35 research outputs found


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    In this paper, a novel technique for improving the return loss of three poles hairpin band-pass filter incorporating defected ground structure is presented. As a result, the structure is simple, wideband with compact size. The expected result of a BPF with DGS is to have a compact band-pass filter with significantly improvement in return loss. The filter performances are exhibits |S21| more than -0.5 dB, |S11| less than -30dB, and center frequency of proposed filter is around 4.2GHz with operating bandwidth of 35%


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    Objective. Synchronous bilateral breast carcinoma (SBBC) is not uncommon.Women with unilateral breast carcinoma is at increased risk for developing contralateral disease. The purpose of this study was to evaluate risk factors, diagnostic circumstances, histological characteristics and therapeutic methods for SBBC. Patients and methods. We reporte two clinical observations of two patients with synchronous bilateral breast carcinoma followed in the maternity Souissi in Rabat, service of gynecology and obstetrics oncology and high risk pregnancy. Discussion and conclusion. – The principal risk factors of CSBS are a family history of breast cancer, the histological type ductal invasive and the multifocal character of the first tumor. A conservative surgery is possible as well as the use of the technique of the ganglion sentinel. The CSBS have histological similarities, probably due to environmental factors.Objectif. Le cancer du sein bilatéral synchrone (CSBS) n’est pas une entité rare, et les femmes déjà atteintes d’un cancer unilatéral ont un risque supplémentaire de cancer controlatéral. L’objectif de cette étude a été d’évaluer les caractéristiques et le traitement des cancers du sein bilatéraux synchrones. Patientes et méthodes : il s’agit de deux observations cliniques sur deux patientes pris en charge à la maternité souissi de Rabat au service de gynécologie obstétrique cancérologie et grossesses à haut risque pour cancer du sein bilatéral synchrone. Discussion et conclusion : Les principaux facteurs de risque de cancer sein bilatéral synchrone sont la notion d’une histoire familiale de cancer du sein, le type histologique canalaire invasif et le caractère multifocal de la première tumeur. Une prise en charge chirurgicale conservatrice est possible ainsi que l’utilisation de la technique du ganglion sentinelle. Les cancers du sein bilatéral synchrones ont des similitudes histologiques, probablement dues à des facteurs environnementaux


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    Introduction: The primary cancer of the fallopian tube is rare. They represent less than 2% of gynecological tumors and they are dominated by adenocarcinoma. Clinical Observations: We report two cases of tubal adenocarcinoma in two patients followed at the Department of Surgery II, National Institute of Oncology Rabat. Discussion: Tubal adenocarcinoma is a common disease in postmenopausal women. the diagnosis of primary cancer of the fallopian tube is difficult. treatment is similar malignant epithelial ovarian tumors with a better prognosis in the early stages. Conclusion: Rare cancer of unknown etiology, clinical signs is often separated, the preoperative diagnosis is difficult, with a prognosis depends on the stage of the disease.Introduction : Les cancers primitifs de la trompe sont rares. Ils représentent moins de 2% des tumeurs gynécologiques et ils sont dominés par l’adénocarcinome. Observations cliniques : Nous rapportons deux cas d’adénocarcinomes tubaires chez deux patientes suivies au service de chirurgie II institut national d’oncologie Rabat. Discussion : L’adénocarcinome tubaire est une pathologie plus fréquente chez la femme ménopausée. Le diagnostic de cancer primitif de la trompe est très difficile à affirmer. Le traitement rejoint celui des tumeurs épithéliales malignes de l’ovaire avec un pronostic meilleur dans les stades précoces. Conclusion : Cancer rare d’étiologie méconnue, les signes cliniques sont souvent dissociés, le diagnostic préopératoire est difficile, avec un pronostic qui dépend du stade de la maladie

    Rétinopathie diabétique : quand opérer ?

