1,441 research outputs found

    Learning with Generative Artificial Intelligence Within a Network of Co-Regulation

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    The emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has created legitimate concerns surrounding academic integrity and the ease with which such technologies might lead to cheating in assessment, in particular. However, fixating solely on potential misconduct is overshadowing a more profound, transformative interaction between learners and machines. This commentary article delves into the relationship between students and AI, aiming to highlight the need for revised pedagogical strategies in the AI age. We argue that the much-discussed approaches that prioritise AI literacy or augmented critical thinking might be inadequate. Instead, we contend that a more holistic approach emphasising self-regulated learning (SRL) and co-regulation of learning is needed. SRL promotes autonomy, adaptability, and a deeper understanding, qualities indispensable for navigating the intricacies of AI-enhanced learning environments. Furthermore, we introduce the notion of a network of co-regulation, which underscores the intertwined learning processes between humans and machines. By positioning the self at the core of this network, we emphasise the indispensable role of individual agency in steering productive human-AI educational interactions. Our contention is that by fostering SRL and understanding co-regulated dynamics, educators can better equip learners for an interconnected AI-driven world

    Usual energy and macronutrient intakes in 2-9-year-old European children

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    OBJECTIVE: Valid estimates of population intakes are essential for monitoring trends as well as for nutritional interventions, but such data are rare in young children. In particular, the problem of misreporting in dietary data is usually not accounted for. Therefore, this study aims to provide accurate estimates of intake distributions in European children. DESIGN: Cross-sectional setting-based multi-centre study. SUBJECTS: A total of 9560 children aged 2-9 years from eight European countries with at least one 24-h dietary recall (24-HDR). METHODS: The 24-HDRs were classified in three reporting groups based on age- and sex-specific Goldberg cutoffs (underreports, plausible reports, overreports). Only plausible reports were considered in the final analysis (N=8611 children). The National Cancer Institute (NCI)-Method was applied to estimate population distributions of usual intakes correcting for the variance inflation in short-term dietary data. RESULTS: The prevalence of underreporting (9.5%) was higher compared with overreporting (3.4%). Exclusion of misreports resulted in a shift of the energy and absolute macronutrient intake distributions to the right, and further led to the exclusion of extreme values, that is, mean values and lower percentiles increased, whereas upper percentiles decreased. The distributions of relative macronutrient intakes (% energy intake from fat/carbohydrates/proteins) remained almost unchanged when excluding misreports. Application of the NCI-Method resulted in markedly narrower intake distributions compared with estimates based on single 24-HDRs. Mean percentages of usual energy intake from fat, carbohydrates and proteins were 32.2, 52.1 and 15.7%, respectively, suggesting the majority of European children are complying with common macronutrient intake recommendations. In contrast, total water intake (mean: 1216.7 ml per day) lay below the recommended value for >90% of the children. CONCLUSION: This study provides recent estimates of intake distributions of European children correcting for misreporting as well as for the daily variation in dietary data. These data may help to assess the adequacy of young children's diets in Europe

    Clinical Processes - The Killer Application for Constraint-Based Process Interactions?

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    For more than a decade, the interest in aligning information systems in a process-oriented way has been increasing. To enable operational support for business processes, the latter are usually specified in an imperative way. The resulting process models, however, tend to be too rigid to meet the flexibility demands of the actors involved. Declarative process modeling languages, in turn, provide a promising alternative in scenarios in which a high level of flexibility is demanded. In the scientific literature, declarative languages have been used for modeling rather simple processes or synthetic examples. However, to the best of our knowledge, they have not been used to model complex, real-world scenarios that comprise constraints going beyond control-flow. In this paper, we propose the use of a declarative language for modeling a sophisticated healthcare process scenario from the real world. The scenario is subject to complex temporal constraints and entails the need for coordinating the constraint-based interactions among the processes related to a patient treatment process. As demonstrated in this work, the selected real process scenario can be suitably modeled through a declarative approach.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad TIN2016-76956-C3-2-RMinisterio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED

    Growth Rate and Associated Factors in Small Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

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    AbstractObjectiveTo study the growth rate and factors influencing progression of small infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA).DesignObservational, longitudinal, prospective study.Patients and methodsWe followed patients with AAA <5cm in diameter in two groups. Group I (AAA 3–3.9cm, n=246) underwent annual ultrasound scans. Group II (AAA 4–4.9cm, n=106) underwent 6-monthly CT scans.ResultsWe included 352 patients (333 men and 19 women) followed for a mean of 55.2±37.4 months (6.3–199.8). The mean growth rate was significantly greater in group II (4.72±5.93 vs. 2.07±3.23mm/year; p<0.0001). Group II had a greater percentage of patients with rapid aneurysm expansion (>4mm/year) (36.8 vs. 13.8%; p<0.0001). The classical cardiovascular risk factors did not influence the AAA growth rate in group I. Chronic limb ischemia was associated with slower expansion (≤4mm/year) (OR 0.47; CI 95% 0.22–0.99; p=0.045). Diabetic patients in group II had a significantly smaller mean AAA growth rate than non-diabetics (1.69±3.51 vs. 5.22±6.11mm/year; p=0.032).ConclusionsThe expansion rate of small AAA increases with the AAA size. AAA with a diameter of 3–3.9cm expand slowly, and they are very unlikely to require surgical repair in 5 years. Many 4–4.9cm AAA can be expected to reach a surgical size in the first 2 years of follow-up. Chronic limb ischemia and diabetes are associated with reduced aneurysm growth rates

    Klein paradox for bosons, wave packets and negative tunnelling times

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    We analyse a little known aspect of the Klein paradox. A Klein-Gordon boson appears to be able to cross a supercritical rectangular barrier without being reflected, while spending there a negative amount of time. The transmission mechanism is demonstrably acausal, yet an attempt to construct the corresponding causal solution of the Klein-Gordon equation fails. We relate the causal solution to a divergent multiple-reflections series, and show that the problem is remedied for a smooth barrier, where pair production at the energy equal to a half of the barrier's height is enhanced yet remains finite.Financial support of MCIU, through the Grant PGC2018-101355-B-100(MCIU/AEI/FEDER,UE) (XGdC, MP, DS), of Spanish MINECO, project FIS2016-80681-P (MP), and of the Basque Government Grant no. IT986-16 (MP, DS) is gratefully acknowledged

    IGR J08408--4503: a new recurrent Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient

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    The supergiant fast X-ray transient IGR J08408-4503 was discovered by INTEGRAL on May 15, 2006, during a bright flare. The source shows sporadic recurrent short bright flares, reaching a peak luminosity of 10^36 erg s^-1 within less than one hour. The companion star is HD 74194, an Ob5Ib(f) supergiant star located at 3 kpc in the Vela region. We report the light curves and broad-band spectra (0.1-200 keV) of all the three flares of IGR J08408-4503 detected up to now based on INTEGRAL and Swift data. The flare spectra are well described by a power-law model with a high energy cut-off at ~15 keV. The absorption column density during the flares was found to be ~10^21 cm^-2, indicating a very low matter density around the compact object. Using the supergiant donor star parameters, the wind accretion conditions imply an orbital period of the order of one year, a spin period of the order of hours and a magnetic field of the order of 10^13 G.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Deliverable # 3.12.1

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    The outcome of UR 3.12 will be a new version of DISS containing the scientific and technological updates stemming from the Project. Data produced by the UR are under review to become part of the new DISS release, the version 3.1.1, available online on the web interface and Google Earth version at http://diss.rm.ingv.it/diss

    Ultra-high-field MR imaging in polymicrogyria and epilepsy

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Polymicrogyria is a malformation of cortical development that is often identified in children with epilepsy or delayed development. We investigated in vivo the potential of 7T imaging in characterizing polymicrogyria to determine whether additional features could be identified. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten adult patients with polymicrogyria previously diagnosed by using 3T MR imaging underwent additional imaging at 7T. We assessed polymicrogyria according to topographic pattern, extent, symmetry, and morphology. Additional imaging sequences at 7T included 3D T2* susceptibility-weighted angiography and 2D tissue border enhancement FSE inversion recovery. Minimum intensity projections were used to assess the potential of the susceptibility-weighted angiography sequence for depiction of cerebral veins. RESULTS: At 7T, we observed perisylvian polymicrogyria that was bilateral in 6 patients, unilateral in 3, and diffuse in 1. Four of the 6 bilateral abnormalities had been considered unilateral at 3T. While 3T imaging revealed 2 morphologic categories (coarse, delicate), 7T susceptibility-weighted angiography images disclosed a uniform ribbonlike pattern. Susceptibility-weighted angiography revealed numerous dilated superficial veins in all polymicrogyric areas. Tissue border enhancement imaging depicted a hypointense line corresponding to the gray-white interface, providing a high definition of the borders and, thereby, improving detection of the polymicrogyric cortex. CONCLUSIONS: 7T imaging reveals more anatomic details of polymicrogyria compared with 3T conventional sequences, with potential implications for diagnosis, genetic studies, and surgical treatment of associated epilepsy. Abnormalities of cortical veins may suggest a role for vascular dysgenesis in pathogenesis

    Body mass index in HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer treated with first-line paclitaxel and bevacizumab

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    The evidence emerged from the TOURANDOT trial encourages evaluating the role of anthropometric determinants on treatment outcomes in HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer patients treated with bevacizumab-including regimens. We thus analyzed data from a subgroup of these patients from a larger cohort previously assessed for treatment outcomes. Patients were included in the present analysis if body mass index values had been recorded at baseline. Clinical benefit rates, progression free survival and overall survival were assessed for the overall study population and subgroups defined upon molecular subtype. One hundred ninety six patients were included (N:196). Body mass index showed no impact on clinical benefit rates in the overall study sample and in the luminal cancer subset (p = 0.12 and p = 0.79, respectively), but did so in the triple negative subgroup, with higher rates in patients with body mass index ≥25 (p = 0.03). In the overall study sample, body mass index did no impact progression free or overall survival (p = 0.33 and p = 0.67, respectively). Conversely, in triple negative patients, progression free survival was significantly longer with body mass index ≥25 (6 vs 14 months, p = 0.04). In this subset, overall survival was more favorable (25 vs 19 months, p = 0.02). The impact of the molecular subtype was confirmed in multivariate models including the length of progression free survival, and number of metastatic sites (p &lt; 0.0001). Further studies are warranted to confirm our findings in more adequately sized, ad hoc, prospective studies
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