432 research outputs found

    Holographic Imaging of Crowded Fields: High Angular Resolution Imaging with Excellent Quality at Very Low Cost

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    We present a method for speckle holography that is optimised for crowded fields. Its two key features are an iterativ improvement of the instantaneous Point Spread Functions (PSFs) extracted from each speckle frame and the (optional) simultaneous use of multiple reference stars. In this way, high signal-to-noise and accuracy can be achieved on the PSF for each short exposure, which results in sensitive, high-Strehl re- constructed images. We have tested our method with different instruments, on a range of targets, and from the N- to the I-band. In terms of PSF cosmetics, stability and Strehl ratio, holographic imaging can be equal, and even superior, to the capabilities of currently available Adaptive Optics (AO) systems, particularly at short near-infrared to optical wavelengths. It outperforms lucky imaging because it makes use of the entire PSF and reduces the need for frame selection, thus leading to higher Strehl and improved sensitivity. Image reconstruction a posteriori, the possibility to use multiple reference stars and the fact that these reference stars can be rather faint means that holographic imaging offers a simple way to image large, dense stellar fields near the diffraction limit of large telescopes, similar to, but much less technologically demanding than, the capabilities of a multi-conjugate adaptive optics system. The method can be used with a large range of already existing imaging instruments and can also be combined with AO imaging when the corrected PSF is unstable.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS on 15 Nov 201

    Radio Continuum Observations of the Galactic Center: Photoevaporative Proplyd-like Objects near Sgr A*

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    We present radio images within 30'' of Sgr A* based on recent VLA observations at 34 GHz with 7.8 microJy sensitivity and resolution 88×46\sim88\times46 milliarcseconds (mas). We report 44 partially resolved compact sources clustered in two regions in the E arm of ionized gas that orbits Sgr A*. These sources have size scales ranging between ~50 and 200 mas (400 to 1600 AUs), and a bow-shock appearance facing the direction of Sgr A*. Unlike the bow-shock sources previously identified in the near-IR but associated with massive stars, these 34 GHz sources do not appear to have near-IR counterparts at 3.8 μ\mum. We interpret these sources as a candidate population of photoevaporative protoplanetary disks (proplyds) that are associated with newly formed low mass stars with mass loss rates ~10^{-7} - 10^{-6} solar mass per year and are located at the edge of a molecular cloud outlined by ionized gas. The disks are externally illuminated by strong Lyman continuum radiation from the ~100 OB and WR massive stars distributed within 10'' of Sgr A*. The presence of proplyds implies current in-situ star formation activity near Sgr A* and opens a window for the first time to study low mass star, planetary and brown dwarf formations near a supermassive black hole.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, ApJL (in press

    The enigma of GCIRS 3 - Constraining the properties of the mid-infrared reference star of the central parsec of the Milky Way with optical long baseline interferometry

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    GCIRS3 is the most prominent MIR source in the central pc of the Galaxy. NIR spectroscopy failed to solve the enigma of its nature. The properties of extreme individual objects of the central stellar cluster contribute to our knowledge of star and dust formation close to a supermassive black hole. We initiated an interferometric experiment to understand IRS3 and investigate its properties as spectroscopic and interferometric reference star at 10um. VISIR imaging separates a compact source from diffuse, surrounding emission. The VLTI/MIDI instrument was used to measure visibilities at 10mas resolution of that compact 10um source, still unresolved by a single VLT. Photometry data were added to enable simple SED- and full radiative transfer-models of the data. The luminosity and size estimates show that IRS3 is probably a cool carbon star enshrouded by a complex dust distribution. Dust temperatures were derived. The coinciding interpretation of multiple datasets confirm dust emission at several spatial scales. The IF data resolve the innermost area of dust formation. Despite observed deep silicate absorption towards IRS3 we favor a carbon rich chemistry of the circumstellar dust shell. The silicate absorption most probably takes place in the outer diffuse dust, which is mostly ignored by MIDI measurements. This indicates physically and chemically distinct conditions of the local dust, changing with the distance to IRS3. We have demonstrated that optical long baseline interferometry at infrared wavelengths is an indispensable tool to investigate sources at the Galactic Center. Our findings suggest further studies of the composition of interstellar dust and the shape of the 10um silicate feature at this outstanding region.Comment: accepted by A&A, now in press; 19 pages, 22 figures, 5 table

    First VLTI infrared spectro-interferometry on GCIRS 7 - Characterizing the prime reference source for Galactic center observations at highest angular resolution

