21 research outputs found

    A new role for tamoxifen in oestrogen receptor-negative breast cancer when it is combined with epigallocatechin gallate

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    We have previously shown that tamoxifen+epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is synergistically cytotoxic towards oestrogen receptor (ER)-negative breast cancer cells. To determine if this response would correlate with significant tumour suppression in vivo, athymic nude female mice were implanted with MDA-MB-231 cells and treated with tamoxifen, EGCG, EGCG+tamoxifen, or vehicle control for 10 weeks. Tumour volume in EGCG- (25 mg kg−1)+tamoxifen (75 μg kg−1)-treated mice decreased by 71% as compared with vehicle control (P<0.05), whereas tumour weight was decreased by 80% compared with control (P<0.01). Epigallocatechin gallate treatment did not alter ER protein expression in MDA-MB-231 cells and thus was not a mechanism for the observed tumour suppression. However, western blotting of tumour extracts demonstrated that epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR; 85% lower than control), pEGFR (78% lower than control), mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR; 78% lower than control), and CYP1B1 (75% lower than control) were significantly lower after the combination treatment as compared with all other treatments. Nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), b-Raf, p-MEK, S6K, 4EBP1, Akt, vascular EGFR-1 (VEGFR-1) and VEGF expressions were decreased in control but not in the individual treatments, whereas MEK, phospholipase D 1/2, TGFα, and ERK expressions were not changed after any treatment. The results demonstrate that tamoxifen at realistic doses (75 μg kg−1) can suppress the growth of ER-negative breast cancer when combined with EGCG. In addition, the dominant mechanism for tumour suppression is the concomitant decrease in tumour protein expressions of mTOR and the EGFR

    Educação escolar e estratégias de famílias dos subúrbios de Maputo

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    Nos estudos sobre desenvolvimento e pobreza a educação escolar é considerada, na maior parte dos casos, condição essencial para uma melhoria de condições de vida. Questionando esse pressuposto, este artigo analisa as representações e práticas sociais de famílias do subúrbio de Maputo relativamente à educação escolar dos seus descendentes

    Transcriptional Profiling of Human Liver Identifies Sex-Biased Genes Associated with Polygenic Dyslipidemia and Coronary Artery Disease

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    Sex-differences in human liver gene expression were characterized on a genome-wide scale using a large liver sample collection, allowing for detection of small expression differences with high statistical power. 1,249 sex-biased genes were identified, 70% showing higher expression in females. Chromosomal bias was apparent, with female-biased genes enriched on chrX and male-biased genes enriched on chrY and chr19, where 11 male-biased zinc-finger KRAB-repressor domain genes are distributed in six clusters. Top biological functions and diseases significantly enriched in sex-biased genes include transcription, chromatin organization and modification, sexual reproduction, lipid metabolism and cardiovascular disease. Notably, sex-biased genes are enriched at loci associated with polygenic dyslipidemia and coronary artery disease in genome-wide association studies. Moreover, of the 8 sex-biased genes at these loci, 4 have been directly linked to monogenic disorders of lipid metabolism and show an expression profile in females (elevated expression of ABCA1, APOA5 and LDLR; reduced expression of LIPC) that is consistent with the lower female risk of coronary artery disease. Female-biased expression was also observed for CYP7A1, which is activated by drugs used to treat hypercholesterolemia. Several sex-biased drug-metabolizing enzyme genes were identified, including members of the CYP, UGT, GPX and ALDH families. Half of 879 mouse orthologs, including many genes of lipid metabolism and homeostasis, show growth hormone-regulated sex-biased expression in mouse liver, suggesting growth hormone might play a similar regulatory role in human liver. Finally, the evolutionary rate of protein coding regions for human-mouse orthologs, revealed by dN/dS ratio, is significantly higher for genes showing the same sex-bias in both species than for non-sex-biased genes. These findings establish that human hepatic sex differences are widespread and affect diverse cell metabolic processes, and may help explain sex differences in lipid profiles associated with sex differential risk of coronary artery disease

    Estudo da psico-manutenção da Asma: as cognições como preditoras de emoções e comportamentos problemáticos associados à Asma

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    Numa amostra de 50 doentes asmáticos hospitalizados ou em regime de consulta externa, investigou-se a associação entre as cognições disfuncionais associadas à Asma e outras variáveis psicológicas (emoções e comportamentos) tradicionalmente estudadas no âmbito dos modelos cognitivo-comportamentais, através de instrumentos de medida dessas variáveis específicos para a doença asmática. Os resultados encontrados sugerem que as cognições disfuncionais associadas à Asma são preditoras de comportamentos/emoções problemáticos que ocorrem antes, durante e depois das crises asmáticas. Sugerem-nos ainda que as cognições disfuncionais são preditoras de maiores níveis de sintomatologia “pânico/medo” e de atitudes negativas face à doença asmática e ao seu tratamento

    Increased STAT1 signaling in endocrine-resistant breast cancer

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    Funding: China Scholarship Council, University of Edinburgh, Scottish Funding Council and Breakthrough Breast Cancer.Proteomic profiling of the estrogen/tamoxifen-sensitive MCF-7 cell line and its partially sensitive (MCF-7/LCC1) and fully resistant (MCF-7/LCC9) variants was performed to identify modifiers of endocrine sensitivity in breast cancer. Analysis of the expression of 120 paired phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated epitopes in key oncogenic and tumor suppressor pathways revealed that STAT1 and several phosphorylated epitopes (phospho-STAT1(Tyr701) and phospho-STAT3(Ser727)) were differentially expressed between endocrine resistant and parental controls, confirmed by qRT-PCR and western blotting. The STAT1 inhibitor EGCG was a more effective inhibitor of the endocrine resistant MCF-7/LCC1 and MCF-7/LCC9 lines than parental MCF-7 cells, while STAT3 inhibitors Stattic and WP1066 were equally effective in endocrine-resistant and parental lines. The effects of the STAT inhibitors were additive, rather than synergistic, when tested in combination with tamoxifen in vitro. Expression of STAT1 and STAT3 were measured by quantitative immunofluorescence in invasive breast cancers and matched lymph nodes. When lymph node expression was compared to its paired primary breast cancer expression, there was greater expression of cytoplasmic STAT1 (∼3.1 fold), phospho-STAT3(Ser727) (∼1.8 fold), and STAT5 (∼1.5 fold) and nuclear phospho-STAT3(Ser727) (∼1.5 fold) in the nodes. Expression levels of STAT1 and STAT3 transcript were analysed in 550 breast cancers from publicly available gene expression datasets (GSE2990, GSE12093, GSE6532). When treatment with tamoxifen was considered, STAT1 gene expression was nearly predictive of distant metastasis-free survival (DMFS, log-rank p = 0.067), while STAT3 gene expression was predictive of DMFS (log-rank p<0.0001). Analysis of STAT1 and STAT3 protein expression in a series of 546 breast cancers also indicated that high expression of STAT3 protein was associated with improved survival (DMFS, p = 0.006). These results suggest that STAT signaling is important in endocrine resistance, and that STAT inhibitors may represent potential therapies in breast cancer, even in the resistant setting.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe