291 research outputs found

    Development and evaluation of a methodology to integrate technical and sensorial properties in materials selection.

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    In the materials selection process, the use of different tools, languages and perspectives frequently causes disagreement between engineers and industrial designers. The aim of the paper is to define an integrated method for materials selection that provides industrial designers with measurable data to support and explain aesthetic decisions on materials. A new method for materials selection consisting of multiple tools structured in a two-step framework is presented. The method is tested through a case study of professional kitchen appliances where metal components are replaced with polymers. The first step involved the application of an established technique to identify polymeric bulk solutions, based on their technical properties. The second step employed a sensory analysis test to choose suitable finishes. Thirty-seven individuals performed the test: the subjects highlighted their main perceptions of metal and metal-look polymer finishes. The research demonstrates that the proposed method is suitable for the evaluation of both technical and sensorial properties of materials. In particular, Mapping test represents a rapid, low cost and effective tool to help industrial designers justify Colour Materials and Finish (CMF) choices with quantifiable information

    Utilizzo di nitrati come inibitori di corrosione per le armature nel calcestruzzo

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    Corrosion inhibitors have been long considered as an effective preventative technique to slow down the onset and/or propagation of corrosion phenomena in reinforced concrete. Several substances have been evaluated as possible candidates, and great interest has been dedicated to nitrite ion. When investigating how these substances slow down corrosion related processes – chlorides diffusion, critical chloride threshold, CO2 penetration and corrosion propagation –interactions between inhibitor and concrete are also vital. Recently, nitrate based compounds have been proposed as corrosion inhibitors, as they present lower cost than nitrites and are already used in concrete as set accelerators. Some studies have shown that nitrates inhibiting mechanism is similar to that of nitrites. This work proposes the evaluation of a nitrate based substance as possible corrosion inhibitor in concrete, and compares its performance with a nitrite based inhibitor

    Keeping it modern, making it sustainable. Monitoring and energy retrofitting the Urbino University Colleges

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    This paper presents a research to balance building conservation, users’ comfort and energy efficiency of a masterpiece of XX century architecture. The Urbino University Colleges were designed by architect Giancarlo de Carlo and built since 1962 to 1983 beside the Renaissance city. They host more than 1,000 students within 5 dormitories and 62,000 m2 surface. Authors discuss some outcomes from the “Keeping it modern” research program financed by the Getty Foundation in 2016, which aims at providing the Colleges with a sustainable conservation plan. The goal is to lower heating and operational costs to allow funds in conservation activities. Specific issues regard: the striking dimensions of the complex, the constructive features (brickwork walls, exposed concrete structures, single-glazed windows) and the lack of data about the hygrothermal performances. The research thus includes a hygrothermal analysis, a proposal for the energy retrofitting, a building-HVAC model, a test on a pilot site. Authors have monitored surface temperatures, indoor air temperature and humidity for one year, even mapping their distribution through a digital psychrometer. Thermal imaging has been used to detect heat losses, thermal bridges and heat gains due to the solar radiation. Data have fed a building-HVAC model, which was a reference to design an appropriate strategy for retrofitting and improving the energy efficiency of the complex. Some solutions are being implemented on a pilot site. The building performances before and after retrofitting are compared. Results provide indications to merge conservation and sustainability of a XX century heritage building. In conclusion, the solid knowledge of each case confirms being required to support a retrofit proposal of a heritage building, moreover in case of a XX century building, as the cultural value of such a huge heritage is often disregarded to improve its energy performance

    Unusual clear cell variant of epithelioid mesothelioma

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    Clear cell mesothelioma is an extremely rare neoplasm of the pleura, which can easily be mistaken for a metastasis of clear cell carcinoma to the pleura. We report here the histochemical, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural aspects of a new case of clear cell pleural mesothelioma in a 52-year-old man with no known asbestos exposure. He was admitted to the hospital for recurrent pleural effusion, which was negative for neoplastic cells at the cytologic examination. A partial decortication of the right pleura was performed. The morphologic, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural features reported for this case are consistent with the diagnosis of clear cell mesothelioma. The differential diagnosis and immunohistochemical features in comparison with other clear cell neoplasms are discussed

    Tuning of anodic oxidation parameters for the production of nanostructured TiO2 films

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    Titanium dioxide is the most common among titanium oxides and minerals. It can be either synthesized bychemical routes or generated by anodic oxidation of titanium. The latter way allows to tune oxide properties bymodulating process parameters, and it has gained much attention thanks to the wide variety of thicknesses,morphologies, structures and compositions of the oxide produced. The peculiar engineered properties ofanodized titanium find applications in biomedical industry, automotive field, architecture and design, as well asin photovoltaic cells and in photocatalytic purification devices.This article provides an overview of anodic oxidation treatments currently applied to form nanostructured oxidelayers on titanium, paying special attention to their applications