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    Investigating the environment of the massive black hole SgrA* at the center of the Galaxy requires the highest angular resolution available to avoid source confusion and to study the physical properties of the individual objects. GCIRS7 has been used as wavefront and astrometric reference. Our studies investigate, for the first time, its properties at 2&10um using VLTI/AMBER and MIDI. We aim at analyzing the suitability of IRS7 as an IF-phase-reference for the upcoming generation of dual-field facilities at optical interferometers. We observed with (R~30) and 50m (proj.) baseline, resulting in 9 and 45mas resolution for NIR and MIR, resp. The first K-band fringe detection of a GC star suggests that IRS7 could be marginally resolved at 2um, which would imply that the photosphere of the supergiant is enshrouded by a molecular and dusty envelope. At 10um, IRS7 is strongly resolved with a visibility of approximately 0.2. The MIR is dominated by moderately warm (200 K), extended dust, mostly distributed outside of a radius of about 120 AU (15 mas) around the star. A deep 9.8-silicate absorption in excess of the usual extinction law with respect to the NIR extinction has been found. This confirms recent findings of a relatively enhanced, interstellar 9.8-silicate absorption with respect to the NIR extinction towards another star in the central arcsec, suggesting an unusual dust composition in that region. Our VLTI observations show that interferometric NIR phase-referencing experiments with mas resolution using IRS7 as phase-reference appear to be feasible, but more such studies are required to definitely characterize the close environment around this star. We demonstrate that interferometry is required to resolve the innermost environment of stars at the Galactic center.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Cometary shaped sources at the Galactic Center - Evidence for a wind from the central 0.2 pc

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    In 2007 we reported two cometary shaped sources in the vicinity of Sgr A* (0.8" and 3.4" projected distance), named X7 and X3. The symmetry axes of the two sources are aligned to within 5 degrees in the plane of the sky and the tips of their bow-shocks point towards Sgr A*. Our measurements show that the proper motion vectors of both features are pointing in directions more than 45 deg away from the line that connects them with Sgr A*. This misalignment of the bow-shock symmetry axes and their proper motion vectors, combined with the high proper motion velocities of several 100 km/s, suggest that the bow-shocks must be produced by an interaction with some external fast wind, possibly coming from Sgr A*, or stars in its vicinity. We have developed a bow-shock model to fit the observed morphology and constrain the source of the external wind. The result of our modeling allows us to estimate the velocity of the external wind, making sure that all likely stellar types of the bow-shock stars are considered. We show that neither of the two bow-shocks (one of which is clearly associated with a stellar source) can be produced by influence of a stellar wind of a single mass-losing star in the central parsec. Instead, an outflow carrying a momentum comparable to the one contributed by the ensemble of the massive young stars, can drive shock velocities capable of producing the observed cometary features. We argue that a collimated outflow arising perpendicular to the plane of the clockwise rotating stars (CWS), can easily account for the two features and the mini-cavity. However, the collective wind from the CWS has a scale of >10''. The presence of a strong, mass-loaded outbound wind at projected distances from Sgr A* of <1'' is in fact in agreement with models that predict a highly inefficient accretion onto the central black hole due to a strongly radius dependent accretion flow.Comment: to appear in A&

    ALMA and VLA Observations: Evidence for Ongoing Low-mass Star Formation near Sgr A*

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    Using the VLA, we recently detected a large number of protoplanetary disk (proplyd) candidates lying within a couple of light years of the massive black hole Sgr A*. The bow-shock appearance of proplyd candidates point toward the young massive stars located near Sgr A*. Similar to Orion proplyds, the strong UV radiation from the cluster of massive stars at the Galactic center is expected to photoevaporate and photoionize the circumstellar disks around young, low mass stars, thus allowing detection of the ionized outflows from the photoionized layer surrounding cool and dense gaseous disks. To confirm this picture, ALMA observations detect millimeter emission at 226 GHz from five proplyd candidates that had been detected at 44 and 34 GHz with the VLA. We present the derived disk masses for four sources as a function of the assumed dust temperature. The mass of protoplanetary disks from cool dust emission ranges between 0.03 -- 0.05 solar mass. These estimates are consistent with the disk masses found in star forming sites in the Galaxy. These measurements show the presence of on-going star formation with the implication that gas clouds can survive near Sgr A* and the relative importance of high vs low-mass star formation in the strong tidal and radiation fields of the Galactic center.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, MNRAS (in press

