336 research outputs found

    Sobre el Jurásico del Mencal y su relación con otras series sub-béticas de la transversal de Granada

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    Se describen nuevos términos pertenecientes a la serie jurásica del Mencal (Morrón de la Meseta), junto con otros de un corte próximo a Iznalloz (Granada). Ambas series se correlacionan entre si y con otras series que constituyen un umbral en la cuenca sedimentaria subbética

    Sobre el Jurásico del Mencal y su relación con otras series sub-béticas de la transversal de Granada

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    Se describen nuevos términos pertenecientes a la serie jurásica del Mencal (Morrón de la Meseta), junto con otros de un corte próximo a Iznalloz (Granada). Ambas series se correlacionan entre si y con otras series que constituyen un umbral en la cuenca sedimentaria subbética

    Vins del Bages. Una tria

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    The CH4_4 abundance in Jupiter's upper atmosphere

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    Hydrocarbon species, and in particular CH4_4, play a key role in the stratosphere--thermosphere boundary of Jupiter, which occurs around the μ\mu-bar pressure level. Previous analyses of solar occultation, He and Ly-α\alpha airglow, and ISO/SWS measurements of the radiance around 3.3 μ\mum have inferred significantly different methane concentrations. Here we aim to accurately model the CH4_4 radiance at 3.3 μ\mum measured by ISO/SWS by using a comprehensive non-local thermodynamic equilibrium model and the most recent collisional rates measured in the laboratory for CH4_4 to shed new light onto the methane concentration in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter. These emission bands have been shown to present a peak contribution precisely at the μ\mu-bar level, hence directly probing the region of interest. We find that a high CH4_4 concentration is necessary to explain the data, in contrast with the most recent analyses, and that the observations favour the lower limit of the latest laboratory measurements of the CH4_4 collisional relaxation rates. Our results provide precise constraints on the composition and dynamics of the lower atmosphere of Jupiter.Comment: 15 pages; accepted for publication in A&

    Variability of the Martian thermosphere during eight Martian years as simulated by a ground-to-exosphere global circulation model

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    Using a ground-to-exosphere general circulation model for Mars we have simulated the variability of the dayside temperatures at the exobase during eight Martian years (MY, from MY24 to MY31, approximately from 1998 to 2013), taking into account the observed day-to-day solar and dust load variability. We show that the simulated temperatures are in good agreement with the exospheric temperatures derived from Precise Orbit Determination of Mars Global Surveyor. We then study the effects of the solar variability and of two planetary-encircling dust storms on the simulated temperatures. The seasonal effect produced by the large eccentricity of the Martian orbit translates in an aphelion-to-perihelion temperature contrast in every simulated year. However, the magnitude of this seasonal temperature variation is strongly affected by the solar conditions, ranging from 50 K for years corresponding to solar minimum conditions to almost 140 K during the last solar maximum. The 27 day solar rotation cycle is observed on the simulated temperatures at the exobase, with average amplitude of the temperature oscillation of 2.6 K but with a significant interannual variability. These two results highlight the importance of taking into account the solar variability when simulating the Martian upper atmosphere and likely have important implications concerning the atmospheric escape rate. We also show that the global dust storms in MY25 and MY28 have a significant effect on the simulated temperatures. In general, they increase the exospheric temperatures over the low latitude and midlatitude regions and decrease them in the polar regions.©2015. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.F.G.G. was partly funded by a CSIC JAE-Doc grant financed by the European Social Fund. F.G.G., M.-A.L.V., and M.G.C. thank the Spanish MICINN for funding support through the CONSOLIDER program ASTROMOLCSD2009-00038 and through projects AYA2011-23552/ESP and AYA2012-39691-C02-01. This work has also been partially funded by the ESA-CNES project Mars Climate Database and Physical Models.Peer Reviewe

    Diagnostic tool for radical improvement in business processes

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    The present work presents a diagnostic tool applicable in any business sector; it works as a support to managers for decision-making towards the need for a radical improvement of processes. A literary review was conducted to collect case studies in order to identify the problems it addresses and the impacts generated by the process of reengineering application in organizations. Through conceptual modeling and synthesization, some diagnostic questions were formulated related to the problems that reengineering has addressed in the literature, and an evaluation model was built that allows organizations to identify what type of problem the organization has, its processes or departments, which should be approached from a radical improvement approach. Finally a diagnostic tool with an evaluation method was formulated, to recommend initiate process improvement either organization, departments o process, formulated fully integrable with PDCA cycle and evaluation or monitoring phases for systems like business activity monitoring based on IT systems, relevant in today's contexts when most of the nowadays organization are technology-based, and progressive improvements do not become a pragmatic and agile alternative in the business context

