335 research outputs found

    Novel dimeric structure of phage ϕ29-encoded protein p56: insights into uracil-DNA glycosylase inhibition

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    Protein p56 encoded by the Bacillus subtilis phage ϕ29 inhibits the host uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG) activity. To get insights into the structural basis for this inhibition, the NMR solution structure of p56 has been determined. The inhibitor defines a novel dimeric fold, stabilized by a combination of polar and extensive hydrophobic interactions. Each polypeptide chain contains three stretches of anti-parallel β-sheets and a helical region linked by three short loops. In addition, microcalorimetry titration experiments showed that it forms a tight 2:1 complex with UDG, strongly suggesting that the dimer represents the functional form of the inhibitor. This was further confirmed by the functional analysis of p56 mutants unable to assemble into dimers. We have also shown that the highly anionic region of the inhibitor plays a significant role in the inhibition of UDG. Thus, based on these findings and taking into account previous results that revealed similarities between the association mode of p56 and the phage PBS-1/PBS-2-encoded inhibitor Ugi with UDG, we propose that protein p56 might inhibit the enzyme by mimicking its DNA substrate

    The eNMR platform for structural biology

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    The e-NMR project is a European cooperation initiative that aims at providing the bio-NMR user community with a software platform integrating and streamlining the computational approaches necessary for the analysis of bio-NMR data. The e-NMR platform is based on a Grid computational infrastructure. A main focus of the current implementation of the e-NMR platform is on streamlining structure determination protocols. Indeed, to facilitate the use of NMR spectroscopy in the life sciences, the eNMR consortium has set out to provide protocolized services through easy-to-use web interfaces, while still retaining sufficient flexibility to handle specific requests by expert users. Various programs relevant for structural biology applications are already available through the e-NMR portal, including HADDOCK, XPLOR-NIH, CYANA and csRosetta. The implementation of these services, and in particular the distribution of calculations to the GRID infrastructure, has required the development of specific tools. However, the GRID infrastructure is maintained completely transparent to the users. With more than 150 registered users, eNMR is currently the second largest European Virtual Organization in the life sciences

    Solution Structure of LC4 Transmembrane Segment of CCR5

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    CC-chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) is a specific co-receptor allowing the entry of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). The LC4 region in CCR5 is required for HIV-1 entry into the cells. In this study, the solution structure of LC4 in SDS micelles was elucidated by using standard 1H two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy, circular dichroism, and fluorescdence quenching. The LC4 structure adopts two helical structures, whereas the C-terminal part remains unstructured. The positions in which LC4 binds to the HIV-1 inhibitory peptide LC5 were determined by docking calculations in addition to NMR data. The poses showed the importance of the hydrophobic interface of the assembled structures. The solution structure of LC4 elucidated in the present work provides a structural basis for further studies on the HIV-1 inhibitory function of the LC4 region

    Cooperative Interaction of Transcription Termination Factors with the RNA Polymerase II C-terminal Domain

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    Phosphorylation of the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II controls the co-transcriptional assembly of RNA processing and transcription factors. Recruitment relies on conserved CTDinteracting domains that recognize different CTD phosphoisoforms during the transcription cycle, but the molecular basis for their specificity remains unclear. We show that the CTD-interacting domains of two transcription termination factors, Rtt103 and Pcf11, achieve high affinity and specificity both by specifically recognizing the phosphorylated CTD and by cooperatively binding to neighboring CTD repeats. Single amino acid mutations at the protein-protein interface abolish cooperativity and affect recruitment at the 3′-end processing site in vivo. We suggest that this cooperativity provides a signal-response mechanism to ensure that its action is confined only to proper polyadenylation sites where Serine 2 phosphorylation density is highest

    High-resolution structure determination of the CylR2 homodimer using paramagnetic relaxation enhancement and structure-based prediction of molecular alignment

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    Structure determination of homooligomeric proteins by NMR spectroscopy is difficult due to the lack of chemical shift perturbation data, which is very effective in restricting the binding interface in heterooligomeric systems, and the difficulty of obtaining a sufficient number of intermonomer distance restraints. Here we solved the high-resolution solution structure of the 15.4 kDa homodimer CylR2, the regulator of cytolysin production from Enterococcus faecalis, which deviates by 1.1 Å from the previously determined X-ray structure. We studied the influence of different experimental information such as long-range distances derived from paramagnetic relaxation enhancement, residual dipolar couplings, symmetry restraints and intermonomer Nuclear Overhauser Effect restraints on the accuracy of the derived structure. In addition, we show that it is useful to combine experimental information with methods of ab initio docking when the available experimental data are not sufficient to obtain convergence to the correct homodimeric structure. In particular, intermonomer distances may not be required when residual dipolar couplings are compared to values predicted on the basis of the charge distribution and the shape of ab initio docking solutions

    The N–Terminal Tail of hERG Contains an Amphipathic α–Helix That Regulates Channel Deactivation

