94 research outputs found

    Parasites of Apollonia melanostoma (Pallas, 1814) and Neogobius kessleri (Guenther, 1861) (Osteichthyes, Gobiidae) from the Danube River in Austria

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    Die beiden eingewanderten Grundelarten Apollonia melanostoma (Pallas, 1814), zu Deutsch Schwarzmundgrundel, und Neogobius kessleri (Guenther, 1861), die Kesslergrundel, konnten sich im Laufe der letzten 15 Jahre in Österreich etablieren. Da es bis jetzt noch keine umfassenden parasitologischen Untersuchungen an diesen Fischen in Österreich gab, wurden zwischen Mai und Oktober 2007 79 Individuen von A. melanostoma und 12 Individuen von N. kessleri von drei unterschiedlichen Standorten an der Donau auf deren Parasiten untersucht. Insgesamt konnten 12 Parasitentaxa gefunden werden: die Protozoa Trichodina sp. und Ichtyophthirius multifiliis von den Kiemen und der Haut, die beiden Crustacea Ergasilus sieboldi und Paraergasilus brevidigitus von den Kiemen, die beiden Monogenea Gyrodactylus sp. und Dactylogyrus sp., ebenfalls von den Kiemen und der Haut. Diese Parasiten traten nur in geringer Prevalenz und Intensität auf. Weiters konnten Zystakanthen des Kratzers Acanthocephalus lucii in der Körperhöhle nachgewiesen werden. Metazerkarien der Digenea Diplostomum spathaceum und Tylodelphys clavata konnten in der Linse bzw. im Glaskörper der Augen festgestellt werden. Die beiden adulten Digenea Nicolla skrjabini und Bunodera nodulosa wurden im Darm der Fische nachgewiesen. Am interessantesten scheint allerdings das Auftreten von enzystierten Metazerkarien von Bucephalus polymorphus zu sein. Dieser Parasit konnte auf den Kiemen, der Haut und den Flossen mit einer Prevalenz von bis zu 78% nachgewiesen werden, was den ersten gesicherten Nachweiß dieses Parasiten in Österreich darstellt. Der Einfluß dieses Parasiten sowie der invasiven Grundelarten auf die heimischen Fischpopulationen bleibt nach wie vor ungeklärt.The two invasive fish species, the round goby Apollonia melanostoma syn.Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas 1814) and the bighead goby Neogobius kessleri (Günther, 1861) have established a firm population in Austrian waters during the last 15 years. As there has been no record of the parasite community from these populations, a total of 79 specimens of A. melanostoma and 12 specimens of N. kessleri have been examined for parasites between May and October 2007 from three different sampling sites from the Danube River in Austria. In total twelve parasite taxa could be recovered. The protozoans Trichodina sp., and Ichtyophthirius multifiliis from the gills and skin, two crustacean species Paraergasilus brevidigitus, Ergasilus sieboldii, from the gills and the two monogenean genera Gyrodactylus sp., Dactylogyrus sp. from the skin and gills as well, all occurring in low prevalence and intensities. Furthermore cystacanths of the acanthocephalan Acanthocephalus lucii could be recovered from the body cavity. Metacercaria of the digenean species Diplostomum spathaceum and Thylodelphys clavata were found in the lens of the eye and the vitreous humour, respectively. The two digeneans Nicolla skrjabini and Bunodera nodulosa could be recovered from the intestine. Most striking seems the finding of metacercaria of the holarctic digenean Bucephalus polymorphus encysted in the skin and fins with prevalence up to 78 %, which is the first record of this parasite in Austrian waters.The possible impact of this newly established parasite as well as the impact of the invaded fish species on the Danube ecosystem are still unknown

