497 research outputs found

    Lessons Learned from Piloting a Computer Literacy Test for Placement and Remedial Decisions

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    Computer literacy, like mathematical literacy or reading literacy, has become part of a student\u27s basic education. Many students are routinely exposed to computers in grades K through 12. If sufficient numbers of incoming freshmen have already mastered basic computer skills and concepts then the question facing our university is whether computer literacy should continue to be taught at the college level or if this course should be treated as a remedial college preparatory course? To answer this question, a computer literacy test was devised to ascertain the computer literacy level of incoming freshmen. The results of the test will help determine which students should be placed out of our computer literacy course. In addition by understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the students that remain in the course, instructional adjustments can be made to address the current computer literacy needs of the student body

    El fenómeno de la segregación en hormigones ligeros. Análisis mediante procesamiento de imágenes y estudio ultrasónico

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    Hormigones ligeros son susceptibles a presentar segregación de los áridos debido a las diferencias entre las densidades de sus componentes. De hecho, durante el vibrado del hormigón, los áridos ligeros tienden a flotar. Como la resistencia mecánica del mortero es considerablemente más elevada que la resistencia de los áridos ligeros, una distribución no uniforme de los áridos en la mezcla del hormigón puede afectar fuertemente en las características globales, que comúnmente son consideradas como valores homogéneos para fines de diseño

    Almost completely decomposable groups and unbounded representation type

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    AbstractAlmost completely decomposable groups with a regulating regulator and a p-primary regulator quotient are studied. It is shown that there are indecomposable such groups of arbitrarily large rank provided that the critical typeset contains some basic configuration and the exponent of the regulator quotient is sufficiently large

    Influence of The Segregation Phenomenon on Structural Efficiency of Lightweight Aggregate Concretes

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    Lightweight aggregate concretes (LWAC) are versatile and interesting materials for projects that require greater structural efficiency. Due to the difference that exists between the densities of the materials used in these types of concrete, during transport and mainly compaction, their aggregates tend to separate from the mortar matrix, floating towards the surface, a phenomenon called segregation. Segregation in LWAC can affect its durability properties, its density, and directly affect its structural efficiency. In this work, different concrete densities (1700 kg/m3 and 1900 kg/m3) manufactured with different dosages (two different lightweight aggregates) and compaction methods (one or two layers) were analyzed to verify the impact of segregation on its structural efficiency. For this purpose, the segregation index of the LWAC was obtained by means of the image analysis technique. In addition, to obtain their structural efficiency, the density and compressive strength were obtained at different heights of the tested specimens. The results show the vibration of the samples in two layers leads to a more efficient elimination of trapped air, a reduction in the risk of segregation, and better structural efficiency.This research was funded by the University of Alicante ((GRE13‐03) and (VIGROB‐256))

    Observer based chaotic message transmission

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    We consider observer based synchronization of continuous-time chaotic systems. We present two message transmission schemes for such systems. The first one is based on chaotic masking and modulation, and the second one is based on only chaotic modulation. We show that in these schemes, the message may be recovered under certain conditions. We show that the proposed schemes are robust with respect to noise and parameter mismatch. We also present some simulation results

    Mechanical and Tribological Properties of TiN Coatings Produced by PIII&D Technique

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    The structure, mechanical and tribological properties TiN coatings рroduced with PIII&D by using rectilinear filtered vacuum arc plasma system are present. The results of scratch testing and wear reciprocating testing clearly revealed the positive effect of pulse bias (0.5÷2.5 kV) application on tribological behavior of the TiN coatings in comparison the coatings deposited with DC bias (150 V). Application of pulsed bias potential leads to a significant reduction in the friction coefficient and increasing of coatings wear resistance due to a change in their structure. The orientation of crystal planes parallel to the surface changes from (111) to (220) with the application of pulse bias, which is accompanied by a transition from fibrous grains structure to denser columnar grains. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3518

    Mechanical and Tribological Properties of TiN Coatings Produced by PIII&D Technique

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    The structure, mechanical and tribological properties TiN coatings рroduced with PIII&D by using rectilinear filtered vacuum arc plasma system are present. The results of scratch testing and wear reciprocating testing clearly revealed the positive effect of pulse bias (0.5÷2.5 kV) application on tribological behavior of the TiN coatings in comparison the coatings deposited with DC bias (150 V). Application of pulsed bias potential leads to a significant reduction in the friction coefficient and increasing of coatings wear resistance due to a change in their structure. The orientation of crystal planes parallel to the surface changes from (111) to (220) with the application of pulse bias, which is accompanied by a transition from fibrous grains structure to denser columnar grains. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3518

