294 research outputs found

    Pertumbuhan Stek Tanaman Lada (Piper Nigrum Linn) pada Komposisi Media Tumbuh dan Dosis Air Kelapa yang Berbeda

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    This experiment aimed to determine the best growing media composition and coconut water in stimulating the growth of pepper plant cuttings. It used a two factorial randomized block design. The first factor was various proportions of media compositions of manure, sand and top soil i.e. 1:4:12; 1:4:6; and 1: 4:4. The second factor was different rates of coconut water i.e. A0 (no coconut water added), A1 (40 cc), A2 (80 cc), and A3 (120 cc). There were 12 combination treatments and each was replicated three times with each treatment consisting of three plants. Parameter observed included shoot length, leaf number, leaf area size, root length, and fresh root weight. The research results showed that there was no significant interaction effect between the media composition and the coconut water on the shoot length at 45 days after planting (DAP), 60 DAP, and 90 DAP but it was significant at 75 DAP. The interaction effect was also significant on the leaf number at 60 DAP. Only the coconut water had significant effect on the total leaf area size, the root length, and the fresh weight. The stimulation of the pepper cutting growth was best under the 120 cc coconut water treatment per week and the sand, manure and top soil proportion of 1:4:4 treatment

    Comparison of Snapper Scales as Embellishment in Couture

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    In 2017, snapper scales was first processed by Riyani Putri. In her research, she focused on processing snapper scales as beads, and applying them using embroidery techniques. Based on the results of the above research, the writer see an opportunity to be able to further explore snapper scales material as a new alternative material, especially embellishment material for fashion products. The writer will then expand the exploration to focus on developing and optimizing snapper scales material as one of the embellishment material innovations applied to couture, which is the highest level in fashion classification pyramid. This level is influenced by several elements including the choice of material used i.e. the quality and luxurious embellishment material. The aim of this study is to prove that snapper scales can be process, functioned and used equally compare to other embellishment. The unique characteristic of the scales itself makes this material worth selling and can be applied to fashion couture using embroidery design technique. The writer will then make further exploration by developing series of steps according to snapper scales characteristics based on embroidery technique and with the application of embellishment material in general. The result of this exploration is expected to be an innovation and new material variation that can be developed in couture design. Methodology used in this study is comparative method by comparing snapper scales with other embellishment materials in general including beads, sequins, and stones. Based on this comparison we will get new information about what is the most appropriate technique snapper scales can be applied into couture clothing. Keywords: embellishment, embroidery, design techniques, snapper scales, coutur

    Tantangan Pembangunanan dan Hukum di Indonesia Pasca Pandemic Covid-19

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    Pembangunan merupakan keadaan suatu negara yang sedang memiliki berbagai macam permasalahan dalam aspek baik itu aspek dari struktur sosial, perubahan-perubahan dalam sikap hidup yang ada di masyarakat, perubahan dalam kelembagaan dalam sistem bernegara. bahkan, pembangunan suatau negara juga adanya evolusi dalam peningkatan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan ekonomi, pengurangan ketimpangan inkam pendapatan nasional suatu negara, peningkatan taraf kesehatan dan taraf pendidikan serta tingkat kemiskinan. Penelitian ini ditulis dengan metode penelitian Pustaka dengan menggunakan pendekatan analysis content, metode penelitian pustaka adalah pendekatan studi yang mempelajari dan menggunakan berbagai buku sebagai referensi serta menggunakan dan menganalisis hasil penelitian yang telah ada sebelumnya dan sejenis. Nantinya dapat berguna untuk memperoleh landasan teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis mengenai masalah yang akan diteliti. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode kualitatif yang merupakan metode untuk mendapatkan data-data yang mendalam serta suatu data yang mengandung makna. Yang dalam hal ini adalah data mengenai permasalahan ekonomi, pembangunan serta aturan-aturan hukum yang ada pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Adapun teori yang digunakan adalah teori hukum pembengunan yang nantinya di gunkan untuk menganalisa fenomena yang terjadi di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis mengenai Dampak sosial serta ekonomi yang ada di seluruh dunia bahkan Indonesia dampak dari pandemic Covid-19 ini membuat semua sektor pemerintahan, dari tingkat daerah bahkan hingga tingkat nasional untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap rencana atau plan pembangunan yang telah disetujui unutk dilaksanakan. Terutama rencana atau plan yang telah tertuang didalam dokumen-dokumen perencanaan dan anggaran yang pada saat itu dalam penyususnan sama sekali tidak memperhitungkan pandemi yang melanda seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia. Adaptasi dan pengambilan kebijakan yang terukur dalam mengatasi wabah corona akan menjadi titik awal yang bagus untuk pemulihan suatu negara

