48 research outputs found

    Molecular identification of Entamoeba species in savanna woodland chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii).

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    To address the molecular diversity and occurrence of pathogenic species of the genus Entamoeba spp. in wild non-human primates (NHP) we conducted molecular-phylogenetic analyses on Entamoeba from wild chimpanzees living in the Issa Valley, Tanzania. We compared the sensitivity of molecular [using a genus-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR)] and coproscopic detection (merthiolate-iodine-formaldehyde concentration) of Entamoeba spp. We identified Entamoeba spp. in 72 chimpanzee fecal samples (79%) subjected to species-specific PCRs for six Entamoeba species/groups (Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba nuttalli, Entamoeba dispar, Entamoeba moshkovskii, Entamoeba coli and Entamoeba polecki ST2). We recorded three Entamoeba species: E. coli (47%), E. dispar (16%), Entamoeba hartmanni (51%). Coproscopically, we could only distinguish the cysts of complex E. histolytica/dispar/moshkovskii/nuttalli and E. coli. Molecular prevalence of entamoebas was higher than the prevalence based on the coproscopic examination. Our molecular phylogenies showed that sequences of E. dispar and E. coli from Issa chimpanzees are closely related to sequences from humans and other NHP from GenBank. The results showed that wild chimpanzees harbour Entamoeba species similar to those occurring in humans; however, no pathogenic species were detected. Molecular-phylogenetic methods are critical to improve diagnostics of entamoebas in wild NHP and for determining an accurate prevalence of Entamoeba species

    Nematopsis temporariae (Gregarinasina, Apicomplexa, Alveolata) intracellular infectious agent of tadpole livers

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    Amphibians are in decline as a result of habitat destruction, climate change and infectious diseases. Tadpoles are thought susceptible to infections because they are dependent on only an innate immune system (e.g. macrophages). This is because the frog adaptive immune system does not function until later stages of the life cycle. In 1920, Nöller described a putative infectious agent of tadpoles named Nematopsis temporariae, which he putatively assigned to gregarine protists (Apicomplexa). Here, we identify a gregarine infection of tadpoles using both microscopy and ribosomal DNA sequencing of three different frog species (Rana temporaria, R. dalmatina, and Hyla arborea). We show that this protist lineage belongs to the subclass Gregarinasina Dufour 1828 and is regularly present in macrophages located in liver sinusoids of tadpoles, confirming the only known case of a gregarine infection of a vertebrate. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Marie Curie Intra-European and EMBO Long-Term Fellowships . Grant Number: FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IEF-299815-PARAFROGS and ATL-1069-2011. Czech Science Foundation . Grant Number: GBP505/12/G112-ECI

    A New Species of \u3ci\u3eMyxidium\u3c/i\u3e (Myxosporea: Myxidiidae), from the Western Chorus Frog, \u3ci\u3ePseudacris triseriata triseriata\u3c/i\u3e, and Blanchard\u27s Cricket Frog, \u3ci\u3eAcris crepitans blanchardi\u3c/i\u3e (Hylidae), from Eastern Nebraska: Morphology, Phylogeny, and Critical Comments on Amphibian \u3ci\u3eMyxidium\u3c/i\u3e Taxonomy

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    During March 2001-April 2004, 164 adult anurans of 6 species (47 Rana blairi, 35 Rana catesbeiana, 31 Hyla chrysoscelis, 31 Pseudacris triseriata triseriata, 11 Bufo woodhousii, and 9 Acris crepitans blanchardi) from Pawnee Lake, Lancaster County, Nebraska, were surveyed for myxozoan parasites. Of these, 20 of 31 (65%) P. triseriata triseriata and 1 of 9 (11%) A. crepitans blanchardi were infected with a new species of Myxidium. Myxidium melleni n. sp. (Myxosporea) is described from the gallbladder of the western chorus frog, P. triseriata triseriata (Hylidae). This is the second species of Myxidium described from North American amphibians. Mature plasmodia are disc-shaped or elliptical 691 (400-1,375) × 499 (230-1,200) × 23 (16-35) μm, polysporic, producing many disporic pansporoblasts. The mature spores, 12.3 (12.0-13.5) × 7.6 (7.0-9.0) × 6.6 (6.0-8.0) μm, containing a single binucleated sporoplasm, are broadly elliptical, with 2-5 transverse grooves on each valve, and contain two equal polar capsules 5.2 (4.8-5.5) × 4.2 (3.8-4.5) μm positioned at opposite ends of the spore. Myxidium melleni n. sp. is morphologically consistent with other members of Myxidium. However, M. melleni n. sp. was phylogenetically distinct from other Myxidium species for which DNA sequences are available. Only with improved morphological analyses, accompanied by molecular data, and the deposit of type specimens, can the ambiguous nature of Myxidium be resolved. Guidelines for descriptions of new species of Myxidium are provided