    Lípidos bioactivos, actividad antirradical y estabilidad de aceites de semillas de rosa mosqueta bajo oxidación térmica y fotoinducida

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    In the present report, the fatty acids, tocopherols, and sterol profiles as well as the total phenolics and carotenoids of rosehip (Rosa canina) seed oil were determined. The major fatty acids in the oil were linoleic and linolenic acids, comprising 54.80% and 23.47% of the total fatty acids, respectively. Other bioactive lipids in the oil included total tocopherols (786.3 mg/kg), total phenolics (37.97 mg/kg) and total carotenoids (218.8 mg/kg). Rosehip oil was rich in γ-tocopherol (472.0 mg/kg) and β‑sitosterol (78.0% of total sterols). The DPPH· (2,2′-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity of the oil showed 1.08 mg α-tocopherol/g oil and 4.18 μmol TEAC (Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity)/g oil, respectively. The ABTS+ (2,2′-Azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) radical scavenging activity of the oil showed 1.00 mg α-tocopherol/g oil and 3.02 μmol TEAC/g oil, respectively. The induction period (IP) of the oil was 3.46 h for the Rancimat test (110 °C), while the IP of oil in differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) test (100-150 °C) ranged between 0.26 and 58.06 min. The oxidative stability of the oil was determined under thermal and photo oxidation conditions. The progression of oxidation at 30 °C (under UV light) and at 60 °C (in the dark) was followed by recording the ultraviolet absorption (K232 and K270) and degradation of total tocopherols, γ-tocopherol and total carotenoids. Rapid deterioration occurred in the oil stored under UV light conditions. The information provided in the present work is of importance for using rosehip seed oil in different food and non-food applications.En este trabajo se determinaron los ácidos grasos, tocoferoles, el perfil de esteroles, así como los fenoles totales y los carotenoides de aceites de semillas de rosa mosqueta (Rosa canina). Los principales ácidos grasos fueron linoleico y linolénico, que representan el 54,80% y 23,47% de los ácidos grasos totales, respectivamente. Otros lípidos bioactivos incluyen tocoferoles totales (786,3 mg/kg), fenoles (37,97 mg/kg) y carotenoides (218,8 mg/kg). El aceite de rosa mosqueta es rico en γ-tocoferol (472,0 mg/kg) y β-sitosterol (78,0% del total de los esteroles). La actividad captadora de radicales DPPH· (2,2’-difenil-1-picrilhidrazilo) fue 1,08 mg de α-tocoferol/g de aceite y 4,18 μmol de TEAC (capacidad antioxidante equivalente de Trolox)/g de aceite, respectivamente. La actividad captadora de radicales ABTS+ (2,2’-Azino-bis-3-etilbenzotiazolin-6-sulfónico) fue de 1,00 mg de α-tocoferol/g de aceite y 3,02 μmoles de TEAC/g de aceite, respectivamente. El período de inducción (IP) del aceite fue 3.46 h Rancimat (110 °C), mientras que el IP del aceite para la prueba de calorimetría de barrido diferencial (DSC) (100-150 °C) osciló entre 0,26-58,06 min. La estabilidad oxidativa del aceite se determinó en condiciones térmicas y de fotooxidativas. El progreso de la oxidación a 30 °C (bajo luz ultravioleta) y 60 °C (en oscuridad) fue determinado mediante las medidas del K232 y K270 mediante la degradación de tocoferoles totales, γ-tocoferol y carotenoides totales. El rápido deterioro se produjo en el aceite almacenado bajo condiciones de luz UV. La información proporcionada en el presente trabajo es de importancia para usar aceite de semilla de rosa mosqueta en diferentes aplicaciones alimentarias y no alimentarias

    Techniques pour améliorer l’attention et l’engagement dans le traitement des patients souffrant de schizophrénie avec de graves déficits cognitifs (troisième partie)

