1,121 research outputs found

    Dynamic of Arabica Coffee Marketing Organization in Ngada District:Progress Upon Implementing of Geographical Indication

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    Farmer organization has important role on coffee agribusiness development. Organization was positioned as a driving force on farmer economic activities, especially in strengthening partnership networks. Realizing the importance of organization, the aim of this research was to identify the coffee market structure in the scheme of Geographical Indication; to analyze the dynamic of coffee marketing organization at farmers level; and to analyze added value of wet parchment bean sales at the farmers organization. This research was conducted in Ngada District which includes Bajawa, Golewa and West Golewa Sub-district. Respondents in this study were 100 farmers which determined by using simple random samplingmethod. The primary data was based on questionnaire and secondary data was from journals, articles, and internal reports. Data were analyzed with descriptivequalitativeapproach and Hayami method. The results showed that coffee market structure in Ngada District lead to imperfect competition market (monopsonyoligopsony). The dynamic of farmers organization worked in progress which shown through ease access to market information and networking. Vertically organizational relationship between farmers and other market cooperatives has been established. Added value at UPHs/cooperative in the coffee supply chain was 15,35% of output valu


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    ABSTRAKNama : Lya BachtiarProgram Studi : Kedokteran GigiJudul : Hubungan Sosial Ekonomi Dengan Perawatan OrtodontiPada Penduduk Kotamadya Banda AcehPerawatan ortodonti merupakan perawatan yang dilakukan untuk memperbaikigigi yang tidak teratur serta mengembalikan fungsi pengunyahan yang normal.Perawatan ini juga dilakukan untuk perbaikan maloklusi. Mendapatkan hasilperawatan yang maksimal diperlukan suatu rencana perawatan yang tepat,pemilihan alat ortodonti yang digunakan, serta kemampuan dokter gigi yangmelakukan perawatan. Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya membuktikan adanyapengaruh sosial ekonomi terhadap perawatan ortodonti. Status sosial ekonomiberpengaruh terhadap tingkat pendidikan, tingkat pendidikan mempengaruhipengetahuan mengenai perawatan ortodonti. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untukmengetahui hubungan sosial ekonomi dengan pemilihan tempat perawatanortodonti cekat pada penduduk Kotamadya Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini merupakanjenis penelitian cross sectional dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknikrandom sampling. Jumlah sampel penelitian yang dilakukan pada pendudukKotamadya Banda Aceh ini terdiri dari 96 subjek berasal dari 9 kecamatan. Hasilpenelitian ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan sosial ekonomi dengan pemilihantempat perawatan ortodonti cekat pada penduduk Kotamadya Banda Aceh(


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                People need language to communicate with others during their life. In order to be understood by others, they are supposed to speak correctly. Yet, sometimes people cannot avoid a mistake, in this case is slip of the tongue (SOT). They produce utterances which are different from the concept that they have in their mind. Thus, in this study, the writer conducts a research about slip of the tongue found in news anchors’ utterances of Metro TV and TV One. There are two problems of the study, namely: (1) what are the types of slip of the tongue found in news anchors’ utterances at Indonesian private TV stations?; and (2) what are the possible factors influencing TV news anchor experiencing slip of the tongue?.            This research is a case study with qualitative approach. The data are the news anchors’ utterances of the news programs broadcasted on Metro TV and TV One. They were downloaded from Youtube from January 2013 to February 2013.            This research discloses that seven types of SOT (perseveration, anticipation, substitution, deletion, blend, exchange, misderivation) are found in the utterances that produced by the news anchors of Metro TV and TV One. The most dominant type of SOT found in this research is substitution. It occurs seven times and is found in several forms of substitution (noun, adverb, and preposition substitution). In further reading, there are various kinds of factors influencing the occurrence of SOT. The most dominant factors influencing Metro TV and TV One news anchors experiencing the SOT are internal and external difficulties which are proposed by Saksomo (2010). Those various conditions highly affect the news anchors’ performance in reporting the news.The writer suggests TV news anchors to be more aware and well prepared in their performance in order to minimize the occurrence of SOT. She also suggests to the next researchers to develop and explore this topic deeper in different object or theory. Keywords: slip of the tongue, Metro TV and TV One’s news anchors

    Des souches probiotiques de Lactobacillus spp. induisent une augmentation de la tolérance de Salmonella Typhimurium à un antibiotique de dernier recours : l'azithromycine