    Rasgos de personalidad y burnout en médicos de familia

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    ObjetivoInvestigar los rasgos de personalidad que podrían asociarse con puntuaciones altas en las escalas de burnout (Maslach Burnout Inventory) en médicos de atención primaria.DiseñoEstudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal.EmplazamientoNoventa y tres centros de atención primaria de la ciudad de Barcelona y las comarcas del norte de la provincia: Vallès Oriental, Vallès Occidental, Maresme, Osona, Bages y Berguedà (región sanitaria centro).MétodoEncuesta directa por entrevista personal o grupal a 528 médicos de atención primaria. Se administraron 3 cuestionarios: uno de datos sociodemográficos generales, el Maslasch Burnout Inventory (MBI) y el test de personalidad de Cattell 16 PF-5.ResultadosUn 40% de los encuestados presentaba algún síntoma de burnout sin diferencia entre sexos. De éstos, un 12,4% manifestaba niveles muy altos de «quemazón» profesional. Los sujetos con criterios de burnout obtuvieron puntuaciones significativamente diferentes en los rasgos de estabilidad, tensión y vigilancia y en la dimensión ansiedad.ConclusionesAlgunos rasgos de personalidad, como la baja estabilidad emocional, la tensión y la ansiedad, se asocian de manera significativa a puntuaciones altas de burnoutExisten algunas diferencias entre estos factores internos por sexo.ObjectiveWith this research we try to study personality traits that could be associated with high punctuation at burnout scales (Maslach Burnout Inventory) in primary care physicians.DesignObservational descriptive transversal studySetting93 primary care centres in Barcelona-city and the northern province's region: Vallès Oriental, Vallès Occidental, Maresme, Osona, Bages and Berguedà (centre sanitary region).MethodIndividual or collective direct interview to 528 primary care physicians. Three questioners were administrated: a sociodemographyc items one, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and the Cattell personality test 16-PF.ResultsThe 40% of the interviewed physicians had some burnout symptom without any difference between sexes. The 12.4% of these ones showed very high burnout levels. Those subjects with burnout criteria punctuated different at stability, tension and vigilance traits and anxiety dimension.ConclusionSome personality traits like low stability, the tension and the anxiety are associated with high punctuation of burnout

    Aerosols and Water Ice in Jupiter's Stratosphere from UV-NIR Ground-based Observations

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    Jupiter's atmosphere has been sounded in transmission from the UV to the IR, as if it were a transiting exoplanet, by observing Ganymede while passing through Jupiter's shadow. The spectra show strong extinction due to the presence of aerosols and haze in Jupiter's atmosphere and strong absorption features of methane. Here, we report a new detailed analysis of these observations, with special emphasis on the retrievals of the vertical distribution of the aerosols and their sizes, and the properties and distribution of the stratospheric water ice. Our analysis suggests the presence of aerosols near the equator in the altitude range of 100 hPa up to at least 0.01 hPa, with a layer of small particles (mean radius of 0.1 μm) in the upper part (above 0.1 hPa), an intermediate layer of aerosols with a radius of 0.3 μm, extending between ∼10 and 0.01 hPa, and a layer with larger sizes of ∼0.6 μm at approximately 100-1 hPa. The corresponding loads for each layer are ∼2 × 10 g cm, ∼3.4 × 10 g cm, and ∼1.5 × 10 g cm, respectively, with a total load of ∼2.0 × 10 g cm. The lower and middle layers agree well with previous measurements; but the finer particles of 0.1 μm above 0.01 hPa have not been reported before. The spectra also show two broad features near 1.5 and 2.0 μm, which we attribute to a layer of very small (∼10 nm) HO crystalline ice in Jupiter's lower stratosphere (∼0.5 hPa). While these spectral signatures seem to be unequivocally attributable to crystalline water ice, they require a large amount of water ice to explain the strong absorption features.© 2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We are very grateful to Rafael Escribano, Victor Herrero, Anni Maattanen, Beatriz Mate, Agustin Sanchez-Lavega, and Miguel Angel Satorre for very valuable discussions on the water ice topic. The IAA team was supported by the Spanish MICINN under projects ESP2014-54362-P, ESP2017-87143-R, and EC FEDER funds. This work is also partly financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness through grant ESP2013-48391-C4-2-R. M.G.C. is also supported by the MINECO under its >Ramon y Cajal> subprogram

    Carbon monoxide distributions from the upper troposphere to the mesosphere inferred from 4.7 μm non-local thermal equilibrium emissions measured by MIPAS on Envisat

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    We present global distributions of carbon monoxide (CO) from the upper troposphere to the mesosphere observed by the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) on Envisat. Vertically resolved volume mixing ratio profiles have been retrieved from 4.7 μm limb emission spectra under consideration of non-local thermodynamic equilibrium. The precision of individual CO profiles is typically 5–30 ppbv (15–40% for altitudes greater than 40 km and lower than 15 km and 30–90% within 15–40 km). Estimated systematic errors are in the order of 8–15%. Below 60 km, the vertical resolution is 4–7 km. The data set which covers 54 days from September 2003 to March 2004 has been derived with an improved retrieval version including (i) the retrieval of log(vmr), (ii) the consideration of illumination-dependent vibrational population gradients along the instrument's line of sight, and (iii) joint-fitted vmr horizontal gradients in latitudinal and longitudinal directions. A detailed analysis of spatially resolved CO distributions during the 2003/2004 Northern Hemisphere major warming event demonstrate the potential of MIPAS CO observations to obtain new information on transport processes during dynamical active episodes, particularly on those acting in the vertical. From the temporal evolution of zonally averaged CO abundances, we derived extraordinary polar winter descent velocities of 1200 m per day inside the recovered polar vortex in January 2004. Middle stratospheric CO abundances show a well established correlation with the chemical source CH<sub>4</sub>, particularly in the tropics. In the upper troposphere, a moderate CO decrease from September 2003 to March 2004 was observed. Upper tropospheric CO observations provide a detailed picture of long-range transport of polluted air masses and uplift events. MIPAS observations taken on 9–11 September 2003 confirm the trapping of convective outflow of polluted CO-rich air from Southeast Asia into the Asian monsoon anticyclone, which has been described in previous studies. Upper tropospheric CO plumes, observed by MIPAS on this day, were predominantly located in the Northern Hemisphere. Most of these plumes could be related to Southeast Asian pollution by means of backward trajectory calculations. During 20–22 October, southern hemispheric biomass burning was the most likely source of the major CO plumes observed over the Southern Atlantic and Indian Ocean