    Wild chimpanzees are infected by Trypanosoma brucei

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    AbstractAlthough wild chimpanzees and other African great apes live in regions endemic for African sleeping sickness, very little is known about their trypanosome infections, mainly due to major difficulties in obtaining their blood samples. In present work, we established a diagnostic ITS1-based PCR assay that allows detection of the DNA of all four Trypanosoma brucei subspecies (Trypanosoma brucei brucei, Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, and Trypanosoma brucei evansi) in feces of experimentally infected mice. Next, using this assay we revealed the presence of trypanosomes in the fecal samples of wild chimpanzees and this finding was further supported by results obtained using a set of primate tissue samples. Phylogenetic analysis of the ITS1 region showed that the majority of obtained sequences fell into the robust T. brucei group, providing strong evidence that these infections were caused by T. b. rhodesiense and/or T. b. gambiense. The optimized technique of trypanosome detection in feces will improve our knowledge about the epidemiology of trypanosomes in primates and possibly also other endangered mammals, from which blood and tissue samples cannot be obtained.Finally, we demonstrated that the mandrill serum was able to efficiently lyse T. b. brucei and T. b. rhodesiense, and to some extent T. b. gambiense, while the chimpanzee serum failed to lyse any of these subspecies

    Identification of potentially zoonotic parasites in captive orangutans and semi-captive mandrills: phylogeny and morphological comparison

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    Cysts and trophozoites of vestibuliferid ciliates and larvae of Strongyloides were found in fecal samples from captive orangutans Pongo pygmaeus and P. abelii from Czech and Slovak zoological gardens. As comparative material, ciliates from semi-captive mandrills Mandrillus sphinx from Gabon were included in the study. Phylogenetic analysis of the detected vestibuliferid ciliates using ITS1-5.8s-rRNA-ITS2 and partial 18S rDNA revealed that the ciliates from orangutans are conspecific with Balantioides coli lineage A, while the ciliates from mandrills clustered with Buxtonella-like ciliates from other primates. Morphological examination of the cysts and trophozoites using light microscopy did not reveal differences robust enough to identify the genera of the ciliates. Phylogenetic analysis of detected L1 larvae of Strongyloides using partial cox1 revealed Strongyloides stercoralis clustering within the cox1 lineage A infecting dogs, humas and other primates. The sequences of 18S rDNA support these results. As both B. coli and S. stercoralis are zoonotic parasites and the conditions in captive and semi-captive settings may facilitate transmission to humans, prophylactic measures should reflect the findings

    Genome of <i>Leptomonas pyrrhocoris</i>:a high-quality reference for monoxenous trypanosomatids and new insights into evolution of <i>Leishmania</i>

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    Many high-quality genomes are available for dixenous (two hosts) trypanosomatid species of the genera Trypanosoma, Leishmania, and Phytomonas, but only fragmentary information is available for monoxenous (single-host) trypanosomatids. In trypanosomatids, monoxeny is ancestral to dixeny, thus it is anticipated that the genome sequences of the key monoxenous parasites will be instrumental for both understanding the origin of parasitism and the evolution of dixeny. Here, we present a high-quality genome for Leptomonas pyrrhocoris, which is closely related to the dixenous genus Leishmania. The L. pyrrhocoris genome (30.4 Mbp in 60 scaffolds) encodes 10,148 genes. Using the L. pyrrhocoris genome, we pinpointed genes gained in Leishmania. Among those genes, 20 genes with unknown function had expression patterns in the Leishmania mexicana life cycle suggesting their involvement in virulence. By combining differential expression data for L. mexicana, L. major and Leptomonas seymouri, we have identified several additional proteins potentially involved in virulence, including SpoU methylase and U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein IMP3. The population genetics of L. pyrrhocoris was also addressed by sequencing thirteen strains of different geographic origin, allowing the identification of 1,318 genes under positive selection. This set of genes was significantly enriched in components of the cytoskeleton and the flagellum

    Monitorowanie silnika tłokowego w instytucji szkoleniowej dla pilotów na lotnisku Horný Hričov

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    This paper describes the process of Walter M337 AK engine monitoring in operation of Air Training and Education Centre. We accomplished measurements of selected aircraft engines by EDM-800 monitoring system which uses the most advanced microprocessor technology for monitoring critical engine parameters, such as cylinder head temperature and exhaust gas temperature. These measurements will help us to increase economy of the aircraft and its operation's reliability. The EDM-800 monitoring system improves the aircraft maintenance at Air Training and Education Centre of the University of Zilina allowing to determine and localise malfunctioning components of M337 piston engines.Artykuł opisuje proces monitorowania silnika Walter M337 AK w instytucji szkoleniowej dla pilotów na lotnisku Horny Hrićov. Wykonaliśmy pomiary wybranych silników lotniczych przez EDM-800 system monitoringu, który wykorzystuje najbardziej zaawansowaną technologię mikroprocesorową do monitorowania krytycznych parametrów silnika, takich jak temperatura głowicy i temperatury spalin. Osiągnięte wyniki pomogą nam zwiększyć ekonomiczność samolotu i jego niezawodność. System monitorowania EDM-800 poprawia obsługę techniczną statku powietrznego w Instytucji Lotnictwa Uniwersytetu w Żylinie pozwalając na określenie i zlokalizowanie uszkodzonych elementów silników M337