103 research outputs found

    Eficacia de la alta presión hidrostática como tratamiento cuarentenario para mejorar la calidad de los frutos del mango infestados por la mosca de la fruta Mexicana Anastrepha ludens

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    High hydrostatic pressure (HPP) has been reported as an alternative quarantine process in fruits infested by Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, Rhagoletis indifferens Curran and Cydia pomonella (L.). In Mexico and other Latin-American countries, the Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha ludens Loew is one of the most important insects infesting mangoes, citrus, and other fruits. The present study aimed to determine the effect of pressure level and time on the survival of eggs and larvae of the Mexican fruit fly. Eggs and larvae were pressurized at 25, 50, 75, 100, or 150 MPa for 0, 5, 10 or 20 min at 25 8C. Ripe and green mangoes were also pressurized under the same conditions. On pressurized eggs of 1, 2, 3, and 4 days old, their ability to hatch was recorded. On pressurized first, second and third instars, the percentage of survival was registered. Furthermore, third instars were studied for their ability to pupate and to develop adults. The results showed that although most of eggs and larvae died at pressures lower than 100 MPa, some of them were able to survive even at 150 MPa, and a few third instars were able to pupate and to develop to adulthood. Green mangoes were affected by pressures above 75 MPa but they were more resistant than ripe mangoes. HPP treatments seem to be feasible as a quarantine process for mangoes; however, more studies, such as combining HPP with temperature treatments, are needed in order to decrease the pressure level to avoid fruit damageLa alta presión hidrostática ha sido descrita como un proceso de cuarentena alternativa en frutas infestadas por Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, Rhagoletis indifferens Curran y Cydia pomonella (L.). En México y otros países Latinoamericanos, la mosca de la fruta mexicana Anastrepha ludens Loew es uno de los más importantes insectos que infestan los mangos, cítricos y otras frutas. El presente estudio tuvo como meta determinar el efecto del nivel de presión y tiempo sobre la supervivencia de huevos y larvas de la mosca de la fruta mexicana. Huevos y larvas se presurizaron a 25, 50, 75, 100, y 150 MPa durante 0, 5, 10, y 20 min a 25 8C. Mangos maduros y verdes también se presurizaron bajo las mismas condiciones. En huevos presurizados de uno, dos, tres y cuatro días de vida, se registró su capacidad para eclosionar. En primera, segunda y tercera etapa larvaria presurizada, el porcentaje de supervivencia también se registró. Además, en la tercera etapa larvaria se estudió su capacidad para salir de la crisálida y desarrollar adultos. Los resultados mostraron que aunque la mayoría de los huevos y larvas murieron a presiones por debajo de 100 MPa, algunos de ellos fueron capaces de sobrevivir aun a 150 MPa, y unas pocas larvas de tercera etapa fueron capaces de salir de la crisálida y desarrollar adultos. Los mangos verdes se vieron afectados por las presiones por encima de 75 MPa pero fueron más resistentes que los mangos maduros. Los tratamientos de alta presión hidrostática parecen ser un proceso viable como método cuarentenario para mangos, sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios tales como la combinación de alta presión hidrostática junto con tratamientos térmicos para disminuir los niveles de presión y evitar daños en la frutaThe authors are grateful to Fondo Mixto CONACYT –Gobierno del Estado de Tamaulipas for the financial support of this work (Project TAMPS-2003-C02-15), to CONACYT for the scholarship granted to author Hugo Ernesto CandelarioS


