211 research outputs found

    Fuzzy model based multivariable predictive control design for rapid and efficient speed-sensorless maximum power extraction of renewable wind generators

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    Introduction. A wind energy conversion system needs a maximum power point tracking algorithm. In the literature, several works have interested in the search for a maximum power point wind energy conversion system. Generally, their goals are to optimize the mechanical rotation or the generator torque and the direct current or the duty cycle switchers. The power output of a wind energy conversion system depends on the accuracy of the maximum power tracking controller, as wind speed changes constantly throughout the day. Maximum power point tracking systems that do not require mechanical sensors to measure the wind speed offer several advantages over systems using mechanical sensors. The novelty. The proposed work introduces an intelligent maximum power point tracking technique based on a fuzzy model and multivariable predictive controller to extract the maximum energy for a small-scale wind energy conversion system coupled to the electrical network. The suggested algorithm does not need the measurement of the wind velocity or the knowledge of turbine parameters. Purpose. Building an intelligent maximum power point tracking algorithm that does not use mechanical sensors to measure the wind speed and extracts the maximum possible power from the wind generator, and is simple and easy to implement. Methods. In this control approach, a fuzzy system is mainly utilized to generate the reference DC-current corresponding to the maximum power point based on the changes in the DC-power and the rectified DC-voltage. In contrast, the fuzzy model-based multivariable predictive regulator follows the resultant reference current with minimum steady-state error. The significant issues of the suggested maximum power point tracking method, such as the detailed design process and implementation of the two controllers, have been thoroughly investigated and presented. The considered maximum power point tracking approach has been applied to a wind system driving a 5 kW permanent magnet synchronous generator in variable speed mode through the simulation tests. Practical value. A practical implementation has been executed on a 5 kW test bench consisting of a dSPACEds1104 controller board, permanent magnet synchronous generator, and DC-motor drives to confirm the simulation results. Comparative experimental results under varying wind speed have confirmed the achievable significant performance enhancements on the maximum wind energy generation and overall system response by using the suggested control method compared with a traditional proportional integral maximum power point tracking controller.Вступ. Система перетворення енергії вітру потребує алгоритму відстеження точки максимальної потужності. У літературі є кілька робіт, присвячених пошуку системи перетворення енергії вітру із точкою максимальної потужності. Як правило, їх метою є оптимізація механічного обертання або моменту, що крутить, генератора і перемикачів постійного струму або робочого циклу. Вихідна потужність системи перетворення енергії вітру залежить від точності контролера стеження за максимальною потужністю, оскільки швидкість вітру постійно змінюється протягом дня. Системи стеження за точками з максимальною потужністю, яким не потрібні механічні датчики для вимірювання швидкості вітру, мають ряд переваг у порівнянні з системами, що використовують механічні датчики. Новизна. Пропонована робота представляє інтелектуальний метод відстеження точки максимальної потужності, заснований на нечіткій моделі та багатопараметричному прогнозуючому контролері, для отримання максимальної енергії для маломасштабної системи перетворення енергії вітру, підключеної до електричної мережі. Пропонований алгоритм не вимагає вимірювання швидкості вітру або знання параметрів турбіни. Мета. Побудова інтелектуального алгоритму відстеження точки максимальної потужності, який не використовує механічні датчики для вимірювання швидкості вітру та витягує максимально можливу потужність з вітрогенератора, а також простий та зручний у реалізації. Методи. У цьому підході до управління нечітка система в основному використовується для генерування еталонного постійного струму, що відповідає точці максимальної потужності, на основі змін потужності постійного струму та постійної випрямленої напруги. Навпаки, багатопараметричний прогнозуючий регулятор на основі нечіткої моделі слідує за результуючим еталонним струмом з мінімальною помилкою, що встановилася. Істотні проблеми запропонованого методу відстеження точки максимальної потужності, такі як процес детального проектування та реалізація двох контролерів, були ретельно досліджені та представлені. Розглянутий підхід до відстеження точки максимальної потужності був застосований до вітрової системи, що приводить у дію синхронний генератор з постійними магнітами потужністю 5 кВт у режимі змінної швидкості за допомогою моделювання. Практична цінність. Для підтвердження результатів моделювання було виконано практичну реалізацію на випробувальному стенді потужністю 5 кВт, що складається з плати контролера dSPACEds1104, синхронного генератора з постійними магнітами та електроприводів з двигунами постійного струму. Порівняльні експериментальні результати при різній швидкості вітру підтвердили значні поліпшення продуктивності з максимального вироблення енергії вітру і загального відгуку системи при використанні запропонованого методу управління в порівнянні з традиційним пропорційно-інтегральним контролером спостереження за точкою максимальної потужності

