131 research outputs found

    Від маргінальності до кризи ідентичності: філософський аспект (From marginality to identity crisis: philosophical aspect)

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    Стаття присвячена спробі філософського аналізу проблем маргінальності та ідентичності. Звернення до етимології цих понять дозволило ширше розкрити їх зміст та висвітлити деякі особливості кризи ідентичності в контексті життєдіяльності особистості. (Paper is devoted to trying to philosophical analysis of problems of marginality and identity. Address to the etymology of these concepts has allowed them to reveal more content and to highlight some features of the crisis of identity in the context of individual life.

    Refreiming of intellectual property assignment models in agricultural bioeconomy (institutional analysys)

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    Agricultural bioeconomy’s opportunities to solve the problems of ecological and food security in the twentieth century have transformed the dynamics of the sector's development into a geopolitical factor, which has led to a growing public interest for the assignment of ownership rights to genetic resources and intellectual property of the sector. Purpose of the research is systematic analysis of intellectual property assignment models in modern agricultural bioeconomy. The research is based on general scientific knowledge and special methods of institutional analysis. There are two opposite groups of IP assignment legal models in the modern agricultural bioeconomy being taking into account – classical models based on obtaining exclusive rights of ownership and alternative models within the framework of fair use, generis sui and public domain doctrines. It is noted that there is a stable tendency of the growth of the group’s polarity due to the innovation activity development of agricultural public and private actors. Further progress of the intellectual property institutionalization processes in agricultural bioeconomy requires flexible mechanisms of public management based on the economic efficiency of assignment legal models but without losing connection with the humanistic context


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    The paper is contributing to the development concept through highlighting the issue of implementing a brand-new territorial management system based on GIS technology into the regional public governance of developing country (on the example of Zhytomyr oblast of Ukraine as a leader of decentralization processes in the state according the official statistics of forming the amalgamated communities). Three basic methods were used: monographic method — to identify the peculiarities of the GIS activities of regional government entities; comparative studies and benchmarking — to compare GIS managing models performed in the world and find the best relevant practices; project management analysis — to prepare solution for creating pilot model as a full turnkey intellectual product (ready for dissemination project application which include logical-structural matrix of project goals and results, stakeholders analysis, timing for activities, indicators for evaluation, budget etc). Project application is completed with an evaluation of the Zhytomyr regional geoportal, implemented on its basement. In particular, there have been analyzed geoportal functions, their impact from economic and social benefits point, existing problems related to the project implementation process, benefits and prospects for future activities. It is proved that performed model will allow to create more effective than already existing mechanism of public administration at the region; to develop algorithms for interaction between public authorities and communities, to enhance the process of decentralization and territorial development

    The representation type of elementary abelian p-groups with respect to the modules of constant Jordan type

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    We describe the representation type of elementary abelian p-groups with respect to the modules of constant Jordan type and offer two conjectures (for such modules) in the general case, one of which suggests that any non-wild group is of finite representation type in each dimension

    Cognitive ideas about the profession of a psychologist in first-year students of the bachelor's division of the specialty "Psychology"

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    У роботі проаналізовані когнітивні уявлення про професійну діяльність психолога у студентів-першокурсників, які обрали спеціальність «Психологія», виявлені особливості сприймання ними цієї професії. В роботі представлені результати дослідження уявлень щодо образу професії психолога у студентів за допомогою методу асоціативного експерименту.The paper analyzes the cognitive ideas about the professional activity of a psychologist in first-year students who have chosen the specialty "Psychology", revealed the peculiarities of their perception of this profession. The paper presents the results of a study of ideas about the image of the profession of psychologist in students using the method of associative experiment

    The influence of ion implantation by phosphorous on structural changes in porous silicon

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    Structural changes in the surface layer of technologically treated silicon by ion implantation, chemical etching, and their combined action have been investigated by the X-ray diffractometry methods. The functional and quantitative differences in the thickness dependences of strains, values of maximum strain, level of lattice disturbance and extension of elastic strains nave been revealed after different steps of treatment. The essential modification of photoluminescence spectra was observed in the porous layer after implantation by phosphorus ions in the process of natural aging

    Motivation of students' learning activities as a leading factor in the training of future specialists

