918 research outputs found

    How predictable are spontaneous decisions and hidden intentions? Comparing classification results based on previous responses with multivariate pattern analysis of fMRI BOLD signals

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    In two replication studies we examined response bias and dependencies in voluntary decisions. We trained a linear classifier to predict “spontaneous decisions” and in the second study “hidden intentions” from responses in preceding trials and achieved comparable prediction accuracies as reported for multivariate pattern classification based on voxel activities in frontopolar cortex. We discuss implications of our findings and suggest ways to improve classification analyses of fMRI BOLD signals that may help to reduce effects of response dependencies between trials

    Characteristics of orange-whey fermented beverages

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    The aim of the present work was to determine the populations of ABT culture microorganisms in orange and orangewhey drinks after fermentation and during 28-day storage. The evaluation involved fermented fruit drinks without whey or with added acid or sweet (rennet) whey. The Streptococcus thermophilus and Bifidobacteria counts were initially 3.5×105–8.3×105 CFU cm−3 and 2.4×106–5.9×106 CFU cm−3, respectively, and did not increase during fermentation. However, an increase was observed in the Lb. acidophilus count, which amounted to 3.0×106–2.4×107 CFU cm−3 after fermentation. During storage, the Str. thermophilus and Lb. acidophilus counts remained constant, but that for Bifidobacteria fell to 103 CFU cm−3 after 28 days. Bacteria survivability was higher in drinks containing whey than in non-whey orange drinks. In 100 cm3, antioxidant activity against ABTS/DPPH radicals varied between 260 and 550 μmol TE; vitamin C content was in the range of 15.7–17.6 mg; polyphenols were 26.6–34.4 mg (+)catechin. In the sensory evaluation the best results were obtained for non-whey drinks and those containing 50% acid whey

    Thermal resistance of PCD materials with borides bonding phase

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    In these studies, one group of PCD materials was prepared using diamond powder and 10 wt % of TiB₂ and the second batch of the PCD material was prepared using a mixture of diamond powder with 5 wt % of TiB₂ and 2 wt % of Co. The materials have been sintered using a Bridgman-type high-pressure apparatus at 8.0±0.2 GPa, at a temperature of 2000±50 °C. Thermogravimetric (TG) measurements and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) have been carried out for diamond micropowders, TiB₂ bonding phase, and sintered composites. The coefficients of friction for diamond composites in a sliding contact with an Al₂O₃ ceramic ball have been determined from the room temperature up to 800 °C. Material phase compositions were analyzed for initial samples and after wear tests, at the temperature of 800 °C. Raman spectra of diamond composites with borides bonding phases, observed for the first-order zone centre modes of diamond and graphite during the heating up to 800 °C in air have been presented. Thermal properties have been compared with the commercial diamond-cobalt PCD. It has been found that diamond with TiB₂ and Co is the most resistant to the hardness changes at elevated temperatures and this material maintains the high hardness value up to 800 °C but it has a high coefficient of friction.Досліджено полікристалічні алмазні композити – одну групу матеріалів було приготовано з використанням алмазного порошку і 10 % (за масою) TiB₂, а другу – з алмазного порошку, 5 % (за масою) TiB₂ і 2 % (за масою) Co. Матеріали було спечено в апараті високого тиску типу Бріджмена при тиску 8,0±0,2 ГПа і температурі 2000±50 °С. Термогравіметричні вимірювання та диференційний термічний аналіз було проведено для алмазних мікропорошків, зв’язуючої фази TiB₂ і спечених композітов. Визначено коефіцієнти тертя для алмазних композитів при ковзному контакті з кулькою з кераміки Al₂O₃ при температурі від кімнатної до 800 °С. Фазові склади матеріалів проаналізовано для вихідних зразків і після їх випробування на знос при температурі 800 °С. Представлено спектри комбінаційного розсіювання алмазних композитів зі зв’язуючими фазами боридів, що спостерігаються в центрі зони першого порядку алмазу і графіту в процесі нагрівання до 800 °С на повітрі. Порівнювали термічні властивості отриманих полікристалічних алмазних композитів і промислового композита алмаз–кобальт. Було виявлено, що алмаз з TiB₂ і Co є найбільш стійким до змін твердості при підвищених температурах і зберігає високу твердість до 800 °С, але має високий коефіцієнт тертя.Исследованы поликристаллические алмазных композиты – одна группа материалов была приготовлена с использованием алмазного порошка и 10 % (по массе) TiB₂, а вторая – из алмазного порошка, 5 % (по массе) TiB₂ и 2 % (по массе) Co. Материалы были спечены в аппарате высокого давления типа Бриджмена при давлении 8,0±0,2 ГПа и температуре 2000±50 °С. Термогравиметрические измерения и дифференциальный термический анализ были проведены для алмазных микропорошков, связующей фазы TiB₂ и спеченных композитов. Определены коэффициенты трения для алмазных композитов при скользящем контакте с шариком из керамики Al₂O₃ при температуре от комнатной до 800 °С. Фазовые составы материалов проанализированы для исходных образцов и после их испытания на износ при температуре 800 °С. Представлены спектры комбинационного рассеяния алмазных композитов со связующими фазами боридов, наблюдаемые в центре зоны первого порядка алмаза и графита в процессе нагрева до 800 °С на воздухе. Сравнивали термические свойства полученных поликристаллических алмазных композитов и промышленного поликристаллического композита алмаз–кобальт. Было обнаружено, что алмаз с TiB₂ и Co является наиболее устойчивым к изменениям твердости при повышенных температурах и сохраняет высокую твердость до 800 °С, но имеет высокий коэффициент трения

