125 research outputs found

    La Setmana de la Ciència a Secundària

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    És aquella setmana escolar que es porten a terme un seguit d'activitats relacionades amb la ciència, en l'espai de les aules del centre i, també, fóra d'ell. Es procura que durant aquesta setmana el contingut de les matèries de "ciència" i de "lletres" es relacioni amb els diferents esdeveniments científics quotidians que ens envolten. Tota la comunitat educativa hi participa: alumnat i professorat, personal d'administració i serveis i els pares i mares dels alumnes

    Velocitat dels coets i elements químics de les estrelles : física i química o astronomia a secundària?

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    The objective of this work is to show how teaching physics and chemistry through Astronomy and its history can again make it attractive to secondary school students. Working on Astronomy (ESA The European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere) the students had an increased understanding of some physics and chemistry concepts, such as rocket speed and gravitation, or the chemistry elements present in the Sun or Jupiter, along with the importance of satellite for using TV, phone, and internet

    Reconstrucció de la taula periòdica dels elements

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    The goal of this project is to show how teaching chemistry through its history can again make it attractive to our young students. After studying The History of the Periodic Table, and then reconstructing it, students had an increased understanding of the concept of periodicity related to the properties and reactivity of some chemistry elements. They could also see clearly that there weremany time jumps in the discovery of chemical elements

    La enseñanza de las ciencias en la educación no formal a todos los niveles

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    [ES] Todo aquello que englobamos dentro de la palabra "ciencia" nos indica que cualquiera de ellas, desde la biología a la química o desde la física y la medicina hasta la ingeniería y las matemáticas, están formadas por unos conocimientos, unas metodologías y unos procesos de investigación. Se presentarán las actividades científicas que, utilizando la metodología de la indagación, se han realizado dentro de una "Educación no formal". Talleres y conferencias para personas adultas con poco o nulo conocimiento científico, así como juegos y experimentos preparados para niños y niñas de educación infantil y primaria. Para nuestra audiencia, la indagación implica realizar observaciones, formular preguntas, realizar experimentos, analizar e interpretar los datos obtenidos en los experimentos para después proponer explicaciones y hacer más preguntas. En general, las actividades realizadas en los talleres para adultos y en las experiencias con los más pequeños se desarrollan de forma colaborativa, en grupos de 2 o 3 personas interactuando entre ellas, se pretende que los participantes disfruten con los experimentos científicos. Asimismo, con los más jóvenes, es muy importante la participación, como mínimo, de una científica en la realización de los experimentos así como nombrar a los hombres y a las mujeres que han participado en la ciencia que se expone. Así se potenciará el interés científico al mostrarles personajes a seguir, especialmente en el caso de las niñas. Estas actividades, dirigidas a segmentos distintos de nuestra sociedad, pretenden propagar la ciencia y abrir un diálogo entre la ciencia en general y dicha sociedad para corregir ciertas actitudes en contra del conocimiento científico (léase los discursos sobre antivacunas, pseudomedicinas y otros).Zaragoza Domenech, C.; Fernández Novell, JM. (2021). La enseñanza de las ciencias en la educación no formal a todos los niveles. En Proceedings INNODOCT/20. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 277-286. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2020.2020.11788OCS27728

    Do the Spanish university students follow Mediterranean dietary patterns?

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    Objetivo: Determinar el patrón de consumo de alimentos del alumnado de la Universidad de Alicante (UA) mediante el grado de adecuación a la dieta mediterránea. Método: Estudio transversal descriptivo para estimar la ingesta individual a través de un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos (CFCA) en una muestra representativa de 380 universitarios. Variables a estudio: edad, sexo, área geográfica de procedencia, peso y talla autoreferidos. Así como los alimentos y frecuencias de consumo que componen el CFCA. Se determinó el porcentaje de adecuación teniendo en cuenta, consumo real sobre consumo recomendado por la guía dieta mediterránea tradicional: (100 x raciones consumidas/raciones recomendadas). Se establecieron 5 rangos de porcentaje adecuación: consumo óptimo (80%-119%), consumo aceptable (60%-79%), consumo deficiente (40%-59%), consumo muy deficiente ( 120%). Se realizó contraste de diferencia de proporciones y la prueba t-Student con EPIDAT 3.1, y SPSS 15.0. Resultados: Prevalencia de sobrepeso-obesidad, es mayor en hombres (34,6%) que en mujeres (9,8%), p 120%). We analyzed the differences in proportions distribution and the Student’s t test with EPIDAT 3.1 and SPSS 15.0. Results: The prevalence of overweight/obesity is higher in men (34.6%) than in women (9.8%), p < 0.001, whereas women had higher prevalence of low weight (7.0%) than men (0.7%), p < 0.05. The consumption of grains and derivatives was very deficient (women = 90.6; men = 94.9) whereas the intake of red meats (women = 90.6; men = 92.7) and cold meats (women = 95.9%, men = 96.3%) was excessive. No student had an “optimal intake” or an “acceptable intake” of all the dietary groups (n = 12). Discussion: The educational level and access to the information do not protect the university population from socio-environmental factors that have an influence on their dietary habits. The public health strategies focused on this population group should be strengthen