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    The cytoplasmic N–terminal domain of the human ether–a–go–go related gene (hERG) K+ channel is critical for the slow deactivation kinetics of the channel. However, the mechanism(s) by which the N–terminal domain regulates deactivation remains to be determined. Here we show that the solution NMR structure of the N–terminal 135 residues of hERG contains a previously described Per–Arnt–Sim (PAS) domain (residues 26–135) as well as an amphipathic α–helix (residues 13–23) and an initial unstructured segment (residues 2–9). Deletion of residues 2–25, only the unstructured segment (residues 2–9) or replacement of the α–helix with a flexible linker all result in enhanced rates of deactivation. Thus, both the initial flexible segment and the α–helix are required but neither is sufficient to confer slow deactivation kinetics. Alanine scanning mutagenesis identified R5 and G6 in the initial flexible segment as critical for slow deactivation. Alanine mutants in the helical region had less dramatic phenotypes. We propose that the PAS domain is bound close to the central core of the channel and that the N–terminal α–helix ensures that the flexible tail is correctly orientated for interaction with the activation gating machinery to stabilize the open state of the channel

    Amelogenin Supramolecular Assembly in Nanospheres Defined by a Complex Helix-Coil-PPII Helix 3D-Structure

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    Tooth enamel, the hardest material in the human body, is formed within a self-assembled matrix consisting mostly of amelogenin proteins. Here we have determined the complete mouse amelogenin structure under physiological conditions and defined interactions between individual domains. NMR spectroscopy revealed four major amelogenin structural motifs, including an N-terminal assembly of four α-helical segments (S9-V19, T21-P33, Y39-W45, V53-Q56), an elongated random coil region interrupted by two 310 helices (∼P60-Q117), an extended proline-rich PPII-helical region (P118-L165), and a charged hydrophilic C-terminus (L165-D180). HSQC experiments demonstrated ipsilateral interactions between terminal domains of individual amelogenin molecules, i.e. N-terminal interactions with corresponding N-termini and C-terminal interactions with corresponding C-termini, while the central random coil domain did not engage in interactions. Our HSQC spectra of the full-length amelogenin central domain region completely overlapped with spectra of the monomeric Amel-M fragment, suggesting that the central amelogenin coil region did not involve in assembly, even in assembled nanospheres. This finding was confirmed by analytical ultracentrifugation experiments. We conclude that under conditions resembling those found in the developing enamel protein matrix, amelogenin molecules form complex 3D-structures with N-terminal α-helix-like segments and C-terminal PPII-helices, which self-assemble through ipsilateral interactions at the N-terminus of the molecule

    A bacterial antirepressor with SH3 domain topology mimics operator DNA in sequestering the repressor DNA recognition helix

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    Direct targeting of critical DNA-binding elements of a repressor by its cognate antirepressor is an effective means to sequester the repressor and remove a transcription initiation block. Structural descriptions for this, though often proposed for bacterial and phage repressor–antirepressor systems, are unavailable. Here, we describe the structural and functional basis of how the Myxococcus xanthus CarS antirepressor recognizes and neutralizes its cognate repressors to turn on a photo-inducible promoter. CarA and CarH repress the carB operon in the dark. CarS, produced in the light, physically interacts with the MerR-type winged-helix DNA-binding domain of these repressors leading to activation of carB. The NMR structure of CarS1, a functional CarS variant, reveals a five-stranded, antiparallel β-sheet fold resembling SH3 domains, protein–protein interaction modules prevalent in eukaryotes but rare in prokaryotes. NMR studies and analysis of site-directed mutants in vivo and in vitro unveil a solvent-exposed hydrophobic pocket lined by acidic residues in CarS, where the CarA DNA recognition helix docks with high affinity in an atypical ligand-recognition mode for SH3 domains. Our findings uncover an unprecedented use of the SH3 domain-like fold for protein–protein recognition whereby an antirepressor mimics operator DNA in sequestering the repressor DNA recognition helix to activate transcription

    Structure and Novel Functional Mechanism of Drosophila SNF in Sex-Lethal Splicing

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    Sans-fille (SNF) is the Drosophila homologue of mammalian general splicing factors U1A and U2B″, and it is essential in Drosophila sex determination. We found that, besides its ability to bind U1 snRNA, SNF can also bind polyuridine RNA tracts flanking the male-specific exon of the master switch gene Sex-lethal (Sxl) pre-mRNA specifically, similar to Sex-lethal protein (SXL). The polyuridine RNA binding enables SNF directly inhibit Sxl exon 3 splicing, as the dominant negative mutant SNF1621 binds U1 snRNA but not polyuridine RNA. Unlike U1A, both RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) of SNF can recognize polyuridine RNA tracts independently, even though SNF and U1A share very high sequence identity and overall structure similarity. As SNF RRM1 tends to self-associate on the opposite side of the RNA binding surface, it is possible for SNF to bridge the formation of super-complexes between two introns flanking Sxl exon 3 or between a intron and U1 snRNP, which serves the molecular basis for SNF to directly regulate Sxl splicing. Taken together, a new functional model for SNF in Drosophila sex determination is proposed. The key of the new model is that SXL and SNF function similarly in promoting Sxl male-specific exon skipping with SNF being an auxiliary or backup to SXL, and it is the combined dose of SXL and SNF governs Drosophila sex determination