437 research outputs found

    The recent demographic dynamics in the Sierra Morena of Córdoba

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    La Sierra de Córdoba constituye un ámbito espacial diferenciado en la provincia y en el conjunto de Andalucía. Los habitantes de los espacios mariánicos son el elemento básico en la ocupación de ese territorio, caracterizado por un marcado carácter rural. El estudio de la dinámica demográfi ca reciente de los espacios mariánicos y las diferencias regionales que presenta constituye el objetivo principal del presente trabajo.The Sierra de Cordoba is a distinct spatial area in the province and the whole of Andalusia. The people of mariánicos spaces are the basic element in the occupation of that territory, characterized by a strong rural character. The study of recent population dynamics of mariánicos spaces and regional differences, is the main objective of this work, with trying to identify possible inequalities and concomitants both regional and county differences. The demographic variables orused to characterize recent developments in mariánicos spaces are: the general evolution of the population in absolute and relative terms, crude birth rates and mortality, total fertility rate, infant mortality and vegetative growth. The study of the human component of the settlement will begin from the mid-twentieth century. The starting date is justified because the 50s mark a turning point in demographic trends that began rising from mid-nineteenth century, since different regions of the Sierra de Cordoba will suffer an exodus of migration, unprecedented in its history, which will result in a drastic reduction of its strength, reaching in some of them more than a half thereof. This phenomenon was not unique to our area, but it is common in inland areas and in the mountains of Andalusia. As we know it was motivated by a set of facts of a socioeconomic nature-related crisis in the agricultural sector determined by the low yields, poor ownership structure and the attraction that woult hold certain areas of immigration on the basis of new economic incentives. The immediate circumstances that compel the exodus of the population can relate dependence on a primary agriculture sector, mining, and poor development of the area in relation to the rest of the country. More specifically we have to emphasize the influence the decline a agricultural productivity compounded by the almost absolute predominance of rainfed crops on a lower soil component, together with extensive practices and a low level of mechanization. This acted to the detriment of the income levels of the laborers and small landowners who were driven-forced to emigration. On the other hand, the high natural increase recorded since the beginning of the century, except for the parentheses of the Civil War, to the led-headed mariánicas counties towards a situation of overcrowding of employees who had no place in farming or mining, and in decline from the previous decade. The important migratory flow was generated in the mariánicas regions, like so many others produced in the Spanish territory not only assumed the depopulation of large areas but also a profound change in the relations of the population with the territory. The changes affect not only agricultural structures but also the settled areas and habitat types, especially in the case of permanent migration flows. The almost complete loss of the spread settlement, the reduction in all entities of population, including the municipal, heading caused an irreparable loss in manpower and an aging in the population structure, a situation which in practice meant the isolation of a part of the territory and the loss of weight in the regional and provincial economy. We can say that the fi nal step that completes the process of modernization of the population from Córdoba mountain ton has the peculiarity that it is an acceleration produced as a result of the effects of population aging and reduced fertility. Until the fifties there was a clear relationship between economic development and demographic transition which were modified by the various components of the natural movement of the population. Since the fifties the phenomenon of migration alters the relationship between economic development and demographic transition, reaching a demographic similar to those of more developed regions although for some different causes more characteristic of underdeveloped areas. In conclusion the natural dynamics of the Sierra de Cordoba may be summarized in the period covered by the second half of the twentieth century saying that positive growth of the fifties led to the emigration of the decades that immediately followed, while such migration was the cause of altering the structure of age in population that fi nally resulted in a dynamic population whose most characteristic feature was the involution of the same one. The mountain town that had experienced the last stages of demographic transition during much of the twentieth century debated in recent years of that century and the beginning of this one with a burden of an exceptionally low population growth and a relatively stable migration net resulted in a continuous flow of people out of their counties. On the other hand, a group of foreign immigrants in increasing numbers, although hesitant to the same extent that economic stagnation is more evident. A situation that raises more questions than answers regarding the future evolution, composition and structure of the population, which establishes the relations of production and determines not only the different economic exploitation but also the pattern of settlement and an important agricultural component in landscapes as a rural environment. The reduction in the agricultural workforce as a result of such an outfl ow and the rationalization of farming and agricultural practices has meant in practice an abandonment of the settlement of many mountain villages and a signifi cant loss of rural habitat, not only of buildings but also traditions and agricultural uses that were the livelihood of an exceptionally rich traditional architecture. Regarding the immediate future, it seems reasonable that they will not produce any news worthy of consideration with regard to various demographic variables: low birth and death will increase as a consequence of the aging population although life expectancy at birth will rise. Therefore, the medium growth to long term population depends very specifically on the input and output flows of immigrants, given that internal migration tends to stabilize, the arrival of immigrants takes on a particular relevance in the indisputable evolution of Andalusian population, but not as munch as in the province of Córdoba, let alone mariánicos spaces. So, all these circumstances draw an impossible generational replacement capacity, ie a regressive or stationary population situation in the Sierra de Córdoba, given the evolution of various demographic variables analyzed and the already negative projections that exist for the Córdoba area

