975 research outputs found

    Levels of Sustainability Awareness in Spanish University Students of Nautical Activities as Future Managers of Sports and Active Tourism Programmes

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    © 2023 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/).Abstract: University students will play an important role in making decisions that will affect the environment, as future leaders of our society. Their level of sensitivity and environmental knowledge will play an important role in adequately facing future challenges. This article aims to measure the sustainability awareness of a sample of future graduates in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences in Spain. The literature supports that the sensitivity of these students can be estimated by using the Spanish adaptation of the SCQ-S. This allows for establishing the level of knowledge, attitudes and behaviour pertaining to sustainability in three dimensions: environmental, social and economic. The sample consisted of 170 students (58.8% males; 41.2% females) with a mean age of 20.5 years (±4.039). The overall Cronbach’s alpha showed a fairly good value (α = 0.836). The same was true for the Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin test values (KMO = 0.816) and Bartlett’s sphericity test (p < 0.001). The knowledge construct (4.56 ± 0.53) was the highest descriptive, followed by attitude (4.12 ± 0.59). The lowest value was behaviour (3.79 ± 0.66). By gender, girls obtained the highest sensitivity indexes. In addition, the place of habitual residence and physical activity in the natural environment were related to the overall behaviour of the university students. It is concluded that being in active contact with the natural environment allows us to have a higher level of awareness

    Epidermal UV-A absorbance and whole-leaf flavonoid composition in pea respond more to solar blue light than to solar UV radiation

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    Plants synthesize phenolic compounds in response to certain environmental signals or stresses. One large group of phenolics, flavonoids, is considered particularly responsive to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. However, here we demonstrate that solar blue light stimulates flavonoid biosynthesis in the absence of UV-A and UV-B radiation. We grew pea plants (Pisum sativum cv. Meteor) outdoors, in Finland during the summer, under five types of filters differing in their spectral transmittance. These filters were used to (1) attenuate UV-B; (2) attenuate UV-B and UV-A We studied the relative importance of the UV and blue wavebands of sunlight for the phenolics in leaves of pea (Pisum sativum cv. Meteor) plants grown outdoors. We report a large reduction in epidermal flavonoids and a change in the flavonoid composition in leaf extracts when solar blue light was attenuated. Under the conditions of our experiment, these effects of blue light attenuation were much larger than those caused by attenuation of UV radiation.Peer reviewe

    Efeitos da disrupção endócrina na gestação: uma revisão sistemática

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    Endocrine disruptors are ubiquitous natural and synthetic environmental pollutants that can mimic, block or disturb normal hormonal function. Environmental exposure to these pollutants is almost impossible to prevent due to their presence in the air, water, soil, food and in many other materials with which we come in contact daily, such as plastics. Foetuses are vulnerable during pregnancy because their organism is in a developmental stage, and any disruption may affect their health in the short and/or long term. There is some evidence that these substances disrupt tissue differentiation and growth processes, cause birth defects and affect the length of pregnancy. In this review we will focus on environmental epidemiology and related literature in order to update current knowledge based on the actual evidence of the effects of these substances on the aetiology of preterm delivery, miscarriages, low birth weight, malformations, cryptorchidism, hypospadias and micropenis. The difficulty in studying this topic is due to the high number of involved factors, which makes the available results inconclusive or even contradictory. Consequently, further research is necessary.Los alteradores endocrinos son contaminantes ambientales, naturales y sintéticos, ubicuos, que pueden mimetizar, bloquear o alterar funciones hormonales. La exposición ambiental a estos contaminantes es prácticamente imposible de evitar debido a que están presentes en el aire, en el agua, en los suelos, en los alimentos, y en muchos de los materiales con los que estamos en contacto diariamente, como los plásticos. La gestación supone una etapa de vulnerabilidad para el feto porque su organismo está en proceso de desarrollo y cualquier alteración puede afectar su salud a corto o largo plazo. Hay cierta evidencia de que estas sustancias alteran procesos de crecimiento y diferenciación de tejidos, producen malformaciones y afectan la duración del embarazo. Hasta el momento se conoce algo de sus efectos en la etiología de la criptorquidia, hipospadias y micropene, abortos espontáneos, partos prematuros y el bajo peso al nacimiento, efectos que serán revisados en este documento que quiere aportar una actualización del conocimiento, concentrándose en la epidemiología ambiental y la literatura relacionada. La dificultad para estudiar este tema por la cantidad de factores que intervienen hace que los resultados existentes no sean concluyentes o incluso contradictorios, por lo que es necesario que se siga investigando.Os disruptores endócrinos são contaminantes ambientais ubíquos, naturais e sintéticos, que podem mimetizar, bloquear ou alterar funções hormonais. A exposição ambiental a estes contaminantes é quase impossível de evitar porque estão presentes no ar, na água, no solo, nos alimentos e em muitos materiais de uso cotidiano como os plásticos. A gestação é uma etapa de vulnerabilidade para o feto porque o organismo está em processo de desenvolvimento e qualquer alteração pode afetar gravemente a sua saúde a curto ou longo prazo. Existe alguma evidência de que estas sustâncias alteram processos de crescimento e diferenciação de tecidos, produzem malformações e afetam a duração da gravidez. Neste momento já existe algum conhecimento sobre os seus efeitos na etiologia da criptorquidia, hipospadia, micropénis, aborto espontâneo, parto prematuro e baixo peso à nascença. Efeitos esses que serão revisados neste documento visando uma atualização do conhecimento, concentrando-se na epidemiologia ambiental e na literatura relacionada. A dificuldade para estudar este tema pela quantidade de fatores intervenientes faz com que os resultados existentes não sejam conclusivos ou até que sejam contraditórios, pelo que, será necessário que se continue investigando