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    The aim of this study is to present a measurement instrument for genderviolence 2.0 and analyze the perceptions and experiences of adolescents, and their responses to such violence. A study survey of 3,043 teens from Catalonia, Aragon, Galicia, Andalusia, the Balearics and the Canaries was undertaken.Among the results, we found that adolescents believe that there is more violence online than offline. They are aware of the most direct and obvious actions related to sexual violence, however behavior that is less frequently perceived to be violent is that where the woman is treated as a sexual object, and in particular, controlling online behavior against the girlfriend or boyfriend is not considered to be violent. The tendency for aggression is male, but girls show more aggressive behaviors related to myths of romantic love. The responses of the adolescents are passive towards gender violence 2.0, though girls outperform boys in active responses to violence. It concludes with the need for educational interventions to prepare the adolescents for gender violence 2.0. Interventionsshould be designed to deconstruct the myths of romantic love that supportmisconceptions about the trust between partners, to educate girls about their increased vulnerability on social networks, to explain to adolescents all of the risks on social networks and to encourage young people to report acts of violence and to involve their family and school in these matters.El objetivo del estudio es presentar un instrumento de medida sobre las violencias de género 2.0 y analizar las percepciones y experiencias de adolescentes, así como las respuestas ante tales violencias. Se ha realizado un estudio por encuesta a 3.043 adolescentes de Cataluña, Aragón, Galicia, Andalucía, Islas Baleares y Canarias. Entre los resultados encontrados destaca que los y las adolescentes creen que hay más violencia online que offline; y perciben las acciones más directas y evidentes ligadas a la violencia sexual, pero en cambio las conductas que menos se perciben como violentas son aquellas en las que la mujer es tratada como objeto sexual, y especialmente no se perciben como violentas las conductas de control que se ejercen sobre la pareja a través de los entornos virtuales. La tendencia a la agresión es masculina, pero las chicas muestran más conductas agresoras en violencias relacionados con los mitos del amor romántico. Las respuestas de las y los  adolescentes son pasivas ante las violencias de género 2.0, aunque las chicas superan a los chicos en las respuestas activas frente a la violencia. Se concluye con la necesidad de realizar intervenciones educativas para preparar a las y los adolescentes ante las violencias de género 2.0. Intervenciones que deberán estar orientadas a: deconstruir los mitos del amor romántico que sustentan falsas ideas sobre la adolescencia ante la violencia de género 2.0: concepciones, conductas y experiencias Facultad de Educación. UNED Educación XX1. 21.1, 2018, pp. 109-134 la confianza en la pareja, a concienciar a las chicas sobre su mayor vulnerabilidad en las redes sociales, a explicar a los y las adolescentes los riesgos de todas las redes sociales, y a alentar a los jóvenes a denunciar las acciones de violencia e implicar a la familia y la escuela en estos asuntos

    University Students' Digital Competence in Three Areas of the DigCom 2.1 Model: A Comparative Study at Three European Universities.

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    This study analysed the digital competence of 1,073 students at one Italian and two Spanish universities using the COBADI 2.0 (Basic Digital Competences/Registered Trademark 2970648) questionnaire. A quantitative methodology was applied to university students' use of, and competence in, three areas of DigCom 2.1: information and data literacy, communication and collaboration, and digital content creation. The results showed that these future graduates had an upper intermediate level of competence in information and digital literacy, and communication and collaboration, but a lower intermediate level in terms of digital content creation, particularly in the creation and dissemination of multimedia content using different tools. Two student profiles were identified for time spent online: those who dedicated a lot of their time to gaming or interacting on social media, and those who used most of their online time to searching for information and completing academic work

    Model mjerenja učinkovitosti učenja i zadovoljstva studenata tijekom pandemije bolesti COVID-19

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    The aim of this research was to assess the learning efficacy and level of satisfaction of university students as they adapted to the online teaching model amid the restrictions imposed as a result of COVID-19. The sample consisted of 467 students attending a public University of Spain. The study applied a structural equations methodology with a triangulated approach. The results show that the most influential factor in student online learning satisfaction is teacher-student interaction. On the other hand, student learning efficacy mainly depends on their attitude towards the use of technology; this makes it essential to understand which elements of the online learning system facilitate and incentivize the creation of a good learning environment. Moreover, the design quality of the system and the tools that make it function, and how they link to content and competences, all directly influence perceived ease-of-use and student satisfaction with online teaching.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je procijeniti učinkovitost učenja i razinu zadovoljstva studenata tijekom privikavanja na online nastavu uslijed ograničenja nametnutih zbog pandemije bolesti COVID-19. Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od 467 studenata državnoga sveučilišta u Španjolskoj. U istraživanju je primijenjena metodologija strukturnih jednadžbi i pristup triangulacije. Rezultati pokazuju da je najutjecajniji faktor zadovoljstva učenjem u online okružju interakcija između studenta i nastavnika. S druge strane, učinkovitost učenja najviše ovisi o njihovim stavovima prema korištenju tehnologije. Zbog toga je nužno razumjeti koji elementi učenja u online okružju pomažu i potiču stvaranje dobroga okružja za učenje. Štoviše, kvaliteta dizajna sustava, alati koji im omogućuju rad te kako se oni povezuju sa sadržajem i kompetencijama zajedno izravno utječu na percepciju lakoće korištenja i na zadovoljstvo studenata online nastavom

