141 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional appearance of bovine epidermal keratinocytes in different stages of differentiation revealed by cell maceration and scanning electron microscopic investigation

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    The epidermis of the modified skin of the bovine hoof is a highly mechanical loaded tissue. Consequently, all cell connections have to withstand high mechanical forces. As an adaptation to this stress, the epidermal keratinocytes show characteristic surface modifications. Furthermore, the tissue displays a complex three-dimensional architecture, which is difficult to appreciate from histological sections. SEM-observation of macerated tissue samples is a fast, easy to use and reliable tool to receive three-dimensional information about the appearance and spatial relationship of cells within a tissue. Using cell maceration, the aim of this study was to separate individual as well as smaller groups of keratinocytes in order to reveal the formations of the cell surface, the appearance of individual cells and the spatial relationship of cells within the tissue. A NaOH maceration method described in literature was modified and applied to tissue samples from the wall and bulbar segment of the hooves of six cows. This method facilitated separation between the epidermal cells. Single cells as well as cell groups were available for SEM observation, which revealed a three-dimensional appearance characteristic for different stages of differentiation of the keratinocytes. The observed findings suggest that throughout the process of differentiation the surface modifications provide the basis for a stable cell to cell adhesion which is established by desmosomes and the intercellular cementing substance. Additionally, the broadened cellular surface area is related to the supply of the highly metabolic active living epidermal cells with nutrients and oxygen. Longer cell processes typically found in the central surface area of the keratinocytes may carry gap junctions and may be involved in cell communication. This, however, has to be clarified by further electron microscopic studies. The demonstrated appearance of individual cells and the complex architecture enable the hoof epidermis to fulfil its unique biomechanical functions

    Quality and validity of large animal experiments in stroke : a systematic review

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    An important factor for successful translational stroke research is study quality. Low-quality studies are at risk of biased results and effect overestimation, as has been intensely discussed for small animal stroke research. However, little is known about the methodological rigor and quality in large animal stroke models, which are becoming more frequently used in the field. Based on research in two databases, this systematic review surveys and analyses the methodological quality in large animal stroke research. Quality analysis was based on the Stroke Therapy Academic Industry Roundtable and the Animals in Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments guidelines. Our analysis revealed that large animal models are utilized with similar shortcomings as small animal models. Moreover, translational benefits of large animal models may be limited due to lacking implementation of important quality criteria such as randomization, allocation concealment, and blinded assessment of outcome. On the other hand, an increase of study quality over time and a positive correlation between study quality and journal impact factor were identified. Based on the obtained findings, we derive recommendations for optimal study planning, conducting, and data analysis/reporting when using large animal stroke models to fully benefit from the translational advantages offered by these models

    A tutela inibitória na proteção do meio ambiente

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    Orientador: Prof. Alcides Alberto Munhoz da Cunha, Elton VenturiMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciências Jurídicas, Curso de Graduação em DireitoO presente trabalho trata da aplicação da tutela inibitória para a proteção do meio ambiente. Diante da crescente intensidade dos desastres ecológicos por toda parte, surgiu a necessidade de proteção jurídica do meio ambiente. Sendo o direito à higidez ambiental extrapatrimonial, não subsiste a idéia de recomposição pecuniária do dano causado. Nota-se que é imprescindível a atuação da tutela preventiva para salvaguardar o meio ambiente, eis que grande parte dos danos ambientais causados são de difícil reparação, podendo, inclusive, a ação destruidora do homem causar danos irreversíveis. Portanto, a tutela inibitória mostra-se fundamental para a efetividade da tutela dos direitos não patrimoniais. Assim, o direito ao meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado exige uma tutela inibitória coletiva e antecipatória para garantir a preservação ambiental às gerações presentes e futuras

    História do design: tecnologia, design e arte

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    Capacidades empreendedoras e coordenadoras de empresas incubadas: um estudo no centro de empreendimento de informática da UFRGS

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    This article aims to identify the entrepreneurial and coordinative capacities, the innovative potentialities of technology bases companies incubated at a Technology Enterprise Center from a Brazilian public University. We’ve interviewed the incubator’s manager as well as the managers of the companies in search of evidence that demonstrated the processes of internalization and externalization of its capacities. The results show that most companies internalize the coordinative aspects through the hiring of managers leaving to the incubator the essential part of allowing the proximity to research centers and the link with the university, to which we refer to as the University factor.Este artigo visa identificar as características coordenadoras, empreendedoras e as potencialidades inovadoras das empresas incubadas de base tecnológica na incubadora do Centro de Empreendimentos de Informática da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram entrevistados a gestora da incubadora bem como os gestores das empresas incubadas à procura de evidências que demonstrem processos de internalização e externalização de suas capacidades. O resultado mostrou que a maioria das empresas internaliza os aspectos de coordenação através da contratação de gestores sendo a incubadora essencial por possibilitar a proximidade com os centros de pesquisas e o vínculo com a universidade, o que se denominou de fator Universidade

    Optimizing Code Generation from SSA Form: A Comparison Between Two Formal Correctness Proofs in Isabelle/HOL

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    AbstractCorrectness of compilers is a vital precondition for the correctness of the software translated by them. In this paper, we present two approaches for the formalization of static single assignment (SSA) form together with two corresponding formal proofs in the Isabelle/HOL system, each showing the correctness of code generation. Our comparison between the two proofs shows that it is very important to find adequate formalizations in formal proofs since they can simplify the verification task considerably. Our formal correctness proofs do not only verify the correctness of a certain class of code generation algorithms but also give us sufficient, easily checkable correctness criteria characterizing correct compilation results obtained from implementations (compilers) of these algorithms. These correctness criteria can be used in a compiler result checker