    Toxic Activity, Molecular Modeling and Docking Simulations of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry11 Toxin Variants Obtained via DNA Shuffling

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    The Cry11 family belongs to a large group of δ-endotoxins that share three distinct structural domains. Among the dipteran-active toxins referred to as three-domain Cry11 toxins, the Cry11Aa protein from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (Bti) has been the most extensively studied. Despite the potential of Bti as an effective biological control agent, the understanding of Cry11 toxins remains incomplete. In this study, five Cry11 variants obtained via DNA shuffling displayed toxic activity against Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus. Three of these Cry11 variants (8, 23, and 79) were characterized via 3D modeling and analysis of docking with ALP1. The relevant mutations in these variants, such as deletions, insertions and point mutations, are discussed in relation to their structural domains, toxic activities and toxin-receptor interactions. Importantly, deletion of the N-terminal segment in domain I was not associated with any change in toxic activity, and domain III exhibited higher sequence variability than domains I and II. Variant 8 exhibited up to 3.78- and 6.09-fold higher toxicity to A. aegypti than Cry11Bb and Cry11Aa, respectively. Importantly, variant 79 showed an α-helix conformation at the C-terminus and formed crystals retaining toxic activity. These findings indicate that five Cry11 variants were preferentially reassembled from the cry11Aa gene during DNA shuffling. The mutations described in loop 2 and loop 3 of domain II provide valuable information regarding the activity of Cry11 toxins against A. aegypti and C. quinquefasciatus larvae and reveal new insights into the application of directed evolution strategies to study the genetic variability of specific domains in cry11 family genes

    Socio-occupational status and congenital anomalies

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    Background: The aim of this study is to investigate the association between socio-occupational status and the frequency of major congenital anomalies in offspring. Methods: The study population comprised 81 435 live singletons born to mothers enrolled in the Danish National Birth Cohort between 1996 and 2002. A total of 3352 cases of major congenital anomalies (EUROCAT criteria) were identified by linkage to the National Hospital Discharge Register. Malformations were recorded at birth or in the first year of life. Information about maternal and paternal socio-occupational status was collected prospectively using telephone interviews in the second trimester of pregnancy and was categorized as high, middle or low. Associations were measured as relative prevalence ratios using the highest socio-occupational status within the couple as the reference group. Results: The prevalence of all recorded major congenital anomalies was similar, about 4%, in all the socio-occupational categories. Low social status of the couple did, however, correlate with a higher prevalence of congenital anomalies of the ‘respiratory system’. No association was substantially attenuated when we adjusted for maternal and paternal age, smoking status, maternal alcohol habits, folic acid intake and body mass index. When malformations of the heart and the cardiovascular system were grouped together, they were more frequent in families where both parents presented a low socio-occupational status. Conclusion: We detected an association between low socio-occupational status and congenital anomalies of the respiratory system, the heart and the circulatory system. These malformations are good candidates for a large study on occupational, environmental and social determinants

    Impacts of Waste from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations on Water Quality

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    Waste from agricultural livestock operations has been a long-standing concern with respect to contamination of water resources, particularly in terms of nutrient pollution. However, the recent growth of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) presents a greater risk to water quality because of both the increased volume of waste and to contaminants that may be present (e.g., antibiotics and other veterinary drugs) that may have both environmental and public health importance. Based on available data, generally accepted livestock waste management practices do not adequately or effectively protect water resources from contamination with excessive nutrients, microbial pathogens, and pharmaceuticals present in the waste. Impacts on surface water sources and wildlife have been documented in many agricultural areas in the United States. Potential impacts on human and environmental health from long-term inadvertent exposure to water contaminated with pharmaceuticals and other compounds are a growing public concern. This work-group, which is part of the Conference on Environmental Health Impacts of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: Anticipating Hazards—Searching for Solutions, identified needs for rigorous ecosystem monitoring in the vicinity of CAFOs and for improved characterization of major toxicants affecting the environment and human health. Last, there is a need to promote and enforce best practices to minimize inputs of nutrients and toxicants from CAFOs into freshwater and marine ecosystems

    Estilos de vida en estudiantes del área de la salud de Bucaramanga

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    ABSTRACT: In this study, the lifestyles of 378 health care students from Bucaramanga city were examined. Four analytical dimensions were considered: exercise and physical activity; alcohol consumption; smoking and psychoactive substances use; and sexuality. The research concludes that consistent with previous studies the possession of knowledge, adequate health beliefs, and motivations towards healthy practices are insufficient for the adoption of healthy behaviors. A larger exploratory study that addresses the reasons for the inconsistencies between beliefs and motivations versus healthy practices is required.RESUMEN: En el presente estudio se evaluaron los estilos de vida de 378 estudiantes del área de la salud residentes en la ciudad de Bucaramanga. Se estudiaron cuatro dimensiones analíticas: ejercicio y actividad física; consumo de alcohol; consumo de cigarrillo y sustancias psicoactivas; y la sexualidad. La investigación concluyó que, acorde con estudios previos, la posesión de conocimiento no es suficiente para la adopción de conductas saludables, así como tampoco lo son el disponer de creencias adecuadas sobre la salud o de motivaciones consistentes frente a la práctica saludable. Se requiere un estudio explicativo de mayor envergadura que aborde las razones de las incongruencias entre las creencias y las motivaciones frente a las prácticas saludables.