660 research outputs found

    Some results on the eigenfunctions of the quantum trigonometric Calogero-Sutherland model related to the Lie algebra E6

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    The quantum trigonometric Calogero-Sutherland models related to Lie algebras admit a parametrization in which the dynamical variables are the characters of the fundamental representations of the algebra. We develop here this approach for the case of the exceptional Lie algebra E6.Comment: 17 pages, no figure

    Optical spin transfer in ferromagnetic semiconductors

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    Circularly polarized laser pulses that excite electron-hole pairs across the band gap of (III,Mn)V ferromagnetic semiconductors can be used to manipulate and to study collective magnetization dynamics. The initial spin orientation of a photocarrier in a (III,V) semiconductors is determined by the polarization state of the laser. We show that the photocarrier spin can be irreversibly transferred to the collective magnetization, whose dynamics can consequently be flexibly controlled by suitably chosen laser pulses. As illustrations we demonstrate the feasibility of all optical ferromagnetic resonance and optical magnetization reorientation.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    On an approach for computing the generating functions of the characters of simple Lie algebras

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    We describe a general approach to obtain the generating functions of the characters of simple Lie algebras which is based on the theory of the quantum trigonometric Calogero-Sutherland model. We show how the method works in practice by means of a few examples involving some low rank classical algebras

    Quantum trigonometric Calogero-Sutherland model, irreducible characters and Clebsch-Gordan series for the exceptional algebra E7

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    We re-express the quantum Calogero-Sutherland model for the Lie algebra E7 and the particular value of the coupling constant K=1 by using the fundamental irreducible characters of the algebra as dynamical variables. For that, we need to develop a systematic procedure to obtain all the Clebsch-Gordan series required to perform the change of variables. We describe how the resulting quantum Hamiltonian operator can be used to compute more characters and Clebsch-Gordan series for this exceptional algebra.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figur

    Compaction caused by soil tillage and seedbed preparation: effects on weed emergence in a barley crop

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue evaluar los efectos de la compactaciĂłn producida por la frecuencia de pases y el tipo de apero utilizado en la siembra del cereal, sobre la emergencia de las malas hierbas. Se utilizĂł un diseño en parcelas subdivididas con 4 repeticiones, con la labor primaria (fresa vs. cultivador) en parcelas principales y el pase de rulo (liso vs. pratenses) en subparcelas. Se tomaron datos de malas hierbas (densidad, biomasa) y de propiedades fĂ­sicas del suelo (compactaciĂłn, densidad aparente). Los resultados no han mostrado diferencias debidas a la labor primaria en ninguna de las variables analizadas, pero sĂ­ en funciĂłn del tipo y frecuencia de pases de rulo, observĂĄndose menor densidad y biomasa de malas hierbas cuanto mayor era el nĂșmero de pases de rulo, especialmente el liso, coincidiendo con los suelos mĂĄs compactados. Sin embargo, parece existir un lĂ­mite en el cual dejan de producirse efectos significativos debido a una sobrecompactaciĂłn (e.g. doble pase de rulo y zona de rodada).The main objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of the compaction produced by the frequency of passes and the type of implement used in seedbed preparation, on weed emergence. A split-plot design with 4 replications was used, with the primary tillage (cultivator vs. rotary tiller) in main plots and rolling (flat roller vs. Cambridge roller) in subplots. Weeds data (density, biomass) and soil physical properties (compaction, bulk density) were assessed. The results showed no differences due to the primary tillage in any of the analyzed variables. However, the type and frequency of roller passes resulted in significant differences in weed abundance, with lower weed density and biomass when the number of roller passes was greater (especially flat roller), which coincided with the higher compaction. However, it seems to be a limit at which significant effects no longer occur due to an overcompaction (e.g. double roller pass and tractor wheel traffic)

    Electropolymerization of pyrrole from aqueous solutions on austenitic stainless steel electrodes

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    The elcctrochemical  polymerization of pyrrole (Py) in aqueous KN03 solutions using Austenitic stainless steel electrodes by galvanostatic, potentiostatic and potentiodynamic methods was studied. Chronoamperometric experiments show different behavior of the current with time. Correspondingly, 1-tx plots were made giving better fitting for x =3/2 suggesting a progressive nucleation with three-dimensional growth and, for x =-l /2 which indicate that diffusion is limiting the growth of the film. Chronopotentiograms are typical of a conducting polymer without any sign of passivation and, potentiodinamic curves indicate an irreversible electrodeposition

    Quantum trigonometric Calogero-Sutherland model and irreducible characters for the exceptional algebra E8

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    We express the Hamiltonian of the quantum trigonometric Calogero-Sutherland model for the Lie algebra E8 and coupling constant k=1 by using the fundamental irreducible characters of the algebra as dynamical independent variables. Then, we compute the second order characters of the algebra and some higher order characters

    Relativistically extended Blanchard recurrence relation for hydrogenic matrix elements

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    General recurrence relations for arbitrary non-diagonal, radial hydrogenic matrix elements are derived in Dirac relativistic quantum mechanics. Our approach is based on a generalization of the second hypervirial method previously employed in the non-relativistic Schr\"odinger case. A relativistic version of the Pasternack-Sternheimer relation is thence obtained in the diagonal (i.e. total angular momentum and parity the same) case, from such relation an expression for the relativistic virial theorem is deduced. To contribute to the utility of the relations, explicit expressions for the radial matrix elements of functions of the form rλr^\lambda and ÎČrλ\beta r^\lambda ---where ÎČ\beta is a Dirac matrix--- are presented.Comment: 21 pages, to be published in J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. in Apri