    La presencia de estudiantes indígenas en la educación profesional y tecnológica

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    A presença de estudantes indígenas e da sua cultura específica, no âmbito da Rede Federal de Educação Profissional, é ainda recente, considerando a expansão dos Institutos Federais de Educação Profissional, Ciência e Tecnologia e a implementação da Lei de Cotas nº 12.711, de 2012. A pesquisa desenvolvida apresenta o mapeamento das terras indígenas demarcadas e dos campi dos Institutos Federais presentes no Rio Grande do Sul, bem como o número de matrículas de estudantes indígenas em cada campus. No campus Sertão do Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, evidenciou-se a presença significativa de estudantes indígenas. A metodologia da pesquisa baseou-se em entrevistas etnográficas junto a gestores, técnicos administrativos, professores e estudantes indígenas kaingang. Foram identificadas implicações da presença kaingang nos processos burocráticos e pedagógicos da instituição.The presence of indigenous students and their specific culture within the federal system of Vocational Education is still recent, considering the expansion of the Federal Institutes of Vocational Education, Science and Technology and the implementation of the Law of Quotas No. 12711 of 2012. The developed research presents the mapping of the demarcated indigenous lands and the campuses of the Federal Institutes present in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, as well as the number of indigenous student enrollments in each campus. In the Sertão campus of the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul, there was a significant attendance of indigenous students. The research methodology was based on ethnographic interviews with managers, administrative staff, teachers and indigenous Kaingang students. Implications of the presence of the Kaingangs were identified in the institution’s bureaucratic and pedagogical processes.La presencia de estudiantes indígenas y su cultura específica, en el ámbito de la red federal de Educación Profesional, es todavía reciente, considerando la expansión de los Institutos Federales de Educación Profesional, Ciencia y Tecnología y la implementación de la Ley de Cuotas nº 12.711, de 2012. A la investigación desarrollada presenta el mapeamiento de las tierras indígenas demarcadas y de los campus de los Institutos Federales presentes en Rio Grande do Sul, así como el número de matrículas de estudiantes indígenas en cada campus. En el campus Sertão del Instituto Federal de Rio Grande do Sul, se evidenció la presencia significativa de estudiantes indígenas. La metodología de la investigación se basó en entrevistas etnográficas junto a gestores, técnicos administrativos, profesores y estudiantes indígenas kaingang. Se identificaron implicaciones de la presencia kaingang en los procesos burocráticos y pedagógicos de la institució


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    ABSTRACTThis article aims to identify the entrepreneurial and coordinative capacities, the innovative potentialities of technology bases companies incubated at a Technology Enterprise Center from a Brazilian public University. We’ve interviewed the incubator’s manager as well as the managers of the companies in search of evidence that demonstrated the processes of internalization and externalization of its capacities. The results show that most companies internalize the coordinative aspects through the hiring of managers leaving to the incubator the essential part of allowing the proximity to research centers and the link with the university, to which we refer to as the University factor.Keywords: Incubators. Incubated Companies. Entrepreneurial Characteristics. Coordinative Characteristics. RESUMOEste artigo visa identificar as características coordenadoras, empreendedoras e as potencialidades inovadoras das empresas incubadas de base tecnológica na incubadora do Centro de Empreendimentos de Informática da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram entrevistados a gestora da incubadora bem como os gestores das empresas incubadas à procura de evidências que demonstrem processos de internalização e externalização de suas capacidades. O resultado mostrou que a maioria das empresas internaliza os aspectos de coordenação através da contratação de gestores sendo a incubadora essencial por possibilitar a proximidade com os centros de pesquisas e o vínculo com a universidade, o que se denominou de fator Universidade.Palavras-chave: Incubadora. Empresas Incubadas. Características Empreendedoras. Características Coordenadoras

    Development of a routinely applicable imaging protocol for fast and precise middle cerebral artery occlusion assessment and perfusion deficit measure in an ovine stroke model : a case study

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    Temporary middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in sheep allows modeling of acute large vessel occlusion stroke and subsequent vessel recanalization. However, rapid and precise imaging-based assessment of vessel occlusion and the resulting perfusion deficit during MCAO still represents an experimental challenge. Here, we tested feasibility and suitability of a strategy for MCAO verification and perfusion deficit assessment. We also compared the extent of the initial perfusion deficit and subsequent lesion size for different MCAO durations. The rete mirabile prevents reliable vascular imaging investigation of middle cerebral artery filling status. Hence, computed tomography perfusion imaging was chosen for indirect confirmation of MCAO. Follow-up infarct size evaluation by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging revealed fluctuating results, with no apparent relationship of lesion size with MCAO at occlusion times below 4 h, potentially related to the variable collateralization of the MCA territory. This underlines the need for intra-ischemic perfusion assessment and future studies focusing on the correlation between perfusion deficit, MCAO duration, and final infarct volume. Temporary MCAO and intra-ischemic perfusion imaging nevertheless has the potential to be applied for the simulation of novel recanalization therapies, particularly those that aim for a fast reperfusion effect in combination with mechanical thrombectomy in a clinically realistic scenario
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