1,662 research outputs found


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    A pseudo-compressibility method for zero Mach number turbulent reactive flows with heat release is combined with an unstructured finite volume hybrid grid scheme. The spatial discretization is based on an overlapped cell vertex approach. An infinite freely planar flame propagating into a turbulent medium of premixed reactants is considered as a test case. The recourse to a flamelet combustion modeling for which the reaction rate is quenched in a continuous way ensures the uniqueness of the turbulent flame propagation velocity. To integrate the final form of discretized governing equations, a three-stage hybrid time-stepping scheme is used and artificial dissipation terms are added to stabilize the convergence path towards the final steady solution. The results obtained with such a numerical procedure prove to be in good agreement with those reported in the literature on the very same flow geometry. Indeed, the flame structure as well as its propagation velocity are accurately predicted thus confirming the validity of the approach followed and demonstrating that such a numerical procedure will be a valuable tool to deal with complex reactive flow geometries

    Is the black-widow pulsar PSR J1555-2908 in a hierarchical triple system?

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    The 559 Hz black-widow pulsar PSR J1555-2908, originally discovered in radio, is also a bright gamma-ray pulsar. Timing its pulsations using 12 yr of Fermi-LAT gamma-ray data reveals long-term variations in its spin frequency that are much larger than is observed from other millisecond pulsars. While this variability in the pulsar rotation rate could be intrinsic "timing noise", here we consider an alternative explanation: the variations arise from the presence of a very-low-mass third object in a wide multi-year orbit around the neutron star and its low-mass companion. With current data, this hierarchical-triple-system model describes the pulsar's rotation slightly more accurately than the best-fitting timing-noise model. Future observations will show if this alternative explanation is correct

    Is the Black-widow Pulsar PSR J1555-2908 in a Hierarchical Triple System?

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    The 559 Hz black-widow pulsar PSR J1555-2908, originally discovered in radio, is also a bright gamma-ray pulsar. Timing its pulsations using 12 yr of Fermi-Large Area Telescope gamma-ray data reveals long-term variations in its spin frequency that are much larger than is observed from other millisecond pulsars. While this variability in the pulsar rotation rate could be intrinsic "timing noise,"here we consider an alternative explanation: the variations arise from the presence of a very-low-mass third object in a wide multiyear orbit around the neutron star and its low-mass companion. With current data, this hierarchical-triple-system model describes the pulsar's rotation slightly more accurately than the best-fitting timing noise model. Future observations will show if this alternative explanation is correct. © 2022. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society

    Should all acutely ill children in primary care be tested with point-of-care CRP: A cluster randomised trial

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    Background: Point-of-care blood C-reactive protein (CRP) testing has diagnostic value in helping clinicians rule out the possibility of serious infection. We investigated whether it should be offered to all acutely ill children in primary care or restricted to those identified as at risk on clinical assessment. Methods: Cluster randomised controlled trial involving acutely ill children presenting to 133 general practitioners (GPs) at 78 GP practices in Belgium. Practices were randomised to undertake point-of-care CRP testing in all children (1730 episodes) or restricted to children identified as at clinical risk (1417 episodes). Clinical risk was assessed by a validated clinical decision rule (presence of one of breathlessness, temperature ≄ 40 °C, diarrhoea and age 12-30 months, or clinician concern). The main trial outcome was hospital admission with serious infection within 5 days. No specific guidance was given to GPs on interpreting CRP levels but diagnostic performance is reported at 5, 20, 80 and 200 mg/L. Results: Restricting CRP testing to those identified as at clinical risk substantially reduced the number of children tested by 79.9 % (95 % CI, 77.8-82.0 %). There was no significant difference between arms in the number of children with serious infection who were referred to hospital immediately (0.16 % vs. 0.14 %, P = 0.88). Only one child with a CRP < 5 mg/L had an illness requiring admission (a child with viral gastroenteritis admitted for rehydration). However, of the 80 children referred to hospital to rule out serious infection, 24 (30.7 %, 95 % CI, 19.6-45.6 %) had a CRP < 5 mg/L. Conclusions: CRP testing should be restricted to children at higher risk after clinical assessment. A CRP < 5 mg/L rules out serious infection and could be used by GPs to avoid unnecessary hospital referrals

    Predictors of disease severity in children presenting from the community with febrile illnesses: a systematic review of prognostic studies.

