426 research outputs found
The canonical 8-form on manifolds with holonomy group Spin(9)
An explicit expression of the canonical 8-form on a Riemannian manifold with
a Spin(9)-structure, in terms of the nine local symmetric involutions involved,
is given. The list of explicit expressions of all the canonical forms related
to Berger's list of holonomy groups is thus completed. Moreover, some results
on Spin(9)-structures as G-structures defined by a tensor and on the curvature
tensor of the Cayley planes, are obtained
Nuevos taxones para el Rif occidental. II
New taxa from W Rif. II.Palabras clave. Flora, corología, Rif, N de Marruecos.Key words. Flora, chorology, Rif, Northern Morocco
Lagrangian reductive structures on gauge-natural bundles
A reductive structure is associated here with Lagrangian canonically defined
conserved quantities on gauge-natural bundles. Parametrized transformations
defined by the gauge-natural lift of infinitesimal principal automorphisms
induce a variational sequence such that the generalized Jacobi morphism is
naturally self-adjoint. As a consequence, its kernel defines a reductive split
structure on the relevant underlying principal bundle.Comment: 11 pages, remarks and comments added, this version published in ROM
On the cohomology of some exceptional symmetric spaces
This is a survey on the construction of a canonical or "octonionic K\"ahler"
8-form, representing one of the generators of the cohomology of the four
Cayley-Rosenfeld projective planes. The construction, in terms of the
associated even Clifford structures, draws a parallel with that of the
quaternion K\"ahler 4-form. We point out how these notions allow to describe
the primitive Betti numbers with respect to different even Clifford structures,
on most of the exceptional symmetric spaces of compact type.Comment: 12 pages. Proc. INdAM Workshop "New Perspectives in Differential
Geometry" held in Rome, Nov. 2015, to appear in Springer-INdAM Serie
On the explicit expressions of the canonical 8-form on Riemannian manifolds with Spin (9) holonomy
6 pags. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 53C29, Secondary 53C27.Two explicit expressions of the canonical 8-form on a Riemannian
manifold with holonomy group Spin(9) have been given: One by the present
authors and another by Parton and Piccinni. The relation between these two
expressions is obtained. Moreover, it is shown that they are different only from
a combinatorial viewpoint.The first author has been supported by DGI (Spain) Project MTM2013-46961-P..Peer reviewe
Análisis polínico de mieles en las regiones de Ouazzane y Costa Atlántica (Noroeste de Marruecos)
Análisis polínico de mieles en las regiones de Ouazzane y Costa Atlántica (Noroeste de Marruecos). Se ha realizado el análisis microscópico de 13 muestras de miel de las regiones de Ouazzane y Costa Atlántica. Las muestras fueron proporcionadas directamente por los apicultores, en su mayoría aficionados. Los resultados reflejan que el néctar de las flores es la principal fuente de miel en el territorio y que siete de las muestras son pobres polinicamente, con 4.600-47.800 GP (Clase I y II de Maurizio), dos muestras presentan una riqueza media, con 189.000-209.700 GP (Clase III), y cuatro son ricas o muy ricas, con 872.000-2.950.000 GP (Clases IV y V). Se han identificado 63 taxones por el análisis microscópico, resultando seis de las mieles monoflorales: dos de Eucalyptus sp., dos de Lythrum sp., una de Leucojum sp. y una de Citrus sp
Ruled surfaces in -dimensional Riemannian manifolds
In this work ruled surfaces in -dimensional Riemannian manifolds are
studied. We determine the expression for the extrinsic and sectional curvature
of a parametrized ruled surface, where the former one is shown to be
non-positive. We also quantify the set of ruling vector fields along a given
base curve which allow to define a relevant reference frame along it and that
we refer to as \emph{Sannia}. The fundamental Theorem of existence and
equivalence of Sannia ruled surfaces in terms of a system of invariants is
given. The second part of the article tackles the concept of striction curve,
which is proven to be the set of points where the so-called \emph{Jacobi
evolution function} vanishes on a ruled surface. This provides independent
proofs for their existence and uniqueness in space forms, and to disprove its
existence or uniqueness in some other cases.Comment: 22 page
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