    Analysis of key variables for energy efficiency in warships

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    [EN] The purpose of this work is to investigate the effect of environmental variables on the electric energy expenditure of a typical surface warship. Studies with similar objectives are much more frequent for merchant ships, but warship operations have peculiarities that will be emphasized. In particular, they spend large fractions of their life cycle at port, during which the vessel remains active. Firstly, a discussion of the embarked systems is presented, pointing out the importance of auxiliary systems and in particular, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Quantitative estimates of the energy consumption of those systems are provided. Then, using data taken during real operations of a frigate of the Spanish navy, correlations are computed between power consumption and different environmental variables. As a novelty, the analysis is carried out separating the different modes of operation of the ship. This leads to interesting conclusions, including a considerable positive correlation between sea water temperature and consumption when the vessel is at port. The effect of a moored ship on the surrounding sea water temperature is studied by a numerical computation. The results suggest that the position of sea chests may be consequential for energy efficiency.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was supported by Xunta de Galicia (Grant Number ED431B 2018/57) and by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Grant Numbers FIS2017-83762-P, FPDI-2013-17516, ENE 2013-48015-C3-1-R and RTI2018-102256-B-I00-AR).Carrasco, P.; Bendaña, R.; Paredes, A.; Michinel, H.; Fernández De Córdoba, P.; Arce, ME.; Zaragoza, S. (2020). Analysis of key variables for energy efficiency in warships. Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment. 234(1):26-36. https://doi.org/10.1177/1475090219864816S26362341Agarwal, S., Kahlon, N., Agarwal, P., & Dixit, S. (2017). Relationship between Student’s Family Socio-economic Status, Gap Year/years after Schooling and Self-concept: A Cross-Sectional Study among Medical Students. International Journal of Physiology, 5(1), 21. doi:10.5958/2320-608x.2017.00005.1Jafarzadeh, S., & Utne, I. B. (2014). A framework to bridge the energy efficiency gap in shipping. Energy, 69, 603-612. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2014.03.056Papanikolaou, A., Zaraphonitis, G., Bitner-Gregersen, E., Shigunov, V., Moctar, O. E., Soares, C. G., … Sprenger, F. (2016). Energy Efficient Safe SHip Operation (SHOPERA). Transportation Research Procedia, 14, 820-829. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2016.05.030Elena Arce, M., Saavedra, Á., Míguez, J. L., & Granada, E. (2015). The use of grey-based methods in multi-criteria decision analysis for the evaluation of sustainable energy systems: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 47, 924-932. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2015.03.010Patterson, M. G. (1996). What is energy efficiency? Energy Policy, 24(5), 377-390. doi:10.1016/0301-4215(96)00017-1Figari, M., D’Amico, M., & Gaggero, P. (2011). Evaluation of ship efficiency indexes. Sustainable Maritime Transportation and Exploitation of Sea Resources, 621-627. doi:10.1201/b11810-94Tran, T. A. (2017). A research on the energy efficiency operational indicator EEOI calculation tool on M/V NSU JUSTICE of VINIC transportation company, Vietnam. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science, 2(1), 55-60. doi:10.1016/j.joes.2017.01.001Coraddu, A., Figari, M., & Savio, S. (2014). Numerical investigation on ship energy efficiency by Monte Carlo simulation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 228(3), 220-234. doi:10.1177/1475090214524184STEPANCHICK, J., & BROWN, A. (2007). Revisiting DDGX/DDG-51 Concept Exploration. Naval Engineers Journal, 119(3), 67-88. doi:10.1111/j.1559-3584.2007.00069.xYoung, S., Newell, J., & Little, G. (2001). Beyond Electric Ship. Naval Engineers Journal, 113(4), 79-92. doi:10.1111/j.1559-3584.2001.tb00090.xTillig F, Ringsberg J, Mao W, et al. A generic energy systems model for efficient ship design and operation. Proc IMechE, Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 2017; 231(2): 649–666.Ballou, P. J. (2013). Ship Energy Efficiency Management Requires a Total Solution Approach. Marine Technology Society Journal, 47(1), 83-95. doi:10.4031/mtsj.47.1.5Reddy, T. A. (2011). Applied Data Analysis and Modeling for Energy Engineers and Scientists. doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-9613-8Creutzig, F., Baiocchi, G., Bierkandt, R., Pichler, P.-P., & Seto, K. C. (2015). Global typology of urban energy use and potentials for an urbanization mitigation wedge. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(20), 6283-6288. doi:10.1073/pnas.1315545112Mueller, L., Jakobi, G., Czech, H., Stengel, B., Orasche, J., Arteaga-Salas, J. M., … Zimmermann, R. (2015). Characteristics and temporal evolution of particulate emissions from a ship diesel engine. Applied Energy, 155, 204-217. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.05.115Perera, L. P., & Mo, B. (2016). Data analysis on marine engine operating regions in relation to ship navigation. Ocean Engineering, 128, 163-172. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2016.10.029Bialystocki, N., & Konovessis, D. (2016). On the estimation of ship’s fuel consumption and speed curve: A statistical approach. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science, 1(2), 157-166. doi:10.1016/j.joes.2016.02.001Lepore, A., dos Reis, M. S., Palumbo, B., Rendall, R., & Capezza, C. (2017). A comparison of advanced regression techniques for predicting ship CO2emissions. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 33(6), 1281-1292. doi:10.1002/qre.2171Brefort, D., Shields, C., Habben Jansen, A., Duchateau, E., Pawling, R., Droste, K., … Kana, A. A. (2018). An architectural framework for distributed naval ship systems. Ocean Engineering, 147, 375-385. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2017.10.028Hernández CR, Fernández R, Arce ME, et al. Análisis del ciclo de vida en Fragatas de la serie F-100. In: Serna J, et al. (eds) Actas: IV Congreso Nacional de i+d en Defensa y Seguridad, DESEi+d, 2016. Spain: Centro Universitario de la Defensa de San Javier.Orosa, J. A., Costa, Á. M., & Pérez, J. A. (2017). A new modelling procedure of the engine room ventilation system for work risk prevention and energy saving. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 231(4), 863-870. doi:10.1177/1475090216687148Akin, J. E. (2010). Finite Element Analysis Concepts. doi:10.1142/7785Saad, Y. (2003). Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems. doi:10.1137/1.9780898718003De Marchis, M., Freni, G., & Napoli, E. (2014). Three-dimensional numerical simulations on wind- and tide-induced currents: The case of Augusta Harbour (Italy). Computers & Geosciences, 72, 65-75. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2014.07.003Celik, I., & Karatekin, O. (1997). Numerical Experiments on Application of Richardson Extrapolation With Nonuniform Grids. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 119(3), 584-590. doi:10.1115/1.2819284IX. The approximate arithmetical solution by finite differences of physical problems involving differential equations, with an application to the stresses in a masonry dam. (1911). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 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    Genetic Deletion of NOD1 Prevents Cardiac Ca2+ Mishandling Induced by Experimental Chronic Kidney Disease

