1,864 research outputs found

    Understudying : Raportti Kuopion Kaupunginteatterin musikaaliproduktiosta Annie Mestariampuja

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    Opinnäytetyöproduktiossa tekijän tavoitteena oli suoriutua Kuopion Kaupunginteatterin Annie Mestariampuja –musikaalin pääroolin understudyn tehtävästä ammattiteatterin kriteerien vaati- malla tavalla. Tällöin pääroolin esittäjän vaihtuessa yleisön kokemus esityksen laadusta tulisi pysyä samana. Musikaalin harjoituskausi ajoittui vuoden 2016 maaliskuusta syyskuuhun ja teki- jän ensi-ilta Annie Oakleyn hahmossa oli 8.10.2016. Näytöskausi päättyi 20.5.2017. Produktion raportissa tekijä tutkii omaa kehitystään näyttelijänä, laulajana ja tanssijana. Tekijä kertoo harjoitusprosesistaan sopimuksen kirjoittamisesta aina näytöskauteen asti.The subject of my thesis was how to be able to achieve a standard of a professional theatre in the musical production of The Kuopio City Theatre. I was understudying the leading role in the musical Annie Get Your Gun. My goal was to maintain the quality of acting, singing and dancing so the audience would not be able to tell, whether the role was played by the original cast or the understudy. The practises of the musical was from March 2016 till September 2017. My premiere for the leading role was October 8th 2016. The last show was May 20th 2017. In my report I study my developement as an actress, as a singer and as a dancer. I examine my whole practicing process from signing the contract of employment to shows

    Sähkönjakelun ennakkohuollot : huoltotöiden suunnittelu

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli käydä läpi ja yhtenäistää UPM Energian vesivoimalaitoksien sähkönjakelun tarkastus-pöytäkirjat ja täydentää Artturia, UPM Energian käytössä olevaa kunnossapitojärjestelmää nykyaikaan, jolloin suurin osa määräaikaishuoltoa vaativista kojeistoista ja laitteista olisi sähköisen ennakkohuoltorekisterin piirissä. Toinen työn tavoitteista oli sähkönjakelun huolto-ohjelman päivitys. Huolto-ohjeistukseen lisättiin uusia kappaleita ja käytiin läpi koko dokumentin tiedot ja niiden paikkansa pitävyydet. Työ koski kaikkiaan kuuden eri UPM:n vesivoimalaitoksen sähkönjakelujärjestelmää, keski- ja suurjännitekojeistoja, sekä niiden apulaitteiden huolto- ja tarkastustarvetta. Työstä noin puolet oli tietokoneella tapahtuvaa dokumenttien tutkimista ja työstämistä, ja toinen puoli kenttätutkimusta. Lisäksi tietoa löytyi ohjekirjoista, säädöksistä ja haastattelemalla. Työssä syntyneet dokumentit ovat nyt osa Energian jokapäiväistä kunnossapitoa, ja niiden ylläpitoa jatketaan sitä mukaa, kun laitekanta ja säännökset uudistuvat tulevaisuudessa.The aim of this thesis was to build and standardize the inspection records of the elecrity distribution of UPM`s hy-dro-power plants records and complete Artturi, which is a program which is used in controlling pre-maintenance works at UPM Energy division. The goal is that all the pre-maintenance works are fed to Artturi so that it can be a tool for maintenance that helps workers in their daily work. The other main goal was to update the maintenance program of electricity distribution. New chapters were added and the whole document was checked for false infor-mation. About half of the work was done with the computer and the other half was field research. More information was found from the manuals, decrees and interviewing the other workers. The new documents which came on along with the work is used now as a part of the Energys everyday maintenance. The unkeep of the documents must be continued in the future while the devices and decrees are modernised

    Tax competition among local governments: evidence from a property tax reform in Finland