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    Early identification of children at risk of severe febrile illness can optimise referral, admission and treatment decisions, particularly in resource-limited settings. We aimed to identify prognostic clinical and laboratory factors that predict progression to severe disease in febrile children presenting from the community. We systematically reviewed publications retrieved from MEDLINE, Web of Science and Embase between 31 May 1999 and 30 April 2020, supplemented by hand search of reference lists and consultation with an expert Technical Advisory Panel. Studies evaluating prognostic factors or clinical prediction models in children presenting from the community with febrile illnesses were eligible. The primary outcome was any objective measure of disease severity ascertained within 30 days of enrolment. We calculated unadjusted likelihood ratios (LRs) for comparison of prognostic factors, and compared clinical prediction models using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUROCs). Risk of bias and applicability of studies were assessed using the Prediction Model Risk of Bias Assessment Tool and the Quality In Prognosis Studies tool. Of 5949 articles identified, 18 studies evaluating 200 prognostic factors and 25 clinical prediction models in 24 530 children were included. Heterogeneity between studies precluded formal meta-analysis. Malnutrition (positive LR range 1.56-11.13), hypoxia (2.10-8.11), altered consciousness (1.24-14.02), and markers of acidosis (1.36-7.71) and poor peripheral perfusion (1.78-17.38) were the most common predictors of severe disease. Clinical prediction model performance varied widely (AUROC range 0.49-0.97). Concerns regarding applicability were identified and most studies were at high risk of bias. Few studies address this important public health question. We identified prognostic factors from a wide range of geographic contexts that can help clinicians assess febrile children at risk of progressing to severe disease. Multicentre studies that include outpatients are required to explore generalisability and develop data-driven tools to support patient prioritisation and triage at the community level. CRD42019140542

    Self-adaptive systems requirements modelling: Four related approaches comparison

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    International audience—When developing Self Adaptive Systems (SAS), their highly adaptiveness has to be taken into account as early as the requirements elicitation. Because such systems modify their behaviour at run-time in response to changing environmental conditions, Non Functional Requirements (NFR's) play an impor-tant role. One has to identify as early as possible the requirements that are adaptable. Because of the inherent uncertainty in these systems, goal based approaches can help in the development of their requirements. In order to cope with this purpose, we have defined a combined approach based on several requirements modelling techniques. In this paper we use a common case study and well defined comparison criteria to illustrate the way those techniques can benefit from each other. This submission is a synthesis and hence make some reference of more specific requirements models submissions. I. INTRODUCTION This paper aims at studying the differences and potential combination of 4 different requirements' modelling tech-niques: KAOS [8], a goal-based approach (detailed in sec-tion II-B), SYSML [5], a general purpose system modelling notation (detailed in section II-C), SYSML/KAOS a combi-nation of KAOS and SYSML (detailed in section II-D) and RELAX [6] a dedicated language for adaptive systems. We have taken the opportunity of the CMA@RE workshop in order to compare those techniques that were chosen to provide the best approach to deal with the specificities of Self-Adaptive Systems requirements. In section II we describe the context in which this study has been conducted, as well as the minimum of background needed to understand the models; in section III we provide the different requirements models we have developed for the bCMS case study; in section IV we provide our inputs to the defined comparison criteria; and we analyse the results of the parallel efforts; and finally in section V we conclude this study

    Measurement of 1.7 to 74 MeV polarised gamma rays with the HARPO TPC

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    Current {\gamma}-ray telescopes based on photon conversions to electron-positron pairs, such as Fermi, use tungsten converters. They suffer of limited angular resolution at low energies, and their sensitivity drops below 1 GeV. The low multiple scattering in a gaseous detector gives access to higher angular resolution in the MeV-GeV range, and to the linear polarisation of the photons through the azimuthal angle of the electron-positron pair. HARPO is an R&D program to characterise the operation of a TPC (Time Projection Chamber) as a high angular-resolution and sensitivity telescope and polarimeter for {\gamma} rays from cosmic sources. It represents a first step towards a future space instrument. A 30 cm cubic TPC demonstrator was built, and filled with 2 bar argon-based gas. It was put in a polarised {\gamma}-ray beam at the NewSUBARU accelerator in Japan in November 2014. Data were taken at different photon energies from 1.7 MeV to 74 MeV, and with different polarisation configurations. The electronics setup is described, with an emphasis on the trigger system. The event reconstruction algorithm is quickly described, and preliminary measurements of the polarisation of 11 MeVphotons are shown.Comment: Proceedings VCI201