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    © 2020 by the authors.Risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) increases considerably as renal function declines in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 1 (NOD1) has emerged as a novel innate immune receptor involved in both CVD and CKD. Following activation, NOD1 undergoes a conformational change that allows the activation of the receptor-interacting serine/threonine protein kinase 2 (RIP2), promoting an inflammatory response. We evaluated whether the genetic deficiency of Nod1 or Rip2 in mice could prevent cardiac Ca2+ mishandling induced by sixth nephrectomy (Nx), a model of CKD. We examined intracellular Ca2+ dynamics in cardiomyocytes from Wild-type (Wt), Nod1−/− and Rip2−/− sham-operated or nephrectomized mice. Compared with Wt cardiomyocytes, Wt-Nx cells showed an impairment in the properties and kinetics of the intracellular Ca2+ transients, a reduction in both cell shortening and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ load, together with an increase in diastolic Ca2+ leak. Cardiomyocytes from Nod1−/−-Nx and Rip2−/−-Nx mice showed a significant amelioration in Ca2+ mishandling without modifying the kidney impairment induced by Nx. In conclusion, Nod1 and Rip2 deficiency prevents the intracellular Ca2+ mishandling induced by experimental CKD, unveiling new innate immune targets for the development of innovative therapeutic strategies to reduce cardiac complications in patients with CKD.This work was supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and European Regional Development Fund (SAF-2017-84777R), Institute of Health Carlos III (PI17/01093 and PI17/01344), Sociedad Española de Cardiología, Proyecto Traslacional 2019, Fundación Renal Íñigo Álvarez de Toledo (FRIAT), Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), FSE, and CIBER-CV, a network funded by ISCIII. M.F.-V. is Miguel Servet II researcher of ISCIII (MSII16/00047 Carlos III Health Institute). G.R.-H. is Miguel Servet I researcher of ISCIII (CP15/00129 Carlos III Health Institute). M.T. is a PhD student funded by the FPU program of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (FPU17/06135). A.R. was supported by Fondo SEP-Cinvestav project #601410 FIDSC 2018/2; and Fondo SEP-Conacyt Ciencia Básica A1-S-9082