    TD-DFT insight into photodissociation of the Co-C bond in coenzyme B12

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    Coenzyme B12 (AdoCbl) is one of the most biologically active forms of vitamin B12, and continues to be a topic of active research interest. The mechanism of Co-C bond cleavage in AdoCbl, and the corresponding enzymatic reactions are however, not well understood at the molecular level. In this work, time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) has been applied to investigate the photodissociation of coenzyme B12. To reduce computational cost, while retaining the major spectroscopic features of AdoCbl, a truncated model based on ribosylcobalamin (RibCbl) was used to simulate Co-C photodissociation. Equilibrium geometries of RibCbl were obtained by optimization at the DFT/BP86/TZVP level of theory, and low-lying excited states were calculated by TD-DFT using the same functional and basis set. The calculated singlet states, and absorption spectra were simulated in both the gas phase, and water, using the polarizable continuum model (PCM). Both spectra were in reasonable agreement with experimental data, and potential energy curves based on vertical excitations were plotted to explore the nature of Co-C bond dissociation. It was found that a repulsive 3(σCo-C → σ* Co-C) triplet state became dissociative at large Co-C bond distance, similar to a previous observation for methylcobalamin (MeCbl). Furthermore, potential energy surfaces (PESs) obtained as a function of both Co-CRib and Co-NIm distances, identify the S1 state as a key intermediate generated during photoexcitation of RibCbl, attributed to a mixture of a metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) and a s bonding-ligand charge transfer (SBLCT) states

    Magnetic Properties of TbNi1 xAuxIn Compounds

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    Polycrystalline samples of TbNi1xAuxInTbNi_{1-x}Au_{x}In for x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 were prepared and studied by powder X-ray and neutron diffraction and ac magnetic susceptibility measurements. These compounds crystallize in the hexagonal ZrNiAl-type structure. With increasing Au content a change in the magnetic structure is observed. For x = 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 the magnetic order is described by the propagation vector k = (1/2, 0, 1/2) while for x = 0.8 by k = (0, 0, 1/2). Between 1.5 K and the Néel temperature the magnetic order is stable