    Enfermedades emergentes y reemergentes

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    FACTORES PREDISPONENTES • Aumento de facilidades para viajar • Migraciones urbanas • Desplazamientos por guerras • Cambios en el manejo y procesamiento de alimentos • Deterioro en la infraestructura de salud pública • Uso indebido de antibióticos y aumento de las resistencias • Pobreza • Deforestación • Fracaso para controlar mosquitos • Deterioro de sistemas de agua y de saneamiento • Fallas en la detección temprana de enfermedades • Disminución de recursos para el control de enfermedades infecciosa

    El cuidado de sí. Saber, poder y discursos médicos sobre sida y su impacto en hombres gay

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    Desde sus inicios, la epidemia de VIH se ha vinculado al comportamiento homosexual. Existen factores de vulnerabilidad como la vulneración de los derechos humanos, la falta de representatividad política, la marginalidad y la pobreza que inciden en esta situación. Las altas tasas de prevalencia en este sector de la población han contribuido a que el estigma y la discriminación asociados a la infección persistan. Adicionalmente, a efectos de mantener la salud, la disciplina médica coadyuva en la generación de unos dispositivos de control y de sometimiento sobre los hombres homosexuales que los vincula a la categoría de peligrosos o enfermos. Apoyado en la biopolítica, el presente trabajo explora cómo los discursos disciplinares que se construyen ―desde la institucionalidad médica y desde la misma salud pública―, acerca de homosexualidad y sida, pueden no contribuir a los propósitos preventivos. Por lo mismo, se invita a que desde la bioética se reflexione acerca de tales discursos y se estudien las formas como se sataniza, medicaliza o criminaliza el cuerpo de los homosexuales. Tras un análisis sobre como el sida aparece como instancia de poder y como los discursos biomédicos influyen en la construcción del cuerpo homosexual, apoyado en autores como Foucault y Levinas, el trabajo apunta a cómo construir una esencia del ser homosexual desvinculada del sida. La respuesta solidaria a la epidemia, el cuidado mutuo y la real preocupación por un otro, se presentan como formas de combatir el imaginario social que percibe la homosexualidad como algo enfermizo o anómalo.From the very beginning, the HIV epidemic has been linked to homosexual behavior. There are vulnerability factors such as the violation of human rights, lack of political representation, marginalization and poverty that affect this situation. The high prevalence rates in this sector of the population have contributed to the stigma and discrimination associated with the infection. Additionally, in order to maintain health, medical discipline contributes in the generation of devices for the control and submission of gay men, that binds them to the category of dangerous or diseased. Supported in a biopolitical analysis, this paper explores how disciplinary discourses about homosexuality and AIDS that are built from medical institutions and from the public health officials, may not contribute to the original preventive purposes. In the same range of ideas, it invites to people involved in bioethics to study such statements and consider the ways in which the homosexual body has been demonized, medicalized or criminalized. After an analysis of how AIDS emerges as a locus of power and how the biomedical discourse influences the construction of the homosexual body —supported by authors such as Foucault and Levinas—, the paper suggests how to build a detached essence of being homosexual from AIDS. The joint response to the epidemic, mutual care and real concern for the self and the others, are presented as ways to combat the social representation that perceives homosexuality as sick or abnormal.Magíster en BioéticaMaestrí

