232 research outputs found

    Vaccination against Foot-and-mouth disease : do initial conditions affect its benefit?

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    When facing incursion of a major livestock infectious disease, the decision to implement a vaccination programme is made at the national level. To make this decision, governments must consider whether the benefits of vaccination are sufficient to outweigh potential additional costs, including further trade restrictions that may be imposed due to the implementation of vaccination. However, little consensus exists on the factors triggering its implementation on the field. This work explores the effect of several triggers in the implementation of a reactive vaccination-to-live policy when facing epidemics of foot-and-mouth disease. In particular, we tested whether changes in the location of the incursion and the delay of implementation would affect the epidemiological benefit of such a policy in the context of Scotland. To reach this goal, we used a spatial, premises-based model that has been extensively used to investigate the effectiveness of mitigation procedures in Great Britain. The results show that the decision to vaccinate, or not, is not straightforward and strongly depends on the underlying local structure of the population-at-risk. With regards to disease incursion preparedness, simply identifying areas of highest population density may not capture all complexities that may influence the spread of disease as well as the benefit of implementing vaccination. However, if a decision to vaccinate is made, we show that delaying its implementation in the field may markedly reduce its benefit. This work provides guidelines to support policy makers in their decision to implement, or not, a vaccination-to-live policy when facing epidemics of infectious livestock disease

    Effects of regional differences and demography in modelling foot-and-mouth disease in cattle at the national scale

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    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a fast-spreading viral infection that can produce large and costly outbreaks in livestock populations. Transmission occurs at multiple spatial scales, as can the actions used to control outbreaks. The US cattle industry is spatially expansive, with heterogeneous distributions of animals and infrastructure. We have developed a model that incorporates the effects of scale for both disease transmission and control actions, applied here in simulating FMD outbreaks in US cattle. We simulated infection initiating in each of the 3049 counties in the contiguous US, 100 times per county. When initial infection was located in specific regions, large outbreaks were more likely to occur, driven by infrastructure and other demographic attributes such as premises clustering and number of cattle on premises. Sensitivity analyses suggest these attributes had more impact on outbreak metrics than the ranges of estimated disease parameter values. Additionally, although shipping accounted for a small percentage of overall transmission, areas receiving the most animal shipments tended to have other attributes that increase the probability of large outbreaks. The importance of including spatial and demographic heterogeneity in modelling outbreak trajectories and control actions is illustrated by specific regions consistently producing larger outbreaks than others

    Converging and diverging convection around axisymmetric magnetic flux tubes

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    A numerical model of idealized sunspots and pores is presented, where axisymmetric cylindrical domains are used with aspect ratios (radius versus depth) up to 4. The model contains a compressible plasma with density and temperature gradients simulating the upper layer of the Sun's convection zone. Non-linear magnetohydrodynamic equations are solved numerically and time-dependent solutions are obtained where the magnetic field is pushed to the centre of the domain by convection cells. This central magnetic flux bundle is maintained by an inner convection cell, situated next to it and with a flow such that there is an inflow at the top of the numerical domain towards the flux bundle. For aspect ratio 4, a large inner cell persists in time, but for lower aspect ratios it becomes highly time dependent. For aspect ratios 2 and 3 this inner convection cell is smaller, tends to be situated towards the top of the domain next to the flux bundle, and appears and disappears with time. When it is gone, the neighbouring cell (with an opposite sense of rotation, i.e. outflow at the top) pulls the magnetic field away from the central axis. As this happens a new inner cell forms with an inflow which pushes the magnetic field towards the centre. This suggests that to maintain their form, both pores and sunspots need a neighbouring convection cell with inflow at the top towards the magnetic flux bundle. This convection cell does not have to be at the top of the convection zone and could be underneath the penumbral structure around sunspots. For an aspect ratio of 1, there is not enough space in the numerical domain for magnetic flux and convection to separate. In this case the solution oscillates between two steady states: two dominant convection cells threaded by magnetic field and one dominant cell that pushes magnetic flux towards the central axis