    Kampfplatz Kirchenpresse. Zensurmaßnahmen an kirchlicher Publizistik in der DDR

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    Der Partei- und Staatsführung der DDR lag besonders viel an einer gezielten Medienkontrolle, um das Meinungsmonopol der SED sicherzustellen. Die kirchliche Publizistik nahm dabei im Pressesystem der DDR eine Sonderrolle ein. Die Kirchenzeitungen, die nur teilweise in das System der Medienlenkung eingebunden waren, unterlagen als die einzigen Medien in der DDR der Vorzensur. Als sich die evangelischen Kirchen der DDR in den 1980er Jahren zunehmend gesellschaftlich relevanten Themen zuwandten, fand dies auch in der evangelischen Presse seinen Niederschlag. Als Tiefpunkt des Verhältnisses zwischen Staat und Kirche gilt das Jahr 1988, in dem es zu den meisten Zensureingriffen an allen fünf evangelischen Kirchenzeitungen kam. An der auflagenstärksten und überregionalen evangelischen Wochenzeitung "Die Kirche" werden mit Hilfe einer quantitativen Inhaltsanalyse Art und Ausmaß der inhaltlichen Zensurmaßnahmen untersucht. Es zeigt sich, dass die Zensurmaßnahmen sehr differenziert durchgeführt wurden. Sie konzentrieren sich besonders auf Beiträge zu innenpolitischen Themen und auf Aussagen kirchlicher Amtsträger, die eine überregionale kirchliche Öffentlichkeit ansprachen. Zusammen mit den bestehenden strukturellen Zensurmaßnahmen weist dies auf eine gezielte Zensurpolitik hin, die die den Kirchenzeitungen noch verbliebenen Freiheiten unter Kontrolle zu bekommen versuchte. EnglishMarlies Mühlegger-Reisenauer/Tabea Böcking: Battlefield Church Press. Control of Church Newspapers in the GOR To ensure their monopoly of speech, the govemment of the GDR was very interested in a purposeful control of the mass media. The church joumalism had a special status within the press system of the GDR. As being only partly integrated in the system of media control the church newspapers were subject of a previous press censorship. When the protestant churches of the GDR increasingly began to turn their attention to social relevant issues during the 1980s, this also became manifest in the protestant press. The relation between govemment and church reached an all-time low in 1988. During this year the most articles of the five protestant church newspapers fell victim to the censors. In this article the way and  extent of content censorship of "Die Kirche", a national protestant weekly newspaper with the highest circulation of protestant church newspapers, is analysed by a content analysis. The results show that the censorship was very sophisticated. They were especially concemced with articles containing domestic political issues and statements of church persans who adressed their statementstoanational church public. Taking also into account the existing structural censorship this points to a special policy of censorship that tried to get control over the freedom the church newspapers still had at that point of time

    Antibiotic prophylaxis with teicoplanin on alternate days reduces rate of viridans sepsis and febrile neutropenia in pediatric patients with acute myeloid leukemia

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    Intensive chemotherapy directed against acute myeloid leukemia of childhood is followed by profound neutropenia and high risk for bacterial and fungal infections, including viridans group streptococci as a common cause for gram-positive septicemia. Few retrospective studies have shown the efficacy of various antibiotic prophylactic regimens in children. We retrospectively studied 50 pediatric patients treated on the AML-BFM 2004 protocol between 2005 and 2015 at St. Anna Childrens Hospital and assessed the effect of antibiotic prophylaxis on the frequency of febrile neutropenia and bacterial sepsis. Fifty pediatric patients underwent 199 evaluable chemotherapy cycles. Viridans sepsis occurred after none of 98 cycles with prophylactic administration of teicoplanin/vancomycin in comparison to 12 cases of viridans sepsis among 79 cycles without systemic antibacterial prophylaxis (0 vs. 15 %, p<0.0001). In addition, there were significantly fewer episodes of febrile neutropenia in the teicoplanin/vancomycin group (44 % vs. no prophylaxis 82 %, p<0.0001). Severity of infection seemed to be worse when no antibiotic prophylaxis had been administered with a higher rate of intensive care unit treatment (0/98, 0 %, vs. 4/79, 5 %, p=0.038). So far, no increase of vancomycin-resistant enterococcus isolates in surveillance cultures was noticed. Antibiotic prophylaxis with teicoplanin (or vancomycin) appears safe and feasible and resulted in eradication of viridans sepsis and decreased incidence of febrile neutropenia in pediatric AML patients. The possibility to administer teicoplanin on alternate days on an outpatient basis or at home could contribute to patients quality of life and decrease health care costs.(VLID)349720

