106 research outputs found

    National Commissioner of the South African Police Service v Southern African Human Rights Litigation Centre and another 2015 (1) SA 315 (CC)

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    On 30 October 2014 the Constitutional Court of South Africa (CC) handed down a judgment in an appeal from the National Commissioner of the South African Police Service in National Commissioner of the South African Police Service v Southern African Human Rights Litigation Centre and another (the ‘judgment’).1 The court confirmed the decision of the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) in National Commissioner of the South African Police Service v Southern African Human Rights Litigation Centre.2 The case concerned the investigative powers and obligations of the National Prosecuting Authority (‘NPA’) and the South African Police Service (‘SAPS’) in relation to alleged crimes against humanity (widespread torture) perpetrated by Zimbabwean nationals in Zimbabwe. It involved a consideration of the Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Act 27 of 2002 (‘ICC Act’).3 Put differently, the case involved the exercise of jurisdiction by a South African domestic court (and the logically antecedent exercise of investigative powers by the relevant authorities) over allegations of crimes against humanity – in particular, the crime of torture – committed in another country. The court ordered that the SAPS are indeed empowered to investigate the alleged offences, irrespective of whether or not the alleged perpetrators are present in South Africa and, more importantly, that there was a duty on South African authorities to do.http://www.unisa.ac.za/Default.asp?Cmd=ViewContent&ContentID=685am2017Centre for Human Right


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    Las úlceras de decúbito fueron y siguen siendo un cuidado importante en la enfermería. Sin embargo, comprender hoy la práctica del cuidar solo es posible a partir de una visión holística, un cuidar que ve a la persona integralmente. Por ese motivo, cuando se habla de prevención de úlceras es preciso conocer la estructura de la piel y su función para comprender mejor los fundamentos de prevención y cuidados eficaces. La manutención de la integridad de la piel es responsabilidad del Enfermero. Los mecanismos que causan las úlceras son innumerables y precisan ser atenuados o prevenidos completamente para que la integridad cutánea sea mantenida. Ante eso trazamos como objeto de estudio: El conocimiento por la Enfermería de la Escala Predictiva de Braden en la prevención de las úlceras de presión. Y como problema el siguiente cuestionamiento: ¿Cómo la enfermería sistematiza la asistencia en la prevención de las úlceras de presión? Objetivos: Identificar lo que la Enfermería conoce al respecto de la Escala predictiva de Braden (“Escala pronóstica de Braden); Comparar lo que saben con lo que hacen para prevenir las úlceras de presión. Metodología: En cuanto al tipo se trata de un estudio de caso, descriptivo, y utilizaremos el abordaje cuantitativo. La pesquisa tuvo como escenario la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva de una institución pública, de medio porte, clasificada como hospital general.As úlceras de decúbito foram e continuarão sendo um cuidado importante na enfermagem. Porém, hoje compreender a prática do cuidar, só é possível a partir de uma visão holística, um cuidar que veja a pessoa integralmente. Por esse motivo, quando se fala em prevenção de úlceras é preciso conhecer a estrutura da pele e sua função para compreender melhor os fundamentos de prevenção e cuidados eficazes com pele. A manutenção da integridade da pele é responsabilidade do Enfermeiro. Os mecanismos que causam as úlceras são inúmeros e precisam ser atenuados ou prevenidos completamente para que a integridade cutânea seja mantida. Diante disso, traçamos como objeto de estudo: O conhecimento pela Enfermagem da Escala Preditiva de Braden na prevenção das úlceras de pressão. E como problema o seguinte questionamento: Como a enfermagem sistematiza a assistência na prevenção das úlceras de pressão? Objetivos: Identificar o que a Enfermagem conhece a respeito de Escala preditiva de Braden; Comparar o que sabem com o que fazem para prevenir as úlceras de pressão. Metodologia: quanto à tipologia trata-se de um estudo de caso, descritivo e utilizaremos a abordagem quantitativa. A pesquisa teve como cenário a Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, de uma instituição pública, de médio porte, classificada como hospital geral