    Estudio de senos craneales para la determinación del sexo

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    Se presenta un estudio sobre 106 cráneos pertenecientes a la Colección de la Escuela de Medicina Legal de Madrid, de población española actual y sexo conocido a fin de estudiar si existen diferencias en relación con el sexo en cuanto al número de lóbulos y el área en mm de los senos frontales. Se realiza estudio radiológico y de análisis de imagen concluyendo que no existen diferencias en varones y en mujeres en ninguno de los dos parámetros estudiados.We present a study about 106 crania which belong to the collection of the Legal Medicine School of Madrid, of current spanish population and known sex to study if there are diferences related with sex when it comes to talk about the number of lobes and the area in mm between the cranial sinus. A radiological and image analysis study is carried out concluding that there are no differences in male and female in both parametres studied

    Texas Department of Agriculture Bulletin, Number 79, January and February, 1925

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    This bulletin is presented for the primary purpose of aiding the citrus industry in the Lower Rio Grande Valley and by a statement of authentic facts to appraise the public of the magnitude and possibilities of this rapidly developing industry

    Aula invertida: experiencia en el Grado de Enfermería

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    En el aula invertida, los estudiantes trabajan autónomamente tareas previamente preparadas con este fin por el profesorado. Objetivo: evaluar el aula invertida como innovación docente y contrastar los resultados con grupo con docencia tradicional. Contexto: primer curso del Grado de Enfermería en la asignatura troncal Ciencias Psicosociales Aplicadas a la Salud (grupo C, n=81). Metodología: cualitativa y cuantitativa con la inclusión de instrumentos estandarizados ad hoc. Destaca la evaluación por pares y contrastes verbales sobre contenidos tutelados por el profesorado. Se realizó evaluación del grupo control y el grupo experimental y se contrastaron los resultados de las cualificaciones obtenidas. Resultados. Puntuación sobre 10 con medias y desviación estándar: Intraclase, superior en el aula invertida (7,96 + 0,67) frente a (5,89 + 1,26) en examen (p-valor < 0,001). Interclase, grupo experimental (5,89 + 1,26) y grupo control (6,02 + 1,16), (p-valor 0,508). Sin hallazgo de diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Conclusión: Sin preparación para el examen y gran esfuerzo adicional, destacó la satisfacción por parte del profesorado y de los estudiantes, el aula invertida se mostró claramente favorable para la adquisición de conocimientos en la asignatura de Enfermería probada

    Development of a thermosensitive hydrogel based on Polaxamer 407 and gellan gum with inclusion complexes (Sulfobutylated-β-cyclodextrin-Farnesol) as a local drug delivery system

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    This work proposes the development of a thermosensitive local drug release system based on Polaxamer 407, also known as Pluronic® F-127 (PF-127), Gellan Gum (GG) and the inclusion complex Sulfobutylated-β-cyclodextrin (CD) with Farnesol (FOH). Rheological properties of the hydrogels and their degradation were studied. According to the rheological results, a solution of 20% w/v of PF-127 forms a strong gel with a gelling temperature of about 25 °C (storage modulus of 15,000 Pa). The addition of the GG increased the storage modulus (optimal concentration of 0.5 % w/v) twofold without modifying the gelling temperature. Moreover, including 0.5% w/v of GG also increased 6 times the degradation time of the hydrogel. Regarding the inclusion complex, the addition of free CD decreased the viscosity and the gel strength since polymer chains were included in CD cavity without affecting the gelling temperature. Contrarily, the inclusion complex CD-FOH did not significantly modify any property of the formulation because the FOH was hosted in the CD. Furthermore, a mathematical model was developed to adjust the degradation time. This model highlights that the addition of the GG decreases the number of released chains from the polymeric network (which coincides with an increase in the storage modulus) and that the free CD reduces the degradation rate, protecting the polymeric chains. Finally, FOH release was quantified with a specific device, that was designed and printed for this type of system, observing a sustainable drug release (similar to FOH aqueous solubility, 8 μM) dependent on polymer degradation

    Plasma?-III tubulin, neurofilament light chain and glial fibrillary acidic protein are associated with neurodegeneration and progression in schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia is a progressive disorder characterized by multiple psychotic relapses. After every relapse, patients may not fully recover, and this may lead to a progressive loss of functionality. Pharmacological treatment represents a key factor to minimize the biological, psychological and psychosocial impact of the disorder. The number of relapses and the duration of psychotic episodes induce a potential neuronal damage and subsequently, neurodegenerative processes. Thus, a comparative study was performed, including forty healthy controls and forty-two SZ patients divided into first-episode psychosis (FEP) and chronic SZ (CSZ) subgroups, where the CSZ sub group was subdivided by antipsychotic treatment. In order to measure the potential neuronal damage, plasma levels of beta-III tubulin, neurofilament light chain (Nf-L), and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) were performed. The results revealed that the levels of these proteins were increased in the SZ group compared to the control group (P < 0.05). Moreover, multiple comparison analysis showed highly significant levels of beta-III tubulin (P = 0.0002), Nf-L (P = 0.0403) and GFAP (P < 0.015) in the subgroup of CSZ clozapine-treated. In conclusion, beta-III tubulin, Nf-L and GFAP proteins may be potential biomarkers of neurodegeneration and progression in SZ