6 research outputs found

    Surprisingly high number of Twintrons in vertebrates

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    Twintrons represent a special intronic arrangement in which introns of two different types occupy the same gene position. Consequently, alternative splicing of these introns requires two different spliceosomes competing for the same RNA molecule. So far, only two twintrons have been described in insects. Surprisingly, we discovered several such arrangements in vertebrate genomes, which are quite conserved throughout the lineages. Reviewers: This article was reviewed by Fyodor Kondrashow and Eugene Koonin.

    Phylogenetic Analysis of Mitochondrial Outer Membrane β-Barrel Channels

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    Transport of molecules across mitochondrial outer membrane is pivotal for a proper function of mitochondria. The transport pathways across the membrane are formed by ion channels that participate in metabolite exchange between mitochondria and cytoplasm (voltage-dependent anion-selective channel, VDAC) as well as in import of proteins encoded by nuclear genes (Tom40 and Sam50/Tob55). VDAC, Tom40, and Sam50/Tob55 are present in all eukaryotic organisms, encoded in the nuclear genome, and have β-barrel topology. We have compiled data sets of these protein sequences and studied their phylogenetic relationships with a special focus on the position of Amoebozoa. Additionally, we identified these protein-coding genes in Acanthamoeba castellanii and Dictyostelium discoideum to complement our data set and verify the phylogenetic position of these model organisms. Our analysis show that mitochondrial β-barrel channels from Archaeplastida (plants) and Opisthokonta (animals and fungi) experienced many duplication events that resulted in multiple paralogous isoforms and form well-defined monophyletic clades that match the current model of eukaryotic evolution. However, in representatives of Amoebozoa, Chromalveolata, and Excavata (former Protista), they do not form clearly distinguishable clades, although they locate basally to the plant and algae branches. In most cases, they do not posses paralogs and their sequences appear to have evolved quickly or degenerated. Consequently, the obtained phylogenies of mitochondrial outer membrane β-channels do not entirely reflect the recent eukaryotic classification system involving the six supergroups: Chromalveolata, Excavata, Archaeplastida, Rhizaria, Amoebozoa, and Opisthokonta

    Life cycle adapted upstream open reading frames (uORFs) in 'Trypanosoma congolense': A post-transcriptional approach to accurate gene regulation

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    The presented work explores the regulatory influence of upstream open reading frames (uORFs) on gene expression in Trypanosoma congolense. More than 31,000 uORFs in total were identified and characterized here. We found evidence for the uORFs’ appearance in the transcriptome to be correlated with proteomic expression data, clearly indicating their repressive potential in T. congolense, which has to rely on post-transcriptional gene expression regulation due to its unique genomic organization. Our data show that uORF’s translation repressive potential does not only correlate with elemental sequence features such as length, position and quantity, but involves more subtle components, in particular the codon and amino acid profiles. This corresponds with the popular mechanistic model of a ribosome shedding initiation factors during the translation of a uORF, which can prevent reinitiation at the downstream start codon of the actual protein-coding sequence, due to the former extensive consumption of crucial translation components. We suggest that uORFs with uncommon codon and amino acid usage can slow down the translation elongation process in T. congolense, systematically deplete the limited factors, and restrict downstream reinitiation, setting up a bottleneck for subsequent translation of the protein-coding sequence. Additionally we conclude that uORFs dynamically influence the T. congolense life cycle. We found evidence that transition to epimastigote form could be supported by gain of uORFs due to alternative trans-splicing, which down-regulate housekeeping genes’ expression and render the trypanosome in a metabolically reduced state of endurance