67 research outputs found

    Comparing static and outreach immunization strategies and associated factors in Uganda, Nov-Dec 2016

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    Introduction: the government of Uganda aims at reducing childhood morbidity through provision of immunization services. We compared the proportion of children 12-33 months reached using either static or outreach immunization strategies and factors affecting utilization of routine vaccination services in order to inform policy updates. Methods: we adopted the 2015 vaccination coverage cluster survey technique. The sample selection was based on a stratified three-stage sample design. Using the Fleiss formula, a sample of 50 enumeration areas was sufficient to generate immunization coverages at each region. A total of 200 enumeration areas were selected for the survey. Thirty households were selected per enumeration area. Epi-Info software was used to calculate weighted coverage estimates. Results: among the 2231 vaccinated children aged 12-23 months who participated in the survey, 68.1% received immunization services from a health unit and 10.6% from outreaches. The factors that affected utilization of routine vaccination services were; accessibility, where 78.2% resided within 5km from a health facility. 29.7% missed vaccination due to lack of vaccines at the health facility. Other reasons were lack of supplies at 39.2% and because the caretaker had other things to do, 26.4%. The survey showed 1.8% (40/2271) respondents had not vaccinated their children. Among these, 70% said they had not vaccinated their child because they were busy doing other things and 27.5% had not done so because of lack of motivation. Conclusion: almost 7 in 10 children aged 12-23 months access vaccination at health facilities. There is evidence of parental apathy as well as misconceptions about vaccination

    Point-of-Care Ultrasound Assessment of Tropical Infectious Diseases—A Review of Applications and Perspectives

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    The development of good quality and affordable ultrasound machines has led to the establishment and implementation of numerous point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) protocols in various medical disciplines. POCUS for major infectious diseases endemic in tropical regions has received less attention, despite its likely even more pronounced benefit for populations with limited access to imaging infrastructure. Focused assessment with sonography for HIV-associated TB (FASH) and echinococcosis (FASE) are the only two POCUS protocols for tropical infectious diseases, which have been formally investigated and which have been implemented in routine patient care today. This review collates the available evidence for FASH and FASE, and discusses sonographic experiences reported for urinary and intestinal schistosomiasis, lymphatic filariasis, viral hemorrhagic fevers, amebic liver abscess, and visceral leishmaniasis. Potential POCUS protocols are suggested and technical as well as training aspects in the context of resource-limited settings are reviewed. Using the focused approach for tropical infectious diseases will make ultrasound diagnosis available to patients who would otherwise have very limited or no access to medical imaging

    Orphans of the AIDS epidemic? The extent, nature and circumstances of child-headed households in South Africa

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    There is widespread concern that the number of children living in “child-headed households” is rapidly increasing as a result of AIDS-related adult mortality in much of sub-Saharan Africa. Based on analyses of data from several representative national surveys over the period 2000–2007, this paper examines the extent to which this is the case in South Africa. It explores trends in the number of children living in child-only households and characterises these children relative to children living in households with adults (mixed-generation households). The findings indicate that the proportion of child-only households is relatively small (0.47% in 2006) and does not appear to be increasing. In addition, the vast majority (92.1%) of children resident in child-only households have a living parent. The findings raise critical questions about the circumstances leading to the formation of child-only households and highlight that they cannot for the main part be ascribed to HIV orphaning. Nonetheless, the number of children living in this household form is not insignificant, and their circumstances, when compared with children in mixed-generation households, indicate a range of challenges, including greater economic vulnerability and inadequate service access. We argue that a solitary focus on the HIV epidemic and its related orphaning as the cause of child-only households masks other important issues for consideration in addressing their needs, and risks the development of inappropriate policies, programmes and interventions

