41 research outputs found

    Cell Swelling Stimulates Cytosol to Membrane Transposition of ICln

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    ICln is a multifunctional protein that is essential for cell volume regulation. It can be found in the cytosol and is associated with the cell membrane. Besides its role in the splicing process, ICln is critically involved in the generation of ion currents activated during regulatory volume decrease after cell swelling (RVDC). If reconstituted in artificial bilayers, ICln can form ion channels with biophysical properties related to RVDC. We investigated (i) the cytosol versus cell membrane distribution of ICln in rat kidney tubules, NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, and LLC-PK1 epithelial cells, (ii) fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) in living fibroblasts between fluorescently tagged ICln and fluorochromes in the cell membrane, and (iii) possible functional consequences of an enhanced ICln presence at the cell membrane. We demonstrate that ICln distribution in rat kidneys depends on the parenchymal localization and functional state of the tubules and that cell swelling causes ICln redistribution from the cytosol to the cell membrane in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts and LLC-PK1 cells. The addition of purified ICln protein to the extracellular solution or overexpression of farnesylated ICln leads to an increased anion permeability in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. The swelling-induced redistribution of ICln correlates to altered kinetics of RVDC in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, LLC-PK1 cells, and MDCK cells. In these cells, RVDC develops more rapidly, and in MDCK cells the rate of swelling-induced depolarization is accelerated if cells are swollen for a second time. This coincides with an enhanced ICln association with the cell membrane

    Joint Endeavor Toward Sustainable Mountain Development: Research at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

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    The sustainable development of mountain regions requires inter-and transdisciplinary knowledge. The Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research contributes to this global endeavor as part of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and as a member of international scientific networks, together with local partners and stakeholders. As a joint effort of individual researchers covering multiple fields, this article highlights our views on mountains as research objects, the phenomena we investigate as parts of entire mountain systems, and the synergies and differences of the disciplinary frames within which we work

    The caudal regeneration blastema is an accumulation of rapidly proliferating stem cells in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano

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    Background: Macrostomum lignano is a small free-living flatworm capable of regenerating all body parts posterior of the pharynx and anterior to the brain. We quantified the cellular composition of the caudal-most body region, the tail plate, and investigated regeneration of the tail plate in vivo and in semithin sections labeled with bromodeoxyuridine, a marker for stem cells (neoblasts) in S-phase. Results: The tail plate accomodates the male genital apparatus and consists of about 3,100 cells, about half of which are epidermal cells. A distinct regeneration blastema, characterized by a local accumulation of rapidly proliferating neoblasts and consisting of about 420 cells (excluding epidermal cells), was formed 24 hours after amputation. Differentiated cells in the blastema were observed two days after amputation (with about 920 blastema cells), while the male genital apparatus required four to five days for full differentiation. At all time points, mitoses were found within the blastema. At the place of organ differentiation, neoblasts did not replicate or divide. After three days, the blastema was made of about 1420 cells and gradually transformed into organ primordia, while the proliferation rate decreased. The cell number of the tail plate, including about 960 epidermal cells, was restored to 75% at this time point. Conclusion: Regeneration after artificial amputation of the tail plate of adult specimens of Macrostomum lignano involves wound healing and the formation of a regeneration blastema. Neoblasts undergo extensive proliferation within the blastema. Proliferation patterns of S-phase neoblasts indicate that neoblasts are either determined to follow a specific cell fate not before, but after going through S-phase, or that they can be redetermined after S-phase. In pulse-chase experiments, dispersed distribution of label suggests that S-phase labeled progenitor cells of the male genital apparatus undergo further proliferation before differentiation, in contrast to progenitor cells of epidermal cells. Mitotic activity and proliferation within the blastema is a feature of M. lignano shared with many other regenerating animals

    Patterns of Diversity in Soft-Bodied Meiofauna: Dispersal Ability and Body Size Matter

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    Background: Biogeographical and macroecological principles are derived from patterns of distribution in large organisms, whereas microscopic ones have often been considered uninteresting, because of their supposed wide distribution. Here, after reporting the results of an intensive faunistic survey of marine microscopic animals (meiofauna) in Northern Sardinia, we test for the effect of body size, dispersal ability, and habitat features on the patterns of distribution of several groups.Methodology/Principal Findings: As a dataset we use the results of a workshop held at La Maddalena (Sardinia, Italy) in September 2010, aimed at studying selected taxa of soft-bodied meiofauna (Acoela, Annelida, Gastrotricha, Nemertodermatida, Platyhelminthes and Rotifera), in conjunction with data on the same taxa obtained during a previous workshop hosted at Tjärnö (Western Sweden) in September 2007. Using linear mixed effects models and model averaging while accounting for sampling bias and potential pseudoreplication, we found evidence that: (1) meiofaunal groups with more restricted distribution are the ones with low dispersal potential; (2) meiofaunal groups with higher probability of finding new species for science are the ones with low dispersal potential; (3) the proportion of the global species pool of each meiofaunal group present in each area at the regional scale is negatively related to body size, and positively related to their occurrence in the endobenthic habitat.Conclusion/Significance: Our macroecological analysis of meiofauna, in the framework of the ubiquity hypothesis for microscopic organisms, indicates that not only body size but mostly dispersal ability and also occurrence in the endobenthic habitat are important correlates of diversity for these understudied animals, with different importance at different spatial scales. Furthermore, since the Western Mediterranean is one of the best-studied areas in the world, the large number of undescribed species (37%) highlights that the census of marine meiofauna is still very far from being complete

    Bacterial Symbiosis Maintenance in the Asexually Reproducing and Regenerating Flatworm Paracatenula galateia

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    Bacteriocytes set the stage for some of the most intimate interactions between animal and bacterial cells. In all bacteriocyte possessing systems studied so far, de novo formation of bacteriocytes occurs only once in the host development, at the time of symbiosis establishment. Here, we present the free-living symbiotic flatworm Paracatenula galateia and its intracellular, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria as a system with previously undescribed strategies of bacteriocyte formation and bacterial symbiont transmission. Using thymidine analogue S-phase labeling and immunohistochemistry, we show that all somatic cells in adult worms – including bacteriocytes – originate exclusively from aposymbiotic stem cells (neoblasts). The continued bacteriocyte formation from aposymbiotic stem cells in adult animals represents a previously undescribed strategy of symbiosis maintenance and makes P. galateia a unique system to study bacteriocyte differentiation and development. We also provide morphological and immunohistochemical evidence that P. galateia reproduces by asexual fragmentation and regeneration (paratomy) and, thereby, vertically transmits numerous symbiont-containing bacteriocytes to its asexual progeny. Our data support the earlier reported hypothesis that the symbiont population is subjected to reduced bottleneck effects. This would justify both the codiversification between Paracatenula hosts and their Candidatus Riegeria symbionts, and the slow evolutionary rates observed for several symbiont genes

    ICln channels reconstituted in heart-lipid bilayer are selective to chloride

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    ICln is an ion channel cloned from renal epithelial cells. The reconstitution of the protein in 1,2-diphytanoyl- sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (Diph-PC) bilayer membranes reveals potassium-selective channels, which become more chloride selective in the presence of calcium. Here we show that the ion selectivity of ICln also depends on the lipid environment in which the channels are reconstituted. Diph-PC is a synthetic lipid commonly used for reconstituting ion channels. However, since this lipid is not found in native membranes, we reconstituted the ICln ion channels in a polar heart-lipid extract. Using this lipid mixture the reconstituted ICln ion channels are chloride selective in the presence of calcium and an acidic pH. The relative ion selectivity of ICln under these conditions is similar to the cation versus anion selectivity of native ion channels activated by cell swelling