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    Malgré l’existence de plusieurs interventions psychiatriques de groupe efficaces, beaucoup de patients gravement atteints sont incapables d’en bénéficier en raison de leur incapacité à maintenir leur attention lors des sessions de groupe. L’inattention pourrait être due à un ou plusieurs facteurs, dont un déficit d’attention, une faible motivation, aux effets sédatifs de la médication, et aux hallucinations et pensées troublantes dont l’effet interfère. Les interventions typiques de réhabilitation cognitive existantes pour la schizophrénie n’abordent pas ces facteurs, mais ciblent les fonctions de haut niveau comme la mémoire, l’apprentissage, la résolution de problèmes et le fonctionnement exécutif. Dans cet article, les auteurs décrivent des techniques qui insistent sur l’attention et l’engagement des patients gravement atteints et réfractaires aux traitements. Ces techniques concernent à la fois les interventions individuelles et les interventions de groupe.While many effective group-based psychiatric rehabilitation interventions now exist, many severely disabled patients are unable to benefit from them due to a reduced ability to pay attention in group sessions. Moreover, inattentiveness can be due to one or more of multiple factors, including a sustained attention deficit, poor motivation, sedating side effects of medication, and the interfering effects of hallucinations and disturbing thoughts. Existing cognitive rehabilitation interventions for schizophrenia typically do not address these factors, instead targeting higher level functions such as memory, learning, problem-solving, and executive functioning. In this paper, we describe techniques for promoting attentiveness and treatment engagement among severely disabled “treatment-refractory” patients. This includes both individual and group-based interventions.A pesar de la existencia de varias intervenciones psiquiátricas de grupos eficaces, muchos pacientes gravemente afectados son incapaces de beneficiarse con ellas debido a su incapacidad de mantener la atención durante las sesiones de grupo. La falta de atención podría deberse a uno o varios factores, entre ellos a un déficit de atención, una motivación débil, los efectos sedativos de la medicación y las alucinaciones y pensamientos perturbadores cuyo efecto interfiere. Las intervenciones típicas de rehabilitación cognitiva existentes para la esquizofrenia no abordan estos factores, pero se enfocan en las funciones de nivel elevado como la memoria, el aprendizaje, la resolución de problemas y el funcionamiento ejecutivo. En este artículo, los autores describen las técnicas que insisten en la atención y la implicación de los pacientes gravemente afectados y refractarios a los tratamientos. Estas técnicas conciernen a la vez a las intervenciones individuales y a las intervenciones de grupo.Apesar da existência de várias intervenções psiquiátricas de grupo eficazes, muitos pacientes gravemente atingidos são incapazes de usufruir destas intervenções por causa de sua incapacidade em manter a atenção durante sessões de grupo. A falta de atenção poderia ser devida a um ou vários fatores, entre eles a um déficit de atenção, a uma baixa motivação, aos efeitos sedativos da medicação e às alucinações e pensamentos perturbadores cujo efeito pode interferir no tratamento. As intervenções típicas de reabilitação cognitiva existentes para a esquizofrenia não abordam estes fatores, mas visam as funções de alto nível como a memória, a aprendizagem, a resolução de problemas e o funcionamento executivo. Neste artigo, os autores descrevem técnicas que insistem na atenção e no empenho dos pacientes gravemente atingidos e refratários aos tratamentos. Estas técnicas tratam ao mesmo tempo das intervenções individuais e das intervenções de grupo

    Image Analysis Applications for the Study of Segregation in Lightweight Concretes

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    The use of lightweight concrete allows great flexibility and cost savings when it is used in building construction having a positive impact on the energy consumption of buildings due to its good thermal characteristics. However, it is also known that the differences between the densities of the materials used to produce these concretes make it highly susceptible to the segregation phenomenon. The main objective of the present work is to present a method to quantify this phenomenon using techniques of image analysis. In this work, a lightweight concrete produced was molded in cylindrical molds using different times of internal vibration and causing different degrees of segregation. The samples were cured, vertically saw-cut in two pieces (halves) and the sections were photographed. Subsequently, the halves were saw-cut horizontally in four equal parts and posteriorly their densities were determined experimentally. The densities obtained were used to calculate the segregation index of each sample (experimental method). Furthermore, the photographed sections were processed using image analysis software in order to determine the volumetric proportions of aggregates in each sample (noise reduction, threshold adjustment, binarization and fill holes). The processed images were used to calculate the densities and segregation index of the lightweight concrete produced through image analysis. In addition, using the photographed sections, a vertical density profile was programmed to analyze the distribution of the lightweight concrete components (mortar and aggregate). Finally, the results obtained experimentally and through image analysis were compared. This study demonstrates that the image analysis allows a deeper knowledge of the behavior of segregated concrete.This research was funded by the University of Alicante (GRE13-03) and (VIGROB-256)