    Diálogos sobre el morir en tiempos de pandemia

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    Purpose/Context. This text introduces a reflection on issues such as death, pandemics and how, from the symbiosis between public health and Bioethics, it is possible to prevent the drama from being greater in this type of situations. Methodology/Approach. A personal reflection is made and palliative care, bereavement and public health are established as thematic axes to talk to three researchers about their vision of the pandemic by COVID-19. Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. The conversation with three experts gives us a perspective on how, in the midst of a pandemic, actions can be taken in which solidarity and the search for the best health conditions and social support for the most vulnerable prevail over economic interests. Propósito/Contexto. Este texto introduce una reflexión sobre temas como la muerte, la pandemia y cómo, desde la simbiosis entre salud pública y Bioética, se puede evitar que el drama sea mayor en este tipo de situaciones. Metodología/Enfoque. Se realiza una reflexión personal y se establecen como ejes temáticos los cuidados paliativos, el duelo y la salud pública, para conversar con tres investigadores sobre su visión de la pandemia por COVID-19. Discusión/Conclusiones/Contribuciones. La conversación con tres expertos nos da una perspectiva sobre cómo, en medio de una pandemia, se pueden tomar acciones en las que prevalezcan, por encima de intereses económicos, la solidaridad y la búsqueda de las mejores condiciones de salud y apoyo social para los más vulnerables.  

    Número de curva aplicado a una cuenca agrícola de la región central de Córdoba, Argentina

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    Tesis (Magíster en Gestión Ambiental Agropecuaria) – UNC - Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; UNRC - Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria, 2008En una cuenca agrícola representativa de un área importante de la región central de Córdoba (Argentina), se midieron precipitaciones y escurrimientos durante 8 años. Con el objeto de estimar el escurrimiento en función de las lluvias y características de la cuenca, se seleccionó el modelo de Número de Curva del Soil Conservation Service, por su extendido uso y porque sus parámetros son accesibles para cualquier técnico dedicado a la Conservación de Suelos y Aguas. El método se probó en dos condiciones de uso del suelo: Una Microcuenca bajo Labranza Convencional y una Cuenca Grande, que incluye a la primera, mayoritariamente con Siembra Directa. Se comprobó la falta de adecuación del método en ambas situaciones para este conjunto de eventos. Utilizando regresión lineal, se procuró estimar por un lado a la lámina escurrida en función de las lluvias y datos de la cuenca, y por otro se predijo el Número de Curva. Estas dos regresiones se efectuaron tanto en la Microcuenca como en la Cuenca Grande. Los resultados mostraron: En la microcuenca tanto la lámina de escurrimiento como el Número de Curva fueron bien estimados, con Coeficientes de Determinación elevados. En la Cuenca Grande la predicción del escurrimiento en función de los datos de precipitaciones y características de la cuenca tuvo resultado. poco satisfactorio En cambio en la regresión para Número de Curva se obtuvieron buenos resultados, con Coeficientes de Determinación elevados, resultando también elevada la concordancia entre el escurrimiento observado y el determinado con estos Números de Curva. Sin pretender fijar algoritmos definitivos, este trabajo marca un método de cálculo de escurrimiento, que podrá mejorar los intervalos de confianza disminuyendo el rango de variación de los coeficientes del método en la medida en que se aumente la base de datos. No obstante esto, se concluye que para el tamaño, condiciones de la cuenca y tormentas de proyecto, los Números de Curva de las tablas originales del SCS sobreestiman el escurrimiento.Fil: Luque, Ricardo Luis. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; Argentina.Fil: Bertoni, Juan Carlos. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Departamento de Hidráulica; Argentina