    The Soft-Collinear Bootstrap: N=4 Yang-Mills Amplitudes at Six and Seven Loops

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    Infrared divergences in scattering amplitudes arise when a loop momentum ℓ\ell becomes collinear with a massless external momentum pp. In gauge theories, it is known that the L-loop logarithm of a planar amplitude has much softer infrared singularities than the L-loop amplitude itself. We argue that planar amplitudes in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory enjoy softer than expected behavior as ℓ∥p\ell \parallel p already at the level of the integrand. Moreover, we conjecture that the four-point integrand can be uniquely determined, to any loop-order, by imposing the correct soft-behavior of the logarithm together with dual conformal invariance and dihedral symmetry. We use these simple criteria to determine explicit formulae for the four-point integrand through seven-loops, finding perfect agreement with previously known results through five-loops. As an input to this calculation we enumerate all four-point dual conformally invariant (DCI) integrands through seven-loops, an analysis which is aided by several graph-theoretic theorems we prove about general DCI integrands at arbitrary loop-order. The six- and seven-loop amplitudes receive non-zero contributions from 229 and 1873 individual DCI diagrams respectively.Comment: 27 pages, 48 figures, detailed results including PDF and Mathematica files available at http://goo.gl/qIKe8 v2: minor corrections v3: figure 7 corrected, Lemma 2 remove

    Block copolymer synthesis by controlled/living radical polymerisation in heterogeneous systems

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    Electron and Energy Transfer Mechanisms: The Double Nature of TiO2 Heterogeneous Photocatalysis

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    Photocatalytic chemical transformations in the presence of irradiated TiO2 are generally considered in terms of interfacial electron transfer. However, more elusive energy-transfer-driven reactions have been also hypothesized to occur, mainly on the basis of the indirect evidence of detected reaction products whose existence could not be justified simply by electron transfer. Unlike in homogeneous and colloidal systems, where energy transfer mechanisms have been investigated deeply for several organic syntheses, understanding of similar processes in heterogeneous systems is at only a nascent level. However, this gap of knowledge can be filled by considering the important achievements of synthetic heterogeneous photocatalysis, which bring the field closer to industrial exploitation. The present manuscript summarizes the main findings of previous literature reports and, also on the basis of some novel experimental evidences, tentatively proposes that the energy transfer in TiO2 photocatalysis could possess a Förster-like nature

    Electrostatic actuator for tactile display based on hydraulically coupled dielectric fluids and soft structures

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    Recent research work has shown that dielectric fluids, with specific properties, can be combined with stretchable or flexible shell structures, made of polymeric dielectric/electrode composite films, to implement a novel type of soft electrically-driven fluidic transducers with self-healing and self-sensing capabilities that take the name of Liquid based Electro-Active Polymer transducers (LEAPs). These devices are similar to dielectric elastomer transducers in regards to their electrostatic working principle, but they can potentially produce larger displacements due to their lower mechanical stiffness. In this contribution, we present a new transducer concept in which LEAP actuators are employed to induce out-ofplane deformation of a membrane. Specifically, experimental and theoretical demonstrations are provided for applications as dot actuator for Braille displays or other tactile feedback implementations. Results obtained on a preliminary prototype show that the system is able to provide a perceivable force for a human fingertip, offering potential room for further improvement and optimization. Electrically-induced cyclic actuation can be produced over a wide range of frequencies. The results presented in this paper prove the applicability of the LEAP principle on tactile devices and show new design paradigms for this technology

    Electrostatic bellow muscle actuators and energy harvesters that stack up

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    Future robotic systems will be pervasive technologies operating autonomously in unknown spaces that are shared with humans. Such complex interactions make it compulsory for them to be lightweight, soft, and efficient in a way to guarantee safety, robustness, and long-term operation. Such a set of qualities can be achieved using soft multipurpose systems that combine, integrate, and commute between conventional electromechanical and fluidic drives, as well as harvest energy during inactive actuation phases for increased energy efficiency. Here, we present an electrostatic actuator made of thin films and liquid dielectrics combined with rigid polymeric stiffening elements to form a circular electrostatic bellow muscle (EBM) unit capable of out-of-plane contraction. These units are easy to manufacture and can be arranged in arrays and stacks, which can be used as a contractile artificial muscle, as a pump for fluid-driven soft robots, or as an energy harvester. As an artificial muscle, EBMs of 20 to 40 millimeters in diameter can exert forces of up to 6 newtons, lift loads over a hundred times their own weight, and reach contractions of over 40% with strain rates over 1200% per second, with a bandwidth over 10 hertz. As a pump driver, these EBMs produce flow rates of up to 0.63 liters per minute and maximum pressure head of 6 kilopascals, whereas as generator, they reach a conversion efficiency close to 20%. The compact shape, low cost, simple assembling procedure, high reliability, and large contractions make the EBM a promising technology for high-performance robotic systems
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