    Fast evaluation of appointment schedules for outpatients in health care

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    We consider the problem of evaluating an appointment schedule for outpatients in a hospital. Given a fixed-length session during which a physician sees K patients, each patient has to be given an appointment time during this session in advance. When a patient arrives on its appointment, the consultations of the previous patients are either already finished or are still going on, which respectively means that the physician has been standing idle or that the patient has to wait, both of which are undesirable. Optimising a schedule according to performance criteria such as patient waiting times, physician idle times, session overtime, etc. usually requires a heuristic search method involving a huge number of repeated schedule evaluations. Hence, the aim of our evaluation approach is to obtain accurate predictions as fast as possible, i.e. at a very low computational cost. This is achieved by (1) using Lindley's recursion to allow for explicit expressions and (2) choosing a discrete-time (slotted) setting to make those expression easy to compute. We assume general, possibly distinct, distributions for the patient's consultation times, which allows us to account for multiple treatment types, as well as patient no-shows. The moments of waiting and idle times are obtained. For each slot, we also calculate the moments of waiting and idle time of an additional patient, should it be appointed to that slot. As we demonstrate, a graphical representation of these quantities can be used to assist a sequential scheduling strategy, as often used in practice

    A compendium and functional characterization of mammalian genes involved in adaptation to Arctic or Antarctic environments

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    Many mammals are well adapted to surviving in extremely cold environments. These species have likely accumulated genetic changes that help them efficiently cope with low temperatures. It is not known whether the same genes related to cold adaptation in one species would be under selection in another species. The aims of this study therefore were: to create a compendium of mammalian genes related to adaptations to a low temperature environment; to identify genes related to cold tolerance that have been subjected to independent positive selection in several species; to determine promising candidate genes/pathways/organs for further empirical research on cold adaptation in mammals

    Analgesia mediated by the TRPM8 cold receptor in chronic neuropathic pain

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    SummaryBackgroundChronic established pain, especially that following nerve injury, is difficult to treat and represents a largely unmet therapeutic need. New insights are urgently required, and we reasoned that endogenous processes such as cooling-induced analgesia may point the way to novel strategies for intervention. Molecular receptors for cooling have been identified in sensory nerves, and we demonstrate here how activation of one of these, TRPM8, produces profound, mechanistically novel analgesia in chronic pain states.ResultsWe show that activation of TRPM8 in a subpopulation of sensory afferents (by either cutaneous or intrathecal application of specific pharmacological agents or by modest cooling) elicits analgesia in neuropathic and other chronic pain models in rats, thereby inhibiting the characteristic sensitization of dorsal-horn neurons and behavioral-reflex facilitation. TRPM8 expression was increased in a subset of sensory neurons after nerve injury. The essential role of TRPM8 in suppression of sensitized pain responses was corroborated by specific knockdown of its expression after intrathecal application of an antisense oligonucleotide. We further show that the analgesic effect of TRPM8 activation is centrally mediated and relies on Group II/III metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs), but not opioid receptors. We propose a scheme in which Group II/III mGluRs would respond to glutamate released from TRPM8-containing afferents to exert an inhibitory gate control over nociceptive inputs.ConclusionsTRPM8 and its central downstream mediators, as elements of endogenous-cooling-induced analgesia, represent a novel analgesic axis that can be exploited in chronic sensitized pain states