    El turismo deportivo: visiones críticas sobre posibilidades de desarrollo local en España y México

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    Esta ponencia aborda los límites y riesgos del turismo deportivo para ello los autores estructuran el artículo en tres partes: en una primera parte se observan las tendencias y líneas de evolución que se manifiestan en el deporte y en el turismo; en segundo lugar recuperamos los elementos que hacen del turismo deportivo un potencial de desarrollo local; y en la tercera parte analizamos sus claroscuros y límites: riesgos sociales y medioambientales


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    ERK5 Is a Major Determinant of Chemical Sarcomagenesis: Implications in Human Pathology

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    Sarcomas are a heterogeneous group of tumors in which the role of ERK5 is poorly studied. To clarify the role of this MAPK in sarcomatous pathology, we used a murine 3-methyl-cholanthrene (3MC)-induced sarcoma model. Our data show that 3MC induces pleomorphic sarcomas with muscle differentiation, showing an increased expression of ERK5. Indeed, this upregulation was also observed in human sarcomas of muscular origin, such as leiomyosarcoma or rhabdomyosarcoma. Moreover, in cell lines derived from these 3MC-induced tumors, abrogation of Mapk7 expression by using specific shRNAs decreased in vitro growth and colony-forming capacity and led to a marked loss of tumor growth in vivo. In fact, transcriptomic profiling in ERK5 abrogated cell lines by RNAseq showed a deregulated gene expression pattern for key biological processes such as angiogenesis, migration, motility, etc., correlating with a better prognostic in human pathology. Finally, among the various differentially expressed genes, Klf2 is a key mediator of the biological effects of ERK5 as indicated by its specific interference, demonstrating that the ERK5–KLF2 axis is an important determinant of sarcoma biology that should be further studied in human pathology.This work has been supported with Grant RTI2018-094093-B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, “ERDF A way of making Europe” to RSP. Also supported with funds from Fundación Leticia Castillejo Castillo, Roche España and ACEPAIN to RSP and MJRH. RSP and MJRH’s Research Institute and the work carried out in their laboratory, received partial support from the European Community through the FEDER. JJ and EAL hold a predoctoral research contract cofounded by the European Social Fund and UCLM. OR holds a contract for accessing the Spanish System of Science, Technology, and Innovation (SECTI) funded by the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) and received partial support from the European Social Fund (FSE) through its Operative Program for Castilla-La Mancha (2007–2013

    An embedded real-time co-processor for control applications

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    In this paper we present a high performance real-time microcontroller (uRT51) based on an 8051 core. The uRT51 is an 8-bits processor that includes a Real-Time co-processing unit. We have implemented the speed control of a DC motor to evaluate the uRT51 performance. The uRT51 shows a control performance suitable for low-cost, low-power, embedded real-time control applications in which real-time systems based on RTOS failVI Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    El uso de la cartografía y la imagen digital como recurso didáctico en la enseñanza secundaria. Algunas precisiones en torno a Google earth

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    Las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al mundo de la cartografía han supuesto en la actualidad la divulgación masiva de imágenes espaciales y el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de análisis y de conocimiento. La importancia de trabajar en el aula con todos aquellos recursos que permitan acercarnos al conocimiento de los hechos geográficos desde una perspectiva global justifica este trabajo. El objetivo principal del mismo consiste en mostrar y valorar las posibilidades que reportan el empleo de las nuevas tecnologías, particularmente la aplicación Google Earth y el de una serie de experiencias didácticas, en el proceso de renovación metodológica y didáctica de la ciencia geográfica.The new technologies applied to the world of the cartography have supposed at the present time the massive spreading of space images and the development of new techniques of analysis and knowledge. The importance of working in the classroom with all those resources that allow to approach us the knowledge of the geographic facts from a global perspective justifies east work. The primary target of he himself consists of showing and valuing the possibilities that report the use of the new technologies, particularly the application Google Earth and the one of a series of didactic experiences, in the process of methodologic and didactic renovation of geographic science