66 research outputs found

    The role of microorganisms in the formation of a stalactite in Botovskaya Cave, Siberia – paleoenvironmental implications

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    Calcitic speleothems in caves can form through abiogenic or biogenic processes, or through a combination of both. Many issues conspire to make the assessment of biogenicity difficult, especially when focusing on old speleothem deposits. This study reports on a multiproxy analysis of a Siberian stalactite, combining high-resolution microscopy, isotope geochemistry and microbially enhanced mineral precipitation laboratory experiments. The contact between growth layers in a stalactite exhibits a biogenic isotopic signature; coupled with morphological evidence, this supports a microbial origin of calcite crystals. SIMS δ<sup>13</sup>C data suggest that microbially mediated speleothem formation occurred repeatedly at short intervals before abiotic precipitation took over. The studied stalactite also contains iron and manganese oxides that have been mediated by microbial activity through extracellular polymeric substance (EPS)-influenced organomineralization processes. The latter reflect paleoenvironmental changes that occurred more than 500 000 yr ago, possibly related to the presence of a peat bog above the cave at that time. Microbial activity can initiate calcite deposition in the aphotic zone of caves before inorganic precipitation of speleothem carbonates. This study highlights the importance of microbially induced fractionation that can result in large negative δ<sup>13</sup>C excursions. The microscale biogeochemical processes imply that microbial activity has only negligible effects on the bulk δ<sup>13</sup>C signature in speleothems, which is more strongly affected by CO<sub>2</sub> degassing and the host rock signature

    Morphological and Geochemical Evidence of Eumelanin Preservation in the Feathers of the Early Cretaceous Bird, Gansus yumenensis

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    Recent studies have shown evidence for the preservation of colour in fossilized soft tissues by imaging melanosomes, melanin pigment containing organelles. This study combines geochemical analyses with morphological observations to investigate the preservation of melanosomes and melanin within feathers of the Early Cretaceous bird, Gansus yumenensis. Scanning electron microscopy reveals structures concordant with those previously identified as eumelanosomes within visually dark areas of the feathers but not in lighter areas or sedimentary matrices. Fourier transform infrared analyses show different spectra for the feathers and their matrices; melanic functional groups appear in the feather including carboxylic acid and ketone groups that are not seen in the matrix. When mapped, the carboxylic acid group absorption faithfully replicates the visually dark areas of the feathers. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy of one specimen demonstrates the presence of organic signals but proved too insensitive to resolve melanin. Pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry shows a similar distribution of aliphatic material within both feathers that are different from those of their respective matrices. In combination, these techniques strongly suggest that not only do the feathers contain endogenous organic material, but that both geochemical and morphological evidence supports the preservation of original eumelanic pigment residue

    Primitive computations in speech processing

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    Previous research suggests that artificial-language learners exposed to quasi-continuous speech can learn that the first and the last syllables of words have to belong to distinct classes (e.g., Endress & Bonatti, 2007; Peña, Bonatti, Nespor, & Mehler, 2002). The mechanisms of these generalizations, however, are debated. Here we show that participants learn such generalizations only when the crucial syllables are in edge positions (i.e., the first and the last), but not when they are in medial positions (i.e., the second and the fourth in pentasyllabic items). In contrast to the generalizations, participants readily perform statistical analyses also in word middles. In analogy to sequential memory, we suggest that participants extract the generalizations using a simple but specific mechanism that encodes the positions of syllables that occur in edges. Simultaneously, they use another mechanism to track the syllable distribution in the speech streams. In contrast to previous accounts, this model explains why the generalizations are faster than the statistical computations, require additional cues, and break down under different conditions, and why they can be performed at all. We also show that that similar edge-based mechanisms may explain many results in artificial-grammar learning and also various linguistic observations

    Episodic river flooding events revealed by palynological assemblages in Jurassic deposits of the Brent Group, North Sea

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    Spore and pollen (sporomorph) assemblages from Middle Jurassic marine deposits of the Brent Group in the northern North Sea are investigated to assess temporal and spatial variations in vegetation and depositional processes. Four wells were sampled for palynology from the Penguins Cluster and the Don North East fields through the Rannoch Formation shoreface succession. Hyperpycnite deposits occur throughout, but are concentrated within the lower part of the section. These are expressed by sand-prone beds displaying waxing and waning current motifs, normally graded muddy beds and structureless mudstones. Hyperpycnal/hypopycnal deposits resulting from episodic river flooding represent important sedimentary features as they may be preserved below fair weather wave base in more offshore settings and potentially be the only record of the former presence of a nearby river mouth. The hyperpycnites typically contain abundant Botryoccocus spp., Amorphous Organic Matter (AOM) and hinterland sporomorph taxa with relatively few marine components compared to associated marine shoreface facies. Variations in palynofacies assemblages and Botryococcus spp. abundances indicate frequent river mouth avulsion. Ordination of samples using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) indicates that shoreface samples of the sampled wells are relatively distinct, but hyperpycnite samples are highly similar regardless of their sampled well. This suggests that depositional processes and spore/pollen sources (i.e. catchment zones) were similar among hyperpycnite events across different wells. Abundant bisaccate pollen, Botryococcus spp. and AOM within interpreted hyperpycnites suggest sediment mixing along the fluvial drainage path during flooding events. The terrestrial signature of hyperpycnite sporomorph assemblages demonstrates that underflows remained coherent as they descended the shoreface profile with little turbulent mixing with ambient marine waters. Sporomorph assemblages display few large changes through time suggesting vegetation on the adjacent coastal plain was relatively static through the studied interval

    Cyanobacteria Proliferation in the Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Interval of the Apennine Carbonate Platform: Immediate Response to the Environmental Perturbations Associated With OAE-2?

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    Oceanic Anoxic Event-2 (OAE-2; Cenomanian-Turonian) is characterized by extensive deposition of organic carbon-rich deposits (black shales) in ocean basins worldwide as result of a major perturbation of the global carbon cycle. While the sedimentological, geochemical, and paleontological aspects of deep water expressions of OAE-2 have been intensively studied in the last few decades, much less attention has been given to the coeval shallow water deposits. In this study, we present the results of a detailed facies and petrographic (optical microscope and scanning electron microscopy) and geochemical studies (δ13Ccarb, δ 13C org, δ 15Nbulk, TOC, and Rock-Eval pyrolysis) on two key shallow marine sections from the Apennine Carbonate Platform (ACP; Italy). Here a continuous record of shallow water carbonates through the OAE-2 interval is preserved, offering the unique opportunity to document the archive of paleoenvironmental changes in a neritic setting, at a tropical latitude and far from the influence of a large continental block. Two conspicuous intervals are characterized by abundant and closely spaced “dark” microbial laminites found at correlative stratigraphic horizons in the two stratigraphic sections. These laminites contain elevated concentrations of TOC (up to 1%) relative to microbial capping cycles laminites stratigraphically above and below. The organic matter preserved in these fine-grained laminites is dominated by cyanobacteria remains, which accounted for most of the organic matter produced on the ACP in these intervals. Our study suggests that Tethyan carbonate platforms experienced significant biological changes during OAE-2, alternating, in few kiloyears, between eutrophic phases dominated by microbial communities and mesotrophic/oligotrophic conditions favoring “normal” carbonate production/sedimentation. The synchronous occurrence of microbialite facies at different locations across the ACP and on other platforms worldwide (e.g., Mexico and Croatia) suggests a causal link between Large Igneous Province volcanism and the environmental conditions necessary to trigger cyanobacterial proliferation on shallow carbonate platforms
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