    Visual Studies: Identification of Cangkuang Temple As a Heritage Relic of Ancient Sunda Kingdom with Juxtaposing Technique

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    West Java has various relics of buildings and ancient artifacts that have the characteristics of buildings based on Hinduism, Buddhism and other older cultures. One of these remains is the Cangkuang Temple (8M) located in Garut, West Java. This temple is a Hindu-style temple, and is believed to be a relic of the Ancient Sundanese Kingdom. However, what is interesting about this Cangkuang Temple building is that it has quite different building characteristics from other sacred buildings of the ancient Sundanese people that were around the same era and in the surrounding area. This Cangkuang Temple has some similarities from the characteristics of the buildings generally from Ancient Sundanese, but has quite a few different distinct building features. This makes the question of whether Cangkuang Temple is really a relic from Ancient Sundanese Kingdom or by another kingdom in the different era. Therefore, in this research, the writer tries to raise the issue of these characteristics and differences. In the process, the writer compares the photo of the temple and the comparator with the Diptych and Triptych technique to identify the similarities and differences of the temples as objects. The research methodology used in this reseras is a descriptive qualitative visual study, with the data collection methods used are field observations, literature reviews and interviews. The objects that are observed are the sacred buildings of the Sundanese people of the same era and those in the surrounding area. In the end, after the photos are juxtaposed, they will be further validated to get the final conclusion. This research also includes comparisons with Gedong Songo Temple which complements the existing comparisons between the buildings of the Tarumanegara (Batujaya), Ancient Sundanese (Bojongmenje) and Galuh / Kalingga / Medang (Gedong Songo) era’s building to see their characteristics comparison


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    Pembangunan jalan akan dilakukan di jalan desa Tanjung Kapal menuju Darul Aman Kecamatan Rupat Kabupaten Bengkalis merupakan akses masyarakat untuk menjalani aktivitas perkebunan, perekonomian, dan pendidikan dengan panjang jalan 11,2 km dan terdapat 15 tikungan.  pembangunan ini dilakukan melalui dana alokasi khusus (DAK) Kabupaten Bengkalis. Perhitungan dan analisis geometrik ini menggunakan TPGJAK 1997 dengan menanalisis alinyemen horizontal jalan sesuai dengan kondisi lapangan.Hasil analisis dan evaluasi geometrik jalan dengan panjang 11,2 Km dengan kecepatan rencana 70 km/jam dan lebar jalan 6meter, didapatkan bahwa 11 tikungan Spiral – Circle – Spiral (S-C-S) dan 4 tikungan termasuk kedalam tikungan Full Circle (F-C) dengan superelevasi maksimum : T1=8%, T2=6.7%, T3=7%, T4=8.7%, T5=7.5%, T6=9.5%, T7=7.7%, T8=7.3%, T9=7.2%, T10=7.5%, T11=8.5%, T12=6.7%, T13=7.5%, T14=7.6%, T15=7%, jarak pandang henti didapatkan 51.35 meter, jarak pandang menyiap didapatkan 421.95 meter

    Peningkatan Akurasi Pada Algoritma C4.5 Menggunakan Adaboost Untuk Meminimalkan Resiko Kredit

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    Tingkat akurasi dalam penilaian risiko pemohon kredit sangat penting bagi organisasi pemberi pinjaman. Data pemohon kredit yang besar dapat diolah menjadi informasi yang dapat digunakan sebagai pendukung keputusan dalam menentukan permohoanan kredit. Pengolahan data tersebut termasuk dalam bidang data mining.Salah satu metode yang dapat diterapkan dalam permohonan kredit, yaitu klasifikasi. Terdapat beberapa algoritma klasifikasi salah satunya yaitu pohon keputusan atau decision tree. Algoritma decision tree yang terkenal ialah C4.5. Algoritma C4.5 dapat diterapkan dalam mengklasifikasi permohonan kredit. Penelitian ini menggunakan German Credit Card dataset. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini yaitu meningkatkan akurasi dari algoritma C4.5 dengan menerapkan adaboost dalam mengklasifikasi permohonan kredit dengan membandingkan hasil sebelum dan sesudah diterapkan adaboost. Validasi dalam penelitian ini menggunakan 10 fold cross validation. Sedangkan pengukuran akurasi diukur dengan confussion matrix. Hasil percobaan menunjukan terdapat peningkatan akurasi 3.7%. Akurasi penerapan algoritma C4.5 saja mencapai 70.5%. Sedangkan akurasi pnerapan algoritma C4.5 dengan adaboot mencapai 74.2%. Kata Kunci:C4.5, Adaboost, Data Mining, German Credit Card