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    Les bactéries sont impliquées dans un grand nombre d’interactions qui peuvent se produire de façon diverse au sein de communautés complexes telles que le microbiote intestinal humain. Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium est un pathogène d’origine alimentaire commun et est un bon modèle bactérien pour l’étude d’interactions inter-bactériennes pouvant se produire au sein de communautés microbiennes. Lorsqu’un traitement antibiotique est nécessaire, les infections à S. Typhimurium peuvent être traitées avec des antibiotiques de première ligne, soit les fluoroquinolones, ou encore avec l’antibiotique de dernier recours qu’est l’azithromycine. Dans l’étude faisant l’objet de ce mémoire, nous avons observé que lorsque S. Typhimurium est co-cultivée avec des souches probiotiques de Lactobacillus spp., un changement dans la susceptibilité du pathogène face à l’azithromycine survient. La concentration minimale inhibitrice de S. Typhimurium passe en effet de 2 μg/ml à 32 μg/ml. Une observation similaire a pu être faite en co-cultivant S. Typhimurium avec des surnageants obtenus de cultures denses des souches probiotiques de Lactobacillus spp. où la CMI du pathogène a augmenté à 32 ou 64 μg/ml selon la souche probiotique. Pour comprendre comment Lactobacillus spp. cause ce changement de susceptibilité à l’azithromycine chez S. Typhimurium, un criblage à haut débit a été mis en place, combinant la collection de mutants de délétions simples de S. Typhimurium, la SGD, avec le probiotique L. rhamnosus. Nos résultats ont identifié des gènes d’importance ayant un lien avec l’enveloppe bactérienne et le transport transmembranaire, ainsi qu’avec la respiration cellulaire. Aussi, l’importance d’un pH acide a été évaluée. Nous avons déterminé qu’un pH de 5.5 permettait d’observer le changement de concentration minimale inhibitrice de S. Typhimurium face à l’azithromycine. Suite à un second criblage à haut débit, des gènes différents de ceux identifiés lors du premier criblage ont été identifiés, suggérant un possible mécanisme de résistance face à l’azithromycine chez S. Typhimurium induit de façon unique par les souches probiotiques de Lactobacillus

    Identification and Mapping of Readiness of Micro and Small Coffee Industry Cluster Development

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    Cluster development of micro and small-scaled coffee industry is an effortto improve the economy of community by utilizing local resources. This studywas aimed to identify phase of cluster growth through determinant factors ofindustrial cluster growth; to assess a linkage between economy players in theindustrial cluster; and to identify strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat incoffee industry development. This research was carried out in Sumberwringin,Bondowoso District, East Java. Survey method through direct observation andinterviews were conducted in this study. Data collected included primary andsecondary data. Number of respondents were 25 industry players selected byjudgement sampling method. The data were analyzed by exploratory descriptivewith content analysis method. This research concluded that industrial clusterstudied was still in phase of formation and initiative (embryo) and its growthpattern followed Pattern III. Interrelationship between core industries has notbeen established, while linkage between core industries and supporting industrieshad already well-established. Strength and opportunity in coffee industrydevelopment included raw materials availability, market segment growth. Smalland micro enterprises credit facility, supporting facility, and labor availability.Constraints and threat faced by coffee industry included limited market access,in adequate machineries, limited working capital, raw materials quality, inconsistentproduct quality, credit claim, and competitors

    Factors Affecting Micro and Small-Scale Industries Income: a Case Study on Coffee Processing Industry

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    Development the competitive industries primarily small firms ought to be realized for improving economic growth of a community. Small industries have an important role especially on income equity improvement in rural areas. The objective of this study was to assess industry players motivation for developing their business in coffee processing and also to analyze factors which influence business income focused on micro and small-scale coffee industries in Bondowoso District. Survey method was used in this study for collecting primary and secondary data. A number of respondents were 25 coffee industry players who be determined by judgement sampling method. Data were analyzed by descriptive and statistic method. Multiple linear regression was used in the suspected factors that affect small industries income. The results indicated that the main motivation of industry players in initiating and developing coffee business was financial incentive. Consecutively, indicators that may explain industry player\u27s motivation were expectation, motive and incentive. Micro and small-scale industries income was affected by raw material, marketing reach, technology and business experience. Meanwhile, micro and small-scale industries income was not affected by labor cost and source of capital

    Perceptual Assessment of the Degree of Russian Accent

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    Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA-2007. Editors: Joakim Nivre, Heiki-Jaan Kaalep, Kadri Muischnek and Mare Koit. University of Tartu, Tartu, 2007. ISBN 978-9985-4-0513-0 (online) ISBN 978-9985-4-0514-7 (CD-ROM) pp. 345-348


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    Deposited roses too long about 4-5 days will wilt. The husband withered roses containing anthocyanin pigments. Anthocyaninsare a type of red-purple pigment from the flavonoid widespread ofvarious types plant. Anthocyanin is a natural pigment that gives the red color pigment belonging hearts late flavonoids and are generally used for the air so many potentially as a review of tea and natural dyes. Purpose of husband research is: (1) to review determine anthocyanin content of red roses on, (2) to determine the effect of heating with review variation sample weight against at extract color stability of red roses. The study was conducted husband with the extracting samples of ethanol 96% distilled water and citric acid. Extracts the tin is used to review the color stability test with using visible spectrophotometer. Results of research shows that the initials best condition or findings from heating maximum temperature of 60 OC and 6 gram sample weight linear with y=1,389x and R2 = -16.92. In addition effect of temperature and weight of the sample showed that more high-temperature heating and the big weight of the sample substance concentration colors the red rose flower extract hig

    La formación permanente del profesorado a través de la investigación reflexiva de su práctica

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue generar conocimiento sobre la mejora de la práctica docente. La metodología fue cualitativa, a través de métodos de observación / auto observación y entrevistas, implicaba la auto observación de la práctica por parte de los participantes. El diseño de la investigación incluyó la asistencia a un taller donde la práctica era analizada e intervenida por cada docente a través de registros de auto observación. Tuvo una duración de dos años y se realizó en tres acercamientos con grupos de dos instituciones cada vez. Los resultados indicaron que el auto registro de la práctica fue una condición para la mejora, se constituyó un modelo de práctica reflexiva