1,629 research outputs found

    Preferred Communication Channels of Homemakers

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    The roles and information needs of homemakers, a traditional audience of the Extension Service, have changed in recent decades. However, research has not determined what those needs are and how Extension can best address them. To determine the family and consumer issues important to homemakers and communication channels preferred by them, six focus groups were conducted throughout Kansas. Participants were asked about their most important family and consumer issues, current use of and attitudes toward mass media, and current use of and attitudes toward Extension. Results indicate that homemakers are concerned about having strong families and relationships and developing consumer skills. Most participants were users of mass media but did not consider much of it trustworthy. Extension users think its information is reliable and accurate but saw a need for increased pUblicity of and convenience in accessing Extension. Many participants were unaware of Extension and its services. These results can be used to develop communication methods that will effectively deliver important family and consumer information to homemakers

    High-field magnetoresistance of Fe/GaAs/Fe tunnel junctions

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    We investigate transport through 6 to 10 nm thin epitaxial GaAs(001) barriers sandwiched between polycrystalline iron films. Apart from a pronounced tunneling magnetoresistance effect (TMR) at low magnetic fields we observe a distinct negative magnetoresistance (MR) at low and a positive MR at higher temperatures. We show that the negative MR contribution is only observed for the ferromagnetic iron contacts but is absent if iron is replaced by copper or gold electrodes. Possible explanations of the negative MR involve suppression of spin-flip scattering or Zeeman splitting of the tunneling barrier.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Appl. Phys. Let

    Cylindrical, periodic surface lattice — theory, dispersion analysis, and experiment

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    A two-dimensional surface lattice of cylindrical topology obtained via perturbing the inner surface of a cylinder is considered. Periodic perturbations of the surface lead to observation of high-impedance, dielectric-like media and resonant coupling of surface and non-propagating volume fields. This allows synthesis of tailored-for-purpose "coating" material with dispersion suitable, for instance, to mediate a Cherenkov type interaction. An analytical model of the lattice is discussed and coupled-wave equations are derived. Variations of the lattice dispersive properties with variation of parameters are shown, illustrating the tailoring of the structure's electromagnetic properties. Experimental results are presented showing agreement with the theoretical model

    Genome-wide comparisons reveal evidence for a species complex in the black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera (Bivalvia: Pteriidae)

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    Evolutionary relationships in the black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera which is highly valued for pearl production remain poorly understood. This species possesses an 18,000 km Indo-Pacific natural distribution, and its current description includes six subspecies defined exclusively on morphological characters. To evaluate its taxonomic identity using molecular data, 14 populations in both the Indian and Pacific Oceans (n = 69), and the congeneric taxa P. maxima and P. mazatlanica (n = 29 and n = 10, respectively) were sampled. Phylogenomic reconstruction was carried out using both 8,308 genome-wide SNPs and 10,000 dominant loci (DArTseq PAVs). Reconstructions using neighbour-joining (Nei’s 1972 distances), maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches all indicate that the taxonomy of P. margaritifera is quite complex, with distinct evolutionary significant units (ESUs) identified within Tanzanian and Iranian populations. Contrastingly, phylogenies generated for Pacific Ocean oysters resolved a large monophyletic clade, suggesting little support for two current morphological subspecies classifications. Furthermore, P. mazatlanica formed a basal clade closest to French Polynesian P. margaritifera, suggesting it may be conspecific. Collectively, these findings provide evidence that P. margaritifera comprises a species complex, perhaps as a result of population fragmentation and increased divergence at range limits

    Validation of the Patient-Doctor-Relationship Questionnaire (PDRQ-9) in a representative cross-sectional German population survey