    Improving the Efficiency of Physical Examination Services

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    The objective of our project was to improve the efficiency of the physical examination screening service of a large hospital system. We began with a detailed simulation model to explore the relationships between four performance measures and three decision factors. We then attempted to identify the optimal physician inquiry starting time by solving a goal-programming problem, where the objective function includes multiple goals. One of our simulation results shows that the proposed optimal physician inquiry starting time decreased patient wait times by 50% without increasing overall physician utilization

    Assessing the queuing process using data envelopment analysis:an application in health centres

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    Queuing is one of the very important criteria for assessing the performance and efficiency of any service industry, including healthcare. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is one of the most widely-used techniques for performance measurement in healthcare. However, no queue management application has been reported in the health-related DEA literature. Most of the studies regarding patient flow systems had the objective of improving an already existing Appointment System. The current study presents a novel application of DEA for assessing the queuing process at an Outpatients’ department of a large public hospital in a developing country where appointment systems do not exist. The main aim of the current study is to demonstrate the usefulness of DEA modelling in the evaluation of a queue system. The patient flow pathway considered for this study consists of two stages; consultation with a doctor and pharmacy. The DEA results indicated that waiting times and other related queuing variables included need considerable minimisation at both stages

    Effect of cholesterol on the dipole potential of lipid membranes

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    The membrane dipole potential, ψd, is an electrical potential difference with a value typically in the range 150 – 350 mV (positive in the membrane interior) which is located in the lipid headgroup region of the membrane, between the linkage of the hydrocarbon chains to the phospholipid glycerol backbone and the adjacent aqueous solution. At its physiological level in animal plasma membranes (up to 50 mol%), cholesterol makes a significant contribution to ψd of approximately 65 mV; the rest arising from other lipid components of the membrane, in particular phospholipids. Via its effect on ψd, cholesterol may modulate the activity of membrane proteins. This could occur through preferential stabilization of protein conformational states. Based on its effect on ψd, cholesterol would be expected to favour protein conformations associated with a small local hydrophobic membrane thickness. Via its membrane condensing effect, which also produces an increase in ψd, cholesterol could further modulate interactions of polybasic cytoplasmic extensions of membrane proteins, in particular P-type ATPases, with anionic lipid headgroups on the membrane surface, thus leading to enhanced conformational stabilization effects and changes to ion pumping activity.Australian Research Counci

    Nociceptors: a phylogenetic view

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    The ability to react to environmental change is crucial for the survival of an organism and an essential prerequisite is the capacity to detect and respond to aversive stimuli. The importance of having an inbuilt “detect and protect” system is illustrated by the fact that most animals have dedicated sensory afferents which respond to noxious stimuli called nociceptors. Should injury occur there is often sensitization, whereby increased nociceptor sensitivity and/or plasticity of nociceptor-related neural circuits acts as a protection mechanism for the afflicted body part. Studying nociception and nociceptors in different model organisms has demonstrated that there are similarities from invertebrates right through to humans. The development of technology to genetically manipulate organisms, especially mice, has led to an understanding of some of the key molecular players in nociceptor function. This review will focus on what is known about nociceptors throughout the Animalia kingdom and what similarities exist across phyla; especially at the molecular level of ion channels

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    Neutrophils kill antibody-opsonized cancer cells by trogoptosis

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    Destruction of cancer cells by therapeutic antibodies occurs, at least in part, through antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), and this can be mediated by various Fc-receptor-expressing immune cells, including neutrophils. However, the mechanism(s) by which neutrophils kill antibody-opsonized cancer cells has not been established. Here, we demonstrate that neutrophils can exert a mode of destruction of cancer cells, which involves antibody-mediated trogocytosis by neutrophils. Intimately associated with this is an active mechanical disruption of the cancer cell plasma membrane, leading to a lytic (i.e., necrotic) type of cancer cell death. Furthermore, this mode of destruction of antibody-opsonized cancer cells by neutrophils is potentiated by CD47-SIRPa checkpoint blockade. Collectively, these findings show that neutrophil ADCC toward cancer cells occurs by a mechanism of cytotoxicity called trogoptosis, which can be further improved by targeting CD47-SIRPa interactions