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    Evidence for surface uplift of the Atlas Mountains and the surrounding peripheral plateaux: Combining apatite fission-track results and geomorphic indicators in the Western Moroccan Meseta (coastal Variscan Paleozoic basement)

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    This work represents an initial attempt to link the evolution of the topography in relation to the general tectonic framework of western Morocco. For this purpose, in a section of the Western Moroccan Meseta different tools are combined in order to attain the general objective. Apatite fission-track (AFT) data of granitic rocks of the Rabat–Khenifra area give ages around 200 Ma with track length distributions which are compatible with the thermal models already established for the area. An inverse correlation between AFT ages and elevation is observed which is compatible with previous models indicating northward tilting of the whole Western Moroccan Meseta which is younger than 20–25 Ma. In order to test this possibility a detailed analysis of the topography at different scales in the Western Moroccan Meseta has been performed. Results indicate that two open folds with different amplitudes are recognized and that the one with wider wavelength could correspond to a lithospheric fold as previously stated by other authors on the basis of independent geological arguments. The northward tilting proposed based on the AFT data agrees with the results obtained in the analysis of the topography which reinforces the presence of a very open fold with a wavelength of 200–300 km in the north-western limb of the Western Moroccan Meseta

    Crustal thickness and velocity structure across the Moroccan Atlas from long offset wide-angle reflection seismic data: The SIMA experiment

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    The crustal structure and topography of the Moho boundary beneath the Atlas Mountains of Morocco has been constrained by a controlled source, wide-angle seismic reflection transect: the SIMA experiment. This paper presents the first results of this project, consisting of an almost 700 km long, high-resolution seismic profile acquired from the Sahara craton across the High and the Middle Atlas and the Rif Mountains. The interpretation of this seismic data set is based on forward modeling by raytracing, and has resulted in a detailed crustal structure and velocity model for the Atlas Mountains. Results indicate that the High Atlas features a moderate crustal thickness, with the Moho located at a minimum depth of 35 km to the S and at around 31 km to the N, in the Middle Atlas. Upper crustal shortening is resolved at depth through a crustal root where the Saharan crust underthrusts the northern Moroccan crust. This feature defines a lower crust imbrication that, locally, places the Moho boundary at 40-41 km depth in the northern part of the High Atlas. The P-wave velocity model is characterized by relatively low velocities, mostly in the lower crust and upper mantle, when compared to other active orogens and continental regions. These low deep crustal velocities together with other geophysical observables such as conductivity estimates derived from MT measurements, moderate Bouguer gravity anomaly, high heat flow, and surface exposures of recent alkaline volcanism lead to a model where partial melts are currently emplaced at deep crustal levels and in the upper mantle. The resulting model supports the existence of a mantle upwelling as mechanism that would contribute significantly to sustain the High Atlas topography. However, the detailed Moho geometry deduced in this work should lead to a revision of the exact geometry and position of this mantle feature and will require new modeling effortsThis work has been primarily funded by the Spanish MEC project CGL2007–63889. Additional funding was provided by projects CGL2010–15416, CSD2006-00041, and GL2009–09727 (Spain), CGL2008–03474-E, 07-TOPO_EUROPE_FP-006 (ESF Eurocores) and EAR-0808939 (US, NSF).Peer reviewe

    State of the art review of thermal energy storage systems using PCM operating with small temperature differences: Focus on Paraffin

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    Abstract Direct solar radiation is considered to be one of the most prospective sources of energy. However, the large utilization of this form of energy is possible only if the effective technology for its storage can be developed with acceptable capital and running costs. Latent heat storage is one of the most efficient ways of storing thermal energy which provides much higher storage density, with a smaller temperature difference between storing and releasing heat. One of potential techniques of storing solar energy is the application of phase change materials (PCMs). There are large numbers of PCMs that melt and solidify at a wide range of temperatures, making them attractive in a number of applications. This paper reviews previous work on latent heat storage and provides an insight to recent efforts of usingPCMs in energy storage. This work summarizes the investigation and analysis of the available thermal energy storage systems incorporating PCMs and also looks at the state of artof thermal energy storage systems, utilizing PCM operating with small temperature differences, such as various Paraffin waxes, which are cheap and have moderate thermal energy storage density but low thermal conductivity and require large surface area