    Evaluation of the interrelated effects of slaughtering, drying, and defatting methods on the composition and properties of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae fat

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    The interrelated effect of different slaughtering, drying and defatting methods of black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) on the lipid composition and properties of the fat was studied. Blanching and freezing were compared as slaughtering methods, oven or freeze-drying as drying methods, and mechanical pressing or supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) as defatting methods. The different modes of slaughtering, drying, and defatting, along with both binary and ternary interactions caused significant effects on processes yields, lipid composition, moisture content and thermal properties. Thus, considering the defatting degree and the yield in total valued products (defatted meal plus fat), the combination of blanching, freeze-drying plus mechanical pressing was the worst option (51.2% and 87.5%, respectively). In contrast, the other combinations demonstrated better and comparable efficiency, although SFE is preferable for defatting (83.2% and 96.9%, respectively). The content of major fatty acids (lauric, palmitic and myristic acids) was significantly affected by the BSFL treatments, although with unsignificant impact on the total saturated fatty acids content. To preserve the integrity of the fat, the combination of blanching and oven-drying was preferred, as non-thermal methods of slaughtering and drying caused intense lipolysis, releasing free fatty acids (FFA) in the range of 18.6–23.5%. To achieve the lowest moisture content in the fats (≤0.1%), oven-drying with mechanical pressing were desired, regardless of the slaughtering method; while values > 1% were reached for freezing, freeze-drying and SFE. Both differences in FFA and moisture contents caused different thermal behaviors in the samples. Specially, the melting temperature was lower for samples with higher FFA and moisture contents, with a notable difference when freezing, freeze-drying and SFE were combined (14.5 ◦C vs 30.6 ◦C, as the mean value for the rest of samples). The different modes of processing did not affect the minor lipid compounds. Therefore, the modes employed for slaughtering, drying, and defatting of BSFL determine, either individually or in combination, the process yields, composition, and properties of the fatThis research was funded by the Spanish National Plans of Aquaculture of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, project ACUINSECT (Optimization of insect flours as sustainable ingredient for aquaculture feed) with the support of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (FEMP

    The interaction of slaughtering, drying, and defatting methods differently affects oxidative quality of the fat from black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae

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    The interrelation effect of slaughtering, drying, and defatting methods of BSFL on the oxidative quality of the derived fat was studied. Blanching and freezing were compared as slaughtering methods, followed by oven or freeze-drying for drying and mechanical pressing or SFE for defatting. The oxidative state and stability of the extracted fat and defatted meals were monitored immediately after their production, using peroxide value (PV) and Rancimat test, and over 24 weeks of storage. Slaughtering and drying methods had an independent effect on PV, with freezing and freeze-drying being the best methods. Mechanical pressing and SFE were comparable and superior to conventional hexane defatting. Interactions were observed between slaughtering and defatting, drying and defatting, and between all three factors. Generally, freeze-drying combined with any of the slaughtering and defatting methods resulted in the lowest PVs, with mechanical pressing being preferred. Freeze-drying plus mechanical pressing also produced the most stable fats during storage according to the evolution of PV, while the combination of blanching and SFE produced the least stable. A significant correlation was found between the PV at 24 weeks and the antioxidant activity of the fats. Contrary to storage assays, in accelerated Rancimat assays, freeze-dried samples were the least stable, which was partially attributed to the significant correlation with the acid values of the samples. Defatted meals followed a similar pattern to the extracted fat, except for worse oxidation for SFE defatting. Therefore, the different processing methods of slaughtering, drying, and defatting of BSFL differently affect lipid oxidation, with interactions between such successive stepsThis research was funded by the Spanish National Plans of Aquaculture of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, project ACUINSECT (Optimization of insect flours as sustainable ingredient for aquaculture fee