    Health Protocol in Penataran Train during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Penataran train decreased the number of passengers by 77.13% in April 2020, which resulted in a reduction in travel frequency and change origin-destination during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the Penataran train passengers and obtain policy recommendations about service standards and travel requirements based on respondents' choices using descriptive statistics. Questionnaires were distributed to 417 Penataran train passengers during new adaptation period. This study indicates that the frequency of trips during the new adaptation period is lower than before the pandemic. Only 10.55% of respondents give the reason that the risk of transmitting COVID-19 on the Penataran train is lower than other transportation. The maximum seating capacity is reduced to 50% according to respondent's perceptions. Wearing a mask, keep a distance, and wearing long-sleeved clothing can still be carried out because they are considered necessary as requirements for passenger travel. The GeNose C19 test letter is not recommended to be used as a document requirement because most respondents with low income do not want additional costs


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    The government in implementing public services must improve the quality of services and ensure the provision of optimal public services. The problem phenomenon focuses on the not optimal quality of service in terms of errors in writing KTP and KK identities, the absence of blanks, the lack of optimal human resources, resulting in human erorr. Thet eori used by Zeithhaml Parasuraman Barry (2011) include Physical evidence, Reliability, Assurance and Empathy. The research method uses observation, interviews, and documentation. The research instrument is purposive sampling. The analysis unit and the informant's setting used snowball sampling. Data validation using triangulation, data analysis using data condensation, data view, and drawing conclusion. With tangible results, it has been felt well by the people of Surade District. Based on the reliability of the service unit's ability to provide the promised service immediately and satisfactorily for service users is still not well felt and the Responsive Dimension is still not well implemented. in conclusion Service standards in District Offices Surade has been implemented in accordance with applicable procedures, but the quality of service provided is still not good because the officers who provide waiters are not friendly so they do not provide comfort for service users at the Surade District Office, Sukabumi Regency


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    Stroke iskemik adalah jenis stroke yang paling umum terjadi dan merupakan penyakit dengan angka kematian dan kecacatan tertinggi di dunia. Terapi yang ada saat ini dalam menangani stroke masih menyisakan tantangan bagi para peneliti karena belum ditemukannya perawatan yang dapat meregenerasi jaringan otak yang hilang akibat infark. Penggunaan Neural Progenitor Cell (NPC) turunan induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC) merupakan studi yang berada paling depan dalam tahapan uji praklinis karena diketahui dapat menjadi dan menggantikan neuron serta mempromosikan mekanisme pemulihan endogen seperti angiogenesis. Namun, terdapat hambatan dari penggunaan NPC utamanya pada patofisiologi stroke yang menyebabkan adanya resistensi terhadap terapi seluler. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan kombinasi NPC dengan Scaffold menggunakan Chondroitin sulfate-A (CS-A) berbasis hidrogel yang dapat meningkatkan aliran darah ke inti stroke serta meningkatkan afinitas neurotropik. Kombinasi ini menghasilkan sinergitas terapi yang sangat baik dengan efek utamanya dimediasi oleh basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF) yang akan memperbaiki kerusakan jaringan di daerah infark. Untuk mengetahui potensi kombinasi NPC dengan Hidrogel CS-A dalam pengobatan stroke iskemik. Literature Review ini disusun menggunakan metode studi pustaka dengan mengumpulkan jurnal yang valid berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi khusus. Kombinasi NPC dengan Hidrogel CS-A secara signifikan meningkatkan perbaikan vaskular, aliran darah kortikal dan hasil perilaku sensorimotor setelah stroke. Peningkatan yang terjadi dimediasi melalui stimulasi pengeluaran bFGF yang mendorong perbaikan jaringan. Efektivitas pemberian NPC secara signifikan dapat ditingkatkan dengan kombinasi Hidrogel CS-A dan telah terbukti dalam berbagai pengujian sehingga diharapkan dapat menjadi upaya terbaru dalam terapi stroke iskemik.
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