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    Дана стаття висвітлює проблему підготовки кваліфікованих фахівців у процесі навчання у закладах вищої освіти. Засвідчується важливість вивчення мотивації навчальної діяльності студентів з метою підвищення ефективності навчального процесу та покращення професійної підготовки майбутніх практичних психологів. Представлена стаття є узагальненням теоретичного аналізу наукових публікацій по темі мотивації навчальної діяльності. З метою вивчення навчальної мотивації студентів авторами було проведено дослідження за допомогою психологічних методик. Дослідження засвідчило, що домінуючими для студентів виявилися такі мотиви: отримання диплому, професійні, комунікативні, навчально-пізнавальні, соціальні, творчої самореалізації. Результати дослідження дали змогу виявити ієрархію мотивів студентів, які обумовлюють ставлення до навчання, активність в навчальному процесі, бажання стати кваліфікованим фахівцем. Автори вважають, що для професійного становлення майбутніх практичних психологів визначальними є навчально-пізнавальні та професійні мотиви, оскільки саме вони забезпечують свідому, активну залученість студентів до навчального процесу, орієнтацію на професійний розвиток.Creating an effective system of training qualified specialists is relevant at the present stage of higher education. The motivation of students' learning activities plays a significant role in solving this problem. The main purpose of the article is to conduct a theoretical analysis of scientific publications on this issue and study the learning motivation of fourth-year students of the educational and professional program “Practical Psychology” using the following methods, namely: “Study on the motives of students' learning activities” (A.O. Rean, V. O. Yakunin), “Methodology for diagnostics of students' learning motivation” (A.O. Rean, V.O. Yakunin in the modification of N.Ts. Badmaieva), “Motivation for studying in a higher educational institution” (T.I. Ilyina). As a result of the presented research on the methodology for studying the motives of students' learning activities by A.O. Rean and V.O. Yakunin techniques, it was clarified that the following motives turned out to be dominant for students: getting a degree (diploma), educational and cognitive (acquiring deep and sustainable knowledge, obtaining intellectual pleasure) and professional (the desire to become a highly qualified specialist, ensuring the success of future professional activities). Thus, the majority of students emphasized the importance of obtaining their degree (diploma), that is, the dominance of the formal external sign of educational activities. In the authors' opinion, the choice of such a motive cannot provide the students with motivation and activity in the learning process. According to the method “Diagnostics of students' learning motivation” (in the modification of N.Ts. Badmaieva) proposed by A.O. Rean and V.O. Yakunin, the significant motives for students appeared to be: communicative, professional, social, learning, cognitive and the possibility of creative self-realization. It is not surprising that students-future practical psychologists define communicative motives as the most essential owing to their connection with the peculiarities of the professional activities of the practical psychologist. The choice of professional motives indicates that students strive to become qualified specialists, knowing the significance of the chosen profession and considering it as a way of realizing themselves as individuals. The study conducted with the use of T. I. Ilyina and A.O. Rean method determined the following results: the dominant motives for students are considered acquiring knowledge and getting a degree. Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded: the learning motivation is a set of motives encouraging students to study and affecting their activity in the training process. The effectiveness of students' learning activities, as well as their ability to master professional competencies, depend on the motivation structure and leading motives. Motivation is not constant, and this should be taken into account for understanding the hierarchy of motives of students' learning activities and the possibility of influencing on them. The authors consider that learning and professional motives are decisive for the vocational training of future practical psychologists since they provide conscious and active involvement of students in the learning process, as well as the need for knowledge acquisition and professional development

    Research on the Experience of Users of Political Slogans in Ukraine

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    The study partly reveals “Zelenskyi’s phenomenon”, when a person without any political experience confidently won a victory over an experienced politician at the presidential and parliamentary elections. The paper considered neuropsychological understanding of a brand as a multi-modal image with emotional connection and as an artificial addiction. Specific features of the perception of political slogans were studied with EMOTIV Epoc+ 14-channel mobile neurointerface and EmotivPRO and EMOTIV Brain Activity Map software. The ranking of slogans in terms of the efficiency of perception of the individuals of 40-60 years old was carried out on the basis of EEG and the cognitive and emotional indexes: obtained stress, interaction, interest, excitement, concentration, relaxation. The study involved 30 men and 30 women who intended to vote in the presidential elections of 2019. It was established which slogans are the best, good, average, ambiguous, with little effect, ineffective, with a negative effect. It was determined that the most effective and at the same time efficient slogan that evokes emotions and really encourages to support is PRESIDENT IS PEOPLE’S SERVANT. The best slogan that appeals to support it is “We Are Ukraine”, “New Policy of Ukraine”, “Country of Strong People!” The basic cognitive and emotional indexes that would contribute to the creation of effective psychological impact on voters’ behavior are the presence in the slogan of the word “Ukraine”, the avoidance of the so-called “stop words” (for women it is “army” and everything related to violence and death, and for men it is everything related to the provision of material benefits), the use of religious sentimentality in women and gender differences in slogans targeting. The value of the studied phenomenon and the efficiency of slogans and other media products before launching them into mass advertising has been proved.</em