238 research outputs found

    Greek mythological horses and the world\u27s boundary

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    Beyond the pale?: the implications of the RSLG Report for non-CURL modern university libraries: Perspectives on the support libraries group: Final report

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    We have shown that the cluster-mass reconstruction method which combines strong and weak gravitational lensing data, developed in the first paper in the series, successfully reconstructs the mass distribution of a simulated cluster. In this paper we apply the method to the ground-based high-quality multi-colour data of RX J1347.5-114

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    A Study of the Dark Core in A520 with Hubble Space Telescope: The Mystery Deepens

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    We present a Hubble Space Telescope/Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 weak-lensing study of A520, where a previous analysis of ground-based data suggested the presence of a dark mass concentration. We map the complex mass structure in much greater detail leveraging more than a factor of three increase in the number density of source galaxies available for lensing analysis. The "dark core" that is coincident with the X-ray gas peak, but not with any stellar luminosity peak is now detected with more than 10 sigma significance. The ~1.5 Mpc filamentary structure elongated in the NE-SW direction is also clearly visible. Taken at face value, the comparison among the centroids of dark matter, intracluster medium, and galaxy luminosity is at odds with what has been observed in other merging clusters with a similar geometric configuration. To date, the most remarkable counter-example might be the Bullet Cluster, which shows a distinct bow-shock feature as in A520, but no significant weak-lensing mass concentration around the X-ray gas. With the most up-to-date data, we consider several possible explanations that might lead to the detection of this peculiar feature in A520. However, we conclude that none of these scenarios can be singled out yet as the definite explanation for this puzzle.Comment: Published in ApJ. Figures are slightly degraded to meet the size limi

    Measuring dark matter ellipticity of Abell 901/902 using Particle Based Lensing

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    We present a non-parametric measure of the ellipticity and the alignment of the dark matter halos in Abell 901/902 supercluster. This super-cluster is a system of four separate peaks in a 0.5×0.50.5^{\circ}\times0.5^{\circ} field of view. We map the mass distribution of each individual peak using an improved version of Particle Based Lensing (PBL) and measure the ellipticity of the dark matter halos associated with two of the peaks directly from the mass map and by fitting them to a singular isothermal ellipse. The parametric and non-parametric measurements are consistent for A901b while the position angle for the Southwest Group is different for the two techniques. We account for this discrepancy to substructure present in the Southwest Peak. We estimate an axis ratio of 0.37±0.10.37\pm 0.1 for A901b and 0.540.09+0.080.54^{+0.08}_{-0.09} for the Southwest Group.Comment: submitted to APJ, 25 pages, 13 figure

    Mass-sheet degeneracy: Fundamental limit on the cluster mass reconstruction from statistical (weak) lensing

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    Weak gravitational lensing is considered to be one of the most powerful tools to study the mass and the mass distribution of galaxy clusters. However, weak lensing mass reconstructions are plagued by the so-called mass-sheet degeneracy--the surface mass density \kappa of the cluster can be determined only up to a degeneracy transformation \kappa \to \kappa' = \lambda \kappa + (1 -\lambda), where \lambda is an arbitrary constant. This transformation fundamentally limits the accuracy of cluster mass determinations if no further assumptions are made. We describe here a method to break the mass-sheet degeneracy in weak lensing mass maps using distortion and redshift information of background galaxies and illustrate this by two simple toy models. Compared to other techniques proposed in the past, it does not rely on any assumptions on cluster potential; it can be easily applied to non-parametric mass-reconstructions and no assumptions on boundary conditions have to be made. In addition it does not make use of weakly constrained information (such as the source number counts, used in the magnification effect). Our simulations show that we are effectively able to break the mass-sheet degeneracy for supercritical lenses, but that for undercritical lenses the mass-sheet degeneracy is very difficult to be broken, even under idealised conditions.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    The Bullet cluster at its best: weighing stars, gas and dark matter

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    We present a new strong lensing mass reconstruction of the Bullet cluster (1E 0657-56) at z=0.296, based on WFC3 and ACS HST imaging and VLT/FORS2 spectroscopy. The strong lensing constraints underwent substantial revision compared to previously published analysis, there are now 14 (six new and eight previously known) multiply-imaged systems, of which three have spectroscopically confirmed redshifts (including one newly measured from this work). The reconstructed mass distribution explicitly included the combination of three mass components: i) the intra-cluster gas mass derived from X-ray observation, ii) the cluster galaxies modeled by their fundamental plane scaling relations and iii) dark matter. The model that includes the intra-cluster gas is the one with the best Bayesian evidence. This model has a total RMS value of 0.158" between the predicted and measured image positions for the 14 multiple images considered. The proximity of the total RMS to resolution of HST/WFC3 and ACS (0.07-0.15" FWHM) demonstrates the excellent precision of our mass model. The derived mass model confirms the spatial offset between the X-ray gas and dark matter peaks. The fraction of the galaxy halos mass to total mass is found to be f_s=11+/-5% for a total mass of 2.5+/-0.1 x 10^14 solar mass within a 250 kpc radial aperture.Comment: Accepted by A&A 15 pages, 12 figure