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    This paper uses a Finnish policy intervention to study tax competition among local governments. Changes in the statutory lower limits to the property tax rates are used as a source of exogenous variation to estimate the responses of municipalities to tax rates in their neighbouring municipalities. I do not find evidence of interdependence in property tax rates among Finnish municipalities. The results are in contrast to the earlier empirical literature, using data from other countries, that has mainly found positive interdependence in tax rates. I compare the causal estimates based on the policy change to the commonly used Spatial Lag estimates and Spatial Instrumental Variables estimates, which are based on highly restrictive assumptions. The comparisons suggest that the standard spatial econometrics methods may have a tendency to overestimate the degree of interdependence in tax rates

    Human resource information systems supporting management in human resource develpoment

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Interpretation and Emotion Effects in Literature : Reading Contemporary Experimental Poetry

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    A Volume in Honour of Angela Locatelli.The chapter focuses on the affective resources of experimental poetry approach is based on the study of emotion effects that sees all elements of a literary text to be positively or negatively “valenced” or value-laden. Utilizing words or phrases that in the language or cultural context carry affective power is the basis of the networks of affective value that are formed in the text. The combinations created in the text manipulate what we already know or feel about language and the world around us. The emerging emotion effects guide the interpretation and an analysis of how these effects are produced allows us to understand more clearly how literature works. The emotion effects are illustrated via a case study of a much praised, award-winning Finnish work, Harry Salmenniemi’s Texas, sakset (2010).Non peer reviewe

    Veromiehen alueen liikenneselvitys

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    Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää Vantaalla sijaitsevan Veromiehen alueen maankäytön kehittymisen liikenteelliset vaikutukset sekä esittää vaihtoehtoisia ratkaisuja alueen liikenneverkosta jatkosuunnittelua varten. Työhön myös koostettiin muista laajemmista Aviapolis-alueen liikenneselvityksistä Veromiehen alueen liikennesuunnittelua varten oleellista tietoa. Työn toimeksiantajana toimi Vantaan kaupungin liikennesuunnitteluyksikkö. Liikenteellisiä vaikutuksia tutkittiin simuloinnin avulla. Käytössä oli englantilainen Paramics-mikrosimulointiohjelmisto. Paramicsilla voidaan tutkia tarkasti liikenteen sujuvuutta ja ajoneuvojen vuorovaikutusta. Työn laadinnassa käytettiin apuna muiden vastaavien Suomessa laadittujen liikenneselvityksien toimintatapoja. Työn tuloksena voidaan todeta, että Veromiehen alueelle suunnitellun maankäytön tuottama liikenne ei vaikuttanut merkittävästi alueen liikenneverkon toimivuuteen. Lentoaseman, Tietotien sekä Tikkurilantien kasvaneilla liikennemäärillä oli suurempi vaikutus alueen liittymien palvelutasoon. Suoritetuissa tarkasteluissa alueen sisäiset liittymäratkaisut toimivat hyvin sekä vuoden 2020 että 2035 tarkasteluissa. Liittymissä ei esiintynyt suuria palvelutasoa heikentäviä viivytyksiä. Lentoasemantie, Tikkurilantie sekä Ilmakehä tarvitsevat tulevaisuudessa parannustoimenpiteitä liikenteen sujuvuuden turvaamiseksi. Työ antaa hyvät lähtötiedot alueen kaavoitus- sekä liikennesuunnittelutyöhön tulevaisuudessa. Tikkurilantien tarkemmassa jatkosuunnittelussa on kuitenkin hyvä tutkia tarkemmin liikennevalo-ohjattujen liittymien toimivuutta sekä joukkoliikenteen runkoliikenteen yhteyden ja tarkentuneiden maankäyttösuunnitelmien vaikutusta niihin.The purpose of this thesis was to study how landscape plans affect the traffic network in the Veromies area, an area near the Helsinki-Vantaa Airport and make proposed decisions on how to develop traffic network solutions. The other purpose was to put together traffic planning details from other wider traffic statements of the Aviapolis area, the area around the Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, which are significant for traffic planning in the Veromies area. This thesis was commissioned by the City of Vantaa’s department of transport and communications planning. The research method was traffic simulation and the simulation program used was Paramics microscopic traffic simulation software, with which the flow of traffic and interaction of the road traffic could be studied. Other similar Finnish traffic statements’ projects were used for gathering information for this thesis. The finding of this thesis was that the Veromies area’s landscape plans do not really affect the area’s traffic network. The foremost thing in the area is the growth of traffic volumes in the Helsinki-Vantaa airport, Tietotie and Tikkurilantie streets. The simulation results showed that the levels of service were good and there were no major delays in the area’s internal junctions. Lentoasemantie, Tikkurilantie and Ilmakehä will need countermeasures in the future so that traffic will flow. This thesis is a good pre-study for planning the land use and traffic in the Veromies area in the future. In the future traffic planning of Tikkurilantie should consider more specifically the functionality of the signal controlled junctions. In addition, it would be valuable to study the effect of the express route and closer land use plans on signal controlled junctions