    XMMU J100750.5+125818: A strong lensing cluster at z=1.082

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    We report on the discovery of the X-ray luminous cluster XMMU J100750.5+125818 at redshift 1.082 based on 19 spectroscopic members, which displays several strong lensing features. SED modeling of the lensed arc features from multicolor imaging with the VLT and the LBT reveals likely redshifts ~2.7 for the most prominent of the lensed background galaxies. Mass estimates are derived for different radii from the velocity dispersion of the cluster members, M_200 ~ 1.8 10^{14} Msun, from the X-ray spectral parameters, M_500 ~ 1.0 10^{14} Msun, and the largest lensing arc, M_SL ~ 2.3 10^{13} Msun. The projected spatial distribution of cluster galaxies appears to be elongated, and the brightest galaxy lies off center with respect to the X-ray emission indicating a not yet relaxed structure. XMMU J100750.5+125818 offers excellent diagnostics of the inner mass distribution of a distant cluster with a combination of strong and weak lensing, optical and X-ray spectroscopy.Comment: A&A, accepted for publicatio

    Exploring the galaxy cluster-group transition regime at high redshifts: Physical properties of two newly detected z > 1 systems

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    Context: Multi-wavelength surveys for clusters of galaxies are opening a window on the elusive high-redshift (z>1) cluster population. Well controlled statistical samples of distant clusters will enable us to answer questions about their cosmological context, early assembly phases and the thermodynamical evolution of the intracluster medium. Aims: We report on the detection of two z>1 systems, XMMU J0302.2-0001 and XMMU J1532.2-0836, as part of the XMM-Newton Distant Cluster Project (XDCP) sample. We investigate the nature of the sources, measure their spectroscopic redshift and determine their basic physical parameters. Methods: The results of the present paper are based on the analysis of XMM-Newton archival data, optical/near-infrared imaging and deep optical follow-up spectroscopy of the clusters. Results: We confirm the X-ray source XMMU J0302.2-0001 as a gravitationally bound, bona fide cluster of galaxies at spectroscopic redshift z=1.185. We estimate its M500 mass to (1.6+/-0.3) times 10^{14} Msun from its measured X-ray luminosity. This ranks the cluster among intermediate mass system. In the case of XMMU J1532.2-0836 we find the X-ray detection to be coincident with a dynamically bound system of galaxies at z=1.358. Optical spectroscopy reveals the presence of a central active galactic nucleus, which can be a dominant source of the detected X-ray emission from this system. We provide upper limits of X-ray parameters for the system and discuss cluster identification challenges in the high-redshift low-mass cluster regime. A third, intermediate redshift (z=0.647) cluster, XMMU J0302.1-0000, is serendipitously detected in the same field as XMMU J0302.2-0001. We provide its analysis as well.Comment: Accepted to A&A, 13/04/2011. 15 pages, 18 figures, 5 tables, 2 appendice

    The X-ray luminous galaxy cluster XMMU J1007.4+1237 at z=1.56 - The dawn of starburst activity in cluster cores