    Inference for a spatio-temporal model with partial spatial data : African horse sickness virus in Morocco

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    African horse sickness virus (AHSV) is a vector-borne virus spread by midges (Culicoides spp.). The virus causes African horse sickness (AHS) disease in some species of equid. AHS is endemic in parts of Africa, previously emerged in Europe and in 2020 caused outbreaks for the first time in parts of Eastern Asia. Here we analyse a unique historic dataset from the 1989-1991 emergence of AHS in Morocco in a naïve population of equids. Sequential Monte Carlo and Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques are used to estimate parameters for a spatial-temporal model using a transmission kernel. These parameters allow us to observe how the transmissibility of AHSV changes according to the distance between premises. We observe how the spatial specificity of the dataset giving the locations of premises on which any infected equids were reported affects parameter estimates. Estimations of transmissibility were similar at the scales of village (location to the nearest 1.3 km) and region (median area 99 km ), but not province (median area 3000 km ). This data-driven result could help inform decisions by policy makers on collecting data during future equine disease outbreaks, as well as policies for AHS control. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Yukawa potentials in systems with partial periodic boundary conditions I : Ewald sums for quasi-two dimensional systems

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    Yukawa potentials are often used as effective potentials for systems as colloids, plasmas, etc. When the Debye screening length is large, the Yukawa potential tends to the non-screened Coulomb potential ; in this small screening limit, or Coulomb limit, the potential is long ranged. As it is well known in computer simulation, a simple truncation of the long ranged potential and the minimum image convention are insufficient to obtain accurate numerical data on systems. The Ewald method for bulk systems, i.e. with periodic boundary conditions in all three directions of the space, has already been derived for Yukawa potential [cf. Y., Rosenfeld, {\it Mol. Phys.}, \bm{88}, 1357, (1996) and G., Salin and J.-M., Caillol, {\it J. Chem. Phys.}, \bm{113}, 10459, (2000)], but for systems with partial periodic boundary conditions, the Ewald sums have only recently been obtained [M., Mazars, {\it J. Chem. Phys.}, {\bf 126}, 056101 (2007)]. In this paper, we provide a closed derivation of the Ewald sums for Yukawa potentials in systems with periodic boundary conditions in only two directions and for any value of the Debye length. A special attention is paid to the Coulomb limit and its relation with the electroneutrality of systems.Comment: 40 pages, 5 figures and 4 table

    Modelling H5N1 in Bangladesh across spatial scales : model complexity and zoonotic transmission risk

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    Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 remains a persistent public health threat, capable of causing infection in humans with a high mortality rate while simultaneously negatively impacting the livestock industry. A central question is to determine regions that are likely sources of newly emerging influenza strains with pandemic causing potential. A suitable candidate is Bangladesh, being one of the most densely populated countries in the world and having an intensifying farming system. It is therefore vital to establish the key factors, specific to Bangladesh, that enable both continued transmission within poultry and spillover across the human–animal interface. We apply a modelling framework to H5N1 epidemics in the Dhaka region of Bangladesh, occurring from 2007 onwards, that resulted in large outbreaks in the poultry sector and a limited number of confirmed human cases. This model consisted of separate poultry transmission and zoonotic transmission components. Utilising poultry farm spatial and population information a set of competing nested models of varying complexity were fitted to the observed case data, with parameter inference carried out using Bayesian methodology and goodness-of-fit verified by stochastic simulations. For the poultry transmission component, successfully identifying a model of minimal complexity, which enabled the accurate prediction of the size and spatial distribution of cases in H5N1 outbreaks, was found to be dependent on the administration level being analysed. A consistent outcome of non-optimal reporting of infected premises materialised in each poultry epidemic of interest, though across the outbreaks analysed there were substantial differences in the estimated transmission parameters. The zoonotic transmission component found the main contributor to spillover transmission of H5N1 in Bangladesh was found to differ from one poultry epidemic to another. We conclude by discussing possible explanations for these discrepancies in transmission behaviour between epidemics, such as changes in surveillance sensitivity and biosecurity practices