    On the orientation of the Sagittarius A* system

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    The near-infrared emission from the black hole at the Galactic center (Sgr A*) has unique properties. The most striking feature is a suggestive periodic sub-structure that has been observed in a couple of flares so far. Using near-infrared polarimetric observations and modelling the quasi-periodicity in terms of an orbiting blob, we try to constrain the three dimensional orientation of the Sgr A* system. We report on so far unpublished polarimetric data from 2003. They support the observations of a roughly constant mean polarization angle of 60 degr \pm 20 degr from 2004-2006. Prior investigations of the 2006 data are deepened. In particular, the blob model fits are evaluated such that constraints on the position angle of Sgr A* can be derived. Confidence contours in the position-inclination angle plane are derived. On a 3sigma level the position angle of the equatorial plane normal is in the range 60 degr - 108 degr (east of north) in combination with a large inclination angle. This agrees well with recent independent work in which radio spectral/morphological properties of Sgr A* and X-ray observations, respectively, have been used. However, the quality of the presently available data and the uncertainties in our model bring some ambiguity to our conclusions.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; Research Note accepted by A&A for publicatio

    Adaptive optics assisted near-infrared polarization measurements of sources in the Galactic Center

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    The goals of this work are to provide NIR polarimetry of the stellar sources in the central pc at the resolution of an 8m telescope for the first time, along with new insights into the nature of the known bright bow-shock sources. We use AO assisted observations with the ESO VLT in the H- and Ks-band, applying high precision photometric methods developed for crowded fields and a new polarimetric calibration for NACO to produce polarization maps of the central 3"x19", in addition to spatially resolved polarimetry and a variability analysis on the extended sources. We find foreground polarization parallel to the Galactic plane, with averages of (4.6+/-0.6)% at 26{\deg}+/-6{\deg} (Ks) and (9.3+/-1.3)% at 20{\deg}+/-6{\deg} (H) in the center. At larger distances from the center, we find different polarization parameters: (7.5+/-1.0)% at 11{\deg}+/-6{\deg} (Ks) and (12.1+/-2.1)% at 13{\deg}+/-6{\deg} (H). p_H/p_Ks peaks at 1.9+/-0.4, with a power law index for the wavelength dependency of alpha = 2.4+/-0.7. This also varies over the FOV, with higher values in the center, indicating local effects on the total polarization, possibly dichroic extinction by Northern Arm dust. The two extended sources IRS 21 and 1W show similar intrinsic polarization degrees of 6.1% resp. 7.8% (Ks) and 6.9% (H, only 1W) at polarization angles coincident with previous NIR and MIR findings, both in total and resolved. The spatial polarization pattern of both sources points to scattering on aligned elongated dust grains as the major source of intrinsic polarization, and matches the known orientation of the magnetic field. Our data also allows us to separate the bow shock of IRS 21 from the central source for the first time in the Ks-band, with the apex north of the center and a standoff distance of ~400 AU, matching previous estimates. This source also shows a ~50% increase in flux in the NIR over several years.Comment: 26 pages, 33 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    VLTI observations of IRS~3: The brightest compact MIR source at the Galactic Centre

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    The dust enshrouded star IRS~3 in the central light year of our galaxy was partially resolved in a recent VLTI experiment. The presented observation is the first step in investigating both IRS~3 in particular and the stellar population of the Galactic Centre in general with the VLTI at highest angular resolution. We will outline which scientific issues can be addressed by a complete MIDI dataset on IRS~3 in the mid infrared.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published in: The ESO Messenge

    Detecting hot stars in the Galactic centre with combined near- and mid-infrared photometry

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    {The Galactic centre (GC) is a unique astrophysical laboratory to study the stellar population of galactic nuclei because it is the only galactic nucleus whose stars can be resolved down to milliparsec scales. However, the extreme and spatially highly variable interstellar extinction towards the GC poses a serious obstacle to photometric stellar classification.} {Our goal is to identify hot, massive stars in the nuclear stellar disc (NSD) region through combining near-infrared (NIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) photometry, and thus to demonstrate the feasibility of this technique, which may gain great importance with the arrival of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).} {We combined the GALACTICNUCLEUS NIR survey with the IRAC/Spitzer MIR survey of the GC. We applied the so-called Rayleigh-Jeans colour excess (RJCE) de-reddening method to our combined NIR-MIR data to identify potential hot stars in colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs).} {Despite the very low angular resolution of IRAC we find 12 clear candidates for young massive stars among the 10651\,065 sources that meet our selection criteria. Seven out of these 12 stars are previously known hot, massive stars belonging to the Arches and Quintuplet clusters, as well as sources detected by the Hubble Space Telescope/NICMOS Paschen-α\alpha survey. Five of our massive star candidates have not been previously reported in the literature.} {We show that the RJCE method is a valuable tool to identify hot stars in the GC using photometry alone. Upcoming instruments with high angular resolution MIR imaging capabilities such as the JWST could surely make more substantial use of this de-reddening method and help establish a far more complete census of hot, young stars in the GC area than what is possible at the moment.}Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&