279 research outputs found

    El relieve como elemento del paisaje urbano.

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    Reseña de Fachadas marítimas de Cádiz

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    Datos bibliográficos Autor: Rafael Llácer Pantión Título: Fachadas marítimas de Cádiz Ciudad de edición: Granada Editorial: Entorno Gráfico editores Fecha de edición: 2015 ISBN: 978-84-16319-05-

    Estimación no paramétrica de densidades a través de la wavelet de Haar

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    Treballs Finals del Màster de Ciències Actuarials i Financeres, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2017-2018, Tutoria: Luis Ortiz GraciaEl objectivo de este trabajo es estudiar la estimación no paramètrica de densidad a través de wavelets, específicamente a partir de la más simple de todas ellas, la wavelet de Haar. Con tal objetivo, el trabajo se estructura de la siguiente forma : en primer lugar, se desarrollan una serie de nociones básicas necesarias para introduir al lector a la teoria de wavelets, para posteriorment desarrollar el método concreto de estimación y reflejar su utilidad a partir de una serie de ejemplos prácticos

    Photovoltaic power plants in the landscape. Impacts standardization and principles of landscape integration

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    La reciente aparición y expansión de las centrales fotovoltaicas ha supuesto la generación de un problema de naturaleza paisajística en el espacio rural. En este artículo se ofrecen los principales resultados de un proyecto de investigación que aborda la caracterización paisajística de las plantas fotovoltaicas, así como la tipificación de los impactos sobre el paisaje que genera, como punto de partida para la elaboración de propuestas de integración paisajística de este tipo de instalaciones. El área de estudio analizada es el territorio andaluz, región donde el desarrollo de esta fuente de energía renovable ha sido especialmente intenso. The recent emergence and expansion of photovoltaic central power stations have led to the appearance of a problem of scenic nature in the rural areas, introducing a new use of the ground in these types of areas. In this document the main results from a research project are provided. This project tackles the landscape features of the photovoltaic power plants, as well as the impacts standardization on the generated landscape as the starting point for the elaboration of proposals regarding the landscape integration of these types of facilities. The field of study which has been analysed is the Andalusian territory, region where the development of this renewable energy source has been especially intense

    Relation between the Views and the Real Estate Application to a Mediterranean Coastal Area

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    The landscape is a factor considered when choosing to purchase a dwelling, and, therefore, it influences the price of the real estate market. However, it is difficult to measure and assess its role, since it has a series of features that work in an integrated way and are hard to quantify separately. The characteristics of the views from each dwelling must also be considered, as well as their intrinsic characteristics or proximity to public services. This study proposes an automatic method to analyze the quality of the views, including both its dimensions and its composition in order to be able to estimate the economic weight of the views in the real estate value. A series of measurements of the views from 226 dwellings are integrated into the final index equation. The results are then compared with the estimated dwelling prices. The results highlight that the average price increases up to 18.1% in dwellings with a larger high-quality visual basin. It has also been noted that it is difficult to establish a correlation between the quality of the views and the housing prices due to the multifactorial nature of the housing prices.This work is part of the project “Paisaje y valor inmobiliario en diversos modelos territoriales de entornos litorales y sublitorales mediterráneos”, financed by the Ministry of Sciences, Innovation and Universities (Spain) (PGC2018-097652-B-I00)

    Mapping Tools for Flood Risk Rescue and Assistance Management

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    [EN] The assessment of vulnerability to the danger of flooding, with a focus on the need for rescue and assistance from the population, is still in an exploratory scientific phase. The main objective of this research is to propose a methodology based on the issues of rescue and assistance in the face of the risk of floods and to provide a tool for its management. A series of maps is presented, indicating those territorial elements that require rescue and surveillance in a prioritized manner in a visual and accessible way for public administration. Four methodological cartographic proposals have been designed as follows: (1) a map of territory sectors with special rescue needs (dependent population and/or buildings without shelter); a map of the impact on transportation infrastructure and vulnerable areas of buildings (2); a map of vulnerability to possible disorder and looting caused by flooding events (3); and a map of the increase in the cost of deployment for rescue and assistance systems (4). As an experimental zone to test the effectiveness of these proposals, a peri-urban area of the municipality of Málaga (Spain) is chosen, which has an extensive history of severe floods. The results confirm the applied and preventive nature of the tool, which can be incorporated into flood risk management plans and local flood risk action plans developed by public administrations. The main finding of the research is the technical advancement that comes with a precise understanding of vulnerability and its resulting issues for better flood risk management.S

    Energy Recovery Potential in Industrial and Municipal Wastewater Networks Using Micro-Hydropower in Spain

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    The use of micro-hydropower (MHP) for energy recovery in water distribution networks is becoming increasingly widespread. The incorporation of this technology, which offers low-cost solutions, allows for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions linked to energy consumption. In this work, the MHP energy recovery potential in Spain from all available wastewater discharges, both municipal and private industrial, was assessed, based on discharge licenses. From a total of 16,778 licenses, less than 1% of the sites presented an MHP potential higher than 2 kW, with a total power potential between 3.31 and 3.54 MW. This total was distributed between industry, fish farms and municipal wastewater treatment plants following the proportion 51–54%, 14–13% and 35–33%, respectively. The total energy production estimated reached 29 GWh∙year−1, from which 80% corresponded to sites with power potential over 15 kW. Energy-related industries, not included in previous investigations, amounted to 45% of the total energy potential for Spain, a finding which could greatly influence MHP potential estimates across the world. The estimated energy production represented a potential CO2 emission savings of around 11 thousand tonnes, with a corresponding reduction between M€ 2.11 and M€ 4.24 in the total energy consumption in the country

    Acción de la simvastatina en la contracción de músculo liso de anillo traqueal inducida por estímulo químico y térmico

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    La contracción del músculo liso traqueal está vinculada a la entrada de Ca2+ al interior celular y la depleción de los depósitos intracelulares. Simvastatina, relaja la arteria basilar por disminución de la concentración intracelular de Ca2+. El objetivo del trabajo fue conocer el efecto de la simvastatina sobre la contracción de la musculatura lisa de tráquea aislada de rata, antes y después del estimulo con acetilcolina y agua fría. Se emplearon 8 ratas anestesiadas con tiobarbital sódico 60 mg/Kg i.p, para extraer la tráquea, se cortaron los anillos, se estimularon con acetilcolina 10-3 M y agua fría 18 °C con y sin simvastatina. Las mediciones se realizaron por ImageTool V. 3.0 (UTHSCSA). Las medias aritméticas del diámetro del músculo traqueal sin la incubación en simvastatina disminuyeron significativamente para el estímulo de acetilcolina y agua fría (p = 0,000 y p = 0,046) respectivamente; al agregar simvastatina se encuentra disminución del diámetro traqueal con el estímulo de agua fría la cual es estadísticamente significativa (p = 0,002) para la acetilcolina no es estadísticamente significativa (p = 0,084). Las medias de las velocidades de contracción de la tráquea al incubar acetilcolina/simvastatina y agua fría/simvastatina, no fueron significativos estadísticamente (p=0,082797 y p = 0,797599). Se concluye que hay disminución del diámetro traqueal al estimular la tráquea con agua fría y acetilcolina. Al agregarsimvastatina y agua fría, se produce el efecto constrictor y disminución del diámetro traqueal ya que se utilizan otras vías de entrada de calcio que no dependen del colesterol