    "They don't care what happens to us." The situation of double orphans heading households in Rakai District, Uganda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This article is based on information collected about the situation of double orphans who are heading households in Rakai District, Uganda. The information will be used as justification and guidance for planning actions to improve the situation of these and similar children. This research is thus the first step in an Action Research approach leading to specific interventions. The aim of this article is to describe the situation of these orphaned children, with an emphasis on the psychosocial challenges they face.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study involved interviews, focus group discussions, observations and narratives. Forty-three heads of sibling-headed households participated. Information derived from informal discussions with local leaders is also included. The responses were analyzed using a modified version of Giorgi's psychological phenomenological method as described by Malterud <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Factors such as lack of material resources, including food and clothes, limited possibilities to attend school on a regular basis, vast responsibilities and reduced possibilities for social interaction all contribute to causing worries and challenges for the child heads of households. Most of the children claimed that they were stigmatized and, to a great extent, ignored and excluded from their community. The Local Council Secretary ("Chairman") seemed to be the person in the community most responsible and helpful, but some chairmen seemed not to care at all. The children requested counseling for themselves as well as for community members because they experienced lack of understanding from other children and from adult community members.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The children experienced their situation as a huge and complex problem for themselves as well as for people in their villages. However, the situation might improve if actions focused on practical and psychological issues as well as on sensitization about the children's situation could be initiated. In addition to the fact that these children need adult guidance to become citizens who act in accordance with the expectations in their communities, material aid is important in order to reduce the children's experiences of being "different" and constantly experiencing survival anxieties.</p> <p indent="1"><it>Before my parents died, I was schooling without facing any problems and my heart was at rest. When they died I went to live with Jjajja [grandmother]. She fell very sick and I came out of school for a full term to look after her. I was treating Jjajja but she was not getting better. She died...so...I got my schoolmates' books and copied notes that they had taken while I was away from school...I face the problem of not having good friends. Some see me as a disease...other people are not bad. Some call me names and say that I am stupid, that I probably inherited the stupidity from my mother or father...Ever since my parents died, I have not had peace. I spend most of the time thinking, crying and struggling within myself asking God why He really had to do such a thing and saying to myself that: "God, help me overcome these problems!"</it></p> <p indent="1"><it>Girl, 15</it>.</p

    British HIV Association guidelines for the management of tuberculosis in adults living with HIV 2019

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    The overall purpose of these guidelines is to help physicians manage adults with tuberculosis (TB)/human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) co‐infection. Recommendations for the treatment of TB in HIV‐positive adults are similar to those in HIV‐negative adults. Of note, the term “HIV” refers to HIV‐1 throughout these guidelines

    Evaluation of immune responses in HIV infected patients with pleural tuberculosis by the QuantiFERON® TB-Gold interferon-gamma assay

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Diagnosis of tuberculous (TB) pleuritis is difficult and better diagnostic tools are needed. New blood based interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) tests are promising, but sensitivity could be low in HIV positive patients. The IFN-γ tests have not yet been validated for use in pleural fluid, a compartment with higher level of immune activation than in blood.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The QuantiFERON TB<sup>®</sup>-Gold (QFT-TB) test was analysed in blood and pleural fluid from 34 patients presenting with clinically suspected pleural TB. Clinical data, HIV status and CD4 cell counts were recorded. Adenosine deaminase activity (ADA) analysis and TB culture were performed on pleural fluid.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The patients were categorised as 'confirmed TB' (n = 12), 'probable TB' (n = 16) and 'non-TB' pleuritis (n = 6) based on TB culture results and clinical and biochemical criteria. The majority of the TB patients were HIV infected (82%). The QFT-TB in pleural fluid was positive in 27% and 56% of the 'confirmed TB' and 'probable TB' cases, respectively, whereas the corresponding sensitivities in blood were 58% and 83%. Indeterminate results in blood (25%) were caused by low phytohemagglutinin (PHA = positive control) IFN-γ responses, significantly lower in the TB patients as compared to the 'non-TB' cases (p = 0.02). Blood PHA responses correlated with CD4 cell count (r = 0.600, p = 0.028). In contrast, in pleural fluid indeterminate results (52%) were caused by high Nil (negative control) IFN-γ responses in both TB groups. Still, the Nil IFN-γ responses were lower than the TB antigen responses (p < 0.01), offering a conclusive test for half of the patients. We did not find any correlation between blood CD4 cell count and IFN-γ responses in pleural fluid.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The QFT-TB test in blood could contribute to the diagnosis of TB pleuritis in the HIV positive population. Still, the number of inconclusive results is too high to recommend the commercial QFT-TB test for routine use in pleural fluid in a TB/HIV endemic resource-limited setting.</p

    Population differences in vaccine responses (POPVAC): scientific rationale and cross-cutting analyses for three linked, randomised controlled trials assessing the role, reversibility and mediators of immunomodulation by chronic infections in the tropics.