    Angle of Repose and Angle of Marginal Stability: Molecular Dyanmics of Granular Particles

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    We present an implementation of realistic static friction in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of granular particles. In our model, to break contacts between two particles, one has to apply a finite amount of force, determined by the Coulomb criterion. Using a two dimensional model, we show that piles generated by avalanches have a {\it finite} angle of repose θR\theta_R (finite slopes). Furthermore, these piles are stable under tilting by an angle smaller than a non-zero tilting angle θT\theta_T, showing that θR\theta_R is different from the angle of marginal stability θMS\theta_{MS}, which is the maximum angle of stable piles. These measured angles are compared to a theoretical approximation. We also measure θMS\theta_{MS} by continuously adding particles on the top of a stable pile.Comment: 14 pages, Plain Te

    Modelling optimal vaccination strategy for SARS-CoV-2 in the UK

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    The COVID-19 outbreak has highlighted our vulnerability to novel infections. Faced with this threat and no effective treatment, in line with many other countries, the UK adopted enforced social distancing (lockdown) to reduce transmission—successfully reducing the reproductive number R below one. However, given the large pool of susceptible individuals that remain, complete relaxation of controls is likely to generate a substantial further outbreak. Vaccination remains the only foreseeable means of both containing the infection and returning to normal interactions and behaviour. Here, we consider the optimal targeting of vaccination within the UK, with the aim of minimising future deaths or quality adjusted life year (QALY) losses. We show that, for a range of assumptions on the action and efficacy of the vaccine, targeting older age groups first is optimal and may be sufficient to stem the epidemic if the vaccine prevents transmission as well as disease

    Striation and convection in penumbral filaments

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    Observations with the 1-m Swedish Solar Telescope of the flows seen in penumbral filaments are presented. Time sequences of bright filaments show overturning motions strikingly similar to those seen along the walls of small isolated structures in the active regions. The filaments show outward propagating striations with inclination angles suggesting that they are aligned with the local magnetic field. We interpret it as the equivalent of the striations seen in the walls of small isolated magnetic structures. Their origin is then a corrugation of the boundary between an overturning convective flow inside the filament and the magnetic field wrapping around it. The outward propagation is a combination of a pattern motion due to the downflow observed along the sides of bright filaments, and the Evershed flow. The observed short wavelength of the striation argues against the existence of a dynamically significant horizontal field inside the bright filaments. Its intensity contrast is explained by the same physical effect that causes the dark cores of filaments, light bridges and `canals'. In this way striation represents an important clue to the physics of penumbral structure and its relation with other magnetic structures on the solar surface. We put this in perspective with results from the recent 3-D radiative hydrodynamic simulations.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Bayesian estimation of real-time epidemic growth rates using Gaussian processes : local dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in England

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    Quantitative assessments of the recent state of an epidemic and short-term projections for the near future are key public-health tools that have substantial policy impacts, helping to determine if existing control measures are sufficient or need to be strengthened. Key to these quantitative assessments is the ability to rapidly and robustly measure the speed with which an epidemic is growing or decaying. Frequently, epidemiological trends are addressed in terms of the (time-varying) reproductive number R. Here, we take a more parsimonious approach and calculate the exponential growth rate, r, using a Bayesian hierarchical model to fit a Gaussian process to the epidemiological data. We show how the method can be employed when only case data from positive tests are available, and the improvement gained by including the total number of tests as a measure of the heterogeneous testing effort. Although the methods are generic, we apply them to SARS-CoV-2 cases and testing in England, making use of the available high-resolution spatio-temporal data to determine long-term patterns of national growth, highlight regional growth, and spatial heterogeneity