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    The patient-doctor relationship (PDR) as perceived by the patient is an important concept in primary care and psychotherapy. The PDR Questionnaire (PDRQ-9) provides a brief measure of the therapeutic aspects of the PDR in primary care. We assessed the internal and external validity of the German version of the PDRQ-9 in a representative cross-sectional German population survey that included 2,275 persons aged≥14 years who reported consulting with a primary care physician (PCP). The acceptance of the German version of this questionnaire was good. Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the PRDQ-9 was unidimensional. The internal reliability (Cronbach's α) of the total score was .95. The corrected item-total correlations were≥.94. The mean satisfaction index of persons with a probable depressive disorder was lower than that of persons without a probable depressive disorder, indicating good discriminative concurrent criterion validity. The correlation coefficient between satisfaction with PDR and satisfaction with pain therapy was r = .51 in 489 persons who reported chronic pain, indicating good convergent validity. Despite the limitation of low variance in the PDRQ-9 total scores, the results indicate that the German version of the PDRQ-9 is a brief questionnaire with good psychometric properties to assess German patients' perceived therapeutic alliance with PCPs in public health research

    SNP data reveals the complex and diverse evolutionary history of the blue-ringed octopus genus (Octopodidae: Hapalochlaena) in the Asia-Pacific

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    The blue-ringed octopus species complex (Hapalochlaena spp.), known to occur from Southern Australia to Japan, currently contains four formally described species (Hapalochlaena maculosa, Hapalochlaena fasciata, Hapalochlaena lunulata and Hapalochlaena nierstraszi). These species are distinguished based on morphological characters (iridescent blue rings and/or lines) along with reproductive strategies. However, the observation of greater morphological diversity than previously captured by the current taxonomic framework indicates that a revision is required. To examine species boundaries within the genus we used mitochondrial (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 [COI], cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3 [COIII] and cytochrome b [Cytb]) and genome-wide SNP data (DaRT seq) from specimens collected across its geographic range including variations in depth from 3 m to >100 m. This investigation indicates substantially greater species diversity present within the genus Hapalochlaena than is currently described. We identified 10,346 SNPs across all locations, which when analysed support a minimum of 11 distinct clades. Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial COI gene on a more limited sample set dates the diversification of the genus to ∼30 mya and corroborates eight of the lineages indicated by the SNP analyses. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the diagnostic lined patterning of H. fasciata found in North Pacific waters and NSW, Australia is polyphyletic and therefore likely the result of convergent evolution. Several “deep water” (>100 m) lineages were also identified in this study with genetic convergence likely to be driven by external selective pressures. Examination of morphological traits, currently being undertaken in a parallel morphological study, is required to describe additional species within the complex

    Metallicity determination in gas-rich galaxies with semiempirical methods

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    A study of the precision of the semiempirical methods used in the determination of the chemical abundances in gas-rich galaxies is carried out. In order to do this the oxygen abundances of a total of 438 galaxies were determined using the electronic temperature, the R23R_{23} and the P methods. The new calibration of the P method gives the smaller dispersion for the low and high metallicity regions, while the best numbers in the turnaround region are given by the R23R_{23} method. We also found that the dispersion correlates with the metallicity. Finally, it can be said that all the semiempirical methods studied here are quite insensitive to metallicity with a value of 8.0±0.28.0\pm0.2 dex for more than 50% of the total sample. \keywords{ISM: abundances; (ISM): H {\sc ii} regions}Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures and 2 tables. To appear at AJ, January 200

    Efficient cosmological parameter sampling using sparse grids

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    We present a novel method to significantly speed up cosmological parameter sampling. The method relies on constructing an interpolation of the CMB-log-likelihood based on sparse grids, which is used as a shortcut for the likelihood-evaluation. We obtain excellent results over a large region in parameter space, comprising about 25 log-likelihoods around the peak, and we reproduce the one-dimensional projections of the likelihood almost perfectly. In speed and accuracy, our technique is competitive to existing approaches to accelerate parameter estimation based on polynomial interpolation or neural networks, while having some advantages over them. In our method, there is no danger of creating unphysical wiggles as it can be the case for polynomial fits of a high degree. Furthermore, we do not require a long training time as for neural networks, but the construction of the interpolation is determined by the time it takes to evaluate the likelihood at the sampling points, which can be parallelised to an arbitrary degree. Our approach is completely general, and it can adaptively exploit the properties of the underlying function. We can thus apply it to any problem where an accurate interpolation of a function is needed.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS, 13 pages, 13 figure