    The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction : I. impact of short term calorie and protein restriction on body composition in the C57BL/6 mouse

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    We acknowledge the BSU staff for their invaluable help with caring for the animals and anonymous referees for their inputs. The work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) of the UK (Standard grant BB/G009953/1 and China partnering award BB/JO20028/1). The authors declare no competing interests.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Diagnostic accuracy of blood tests of inflammation in paediatric appendicitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: Possible childhood appendicitis is a common emergency presentation. The exact value of blood tests is debated. This study sought to determine the diagnostic accuracy of four blood tests (white cell count (WCC), neutrophil(count or percentage), C reactive protein (CRP) and/or procalcitonin) for childhood appendicitis. Design: A systematic review and diagnostic meta-analysis. Data sources included MEDLINE, EMBASE, Central, Web of Science searched from inception-March 2022 with reference searching and authors contacted for missing/unclear data. Eligibility criteria was studies reporting the diagnostic accuracy of the four blood tests compared to the reference standard (histology or follow-up). Risk of bias was assessed (QUADAS-2), pooled sensitivity and specificity were generated for each test and commonly presented cut-offs. To provide insight into clinical impact, we present strategies using a hypothetical cohort. Results: 67 studies were included (34 839 children, 13 342 with appendicitis), all in the hospital setting. The most sensitive tests were WCC (≄10 000 cells/”L, 53 studies sensitivity 0.85 (95% CI 0.80 to 0.89)) and absolute neutrophil count (ANC) (≄7500 cells/”L, five studies sensitivity 0.90 (95% CI 0.85 to 0.94)). Combination of WCC or CRP increased sensitivity further(≄10 000 cells/”L or ≄10 mg/L, individual patient data (IPD) of 6 studies, 0.97 (95% CI 0.93 to 0.99)). Applying results to a hypothetical cohort(1000 children with appendicitis symptoms, of whom 400 have appendicitis) 60 and 40 children would be wrongly discharged based solely on WCC and ANC, respectively, 12 with combination of WCC or CRP. The most specific tests were CRP alone (≄50 mg/L, 38 studies, specificity 0.87 (95% CI 0.80 to 0.91)) or combined with WCC (≄10 000 cells/”L and ≄50 mg/L, IPD of six studies, 0.93 (95% CI 0.91 to 0.95)). Conclusions: The best performing single blood tests for ruling-out paediatric appendicitis are WCC or ANC; with accuracy improved combining WCC and CRP. These tests could be used at the point of care in combination with clinical prediction rules. We provide insight into the best cut-offs for clinical application. PROSPERO registration number: CRD4201708003

    C-reactive protein and neutrophil count laboratory test requests from primary care:what is the demand and would substitution by point of care technology be viable?

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    Aims: C-reactive protein (CRP) and neutrophil count (NC) are important diagnostic indicators of inflammation. Point-of-care (POC) technologies for these markers are available but rarely used in community settings in the UK. To inform the potential for POC tests, it is necessary to understand the demand for testing. We aimed to describe the frequency of CRP and NC test requests from primary care to central laboratory services, describe variability between practices and assess the relationship between the tests.Methods: We described the number of patients with either or both laboratory tests, and the volume of testing per individual and per practice, in a retrospective cohort of all adults in general practices in Oxfordshire, 2014–2016.Results: 372 017 CRP and 776 581 NC tests in 160 883 and 275 093 patients, respectively, were requested from 69 practices. CRP was tested mainly in combination with NC, while the latter was more often tested alone. The median (IQR) of CRP and NC tests/person tested was 1 (1–2) and 2 (1–3), respectively. The median (IQR) tests/ practice/week was 36 (22–52) and 72 (50–108), and per 1000 persons registered/practice/week was 4 (3–5) and 8 (7–9), respectively. The median (IQR) CRP and NC concentrations were 2.7 (0.9–7.9)mg/dL and 4.1 (3.1–5.5)×109/L, respectively.Conclusions: The high demand for CRP and NC testing in the community, and the range of results falling within the reportable range for current POC technologies highlight the opportunity for laboratory testing to be supplemented by POC testing in general practice
