E-Journal Universitas Muria Kudus
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    2725 research outputs found

    Identifikasi pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika pada era new normal dengan aplikasi google classroom

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemanfaatan fitur-fitur pada aplikasi Google Classroom dalam pembelajaran matematika daring pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di salah satu sekolah menengah negeri di Kabupaten Demak tahun pelajaran 2021/2022. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa angket dan pedoman wawancara. Angket berisi pernyataan mengenai 21 fitur yang disajikan dalam bentuk nama fitur dan gambar dari fitur. Angket yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skala likert dengan pilihan yang terdiri selalu, sering, kadang-kadang, pernah, dan tidak pernah. Wawancara dilakukan untuk mengetahui alasan guru dari penggunaan beberapa fitur Google Classrooom yang tidak dimaksimalkan sebagai media pembelajaran daring. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif-kuantitatif. Analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif yaitu rata-rata, kemudian diklasifikasikan berdasarkan kategori. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat beberapa fitur yang telah dioptimalkan penggunaanya dan terdapat pula fitur yang belum secara optimal digunakan. Fitur yang memiliki persentase penggunaan tinggi yaitu, bagikan tugas, sharing materi, bagikan catatan dengan memiliki persesntase masing-masing 100%. Sedangkan, fitur yang memiliki persentase penggunaan rendah terdapat pada 4 fitur yaitu fitur diskusi, fitur polling, fitur umpan balik, dan fitur berbagi video pembelajaran dengan persentase berturut-turut sebesar 32%, 40%, 48%, 36%. Secara keseluruhan pemanfaatan fitur Google Classroom dalam pembelajaran matematika daring yaitu sebesar 66% yang termasuk pada kategori sedang

    Pengaruh Variasi Waktu Penembakan pada Proses Shot Peening terhadap Sifat Mekanis Baja ST 60

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    Baja ST 60 banyak digunakan pada komponen permesinan, roda gigi, poros, konstruksi bangunan dan lain sebagainya. Beberapa perlakuan untuk merubah sifat mekanik yang diperlukan salah satunya menggunakan metode shot peening.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa sifat kekerasan permukaan pada baja ST 60 setelah diproses shot peening dengan variasi waktu 5,10,20,30 dan 40 menit, material shot peening menggunakan ball steel diameter 0,8 mm, tekanan udara 7 kg/cm², dan jarak tembak antara nozzle dengan permukaan benda uji 10 cm. kemudian diuji kekerasan permukaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan variasi waktu shot peening durasi 10 menit mendapatkan nilai kekerasan sebesar 286,2 VHN. Proses shot peening dengan durasi10 menit menghasilkan kekasaran sebesar 3,74 µm. Hasil uji struktur mikro juga mengalami perubahan ditandai dengan fasa perlit senilai 61,5 %, fasa ferit senilai 38,4 %, Pengujian SEM pada spesimen dengan durasi 10 menit menunjukan adanya dimple fracture yang kecil, memperlihatkan adanya perubahan sifat mekanis Baja ST 60


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    Madrasah Aliyah Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar Demak is an upper secondary educational institution founded by the Mazro'atul Huda Karanganyar Foundation, Demak. Every activity that requires information about students will require attendance, the attendance process is still manual, namely by writing in the attendance book which takes a long time and there are often problems in conducting data recap. With this problem, an application is made using a QR-Code and based on the Website. The method used uses Waterfall through several stages such as data collection, problem identification, system analysis, system design, system development, system testing, system implementation. This website-based application is built using 3 main components, namely PHP as a programming language, PhpMyAdmin as a Database Server and Web-Cam or External Camera as a QR-Code reader application. Web-based attendance application, it is hoped that data can be stored in the database, students do not have to wait long for attendance and can speed up data recapitulation and minimize absentee fraud


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    Peranan teknologi informasi saat ini sudah tidak dapat dilepaskan dari perkembangan zaman. Seiring berjalanya waktu, saat ini perkembangaan teknologi sudah semakinberkembang pesat, dengan adanya teknologi suatu instasi atau organisasi akan lebih mudah dalam mewujudkan tujuan perusahaan. Salah satunya dengan adanya system pengelolaan magang. Magang merupakan sebuah program yang dilakukan instasi Pendidikan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi, pengalaman serta menambah softskill siswa ataupun mahasiswa, selain itu program magang juga dapat memberikan pengetahuan dunia kerja sebelum terjun kedunia kerja yang sebenarnya sebuah perusahaan tentunya memiliki program magang dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan oleh masing-masing perusahaan, tak terkecuali di PT. Glory Industrial Semarang yang setiap periodenya membutuhkan mahasiswa magang. Namun belum adanya system yang efisien dalam penerapan pengelolaan siswa/mahasiswa magang membuat perusahaan kesulitan dalam mendata siswa/mahasiswa yang akan magang di PT. Glory Industrial Semarang. Ditambah banyaknya jumlah pendaftar magang yang berjumlah kurang dari lebih 20 puluhan tiap bulanya menjadi salah satu factor perusahaan membutuhkan system yang dapat menampung data para calon siswa/mahasiswa magang. Maka dari itu peneliti memutuskan untuk membuat penelitian untuk membangun Aplikasi Pengelolaan Magang Berbasis Web Menggunakan Framework Codeigniter pada PT. Glory Industrial Semarang


