21 research outputs found

    Dietary plasma proteins attenuate the innate immunity response in a mouse model of acute lung injury

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    We examined whether oral plasma protein supplements affect the innate immune response in a model of acute lung inflammation. Mice were fed diets supplemented with 8% spray-dried plasma (SDP) or 2% plasma Ig concentrate (IC) from day 19 (weaning) until day 34. The mice were challenged with intranasal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) at day 33 (and killed 24 h later for cytokine and leucocyte analyses) or at day 34 (and killed 6 h later for cytokine determinations). In bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), LPS increased the number of leucocytes by twenty-sevenfold, an effect that was partly prevented by both SDP and IC, and by twentyfold the percentage of activated monocytes, which was partly prevented by SDP. In the lung tissue, LPS increased the infiltrated leucocytes, and this effect was prevented in part by SDP. In unchallenged mice, both SDP and IC diets reduced the percentage of resident neutrophils and monocytes (P,0·05). In the blood, both SDP and IC completely prevented LPS-dependent monocyte activation (CD14þ; P,0·05). LPS dramatically increased the concentration of cytokines (TNF-a, IL-1a, IL-6, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor) and chemokines (CXCL1, CCL2, CCL3 and CCL4) in BALF. The acute response of cytokine production was reduced by 20-80% by both SDP and IC. For chemokines, plasma supplements had no effect on LPS-induced CXCL1 expression but significantly reduced CCL2, CCL3 and CCL4 production (P,0·05). The results support the view that dietary plasma proteins can be used to attenuate endotoxin-associated lung inflammation

    Nutrition, diet and immunosenescence

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    Ageing is characterized by immunosenescence and the progressive decline in immunity in association with an increased frequency of infections and chronic disease. This complex process affects both the innate and adaptive immune systems with a progressive decline in most immune cell populations and defects in activation resulting in loss of function. Although host genetics and environmental factors, such as stress, exercise and diet can impact on the onset or course of immunosenescence, the mechanisms involved are largely unknown. This review focusses on identifying the most significant aspects of immunosenescence and on the evidence that nutritional intervention might delay this process, and consequently improve the quality of life of the elderly

    Oral Serum-Derived Bovine Immunoglobulin/Protein Isolate Has Immunomodulatory Effects on the Colon of Mice that Spontaneously Develop Colitis

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    Dietary immunoglobulin concentrates prepared from animal plasma can modulate the immune response of gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). Previous studies have revealed that supplementation with serum-derived bovine immunoglobulin/protein isolate (SBI) ameliorates colonic barrier alterations in the mdr1a-/- genetic mouse model of IBD. Here, we examine the effects of SBI on mucosal inflammation in mdr1a-/- mice that spontaneously develop colitis. Wild type (WT) mice and mice lacking the mdr1a gene (KO) were fed diets supplemented with either SBI (2% w/w) or milk proteins (Control diet), from day 21 (weaning) until day 56. Leucocytes in mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) and in lamina propria were determined, as was mucosal cytokine production. Neutrophil recruitment and activation in MLN and lamina propria of KO mice were increased, but were significantly reduced in both by SBI supplementation (p < 0.05). The increased neutrophil recruitment and activation observed in KO mice correlated with increased colon oxidative stress (p < 0.05) and SBI supplementation reduced this variable (p < 0.05). The Tact/Treg lymphocyte ratios in MLN and lamina propria were also increased in KO animals, but SBI prevented these changes (both p < 0.05). In the colon of KO mice, there was an increased production of mucosal proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-2 (2-fold), IL-6 (26-fold) and IL-17 (19-fold), and of chemokines MIP-1β (4.5-fold) and MCP-1 (7.2-fold). These effects were significantly prevented by SBI (p < 0.05). SBI also significantly increased TGF-β secretion in the colon mucosa, suggesting a role of this anti-inflammatory cytokine in the modulation of GALT and the reduction of the severity of the inflammatory response during the onset of colitis

    Efectes de la suplementació dietètica amb proteïnes plasmàtiques sobre la resposta immunitària en un model d’inflamació pulmonar aguda en ratolí