    Willingness to Communicate in L2 English Remote Language Learning: Dual Qualification Students’ Perceptions

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    This thesis investigated willingness to communicate (WTC) among dual qualification students learning English as a second language (ESL) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the present study was to discover how willing the learners were to communicate in remote English lessons, also in comparison with traditional classroom learning. Other key goals of the research were to investigate the perspectives of the learners on how their WTC in remote learning settings could be increased, and to examine how their WTC had changed over time during the pandemic. The research data were collected via self-reported online survey, and it reached 47 dual qualification students in Proper Finland area. The study was conducted as a mixed-methods research, so both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered and analyzed. According to the study results, the participants’ average WTC scores for all the listed lesson activities were lower in remote learning settings compared to traditional classroom lessons. The result was statistically significant. The participants’ general WTC in remote lessons was from low to moderate. The results suggested that the participants’ views on how to increase their English WTC in remote lessons included, for example, working in small groups, others students’ participation and activeness during remote lessons or, in other words, the action of other students in the group, and non-voluntariness in responding. Approximately a third of the participants considered their WTC having at least somewhat changed during the years of the pandemic. There were both shifts to increased WTC and decreased WTC. Further studies need to be conducted in WTC in remote learning settings to gain a deeper knowledge on WTC in modern online learning environments. More research ought to be conducted in larger study samples, utilizing mixed-methods research, for example

    Control of complex structural geometry in optical fibre drawing

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    Drawing of standard telecommunication-type optical fibres has been optimised in terms of optical and physical properties. Specialty fibres, however, typically have more complex dopant profiles. Designs with high dopant concentrations and multidoping are common, making control of the fabrication process particularly important. In photonic crystal fibres (PCF) the inclusion of air-structures imposes a new challenge for the drawing process. The aim of this study is to gain profound insight into the behaviour of complex optical fibre structures during the final fabrication step, fibre drawing. Two types of optical fibre, namely conventional silica fibres and PCFs, were studied. Germanium and fluorine diffusion during drawing was studied experimentally and a numerical analysis was performed of the effects of drawing parameters on diffusion. An experimental study of geometry control of PCFs during drawing was conducted with emphasis given to the control of hole size. The effects of the various drawing parameters and their suitability for controlling the air-structure was studied. The effect of air-structures on heat transfer in PCFs was studied using computational fluid dynamics techniques. Both germanium and fluorine were found to diffuse at high temperature and low draw speed. A diffusion coefficent for germanium was determined and simulations showed that most diffusion occurred in the neck-down region. Draw temperature and preform feed rate had a comparable effect on diffusion. The hole size in PCFs was shown to depend on the draw temperature, preform feed rate and the preform internal pressure. Pressure was shown to be the most promising parameter for on-line control of the hole size. Heat transfer simulations showed that the air-structure had a significant effect on the temperature profile of the structure. It was also shown that the preform heating time was either increased or reduced compared to a solid structure and depended on the air-fraction