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    The aim of this research is to find out what kind of support the Social Sciences EducationStudy Program provides as a policy maker in implementing blended learning-basedlearning strategies; to find out the extent of the use of blended learning-based technologyin the FIS UNNES Social Sciences Education Study Program; to analyze theimplementation of blended learning-based learning strategies in the FIS UNNES SocialSciences Education Study Program.The research method used is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The research subjectis the academic community of the Social Sciences Education Study Program. Datacollection through interviews, observation and documentation with data validity testingusing triangulation methods and data analysis techniques using interactive analysis.The results of the research found that the blended learning-based learning strategy in theFIS UNNES Social Sciences education study program was running well. Support fromlecturers, students, study program coordinators, faculties and universities really supportsthe implementation of this. One of the existing policies is the curriculum and supportinginfrastructure


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the pattern of emotional intelligence in children after online learning. This research is a type of narrative qualitative research with case study approach which was carried out in Sambung Village, Gajah District, Demak Regency. Data collection techniques in this study include observation, interviews, documentation, and recording. Data analysis techniques in this analysis are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing coclusions. The results showed that there were five patterns of student’s emotional intelligence, namely the ability to recognize self-emotions, the ability to manage self-emotions, the ability to motivate oneself, the ability to recognize other people’s emotions, and the ability to build relationships.


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    PT NQA (National Quality Assurance) Indonesia is a company that operates in the field of ISO (International Standard Organization) standard certification. ISO certification is a conformity assessment procedure carried out to provide a written guarantee that a company or organization is declared to have met the standards set by ISO. In the PT NQA Indonesia ISO certification management process, it is difficult for clients to find information related to certification management documents, such as certification approval, certification schedule, and status, up to certificate delivery. Based on these conditions, this research aims to design and create an ISO certification management information system at PT NQA Indonesia. The system development stages in creating this information system use methods consisting of observation, interviews, literature study, system planning, or SDLC (System Development Life Cycle), running system analysis, system design and creation, black box testing, and using the MySQL programming language. With this information system, it is hoped to help the existing organizational structure at PT NQA Indonesia in carrying out the ISO certification management process and monitoring the certification management process for clients


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    This study aims to produce assistive technology products in the form of vibrating pillows with performance components designed according to the needs of deaf college students in increasing independence when they wake up. The research method used is research and development or Research and Development (RD) with the Sustainable Development Model in Educational Research. Data collection techniques in the form of observation, questionnaires, trials and documentation. The research subjects were deaf college students at State University of Malang. The research design was carried out twice with 3 media experts and 7 respondents. Data analysis by media experts using the percentage formula produces a value of 95% which means the product is valid. After the product was declared valid, data analysis was carried out on 7 respondents in the form of a product performance effectiveness test and a different test with the initial/before survey and the final/after product use survey. Analysis of product performance effectiveness test data in two days of trial results increased from 95% to 97.8%. Non-Parametric Willcoxon Signed Ranks Test data analysis using SPSS, showed that there was no decrease in value from the initial survey to the end because Negative Ranks showed a value of 0. There was an increase in self-reliance marked by Positive Ranks indicating a value of 7. The results showed that the hypothesis was accepted by showing the data different test Wilcoxon signed ranks test obtained Z count = -2.375 and α = 0.05, then sig = 0.018. This shows that Sig 0.018 is smaller than 0.05 (0.018 0.05). These results explain that the product has a good effect on changes in the independence ability in wakening for deaf college students

    Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Matematis Siswa ditinjau dari Gender

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    Mathematical critical thinking is the ability to solve problems using knowledge, reasoning, and mathematical proof. This research aims to test students' mathematically necessary thinking abilities based on gender. The subjects of this research were students of class X TKJ SMKN 2 Soe. This research method is descriptive-qualitative, where data collection uses observation techniques, tests in the form of story questions, and semi-structured interviews. Data analysis in this research uses the Miles and Huberman technique in data reduction, data presentation, and concluding/verification. Data validity testing uses technical triangulation. The results of the research show that there is no significant difference in students' mathematical critical thinking abilities based on gender. Most male and female students can fulfil all indicators of mathematical critical thinking, namely providing simple explanations, building basic skills, drawing conclusions and further explanations, and determining problem-solving strategies and tactics. Female students are more detailed in the problem-solving process based on stages, while male students are less detaile


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    Penelitian ini mengembangkan dan menguji aplikasi PPDB MTs Tarbiyatul Mubtadiin Wilalung untuk mempermudah dan meningkatkan efisiensi proses pendaftaran serta pengelolaan data calon siswa. Metode waterfall digunakan dalam pengembangan aplikasi ini, meliputi tahap analisis, desain, implementasi, pengujian, dan implementasi. Aplikasi dilengkapi dengan fitur-fitur penting seperti halaman utama, halaman registrasi calon siswa, halaman akun calon siswa, dan halaman dashboard untuk panitia. Pengujian menggunakan metode blackbox dilakukan terhadap fitur-fitur utama aplikasi. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi berhasil menampilkan halaman-halaman yang diharapkan dan fitur-fitur berfungsi sesuai rencana. Aplikasi ini memberikan kemudahan bagi calon siswa dalam pendaftaran online, memungkinkan panitia mengelola data calon siswa dengan efisien, serta meningkatkan transparansi dan akurasi dalam proses seleksi. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi PPDB serta memberikan manfaat bagi semua pihak yang terlibat dalam proses tersebut


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