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    [cat] El concentrat de plasma assecat per polvorització (SDP) i el d’immunoglobulines (IC) són suplements dietètics que han estat àmpliament utilitzats en l’alimentació dels animals de granja i que han estat proposats com alternativa a l’ús dels antibiòtics com a promotors del creixement, especialment durant el període posterior al deslletament. Aquests suplements incrementen la taxa de creixement degut, en part, a que atenuen la resposta del sistema immunitari. Per exemple, s’ha pogut observar que la suplementació dietètica amb proteïnes plasmàtiques redueix la sobreestimulació immunitària en un model de malaltia inflamatòria intestinal. El sistema immunitari mucosal comú connecta els llocs inductors (en aquest cas la mucosa intestinal) amb els llocs efectors (com les mucoses naso- i broncoalveolar o la genito-urinària), que facilita el moviment de cèl•lules immunitàries entre teixits allunyats anatòmicament i permet que la dieta moduli la resposta associada a infeccions extraintestinals. Així doncs, ens hem plantejat si la suplementació dietètica amb proteïnes plasmàtiques podia modular la resposta immunitària en una inflamació pulmonar aguda. Primerament es va establir una pauta adequada per obtenir un model d’inflamació pulmonar robust i reproduïble. Seguidament s’han estudiat els efectes dels suplements SDP i IC sobre la resposta immunitària en aquest model d’inflamació, en ratolins acabats de deslletar. S’han analitzat cèl•lules i mediadors inflamatoris involucrats tant en la resposta innata, com en la resposta adaptativa. Finalment, també s’han estudiat els efectes dels pinsos experimentals sobre diferents elements que intervenen en la resolució de la resposta inflamatòria, com les cèl•lules reguladores i les citocines antiinflamatòries. L’administració de LPS produeix una migració de leucòcits i un alliberament massiu de citocines i quimiocines proinflamatòries, que recluten i activen monòcits i neutròfils a l’espai alveolar i al teixit pulmonar. A més estimula la immunitat adaptativa, en la que hi ha un increment considerable de limfòcits Th activats, així com una gran producció de citocines. Ambdues dietes disminueixen el reclutament de leucòcits, sobretot els neutròfils i els monòcits. Tot i que la resposta innata és més extensa, les dietes són més efectives sobre la resposta adaptativa, on redueixen les poblacions limfocitàries estimulades per l’LPS tant a pulmó com a sang. Els suplements també atenuen de forma notable l’efecte de l’LPS sobre l’expressió de citocines i quimiocines proinflamatòries a l’espai alveolar. Els efectes de l’SDP i l’IC estan mediats per canvis en l’expressió de citocines antiinflamatòries, ja que augmenten la concentració de IL-10 a pulmó i a jejú, i la del TGF-β a pulmó. Ambdues dietes redueixen el balanç entre els limfòcits Th activats i els limfòcits T reguladors, d’aquesta manera atenuen la magnitud de la resposta inflamatòria i augmenten la concentració de mediadors essencials per la reparació del teixit. Els resultats d’aquest estudi indiquen que els suplements amb proteïnes plasmàtiques poden limitar la resposta immunitària pulmonar i podrien ser útils en la prevenció i atenuació de les malalties inflamatòries extraintestinals.[eng] The concentrated spray-dried plasma (SDP) and immunoglobulin (IC) are dietary supplements that have been widely used in the diet of farm animals and proposed as an alternative to the use of antibiotics as growth promoters, especially in the subsequent weaning period. These supplements increase the growth rate, in part because they attenuate the response of the immune system. The common mucosal immune system connects the inductive sites (in this case the intestinal mucosa) with the effector sites (as nasopharyngeal and bronchoalveolar mucosa or genito-urinary), which facilitates the movement of immune cells between anatomically distant tissues and allows the diet to modulate the associated response to intestinal infections. Consequently, the aim of the present thesis was to evaluate whether the dietary supplementation with plasma proteins could modulate the immune response in an acute lung inflammation. First, a suitable pattern was established in order to obtain a robust and reproducible inflammatory lung model. Next, the effects of SDP and IC supplementation on the immune response in this inflammation model were studied in newly weaned mice. Cells and inflammatory mediators, involved either in innate response as in adaptive response, have been analyzed. Finally, the effects of experimental feed on different elements involved in the resolution of the inflammatory response, such as regulatory cells and inflammatory cytokines, have also been assessed. Both diets decreased the recruitment of leukocytes. Although the innate response is more extensive, the diets are more effective on the adaptive response. The supplements also significantly attenuated the effect of LPS on the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in the alveolar space. The effects of SDP and IC are mediated by changes in the expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines. Both diets reduced the balance between activated Th cells and regulatory T cells, in such a way that, the magnitude of the inflammatory response is attenuated and the concentration of essential mediators for tissue reparation is increased. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that plasma protein supplementation is able to limit the pulmonary immune response and could be useful in the prevention and attenuation of the extraintestinal inflammatory diseases

    Aldosterone induces myofibroblast EGF secretion to regulate epithelial colonic permeability

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    In vivo studies show that raised aldosterone (Aldo) during low-Na adaptation regulates the growth of pericryptal myofibroblasts and reduces the permeability of the colonic epithelium. The aim of this study was to reproduce in vitro the in vivo condition of increased Aldo using human CCD-18Co myofibroblasts and T84 colonic epithelial cells to measure myofibroblast and epithelial proliferation and the expression of intercellular junction proteins. Proliferation was quantified by measuring 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine incorporation. The myofibroblast expression of EGF, VEGFa, and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) was measured by real-time PCR and the expression of junctional complex proteins by Western blot. Aldo stimulated the proliferation of myofibroblasts by 70% ( P &lt; 0.05) and increased EGF mRNA expression by 30% ( P &lt; 0.05) without affecting VEGFa and TGF-β1. EGF concentration in the incubation medium increased by 30% ( P &lt; 0.05) 24 h after Aldo addition, and these effects were prevented by the addition of spironolactone. Myofibroblast proliferation in response to Aldo was mediated by EGF receptor (EGFR) and involved both MAPKK and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathways. When T84 cells were incubated with medium from myofibroblasts stimulated with Aldo (conditioned medium), the expression of β-catenin and claudin IV was increased by 30% ( P &lt; 0.05) and proliferation by 40% ( P &lt; 0.05). T84 proliferation decreased when α-EGF, or the EGFR antagonist AG1478, was present. Results in vivo indicate that rats fed a low-salt diet showed an increased expression of EGF and EGFR in the colonic mucosa. These results support the view that changes in colonic permeability during low-Na adaptation are mediated by the EGF secreted by myofibroblasts in response to raised Aldo. </jats:p