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    Observational galaxy cluster studies at z>1.5 probe the formation of the first massive M>10^14 Msun dark matter halos, the early thermal history of the hot ICM, and the emergence of the red-sequence population of quenched early-type galaxies. We present first results for the newly discovered X-ray luminous galaxy cluster XMMU J1007.4+1237 at z=1.555, detected and confirmed by the XMM-Newton Distant Cluster Project (XDCP) survey. We selected the system as a serendipitous weak extended X-ray source in XMM-Newton archival data and followed it up with two-band near-infrared imaging and deep optical spectroscopy. We can establish XMMU J1007.4+1237 as a spectroscopically confirmed, massive, bona fide galaxy cluster with a bolometric X-ray luminosity of Lx=(2.1+-0.4)\times 10^44 erg/s, a red galaxy population centered on the X-ray emission, and a central radio-loud brightest cluster galaxy. However, we see evidence for the first time that the massive end of the galaxy population and the cluster red-sequence are not yet fully in place. In particular, we find ongoing starburst activity for the third ranked galaxy close to the center and another slightly fainter object. At a lookback time of 9.4Gyr, the cluster galaxy population appears to be caught in an important evolutionary phase, prior to full star-formation quenching and mass assembly in the core region. X-ray selection techniques are an efficient means of identifying and probing the most distant clusters without any prior assumptions about their galaxy content.Comment: 6 pages, 3 color figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Amp(1q) and tetraploidy are commonly acquired chromosomal abnormalities in relapsed multiple myeloma.

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    Long-term disease control in multiple myeloma (MM) is typically an unmet medical need, and most patients experience multiple relapses. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is the standard technique to detect chromosomal abnormalities (CAs), which are important to estimate the prognosis of MM and the allocation of risk adapted therapies. In advanced stages, the importance of CAs needs further investigation. From 148 MM patients, two or more paired samples, at least one of which was collected at relapse, were analyzed by FISH. Using targeted next-generation sequencing, we molecularly investigated samples harboring relapse-associated CAs. Sixty-one percent of the patients showed a change in the cytogenetic profile during the disease course, including 10% who acquired high-risk cytogenetics. Amp(1q) (≥4 copies of 1q21), driven by an additional increase in copy number in patients who already had 3 copies of 1q21, was the most common acquired CA with 16% affected patients. Tetraploidy, found in 10% of the samples collected at the last time-point, was unstable over the course of the disease and was associated with TP53 lesions. Our results indicate that cytogenetic progression is common in relapsed patients. The relatively high frequency of amp(1q) suggests an active role for this CA in disease progression

    A pan-chromatic view of the galaxy cluster XMMU J1230.3+1339 at z=0.975 - Observing the assembly of a massive system

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    We present a comprehensive galaxy cluster study of XMMU J1230.3+1339 based on a joint analysis of X-ray data, optical imaging and spectroscopy observations, weak lensing results, and radio properties for achieving a detailed multi-component view of this newly discovered system at z=0.975. We find an optically very rich and massive system with M200\simeq(4.2±\pm0.8)×\times10^14 M\sun, Tx\simeq5.3(+0.7--0.6)keV, and Lx\simeq(6.5±\pm0.7)×\times10^44 erg/s, for which various widely used mass proxies are measured and compared. We have identified multiple cluster-related components including a central fly-through group close to core passage with associated marginally extended 1.4GHz radio emission possibly originating from the turbulent wake region of the merging event. On the cluster outskirts we see evidence for an on-axis infalling group with a second Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG) and indications for an additional off-axis group accretion event. We trace two galaxy filaments beyond the nominal cluster radius and provide a tentative reconstruction of the 3D-accretion geometry of the system. In terms of total mass, ICM structure, optical richness, and the presence of two dominant BCG-type galaxies, the newly confirmed cluster XMMU J1230.3+1339 is likely the progenitor of a system very similar to the local Coma cluster, differing by 7.6 Gyr of structure evolution.Comment: 26 pages, 14 color figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Forschende und ihre Daten. Ergebnisse einer österreichweiten Befragung - Report 2015

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    This report provides an overview of the Austria-wide survey for research data, which was carried out within the framework of the project e-Infrastructures Austria at the beginning of 2015. This survey was directed at the scientific and artistic-scientific personnel of 20 public universities and three extramural research institutions in Austria