    High-Density Genetic Linkage Map of the Southern Blue-ringed Octopus (Octopodidae: Hapalochlaena maculosa)

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    Genetic linkage maps provide a useful resource for non-model genomes and can aid in genome reassembly to form more contiguous pseudo-chromosomes. We present the first linkage map of any cephalopod, H. maculosa, composed of 47 linkage groups (LG). A total of 2166 single nucleotide polymorphisms and 2455 presence–absence variant loci were utilised by Lep-Map3 in linkage map construction. The map length spans 2016.62 cM with an average marker distance of 0.85 cM. Integration of the recent H. maculosa genome allowed 1151 scaffolds comprising 34% of the total genomic sequence to be orientated and/or placed using 1278 markers across all 47 LG. The linkage map generated provides a new perspective on HOX gene distribution in octopods. In the H. maculosa linkage map three (SCR, LOX4 and POST1) of six identified HOX genes (HOX1/LAB, SCR, LOX2, LOX4, LOX5, POST1) were located within the same LG (LG 9). The generation of a linkage map for H. maculosa has provided a valuable resource for understanding the evolution of cephalopod genomes and will provide a base for future work

    Revisiting promyelocytic leukemia protein targeting by human cytomegalovirus immediate-early protein 1

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    This work was supported by a grant (MR/P022146/1) from the Medical Research Council (https://mrc.ukri.org) to MMN, a grant (T16/28) from Tenovus Scotland (https://tenovus-scotland.org.uk) to CP, a European Union Erasmus+ grant (https://www.erasmusplus.org.uk) to BW and the Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund (https://wellcome.ac.uk) to CP and MMN.Promyelocytic leukemia (PML) bodies are nuclear organelles implicated in intrinsic and innate antiviral defense. The eponymous PML proteins, central to the self-organization of PML bodies, and other restriction factors found in these organelles are common targets of viral antagonism. The 72-kDa immediate-early protein 1 (IE1) is the principal antagonist of PML bodies encoded by the human cytomegalovirus (hCMV). IE1 is believed to disrupt PML bodies by inhibiting PML SUMOylation, while PML was proposed to act as an E3 ligase for IE1 SUMOylation. PML targeting by IE1 is considered to be crucial for hCMV replication at low multiplicities of infection, in part via counteracting antiviral gene induction linked to the cellular interferon (IFN) response. However, current concepts of IE1-PML interaction are largely derived from mutant IE1 proteins known or predicted to be metabolically unstable and globally misfolded. We performed systematic clustered charge-to-alanine scanning mutagenesis and identified a stable IE1 mutant protein (IE1cc172-176) with wild-type characteristics except for neither interacting with PML proteins nor inhibiting PML SUMOylation. Consequently, IE1cc172-176 does not associate with PML bodies and is selectively impaired for disrupting these organelles. Surprisingly, functional analysis of IE1cc172-176 revealed that the protein is hypermodified by mixed SUMO chains and that IE1 SUMOylation depends on nucleosome rather than PML binding. Furthermore, a mutant hCMV expressing IE1cc172-176 was only slightly attenuated compared to an IE1-null virus even at low multiplicities of infection. Finally, hCMV-induced expression of cytokine and IFN-stimulated genes turned out to be reduced rather than increased in the presence of IE1cc172-176 relative to wild-type IE1. Our findings challenge present views on the relationship of IE1 with PML and the role of PML in hCMV replication. This study also provides initial evidence for the idea that disruption of PML bodies upon viral infection is linked to activation rather than inhibition of innate immunity.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe