893 research outputs found

    Radiation from a current filament driven by a traveling wave

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    Solutions are presented for the electromagnetic fields radiated by an arbitrarily oriented current filament located above a perfectly conducting ground plane and excited by a traveling current wave. Both an approximate solution, valid in the fraunhofer region of the filament and predicting the radiation terms in the fields, and an exact solution, which predicts both near and far field components of the electromagnetic fields, are presented. Both solutions apply to current waveforms which propagate along the channel but are valid regardless of the actual waveshape. The exact solution is valid only for waves which propagate at the speed of light, and the approximate solution is formulated for arbitrary velocity of propagation. The spectrum-magnitude of the fourier transform-of the radiated fields is computed by assuming a compound exponential model for the current waveform. The effects of channel orientation and length, as well as velocity of propagation of the current waveform and location of the observer, are discussed. It is shown that both velocity of propagation and an effective channel length are important in determining the shape of the spectrum

    Simulation of radiation from lightning return strokes: The effects of tortuosity

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    A Monte Carlo simulation has been developed for the electromagnetic fields radiated from a tortuous lightning channel. This was done using a piecewise linear model for the channel and employing for each element the field radiated by a traveling wave on an arbitrarily oriented filament over a conducting plane. The simulation reproduces experimental data reasonably well and had been used to study the effects of tortuousity on the fields radiated by return strokes. Tortuosity can significantly modify the radiated waveform, tending to render it less representative of the current pulse and more nearly unipolar than one would expect based on the theory for a long straight channel. In the frequency domain the effect of tortuosity is an increase in high frequency energy as compared with an equivalent straight channel. The extent of this increase depends on the mean length of the elements comprising the channel and can be significant

    Rate statistics for radio noise from lightning

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    Radio frequency noise from lightning was measured at several frequencies in the HF - VHF range at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida. The data were examined to determine flashing rate statistics during periods of strong activity from nearby storms. It was found that the time between flashes is modeled reasonably well by a random variable with a lognormal distribution

    High Frequency Scattering from Arbitrarily Oriented Dielectric Disks

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    Calculations have been made of electromagnetic wave scattering from dielectric disks of arbitrary shape and orientation in the high frequency (physical optics) regime. The solution is obtained by approximating the fields inside the disk with the fields induced inside an identically oriented slab (i.e. infinite parallel planes) with the same thickness and dielectric properties. The fields inside the disk excite conduction and polarization currents which are used to calculate the scattered fields by integrating the radiation from these sources over the volume of the disk. This computation has been executed for observers in the far field of the disk in the case of disks with arbitrary orientation and for arbitrary polarization of the incident radiation. The results have been expressed in the form of a dyadic scattering amplitude for the disk. The results apply to disks whose diameter is large compared to wavelength and whose thickness is small compared to diameter, but the thickness need not be small compared to wavelength. Examples of the dependence of the scattering amplitude on frequency, dielectric properties of the disk and disk orientation are presented for disks of circular cross section

    A crude model to study radio frequency induced density modification close to launchers

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    The interplay between radio frequency (RF) waves and the density is discussed by adopting the general framework of a 2-time-scale multi-fluid treatment, allowing to separate the dynamics on the RF time scale from that on the time scale on which macroscopic density and flows vary as a result of the presence of electromagnetic and/or electrostatic fields. The focus is on regions close to launchers where charge neutrality is incomplete and waves are commonly evanescent. The fast time scale dynamics influences the slow time scale behavior via quasilinear terms (the Ponderomotive force for the case of the equation of motion). Electrons and ions are treated on the same footing. Also, both fast and slow waves are retained in the wave description. Although this work is meant as a subtopic of a large study-the wave induced "convective cell" physics at hand is of a 2- or 3-dimensional nature while this paper limits itself to a single dimension-a few tentative examples are presented

    Origin of magnetic moments and presence of a resonating valence bond state in Ba2_2YIrO6_6

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    While it was speculated that 5d4d^4 systems would possess non-magnetic JJ~=~0 ground state due to strong Spin-Orbit Coupling (SOC), all such systems have invariably shown presence of magnetic moments so far. A puzzling case is that of Ba2_2YIrO6_6, which in spite of having a perfectly cubic structure with largely separated Ir5+^{5+} (d4d^4) ions, has consistently shown presence of weak magnetic moments. Moreover, we clearly show from Muon Spin Relaxation (μ\muSR) measurements that a change in the magnetic environment of the implanted muons in Ba2_2YIrO6_6 occurs as temperature is lowered below 10~K. This observation becomes counterintuitive, as the estimated value of SOC obtained by fitting the RIXS spectrum of Ba2_2YIrO6_6 with an atomic j−jj-j model is found to be as high as 0.39~eV, meaning that the system within this model is neither expected to possess moments nor exhibit temperature dependent magnetic response. Therefore we argue that the atomic j−jj-j coupling description is not sufficient to explain the ground state of such systems, where despite having strong SOC, presence of hopping triggers delocalisation of holes, resulting in spontaneous generation of magnetic moments. Our theoretical calculations further indicate that these moments favour formation of spin-orbital singlets in the case of Ba2_2YIrO6_6, which is manifested in μ\muSR experiments measured down to 60~mK.Comment: 20 Pages, 7 Figure

    High-Pressure Phase Diagram in the Manganites: a Two-site Model Study

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    The pressure dependence of the Curie temperature TCT_C in manganites, recently studied over a wide pressure range, is not quantitatively accounted for by the quenching of Jahn-Teller distortions, and suggests the occurrence of a new pressure-activated localizing processes. We present a theoretical calculation of TCT_C based on a two-site double-exchange model with electron-phonon coupling interaction and direct superexchange between the t2g% t_{2g} core spins. We calculate the pressure dependence of TCT_C and compare it with the experimental phase diagram. Our results describe the experimental behavior quite well if a pressure-activated enhancement of the antiferromagnetic superexchange interaction is assumed

    Buffer breakdown in GaN-on-Si HEMTs: A comprehensive study based on a sequential growth experiment

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    Abstract The aim of this work is to investigate the breakdown mechanisms of the layers constituting the vertical buffer of GaN-on-Si HEMTs; in addition, for the first time we demonstrate that the breakdown field of the AlN nucleation layer grown on a silicon substrate is equal to 3.2 MV/cm and evaluate its temperature dependence. To this aim, three samples, obtained by stopping the epitaxial growth of a GaN on Silicon stack at different steps, are studied and compared: Si/AlN, Si/AlN/AlGaN, full vertical stack up to the Carbon doped buffer layer. The current-voltage (IV) characterizations performed at both room temperature and high temperature show that: (i) the defectiveness of the AlN nucleation layer is the root cause of the leakage through an AlN/Silicon junction, and causes the vertical I-V characteristics to have a high device-to-device variability; (ii) the first AlGaN layer grown over the AlN, beside improving the breakdown voltage of the whole structure, causes the leakage current to be more stable and uniform across the sample area; (iii) a thick strain-relief stack and a carbon-doped GaN buffer enhance the breakdown voltage up to more than 750 V at 170 °C, and guarantee a remarkably low device-to-device variability. Furthermore, a set of constant voltage stress on the Si/AlN sample demonstrate that the aluminum nitride layer shows a time dependent breakdown, with Weibull-distributed failures and a shape factor greater than 1, in line with the percolation model
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