    Mechanical properties of diamond–TiB2 composites

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    The presented paper characterizes the basic mechanical and physical properties of sintered diamond-titanium diboride (submicro) and diamond-titanium diboride (nano) composites. The effect of reduction of powder size from the submicron scale to the nano scale of the ceramic bonding phase (TiB₂) in diamond composites on selected mechanical properties (Young’s modulus, Vickers hardness, fracture toughness, coefficient of friction) has been reported. Composites were prepared from initial powders of diamond (MDA36, Element Six) with addition of 10 mass % submicron TiB₂ (H.C. Starck F) and 10 mass % nanopowder TiB₂ (American Elements). Compacts were sintered at pressure 8±0,5 GPa and 2233±50 K using the high pressure-high temperature Bridgman type apparatus. These investigations allow the possibility of using this materials to be enhacced as ceramic tool materials, in particular as burnishing tools.Наведені основні механічні та фізичні властивості спечених композитів на основі алмазу з додаванням субмікро- та нано-дибориду титану. Вивчено вплив розміру частинок порошку від субмікронного до нано-рівня в керамічній (TiB₂) складовій алмазних композитів на їх механічні властивості (модуль Юнга, твердість за Віккерсом, в'язкість руйнування, коефіцієнт тертя). Композити були отримані з вихідних порошків алмазу (MDA36, Element Six) з додаванням 10 мас. % субмікронного TiB₂ (HC Starck F) або 10 мас. % нанопорошку TiB₂ (American Elements). Зразки спечені при тиску 8±0,5 ГПа і температурі 2233±50 К в апараті високого тиску типу тороїд. Результати досліджень вказують на можливість використання одержаних композитів як інструментальних матеріалів підвищеної якості, зокрема в інструментах для вигладжування.Приведены основные механические и физические свойства спеченных композитов на основе алмаза с добавками субмикро- и нано-диборида титана. Изучено влияние размера частиц порошка от субмикронного до нано-уровня в керамической (TiB₂) составляющей алмазных композитов на их механические свойства (модуль Юнга, твердость по Виккерсу, вязкость разрушения, коэффициент трения). Композиты были получены из исходных порошков алмаза (MDA36, Element Six) с добавлением 10 масс. % субмикронного TiB₂ (HC Starck F) или 10 масс. % нанопорошка TiB₂ (American Elements). Образцы были спечены при давлении 8±0,5 ГПа и температуре 2233±50 К в аппарате высокого давления типа тороид. Результаты исследований указывают на возможность использования полученных композитов в качестве улучшенных инструментальных материалов, в частности в выглаживающих инструментах

    Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Using Critical Raw Materials: A Review.

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    The term "critical raw materials" (CRMs) refers to various metals and nonmetals that are crucial to Europe's economic progress. Modern technologies enabling effective use and recyclability of CRMs are in critical demand for the EU industries. The use of CRMs, especially in the fields of biomedicine, aerospace, electric vehicles, and energy applications, is almost irreplaceable. Additive manufacturing (also referred to as 3D printing) is one of the key enabling technologies in the field of manufacturing which underpins the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 3D printing not only suppresses waste but also provides an efficient buy-to-fly ratio and possesses the potential to entirely change supply and distribution chains, significantly reducing costs and revolutionizing all logistics. This review provides comprehensive new insights into CRM-containing materials processed by modern additive manufacturing techniques and outlines the potential for increasing the efficiency of CRMs utilization and reducing the dependence on CRMs through wider industrial incorporation of AM and specifics of powder bed AM methods making them prime candidates for such developments

    Carers’ responses to shifting identity in dementia in Iris and Away From Her: cultivating stability or embracing change?

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    An emphasis on supporting and maintaining self-identity in people who have dementia for as long as possible has gone hand in hand with the revitalisation of dementia interventions, services and empowerment. However, recognition of the need for change, adaptation and personal growth is as necessary when living with dementia as at any other time in people's lives. Those who care for people with dementia must constantly navigate this tension between continuity and change within the context of memory loss, knowing when to respond by reinforcing the ‘self’ they have known over time, and when it may be better to respond by acknowledging the changes that have taken place in that ‘self’. The creative arts are avenues for the exploration of the caring relationship under these conditions, conveying the challenges and stimulating audiences to ask how they themselves might choose to respond in a similar situation. This article considers how the scenarios of two noted films, Iris (dir. Richard Eyre, 2001 UK)) and Away From Her (dir. Sarah Polley, 2006 Can), present the dilemmas of identity and caring. In both, a husband cares for a wife experiencing cognitive decline, but responds differently in each to her shifting needs and experience of identity. We argue that the two films reveal complementary and provocative perspectives on this situation. They offer no easy answers, but provide insights into the everyday decisions characteristic of caring for someone who has dementia