnado

    Diseño y Desarrollo de una unidad didáctica sobre desarrollo sostenible en maestros de educación primaria

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    One appears the design and development of a didactic unit on sustainable development for teachers of primary education, in the subjet of third course Sciences of the Nature and their Didactics, in which contents, strategies and activities in relation with the present scientific formation are gotten up that it wants to give answer to the necessities of the society of century XXI. The results of the application of this didactic unit allow to affirm their importance us in the significant learning, in the construction of knowledge, the development of skills and the taking of conscience and awareness before the created social and environmental problems.Se presenta el diseño y desarrollo de una unidad didáctica sobre desarrollo sostenible para maestros de educación primaria, en la asignatu- ra de tercer curso Ciencias de la Naturaleza y su Didáctica, en la que se incorporan contenidos, estrategias y actividades en consonancia con la formación científica actual que quiere dar respuesta a las necesidades de la sociedad del siglo XXI Los resultados de la aplicación de esta unidad didáctica nos permiten afirmar su importancia en el aprendizaje significativo, en la construc- ción de conocimientos, en el desarrollo de destrezas y en la toma de conciencia y sensibilización ante los problemas socioambientales planteados

    Estrategia de gestion del conocimiento y actitud innovadora en empresas de Castilla-La Mancha: Un estudio exploratorio

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    This paper analyses, from a Knowledge-based View of the Firm, how companies formulate and implement their knowledge management strategies (KMS). Specifically, we try to explore if certain specific KMS patterns exist as a function of the established objectives, knowledge management tools that are used by the company, and the importance that it is given to certain strategic implementation aspects. Moreover, the study tries to identify particular innovative postures in firms related to the KMS that is developed and the existence of differences in relation to the financial performance achieved by these. A questionnaire was sent to a set of companies from the region of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) in order to carry out the empirical study. The results of the study show the existence of significant differences in relation to the way that KMS are designed and implemented, as well as divergences in innovative postures and financial performance in these firms

    An integrated targeted and untargeted approach for the analysis of ergot alkaloids in cereals using UHPLC - hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry

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    An ultra-high performance liquid chromatography hybrid quadrupole time of flight (Q-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) method is described for the simultaneous quantitative determination of common ergot alkaloids and the screening, detection and identification of unexpected (less studied or novel) members of this class of toxic fungal secondary metabolites. The employed analytical strategy involves an untargeted data acquisition (consisting of full scan TOF MS survey and information dependent acquisition MS/MS scans) and the processing of data using both targeted and untargeted approaches. Method performance characteristics for the quantitative analysis of 6 common ergot alkaloids i.e. ergometrine, ergosine, ergotamine, ergocornine, ergocristine, ergokryptine and their corresponding epimers in rye were comparable to those previously reported for triple-quadrupole (QqQ) MS/MS. The method limits of quantification (LOQ) were in the range from 3 to 19 mu g/kg, and good linearity was observed for the different ergot alkaloids in the range from LOQ to 1000 mu g/kg. Furthermore, the method demonstrated good precision (relative standard deviations at 50 mu g/kg not higher than 14.6 and 16.2% for the intra-day and inter-day precision, respectively), and the trueness values at different concentration levels were all between 89 and 115%. The method was applied for the analysis of a set of 17 rye samples and demonstrated the presence of these ergot alkaloids in the range from <LOQ to 2,811 mu g/kg. Further mining of the same data based on a 'non-targeted peak finding' algorithm and the use of full MS and MS/MS accurate mass data allowed the detection and identification of 19 ergot alkaloids that are commonly not included in most analytical methods using QqQ instruments. Some of these alkaloids are reported for the first time in naturally contaminated samples

    Enantioselective synthesis of cyclobutylboronates via a copper-catalyzed desymmetrization approach

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Guisán-Ceinos, M., Parra, A., Martín-Heras, V. and Tortosa, M. (2016), Enantioselective Synthesis of Cyclobutylboronates via a Copper-Catalyzed Desymmetrization Approach. Angew. Chem., which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ange.201601976. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.In this report, the first catalytic enantioselective synthesis of cyclobutylboronates, using a chiral copper(I) complex, is disclosed. A broad variety of cyclobutanes have been prepared with consistently high levels of diastereo- and enantiocontrol. Moreover, this method constitutes the first report of an enantioselective desymmetrization of meso-cyclobutenes to prepare chiral cyclobutanesWe thank the European Research Council (ERC-337776) and MINECO (CTQ2012-35957) for financial support. M. T. and A. P. thank MICINN for RyC and JdC contract

    Situación legislativa de preparados para lactantes y de continuación

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    Furrd~rmenro: Los sustitutos de la leche materna han sido comercializados con gran trascendencia económica, a veces sin tener en cuenta los aspectos sanitarios y nutricionales para el consumidor. Las autoridades sanitarias se han visto implicadas en este tema, tanto a nivel Internacional como Europeo, dictando normas o directrices a seguir en la comercialización de los sustitutos de la leche materna, que han sido adoptadas por la legislación Española. El objetivo del trabajo es comentar las normas que reglamentan los preparados alimenticios de lactantes y niños de corta edad. hf~IfJd0.S: Se analizan y comentan los contenidos de las normas. tanto internacionales, como europeas y nacionales, de preparados pnm lactantes y de continuación. Rrsuit~r&s: Las normas sobre preparados pam lactantes y de continuación prohiben el término de “leches matemizadas” e insisten en la locroncirr mrrtrrna que ~610 deberd ser sustituida por indicación de personal sanitario. Esta legislación regula, ademas, su composición química, cualitativa y cuantitativa; establece normas para el correcto etiquetado, que deberá contener una información adecuada sin idealizar el producto, pero sí se admiten gmficas o dibujos que ilustren una correcta preparación; contempla la distribución, venta y adecuada publicidad. que deber5 ser controlada, prohibiendo las muestras gratuitas o cualquier donación tanto a particulares como a centros sanitarios. Cnnclusionus: Con la situación actual sobre “preparados para lactantes y de continuación”, las autoridades sanitarias intentan que el cumplimiento de las normas legislativas beneficien la adecuada alimentación del lactante y nifío de corta edad, siendo responsabilidad de todos la protección de este tipo de consumidor.Bockground: The comercialization of breast milk substitutes has had great economic transcendente, sometimes without considering the sanitary and nutritional consequences for the customer. The sanitary authorities have been implied in this matter both in the Intemational and European tields, issuing standards and regulations for the commercialization of breats milk substitutes which have been adopted by the Spanish Regulation. The aim of mis paper is comment the tegulations that affect foods for breas&feeding and short age children. Merliorls: This report analyzes and comments on the contets of intemational, european and national regulation on infant and follow-on formula. Rtwlts: The regulations about Infant formula and Followon formula. banning the term of “humanized milk” and remarking the preferente for breast feeding, which could only be substituted by sanitary professionals. This regulation deals with the appropiate chemical composition of these products, qualitative and quantitative. It includes standards for correct labeling, which should contain the approiate information without idealizing the product. Drawings and pictures showing the correct preparation are allowed. lt provides for distribution and sales. as well as for correct advertising, which should be under control. This regulation also bans free samples and any other donation to particular customers oí sanitary institutions. Conclusions: The present regulation on “lnfant and Follow- on formulas” pursues the adequate nutrition of breast-feeding and short age children, beinf the protection of chis kind of customers everyone’s responsability