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    INTRODUCTION: Vaccine-specific immune responses vary between populations and are often impaired in low income, rural settings. Drivers of these differences are not fully elucidated, hampering identification of strategies for optimising vaccine effectiveness. We hypothesise that urban-rural (and regional and international) differences in vaccine responses are mediated to an important extent by differential exposure to chronic infections, particularly parasitic infections. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Three related trials sharing core elements of study design and procedures (allowing comparison of outcomes across the trials) will test the effects of (1) individually randomised intervention against schistosomiasis (trial A) and malaria (trial B), and (2) Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) revaccination (trial C), on a common set of vaccine responses. We will enrol adolescents from Ugandan schools in rural high-schistosomiasis (trial A) and rural high-malaria (trial B) settings and from an established urban birth cohort (trial C). All participants will receive BCG on day '0'; yellow fever, oral typhoid and human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines at week 4; and HPV and tetanus/diphtheria booster vaccine at week 28. Primary outcomes are BCG-specific IFN-γ responses (8 weeks after BCG) and for other vaccines, antibody responses to key vaccine antigens at 4 weeks after immunisation. Secondary analyses will determine effects of interventions on correlates of protective immunity, vaccine response waning, priming versus boosting immunisations, and parasite infection status and intensity. Overarching analyses will compare outcomes between the three trial settings. Sample archives will offer opportunities for exploratory evaluation of the role of immunological and 'trans-kingdom' mediators in parasite modulation of vaccine-specific responses. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethics approval has been obtained from relevant Ugandan and UK ethics committees. Results will be shared with Uganda Ministry of Health, relevant district councils, community leaders and study participants. Further dissemination will be done through conference proceedings and publications. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBERS: ISRCTN60517191, ISRCTN62041885, ISRCTN10482904

    The plastic bag ban in Kenya : A study on consumer perceptions and attitudes following the plastic bag ban in Nairobi, Kenya

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    In 2017, Kenya's government banned plastic bags, to reduce plastic waste and protect the environment. Today Kenya has one of the strictest plastic bag bans in the world.  This study examines the perception of the plastic bag ban by different income classes in Nairobi, as well as what factors influence people's support for the plastic bag ban in Nairobi.  The result indicates that the majority of respondents expressed strong support for the plastic bag ban, citing environmental concerns and the need for sustainable practices. However, a small segment of the population remained skeptical about the effectiveness and feasibility of the ban. The opinions of respondents that the ban was not strict enough is an indicator that the government still needs to do more and work towards a better environment. Factors such as age and education level emerged as influential factors in shaping individuals' perceptions. However, the relationship was not enough to influence opinion on supporting the ban.  Consumer behaviors and awareness about environmental factors were mainly significant in influencing the opinions of residents in supporting the ban. This suggests that people that have reduced their plastic bag usage and are environmentally conscious, are more likely to support the plastic bag ban.  In conclusion, the findings from this study contribute to the public’s opinion on this strict plastic bag ban, in Kenya. The results emphasize the importance of promoting awareness and education to ensure the successful implementation and acceptance of the plastic bag ban. These findings can inform policymakers, environmental organizations, and other stakeholders in designing effective strategies to address plastic waste and promote sustainable practices.

    The plastic bag ban in Kenya : A study on consumer perceptions and attitudes following the plastic bag ban in Nairobi, Kenya

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    In 2017, Kenya's government banned plastic bags, to reduce plastic waste and protect the environment. Today Kenya has one of the strictest plastic bag bans in the world.  This study examines the perception of the plastic bag ban by different income classes in Nairobi, as well as what factors influence people's support for the plastic bag ban in Nairobi.  The result indicates that the majority of respondents expressed strong support for the plastic bag ban, citing environmental concerns and the need for sustainable practices. However, a small segment of the population remained skeptical about the effectiveness and feasibility of the ban. The opinions of respondents that the ban was not strict enough is an indicator that the government still needs to do more and work towards a better environment. Factors such as age and education level emerged as influential factors in shaping individuals' perceptions. However, the relationship was not enough to influence opinion on supporting the ban.  Consumer behaviors and awareness about environmental factors were mainly significant in influencing the opinions of residents in supporting the ban. This suggests that people that have reduced their plastic bag usage and are environmentally conscious, are more likely to support the plastic bag ban.  In conclusion, the findings from this study contribute to the public’s opinion on this strict plastic bag ban, in Kenya. The results emphasize the importance of promoting awareness and education to ensure the successful implementation and acceptance of the plastic bag ban. These findings can inform policymakers, environmental organizations, and other stakeholders in designing effective strategies to address plastic waste and promote sustainable practices.