    SDSS-IV MaNGA : the MaNGA dwarf galaxy sample presentation

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    M.C.D. acknowledges support from CONACYT "Ciencia de Frontera" grant 320199. M.C.D. and H.M.H.T. acknowledge support from UC MEXUS-CONACYT grant CN-17-128. A.R.P. acknowledges support from the CONACyT "Ciencia Basica" grant 285721. E.A.O. acknowledges support from the SECTEI (Secretaría de Educación, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de la Ciudad de México) under the Postdoctoral Fellowship SECTEI/170/2021 and CM-SECTEI/303/2021. Funding for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, and the Participating Institutions.We present the MaNGA Dwarf galaxy (MaNDala) Value Added Catalog (VAC), from the final release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-IV program. MaNDala consists of 136 randomly selected bright dwarf galaxies with M* −18.5, making it the largest integral field spectroscopy homogeneous sample of dwarf galaxies. We release a photometric analysis of the g, r, and z broadband imaging based on the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys, as well as a spectroscopic analysis based on the Pipe3D SDSS-IV VAC. Our release includes the surface brightness (SB), geometric parameters, and color profiles, Sérsic fits as well as stellar population properties (such as stellar ages, metallicities, and star formation histories), and emission lines' fluxes within the FOV and the effective radii of the galaxies. We find that the majority of the MaNDala galaxies are star-forming late-type galaxies with 〈nSersic,r〉∼1.6 that are centrals (central/satellite dichotomy). MaNDala covers a large range of SB values (we find 11 candidate ultra-diffuse galaxies and three compact ones), filling the gap between classical dwarfs and low-mass galaxies in the Kormendy Diagram and in the size–mass/luminosity relation, which seems to flatten at 108 2, while the last 20% was at 〈z〉 < 0.3. Finally, a bending of the sSFR-M * relation at M* ∼ 109 M⊙ for the main-sequence galaxies seems to be supported by MaNDala.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Targeting the TWEAK–Fn14 pathway prevents dysfunction in cardiac calcium handling after acute kidney injury

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    Heart and kidney have a closely interrelated pathophysiology. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is associated with significantly increased rates of cardiovascular events, a relationship defined as cardiorenal syndrome type 3 (CRS3). The underlying mechanisms that trigger heart disease remain, however, unknown, particularly concerning the clinical impact of AKI on cardiac outcomes and overall mortality. Tumour necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK) and its receptor fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Fn14) are independently involved in the pathogenesis of both heart and kidney failure, and recent studies have proposed TWEAK as a possible therapeutic target; however, its specific role in cardiac damage associated with CRS3 remains to be clarified. Firstly, we demonstrated in a retrospective longitudinal clinical study that soluble TWEAK plasma levels were a predictive biomarker of mortality in patients with AKI. Furthermore, the exogenous application of TWEAK to native ventricular cardiomyocytes induced relevant calcium (Ca2+) handling alterations. Next, we investigated the role of the TWEAK–Fn14 axis in cardiomyocyte function following renal ischaemia–reperfusion (I/R) injury in mice. We observed that TWEAK–Fn14 signalling was activated in the hearts of AKI mice. Mice also showed significantly altered intra-cardiomyocyte Ca2+ handling and arrhythmogenic Ca2+ events through an impairment in sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-adenosine triphosphatase 2a pump (SERCA2a) and ryanodine receptor (RyR2) function. Administration of anti-TWEAK antibody after reperfusion significantly improved alterations in Ca2+ cycling and arrhythmogenic events and prevented SERCA2a and RyR2 modifications. In conclusion, this study establishes the relevance of the TWEAK–Fn14 pathway in cardiac dysfunction linked to CRS3, both as a predictor of mortality in patients with AKI and as a Ca2+ mishandling inducer in cardiomyocytes, and highlights the cardioprotective benefits of TWEAK targeting in CRS3This work was mainly supported by projects from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (PI20/00763, PI20/01482, CPII20/00022, FI18/00261, FI21/00212, CD19/00029, IFEQ21/00012, PI19/00588, PI22/00469) and co-funded by the European Union, Ministerio de Universidades (FPU20/03005), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci on (RYR2019-026916-I), the Education and Research Council of Madrid (PEJ-2021- AI/SAL-21426), Biomedicine Network Comunidad de Madrid (P2022/BMD-7223 CIFRA_COR-CM), Spanish Network in Inflammasoma and Pyroptosis in Chronic Disease and Cancer (RED2022-134511-T), and the Spanish Society of Nephrology SEN/SENEFRO Foundatio